Ultimate Local's Munich Food Tour. Must Try Bavarian, German Restaurants & Food | Munich, Germany

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hey you're here with ben and today i'm going to share with you my three favorite bavarian foods and my three most favorite local restaurants here where i call home in munich [Music] good morning everybody and a not so bright and early morning this time as it's just a lazy saturday food tour after all no early call times for me at the hauppan hof and i suppose it's kind of funny in a way right we've done 49 videos where we leave munich to go somewhere and never once have i actually shown you around so what better way to change that than to share with you my three favorite bavarian dishes at my three favorite bavarian restaurants and if we're being really honest why am i finally showing you around well i watched a few videos last week by some passers through who were doing the ultimate bavarian munich food tour and well now i've decided to make my own and let's go ahead and get started by going to my favorite beer garden in all of munich and let's put a map on the screen as we head over to the neighborhood of heidhouzen to get there as it wouldn't be a near-from-home video but i didn't include a map [Music] and now i do promise we will get to the bit and food shortly but i think it's also important to really highlight where we are something a lot of the other videos often miss so we're in hide housing but what is it well it's an absolutely beautiful gem of a residential neighborhood just on the other side of the izar river from the aldstadt or the big touristy old town of munich and it constantly shocks me that you can go on a 20-minute walk from the most busy and touristy area and end up exactly where people live the vibes are fantastic and that's why it's my first recommendation of where we should go because quite frankly a lot of my nights out end up around here i mean got a lot of friends in the area but no more dilly-dallying let's go get a beer [Music] alright so we finally made it to the hoff broy keller here i'm vina platts i'll go ahead and put that on the screen as it's kind of hard to spell if you don't speak german and i'm about six hours earlier than i would usually come here that's why it's a little bit dead but we've got a packed filming schedule anyway that's neither here nor there another important note though is to make sure that you don't confuse this with the hofbroy house in the ultraduck because quite frankly i mean it's the number one beer hall to go to and i'd recommend you skip it at least if what you're interested in is knowing what a locals beer garden experience really is this place it'll provide it it's going to be mostly self-service and you can sit at these tables for hours losing it backgammon that's what i usually do anyway without further ado let's sit down [Music] all right so we decided to start off our day because i guess this is technically my breakfast lightly with iron mask which is a liter of beer a large bretzen a pretzel and the bavarian cheese dip which is called obasta and i tell you what you guys have me feeling like such a tourist right now kind of gushing over these things because i mean this is a completely normal thing to get at a beer garden but it is a bit weird when you're like caring too much about it because quite frankly after you live here for a little bit or even if you're just on vacation maybe you forget that the rest of the world doesn't drink beer so enthusiastically i mean the rest of germany doesn't drink beer quite like this and uh i don't know it's like the most touristy thing you can do right to really care a lot about it you've got to be cool and act like it's nothing now as for beer as we mentioned this is a hofbroy kind of branded beer garden so that's the beer you're going to be getting if you're not in the mood for a whole liter there is a sneaky trick that you can do which is to get a radla a radler which is half beer half lemonade so i haven't done that right now but that's a pretty good trick if you want to keep drinking but maybe not quite as much and as for the brand i mean i never really find myself reaching for a half broi as a local that much i prefer kind of i mean veldenberg if i'm going for something really interesting uh gizinga at home and polana is one of my favorite at beer gardens but this one has hoffboy and it's still my favorite so sure i'll pick it up when i can get it that being said as well if this is what you're used to as a pretzel if you're out in america you get these in there those large bags at walmart then this is probably going to be a bit weird for you as well a large bready bratzen if you will but you know you get used to it and it's quite frankly delicious so let's get started so now for the pretzel well what am i supposed to say it's really really fantastic german bread though the salt rocks they put on top can be sometimes a bit too overpowering for me what's interesting here though is not these things but the old basta which is kind of an acquired taste and nothing like what i thought it was gonna be when i heard cheese dip you see it is two-thirds an aged cheese kind of a soft aged cheese like camembert mixed with one-third butter so it's incredibly fatty and quite strange but um it goes incredibly well with the beer so i would recommend you try it but um it doesn't taste anything like cheddar [Music] all right so now that we're done at the beer garden it's about time we get something a little bit more substantial however we don't have to leave hide housing for that but we are going to walk a little bit away from the residential area and closer to the izar river where there's the deutsches museum so it's a pretty convenient location for locals and tourists alike also so happens to be where i go for the vet every six weeks my little greek red cat has quite a few health problems [Music] hey pinterest but there's a really fantastic restaurant over there that i can't wait to show you so let's go [Music] so now after a quick jaunt through hide we've officially made it to vert's house in the ao technically this neighborhood is owl as in al heidhausen but that's neither here nor there the map will explain it but now let's talk food because i am so starving for something substantial and this place is more than ready to deliver as it specializes in cloodle or dumpling specifically zemelk noodle or bread dumpling as opposed to a cauldron noodle which would be like a potato dumpling this place is all about bread dumplings and they take them to the next level so what is a milk noodle often what this means is you take slightly old bread slightly stale break it up into small pieces soak it in milk and mix it with a variety of other ingredients to make something really tasty that goes very well with beer it can soak up gravy and any alcohol you have in your stomach they're absolutely wonderful now usually they are also in that note a side dish right you'd have it on the side of something with a lot of gravy like a pork knuckle but here they actually elevate them all the way to an entree and i'm super excited to explore it and share it with you so why don't we go ahead and get a table get tucked in oh and also they serve paulana here instead of hofbroy and i do like that one a bit more so maybe we'll have another drink while we're here [Music] so now this place is absolutely fantastic for any of you vegetarians out there i mean camille behind the camera knows that this place well bavaria and germany in general not the best place to be a vegetarian meat kind of rules the menus but not at this place as i mentioned earlier the canoodle the dumplings which usually are relegated to a side dish are elevated all the way to an entree so you're not stuck eating side dishes so now what do we have here well i went for the noodle trio because i'm feeling incredibly undecided so instead of getting one big noodle i got three little ones i've got a spinach canoodle and like a tomato sauce a cheesy noodle and an aubergine and zucchini noodle as well all the different varieties they look pretty fantastic but i'm a little jealous of camille's she wasn't feeling undecided so she went all in on a spinach canola they look pretty good [Music] so it's sort of the bigger version of ben's little tiny spinach noodle that he got because i had the trio like ben's getting once before when we came here and i was really really into the spinach so i thought i'd go with that it's just two of the noodles in a tomato sauce yeah so i know some people don't like stomach noodle because it has kind of a gummy taste which is making it sound kind of unappetizing but i really like it so yeah holds up [Music] [Music] i like this place it is definitely a local's haunt but it needs to be more than just that because i am staring down the deutsches museum right now and i know you guys visit there when you come to town you've got no excuse you should totally come here and get some food before or after it'd work either way as for me i think i'll keep coming here every time i go to the vat for now though we're going to go ahead and walk down the izar river towards a glockenback battle another neighborhood which has excellent restaurants and that's where we're going to be trying our third and final bavarian meal of the day [Music] all right so now as we wind along the ever excellent izar river banks from heidhouzen over to glockenback battle it's probably worth me bringing up the real local suggestion and kind of my bonus suggestion for you out there if you don't already know it which is to grab some beers at the grocery store get some food for a picnic i'm always recommending picnics and just come and hang out by the easter that's what everyone else does and it's an absolutely excellent way to spend your lazy saturday or sunday i can't recommend it highly enough so let's talk about glockenback fettle where we find ourselves now though specifically we're not in the main action area of the neighborhood we're actually all the way at the most southern end of it where it gets a bit more industrial but trust me this restaurant is worth it you see it's less of a local's horn and actually this is a neighborhood horn something that really reminds me of a village pub back in the uk this is going to be the same clientele coming in week in week out for amazing and dependable service and food it should be a really wonderful experience all right everybody it is time to have our third and final bavarian meal of the day here at dry mulen which is going to be serving up schnitzel i mean their menu is amazing and expansive so you can get all kinds of other stuff but i come here for schnitzel if you come here for something else well you can fight me in the comments oh and they serve augustina on tap here as well so i guess in the background we've done a bit of a munich beer tour as well let's get seated all right so now that we have a table let's talk about schnitzel and you're probably already familiar with it you know the kind of thing i'm talking about it's going to be meat pounded really thin breaded and fried well the one you're probably most familiar with is going to be viennese from vienna schnitzel and that's usually veal and not too many sauces and spices kind of a standard variation however it's important to kind of understand that missiles everywhere and all over the germanic alpine europe area they're gonna have variations particularly the munich one uses kind of a sweet mustard in between the breading and the meat layer it's pretty delicious however here they take it to a whole new level with a pretty complex schnitzel menu where you can really dial in with a variety of interesting types first off they let you dial in the specific kind of meat you want and yeah that's not particularly surprising they have veal they have fork but what's really interesting is they have a type of vegan celery root that's quite weird camille's had it before and it's pretty good they're not quite comparable from there they have a variety of more interesting tweaks they'll give you a good munchner and munich schnitzel but they'll call it it's kind of a cute call back to our walk the izar schnitzel with a sweet mustard looks really good but another one that really catches my eye is the dry mulen schnitzel an even better call back for earlier because it uses bretzen pretzels as the breading instead of normal bread and if you're undecided between all of those amazing options you can get the schnitzel trilogy the trilogy of schnitzels where they'll give you a dryer mulen an iza and a classic vienna all on one plate it looks like a lot of fun and of course don't forget to pick a side and i'd recommend the sauce as well the one i'm going for is going to be the rashvere mozzosa which is a gravy with mushroom sauce it's really lovely and it kind of counterbalances the fact that schnitzel can be a bit dry so that's what i'd recommend you go for as well [Music] one of the problems with getting the trilogy though is it's hard to tell which is which not that it really matters it really does hold up it's wonderful overall i'd say getting a schnitzel with a gravy is really important i think i already mentioned that they can get a bit dry but this solves all that and the ram's thermal it's actually what camille has as well is such a good dish on its own right it should be included in a separate video so let us know if you kind of like this because we'll do more i'll keep eating yeah i mean i'm no chef but honestly it's just such a complete flavor profile when you get the really lovely well done meat the little sweet mustard on top you've got the fried breading but the rameshwaram was also on that but you still get the hit of the acid from the lemon it's unbelievable i'm not a food review channel or anything like that but um this place is amazing but now i need to put the camera down i'm gonna enjoy this i'll see you in a minute [Music] well there it is guys i think that about does it for me on my three favorite bavarian restaurants here in munich and what a calorie hit i took for you guys today my 2 000 subscribers so on that note like comment subscribe share it with your friends i hope you found this useful and let me know in the comments have you been to any of these restaurants and have you tried any of these foods before i'd love to know if i've taught you anything new or shown you anything new today and hey if you're lucky and you come here and you go to one of these restaurants well maybe you'll run into me there but not for a while i think i need to take a little break from bavarian food just for a minute and probably sleep it off for the rest of the weekend so i'll see you guys in the next video no i got ram swam all over my pants
Channel: NearFromHome | Slow Travel Experts
Views: 186,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Munich, München, munich food tour, munich food, munich food scene, münchen food tour, amazing munich food tour, food tour munich, beer garden munich, munich beer festival, munich beer garden, biergarten, obatzda, schnitzel, Munich schnitzel, bavarian food tour, bavarian food challenge, bavarian food, best bavarian food munich, pretzel, beer and pretzel, food vlog, munich food vlog, bavarian food vlog, bayrisch foods, travel vlog, travel food vlog
Id: AGMcDhbl8CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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