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yo what's up guys walket here and today I'm going to be making you guys the ultimate legendary weapon tier list for deepwoken but I'm also going to be ranking some weapons that aren't fully considered legendaries like kruan knife and Petra ancher and Etc just because that I think they're like in some cases same tier in power as legendary weapons and the only thing I ask you guys before we start getting into the tier list is to enjoy the video let's get right into [Music] it all right starting off with blade now in my opinion crit blade used to be one of the best legendary weapons in the game but ever since Shadow has got nerfed and so did the crit blade um I think it's fallen off quite a bit I would honestly I was going to put a s tier but ever since the Nerfs like even just lowering the range of the crit has really like gutted it in a way cuz it used to have this massive AOE where it would like always hit but now it's like kind of it's kind of small especially for a legendary weapon if it's Rarity you would expect something more I'm honestly going to put it in B tier cuz ever since Shadow got nerfed and that too it's honestly just not that good of a legendary weapon next up we got the ignition deep Crusher now kind of similarly the cripp blade it used to be really broken iron sing upon release was incredibly strong I remember staying up until like 2:00 a.m. just running layer twos over and over and over and over again just trying to get one of these legendary weap weapons cuz it was so good the ignition deep Crusher was very nasty iron snc did a lot of damage and the rods it applies rods each M1 in the hammer form and in the blade form it does bleed damage each M1 but like I don't know why you would use the blade form cuz if you want to have more bleed damage on M1 you just use razor cutless but honestly it has really high requirements if you don't know it's 75 iron sing and for medium it is 6 the medium which is kind of absurd you know think about crit blade it's like 25 heavy for crit blade so honestly I'm going to be putting ignition deep Crusher in C tier at that point just to run like Champion sword or something it just takes too much points okay I we got flare blood commas now in my opinion flare blood commas are pretty mid honestly the damage is kind of lackluster and the crit it's like for dagger crits it's not that good you think having a range crit would be kind of fire but it's really only good if you're silent heart and that's like a specific build so honestly I'm also going to be putting this in C tier in front of ignition deep Crusher just because the weapons also have end lag and they also have a intelligence requirement which might like turn people away from it next up we got grusa now grusa I still think is one of if not the best legendary weapon in the game okay I honestly think it's better than that like green yly P keeper thingy and to be fair the crit on this weapon is so buggy it's so buggy that it's good okay every time you land a crit it also brings them into the air which helps you proc things like wyvern's claw and like even if you have meteor slam if you're running like a hybrid build and honestly there's also a tech where you can like turn around and then turn back to face your opponent to guard break them and out their Perry honestly this weapon is really good but I think it's just lacking cuz you need Al you also need talents to run this okay you also need Crystal you need crystallization talents too so I'm going to be putting it in a tier if it was just straight busted I would put a s tier but you do need some talents to make it really good so yeah I know you guys probably either love or you hate this one it's the isest P keep and you know where this one's going okay what five crits bro it's going into s tier instantly let me tell you why as a standing crit as an aerial crit crouching running and sliding crits bro this weapon has so much versatility for literally every single scenario bro and each M1 does fire onto your opponent and with that you can honestly heal off every single M1 if you have a flame wisp it's basically like like um knockoff vampirism so obviously this is going to S tier it's probably going to stay near the top of s tier and yeah all right next up we got the Imperial bow staff in my opinion I think this weapon is really good I think it's kind of like the Grane rusco with the aerial crits but it also has more like poking abilities with like the standing crit and also the running crit so honestly also the requirements are really good okay let me get that off too 40 medium and 40 St R I think but like 40 Medium you're going to be running either Champion sword with an enchant or you can get Imperial bow staff with like three crits which is really powerful honestly I think this one is also going into s tier just has so much versatility and you can always just cycle through the crits do whichever you want and yeah next up we got lft now LF ever since they added that lights requirements bro it has never been the same lft used to be so busted bro and on honestly ever since they still buffed it a little bit I think they lowered the light requirement just by a bit but and the scaling too but honestly I don't think that's ever going to bring back lft from what it used to be and I'm going to have to put it into B tier cuz honestly what made it so powerful was you could go a billion like willpower bro and not and still do some decent M1 damage while having some really good uh M1 animations like M1 swing animations but ever since you have to run light now it kind of ruins the fact that you were able to stack so many broken talents with this weapon but yeah B tier is still okay I guess all right with our first hero blade we got the flame hero blade now in my opinion I am not a big fan of this hero blade crit just because like I don't think it it doesn't do that much posture damage and to bring people into the air it's like you already have so many options like you have Rising flame you have fet MIP like you don't need a crit that brings them into the air and the crit doesn't even apply like its status effect it doesn't even burn them which is kind of interesting considering it's a flame hero blade so I'm also going to be putting this one into B tier it's not as good anymore and you only really see it on Mage builds all next up we got the ice hero blade crit now this crit was bro it used to be so good it used it used to not even cancel if you got parried and oh my God tell me okay comment down below tell me if you guys remember this when you were able the epidemic of Arc suits ice hero blade users who move stack ice smash with the ice hero blade crit comment if you have PTSD I have PTSD but I shouldn't be talking cuz I actually also had one of those builds okay it was really broken and uh I think I got like top 50 on it so yeah honestly this is kind of worse than the flame hero blade one though right now so I'm going to be putting it behind flame hero blade in B but it used to be S tier just remember [Music] that all right we got the lightning hero blade okay now I think this one is going in front of flame hero blade and Ice herob blade just because the crit has more range you honestly like you don't have to have the opponent right next to you to use it it's a good Gap closer it rag dolls too and honestly I think it St I think it like does the um little Electrify effect you it's pretty good honestly you can like stack it with um what what's that one thing Grand Javelin yeah you can stack it with grand Javelin it's pretty good and yeah I'm going to put it above uh flame hero blade yeah but the only reasons not like a is because it doesn't guard break so yeah next up we got the shadow hero blade now shadow hero blade used to be goated used to be the best thing you know everyone would know everyone would use it you know it was the clad of hero blade he popularized it but ever since Shadow just got nerfed so hard this weapon has never been the same it's kind of like a similar case to lft but some I think it's worse like some I think it's better but honestly I think it's I think it's garbage just because of the element as a whole okay Rising Shadow used to do some crazy Rising Shadow like combo into the crit do some fat damage but now that you can cancel like racal cancel in Rising Shadow it's it will never be the same honestly I'm going to put this under all the hero blades okay this is it's it's not good okay now we got the best hero blade in my opinion okay we got that Gail hero blade okay the Gil hero blade you know what I'm saying the curved alternative lets you get more points still a really good crit by the way I know the crit doesn't guard break anymore but it does do heavy posture damage which is really important because especially for Gail Gail doesn't really have that many guard Break um utility type of moves you know even like Champions World throw is really slow and having that crit that does very heavy posture damage is really helpful especially for Gail as an Attunement for it to flourish you know you can also like Dash cast the crit which makes it like unparryable basically and honestly because of that I'm going to be putting it into a tier because with the Gil sliding Tech and the crit it just makes it like Unstoppable now don't get mad at me for this we're on curve blade of Wis okay but in my opinion I think the curve blade of wins is going into s tier okay some people okay some people might think it's garbage just cuz both the crits don't even like guard break or anything but it's so powerful because all you need it's 25 medium okay and then like 75 Gale and your swing speed bro you get like 78 swing speed I think and honest and Chip damage and Pen bro and the crits guard not Guard breaking I mean it's kind of like a turnoff but the thing is that they also suffocate so your opponent can't use any Monas they it helps you but in different ways okay if you're able to play around not having a crit that guard breaks or does like high posture damage I think you can do really well with curve blade wins and I'm going to be putting it into s tier because of this next up we got out of you want to say its name bro we got the storm we got the storm side guys come on come on bro just what happened to this weapon bro it used to be the best legendary weapon in the game not even a not even a hitch bro like this was so broken bro the crits even used to okay this is like OG but the crit used to go through your block bro cuz it would pause it would hit you from the back bro okay even if you were blocking it would still somehow damage you but ever since they remove bullets this weapon has never been the same bro I would always I would I kind of wish I saw a storm Zion shim bro but I've never seen them they're like an extinct species bro honestly storm side you are going into C tier you are under the hero blades bro you are garbage okay if you're going Storm's ey bro you got to reevaluate Your Life Choices dude okay may maybe just go Thunder hero blade all right next up we got the cring knife cring okay kruan knife okay this weapon used to be [ __ ] now it's actually like best dagger in the game bro that crit literally gives you a mantra for free and it Buffs your m1's now what I'm saying it Buffs your m1's it puts storm enchant on all of your m1's and you can proc lightning talents with m1's and you may think well lightning talents they're not that good bro bro think of all the damage stacking you can do if you have storm on your m1's and plus it doesn't even take away your previous enchant you can run two enchants pop the crit now your m1's have storm enchant you can also have another enchant boom now your m1's also have obfuscation or something like bro you're going to be speeding across the map your crit your second crit also it's a lightning assault so no one's ever catching up to you and you can catch anyone this weapon is going into bottom ofes year honestly now honestly I think rail blade it used to be the top of like best legendary heavy weapons I think it was the best legendary heavy weapon but ever since it got its hyper armor removed I think it it will it's never going to be the same honestly it used to do fat damage used to have good hyper armor too like it was uncan okay light lit your opponents on fire but that's what was so special about that's what made it a legendary weapon and taking away the hyper armor it's just it's just honestly not that good in comparison of other things it's like a to it's like a toone down Peter sort of so honestly this is going to be the only legendary weapon in my opinion I'm going to be putting this one in D tier it is the bottom of the barrel I know you can enchant it now but the enchants aren't going to bring back the hyper armor okay it's never going to be the same all right boom we got the we got a good competitor to the kruan knife okay we got the Cerulean thread now this weapon it has two crits similarly to like all the other meta legendary weapons but these you have to actually land the first crit to use the second crit now the crits do pretty good damage and they stun for a pretty good amount of time but it's just the fact that you have to land a crit previously to even use the second higher damaging crit it's kind of like a turn away for this weapon and honestly I would just put it a tier it is pretty good stats though you know pretty good swing speed but it is lacking with that crit okay all right guys don't get mad at me but I just wanted to add some extra weapons okay Petra anchor I know some of you might not consider it a legendary weapon but it has a unique crit okay pet aner I think is honestly a really powerful heavy weapon okay I think at least top of B tier its crit is really strong and does fat damage and especially for heavy heavy usually doesn't have that many Gap closures if you're running a heavy builds you're usually fat and slow okay but this crit like negates both of those things dude okay that it launches you forward into like a Guard breaking like uppercut thingy but honestly and it's also enchantable too so honestly I'm going have to put it into a tier it's a pretty good weapon don't hate on me for this I think it's still Meta Even though people say heavy not meta blah blah blah blah I think it's still pretty good next up we got pale Brier I don't even know why I included this weapon I'm going be real I just wanted to add another heavy weapon but it is honestly really [ __ ] okay the crit doesn't even guard break it just does like it does like these like it rains down light which is kind of cool but it it doesn't even do that much damage either way you can kind of walk out of it and the thing is the only thing that really makes this weapon good is that it has pretty good stats on it like pretty good swing speed I think it might have like some good pen too but honestly I think it is worse than The Stone Heart just because it doesn't even bring it brings something unique but that unique thing doesn't even do that good okay it's not that strong it's like really situational honestly it's going to go below Stone heart but yeah all right next We Got The Stone Heart now um take everything I said about Petra anchor and just okay don't take it all the way but just cut it in half okay ston heart is okay I guess cuz like the crit it does fat damage it is unblockable if you have contractor now we're talking okay now we're talking now we got a w build cuz now you can land that crit guaranteed with that little contractor equalizer but honestly without that the weapon is pretty mid honestly if it was if you have contractor I'm putting it top of B tier but if you don't have contractor I'm sorry it's going to have to go into C tier this weapon is really hard to use without a certain build revolving around it and yeah all right that's it for the ultimate legendary weapon tier list hope you all enjoyed and comment down below if you guys want a part two I know I couldn't fit all of the weapons like all of the unique crit weapons I did most of the legendaries but I didn't want this video to be like 10 decades long okay trust me I know it might I don't want it to feel like a slog but tell me if you guys want it like a part two cuz maybe I can do some when like maybe new Legendary Weapons will come out and I'll do a part two or like maybe I'll just do the remaining ones that are in the game but yeah anyways thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time peace [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: w4lkit
Views: 14,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6FAwu2G4sXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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