Ultimate Guide to Windows Autopilot - 2024 edition

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my original Ultimate Guide to windowss autopilot video is now over 2 years old and a lot has changed in that time in truth I've been meaning to update it for a while but I knew there was something new that was just around the corner from Microsoft and so I waited for that to be released first that is called Windows autopilot device preparation and we will cover that in this video but first let's cover Windows autopilot in Microsoft inun step by step I don't remember all of the requirements for Windows autopilot off the top of my head there are lots of requirements normally it'll work just fine as long as you have the prerequisites in place but a great place to start is the Microsoft documentation so we'll head there we'll go to this URL here which is learn. microsoft.com slou language SL autopilot requirements and I've gone for this one here I'll put the link in the description below obviously so this is a great place to start they've actually laid out pretty well and they've been doing this for quite a while so it it does make sense that they've got it sorted out there are some software requirements we need to be using a supported version of Windows 11 or Windows 10 so as long as we have Windows 11 pro pro education Prof for workstations Enterprise or education you'll be able to use Windows autopilot at least that's regarding the actual version of Windows you're installing there are some more prerequisites oh if if you are using Hollow lens do let me know if you use autopilot I've never heard of that actually being used but it is possible to do windows autopilot for holand I'd love to meet you next networking so there are some networking requirements obviously this service is a cloud-based service if you've ever seen any obviously this service is a cloud-based service if you've ever heard any of the training videos around autopilot it says Windows autopilot is a cloud-based service for enrolling devices we need to be able to have these devices access the internet so they need to access the internet because they need to access inun enter ID in order to get information about the tenant and actually enroll the devices so for example well even here it says Windows autopilot depends on various internet-based services that is absolutely true we'll scroll down and you can see it says Windows autopilot autopilot deployment service needs these URLs here which it they don't make sense it's Z td. ds. microsoft.com and cs. ds. microsoft.com those are the URLs it will try to access so you need to make sure it can contact those Windows activation requires its own activation Services which it the there are loads of URLs that need that really it needs unrestricted access to the internet in most cases so aside from connectivity if you have the internet open to it outbound then we're all good licensing you need to have a license that includes Windows autopilot sounds obvious but not all licenses from Microsoft include Windows autopilot most of them do actually so business premium F1 or F3 academic A1 A3 A5 E3 or E5 um EMS E3 and E5 InTune for Education enter ID P1 and P2 or a Microsoft InTune subscription and crucially what we don't see here is Office 365 E1 E3 or E5 if you just have Office 365 E3 E5 you just have email and SharePoint and teams and all that kind of stuff you don't have anything to do with device management and security or even most of the identity security stuff isn't included in that so be sure to check your licensing make sure you've got one of these Microsoft 365 licenses and certainly if you want to use autopilot it needs to be one of these here okay so aside from that configuration we need to do some configuration in InTune you need to have configured entra automatic enrollment I'll show you that in a moment and we also need to make sure that uh the first user who signs in needs to have entra join permissions in order to do the enter join because it actually joins as the user we also have some optional but recommended configurations so automatically stepping up from Windows Pro to Windows Enterprise and changing the addition in Windows normally you'll receive a device from a manufacturer Dell lovo HP tashiba all those different manufacturers will provide you a device with Windows Pro not Enterprise and you need to actually activate Windows Enterprise in order for that to work it will normally be a seamless step up but you need to configure that that's one thing you can configure I'm not going to cover that in this video I'll cover it separately next entra custom branding now I have configured custom branding in entra because I like it it's one of the things I cover in most of my YouTube videos but it's not required for autopilot it just makes it look pretty it's something you should probably do in your organization you should probably do it in your organization anyway not just for autopilot it's a really good way to make users feel like you've customized their tenant and it's it's branded for them so I'm not going to cover that in this video I'm going to keep this video pretty focused on Windows autopilot and then you also have other requirements like device registration profile configuration these are required I do actually need to go through those and I definitely will now I mentioned that my uh autopilot Ultimate Guide video is 2 years old that's nothing compared to the video that Microsoft put out and have linked to this page that this one here I'll just scroll through it you can see it's still using the old Azure portal and it is six years old anyway so I don't feel too bad that I've put out a 2-year old video and it's still getting views this one will cover all of the changes and everything you need to know in order to get started step by step okay over to InTune now let's assume you have licensing I can't help you with that I've told you it's licensing to get speak to your partner get licensing or get a trial job done let's assume you're going to use Windows Pro when you're building the machine Let's assume the basics are covered from that perspective the stuff I can't control there stuff I can't help you with get the right things in place but let's configure the things that we actually need to do in InTune so the first thing we need to configure is a group of devices that can do autopilot because not all devices in the world are going to be able to use autopilot into your tenant so we need to actually configure which devices can do that now I will caveat that in autopilot V2 and autopilot device preparation that is slightly Chang but at least in the traditional and normal version of autopilot you need to actually specify which devices can use autopilot so let's do that we'll first start with a group so we'll go to groups and in groups we'll choose new group and this normally should be a dynamic device group the reason it should be dynamic is that when you add a device to the autopilot service you don't want to actually have to also add it to the uh to this group in order for it to use autopilot so let me show you what I mean we'll talk we'll call this group Windows autopilot devices it's very good idea to say what they are and this group contains Windows autopilot devices now I don't want to assign enter a role to this group and if you do then you also can't make it Dynamic so we should choose no here and I'm going to choose Dynamic device because we want devices to be automatically put in this group when we need them to I'm not going to set an owner and this is different to Windows autopilot V2 and device prep we don't need an owner for this group and we're going to add a dynamic query now the query could be something like the devices Windows 11 or the devices Windows 10 or anything really but the one we probably should use is the one that Microsoft recommend and it's a way of identifying devices that have been automatically no it's a way of identifying devices that have been added to the Windows autopal device service so I'll show you what I mean I'll go into the um documentation and choose howto guides and then create device groups down here you can see that if we create an autopilot device group we need to use this string here in the Expressions so if we just want to get all devices that are in the autopilot device service we can just use this one device. physical IDs start with ztd ID we'll grab that and add the expression nope we'll grab that choose edit and in here we'll put the rule syntax just there now it does seem to copy perfectly well from the Microsoft learn documentation we don't need to fix these uh characters but you might need to depending on the browser that you're that you're copying from just be aware so we'll choose okay and then we'll choose save and this will add all devices that are registered into autopilot into this group right now there's probably none if I it won't D Dynamic device groups aren't immediate anyway so I can't check right now but it probably contains none I don't think I've got any devices in my list let's check we'll go into devices down to device on boarding and enrollment and then we'll scroll right down on this list to devices and in devices we'll see which devices we got I do have a device in autopilot so it would get into get put into that group Let's ignore that for a second I'm going to go back to enrollment and show you this section here because this is pretty much the next step so we have some enrollment options and these are the first seven things we need to consider within autopilot firstly I mentioned automatic enrollment we need that to be done so let's choose automatic enrollment and actually it takes us over to entra you can get to this from Microsoft entra this is a different view into it but it's it's still the same place so the MDM user scope does need to be either some and include a user you're going to use to do autopilot with or all normally it's all because we allow all users to enroll devices typically but you might want to specify just some we then have the whip user scope the windows information protection uscope this here should not be all it's not recommended to have this set to all because there could be a scenario where the device doesn't know whether it should enroll a device or configure them to use Windows information protection so we should probably unless we're using Windows information protection set it to none and there is some information and I will link some information in the description below about why that's a problem and how to fix it if you do need to use Windows information protection but if you're just configuring autopilot and not using Windows information protection just set this to all and then none go back to device enrollment now we typically don't need to configure scn validation it will probably have already been done for your tenant you can test it by typing in your domain name here and if it tests it and it comes back as a green tick then it works fine if it doesn't you need to configure the C name in DNS I'm not going to go through that right now with you if it it doesn't work in your tenant go ahead and fix it there's loads of documentation in there about how to do that I'm going to close that down next co-management we I'm not using Cod Management in this environment I'm using an in tune only environment Cod management is about config manager so if you have devices that are using that are managed by configuration manager and you want to start using InTune for them you would configure code management unrelated to Windows autopilot next device platform restrictions this is almost related to Windows autopilot so we'll go into it because we could specify which devices are allowed to use InTune and then roll into InTune if I go into the device platform restrictions and then go into this default one that I see here the one that's called all users and in properties we'll see that actually all of the platforms are listed Android iOS Mac OS and windows and you can see I've got platforms that are allowed so all the windows platform is allowed and personally owned is blocked that means if someone tries to enroll a device that isn't registered in my tenant then it can be considered personally owned and they can't enroll it so in this case Windows devices are allowed but personally owned Windows devices are not that will work perfectly fine for autopilot V1 the normal version of autopilot we're talking about today that will work perfectly fine so back to enrollment restrictions and back to enrollment device limit restrictions very simple you can set a limit to how many devices a user can enroll it's set to 15 by default I don't have many users that have 15 devices only when I get into sort of more in-depth testing with autopilot do I have hit that limit so be aware of that when you're testing but otherwise you don't need to configure that for autopilot enrollment notifications it's possible to set enrollment notification so that when a user enrolls a device or a device gets enrolled as a user that user is notified admins are notified we're all told that stuff is happening in the environment it's a great idea but it's not required for autopilot so we're not going to cover it windows low for business it is a good idea to configure window Windows hello for business in your environment it is a better credential than just username and password it's not related to Windows autopilot I'm not going to configure it within this demonstration Windows autopilot device preparation handily right at the top here they've stuck it in the middle between the enrollment stuff and the actual Windows autopilot stuff that I need to talk about so I'll have to cover it right now it is the next thing that's being released for autopilot I will cover it later in this video it will allow us to enroll devices in a different way slightly quicker slightly better maybe we'll see but let's wait till later in the video to talk about that Windows autopilot this is it we're here so now we need to configure which devices can use Windows autopilot we need to configure some deployment profiles we need to configure enrollment status pages and then if we are using hybrid devices which we're not we could configure InTune connector for active directory so let's start right at the top devices I showed you earlier on that I have a device already and you put a device in here by importing it now it isn't really easy to to add a device to this list when I choose import I have to use a CSV and I'll explain what needs to be in that CSV in a little while but the idea is that it's it's not easy to put devices into this list Microsoft have made it intentionally difficult for you to add devices into the autopilot devices list because that's not how you should be using it you shouldn't be adding devices into this list manually by typing things into this list that's not a good way to use autopilot this was originally designed as a way to provision devices that have been provided by a manufacturer or a partner to the user you shouldn't be typing stuff into this list at at all in fact the only time you need to interact with this list is when you buy new devices from a reseller who isn't able to put them in this list for you already or when you're testing it like in this example here I'm going to have to show you how to add a device to the list in order to demonstrate it for you but normally you wouldn't be responsible for adding stuff into this list in a day-to-day usage of autopilot so let's get a device into this list to start with so let's import some devices right let's choose import now my concern with this page here that gets presented on the right hand side is that it's very confusing uh it talks about assigning users to the CSV it doesn't tell you what the CSV should look like or how it should work in fact when you click on learn more about the formatting requirements you get told that you can add devices using a dynamic group and you need to use a CSV and then we go to this link and then we get to told about some Hardware hash thing let's start from scratch I mentioned that Microsoft have made it intentionally difficult for you to add devices to this list why is that why do they want to make it difficult for you to add things aside from the fact that they don't want you to add devices this is because it's not normally the thing you should be doing in a day-to-day operation why well because if a device is in this list when it gets turned on into the out of book experience it will join your tenant so if you add a device to this list that you don't own it will join your tenant you'll effectively make that device yours just by adding it to this list that's a bit risky and that applies to every Windows Pro and Enterprise device in the world so you can imagine that Microsoft want to do a few checks and balances to the information before it gets uploaded to this site and so what Microsoft have introduced uced or at least they introduced six years ago was the concept of a hardware hash and a hardware hash isn't a hash in the true sense of a hash if you know what that is it's really just a hash of the information it just hashes all the information together and puts it in a format that isn't really user friendly so for example it puts together the serial number the manufacturer the model and the date and time that you collected it into a hash or at least a value that's been created from those and then you would upload that into InTune so it's not really a hash but it is the values that can be understood by InTune that have been collected from a device so in testing we do actually need to use that hash it's it's quite common for people when they're testing autopilot to have to grab that hash uh from their virtual machines or from their test computers so let's do that and so over to my virtual machine now this is a virtual machine that is still at the outof boox experience screen it's not been logged into we haven't configured at all so I need to collect some information from this device I need to run a Powershell command and well I I don't want to build this device and go through all this configuration to create a user and then extract the information that way there must be a quicker way right so there is actually so if I choose uh well I'm actually in a virtual machine so in order to show you the keys that I'm going to be pressing and in order to make sure it actually works I'm going to open up the onscreen keyboard so I'll just grab that and I just need to make sure that I have this window in focus and I'm going to do shift function and F10 and so if you press shift function F1 on your physical device you would get this this is a uh command prompt and in command we can type Powershell there are many ways to get the hardware hash this is just the one I prefer so Powershell now we need to set the execution policy to bypass and that means we can install script get Windows autopilot info we need to go through these changes to allow the actual script to install and once we're finished we can run the script so let's do install no let's do get- windows autopilot info now I could just run that and if I run that it gets the hardware hash not a lot I can do with it though it's on the screen it's in command prompt I can't really put that into in chune I could export it as a CSV output file and then type the name of a uh ap. CSV that would also work it would let me put this information to a CSV there you go done and then it would just be right here where I've run this command from it would be there and if I open that it will probably try and open it in yeah it's not going to work so so that's the file you could upload that file you've got it but you haven't could it in the virtual machine you could maybe put it on a USB stick if it's a physical device one of the other ways to get this CSV into InTune is to actually get it there directly from this script if I just go back to that and instead of typing output file type online here it will install the module for Windows autopilot in tune to this device it will then offer me a authentication prompt to directly authenticate to the tenant as a global admin or some user who has permiss missions to upload devices to InTune and then I can authenticate and it will do it for us which is much much simpler than trying to gather it from this device copy it to USB let's take a look so I think it's admin dallen D is the user I'm using for this demonstration do UK prove the multifactoral authentication Challenge and very quickly it says it's connected to the tenant it gathered the details for this serial number and it's waiting for it to be uploaded so it's putting it in the device registration list now and then it's going to take a little while and eventually come back and say it's finished we don't really need to wait for this but you might as well wait for it and it will eventually tell you that it's done if I open up in tune and go to the autopilot devices list we can probably refresh that and see when it appears there it is just a few seconds head back over to that and it says one device imported successfully the lapse time with 34 seconds pretty quick to get it done and what you can do now is close that and we're back at the outbox experience screen we should probably reset this this device before we start building it but let's start configuring autopilot first and then we'll talk about this device so now we have the device in the list fantastic these devices here will be put into that group that I just that we just created let's go back to groups and here we'll choose Windows autopilot that one there if we go into it we'll probably see one device now which is that original oh no we already have two that is quick there you go we got those two devices already in that list and those devices are the ones who can be assigned the autopilot profile so let's go back into autopilot shall we down to enrollment and we've done this devices thing now they're in the list they're in the group and the profile status is not assigned so we need to fix that so I'm going to choose that device there on the right hand side you can see some information about the device you could even type a name for the device so it doesn't get that silly serial number and we also have the associated enter device this is the thing that has been created some kind of dummy device ready to be assigned some applications or profiles and that kind of thing it's never been contacted so it's never actually booted and spoken to InTune yet you you've seen it it hasn't done that yet and the profile status is not assigned so we need to assign a profile you can't assign a profile from here at least I don't think you can now you can't assign a profile from here you need to firstly create a profile we'll do that next and then assign that to a group which the devices in so let's do that we're going to go back to enrollment and then we have deployment profiles choose deployment profiles and I have one already but I'm going to choose to create a new one called Windows uh autopilot demo and we have this description box you can type a description if you like and then we have convert all target devices to autopilot let's talk about this for a second when we've added devices to our list we've added them because they're new because we've just received them in a box or because we've just created the virtual machine those are the devices that are in the autopilot list what about devices that you've already gotten the tenant what about the hundreds of devicer that you've already got built and in use with an InTune it's possible to just make them autopilot devices without collecting the hash from all those devices or without importing them somewhere else you can just convert them to autopilot so that they will always when they reboot or not when they reboot when they reset they will go through the out boox experience as a new autopilot device which saves a whole load of time so you could choose yes and deploy this profile to a group of devices that uh need to be changed into autopilot devices in this case in the demonstration I'm giving I don't need to do that I'm I've added the device I'm testing with into the autopilot devices list you saw that so we'll choose next and this is where we can configure autopilot there's not a lot to configure really about autopilot it's enrolling the device with a couple of configurations the deployment mode in this example is going to be user driven I'm not going to configure a self- deploying device because that is an edge case for autopilot it's going to be user-driven almost all the time join to enter ID as enter joined or hybrid joined again the normal use case is end for joined the best experience is end for joined it is possible in Edge case to use hybrid join it's not a good idea if you're sitting there thinking I need to use hybrid join because X you're probably wrong that's just a fact you're probably wrong you do not need to use hybrid join you could you shouldn't so in this example I'm going to show you entra join license terms I'm going to hide them privacy settings I'm going to hide them these are a corporate device I've got users who who are who are employees hide change account options I'm going to hide them I don't want the user to be able to change the account that's being uh deployed to so it needs to just automatically configure the device for them the user account type they're going to exit the autopilot experience as a standard user and this next one allow pre-provision deployment sounds like a good idea to allow more things right but pre-provision deployment has additional requirements and additional complexity to a normal deployment so unless you're actually going to use pre-provision deployment don't allow it because if you don't allow it all those additional checks and balances like checking for TPM and checking all these different things don't happen so in most cases just choose no unless you actually do need it the region the windows image that you've deployed or purchased a device in will have a region set in this case this is set to the default that it's uh it's been bought as but you can change it to any other region if you need to automatically configure the keyboard based on the region yeah it's a good idea and then a name template if you want to set a name template you can otherwise you get the standard name that Microsoft provide which is desktop Dash and then a random set of string set of characters we can choose yes and then type in a prefix and then some random characters for example now it's limited to 15 because device names in windows are limited to 15 so you want to keep this relatively short you don't want to make it massive but you could call it um I might do LC for last coffee do a dash and then you can put that little string in here so this will create a little random uh so this will be random and then this number of characters so five characters for example now one thing to be aware of is that it won't check that the device already exists before it creates it so you might end up with a device it's unlikely but you might end up with a device that has the same name as another device if you um if you make it two for example and then deploy 25 devices it's not going to check that the device already exists so make it relatively long from a random character perspective if you've got lots of devices just common sense so that's that we'll choose next and assignment we already have the group all we need to do is deploy it to that group so we'll find Windows autopilot device there it is I also have these I have just glossed over the fact that they exist this is to do with autopilot V2 or the device preparation feature that we are going to talk about later on but it's not related now so forget they are there choose select choose next choose create that's then done and after a little while because those devices are in the group that is targeted then this will change to assigned that should happen pretty much now actually and go back into enrollment we should find these devices these are set to not assigned and they will eventually soon change to assigned while we wait for that to happen bit more config won't take long choose enrollment you'll notice I have enrollment status page the enrollment status page allows us to to kind of prevent the user from logging in until stuff's configured and ready and you might want that to happen if you're deploying like a VPN or some antivirus software or something that you want to make sure is definitely on the device before the user logs in in most cases users aren't going to get their device log in then start using all their applications at once so if you have like 10 applications that need to be on the device for them to do productive work that's different from they need to be on device on the device before the user logs in that's those are two separate instances right so we might have antivirus software as a good one a VPN is a good one but things like Chrome and all the other browser that they might want and then all the different notepad applications they might need they don't need to be on the device the second the user logs in for the first time they can arrive within a few minutes of the of the device being provisioned so we could use the enrollment status page and it's a good idea it's assigned to all users by default if we go into it though you can see it's actually not on by default and you don't need to have it on it's not a requirement and in fact just to keep this simple I'm not going to enable the enrollment status page and we'll just see the device provision without it so back to device enrollment the InTune connector for active directory I don't want to talk about it because it's not something you should be using if you are using it because you happen to need a hybrid autopilot great but this isn't the video for you so On To The Next Step applications now if we go into the apps section I've got a few Windows applications that are already built by Robo pack and and various others we can deploy these to our autopilot devices we can either deploy them to all devices in which I actually have a few that are probably deployed to all devices uh this one for example looks like it probably is deployed to all devices but instead of all devices we could deploy it to that group so for example this Windows autopilot group I could do that and then this application will be deployed on that device as soon as possible you don't need need to have it in the enrollment status page in order for it to install it will just install because it's a device that is targeted by the application very simple Windows autopilot isn't really complicated so we'll go back to to that you can see I've got a few applications that have already been deployed I don't need to deploy anymore some of them will will install already it's very simple back to devices down to enrollment scroll down and choose devices and here it says pending things are taking place and will eventually have this set at assign I'm going to choose refresh still pending does take a little while so profile assigned ready to go so the don't try to test this until the profile status is set to assigned notice it's assigned it to the other device the original device that I had as well don't actually know which one that is but it says it's assigned so where ready to go back over to my virtual machine I'm going to just restart this machine because I want it to load all of the information from the autopilot service and it will need to do that when it boots up so give it a few seconds and it immediately starts checking for updates to make sure we have the latest version of Windows okay as you can see it says let's set things up for your work of school and it shows my Academy branding the last coffee Academy branding right right here so I can now sign in now I just need to type in the username of a person who wants to enroll this device so I'm going to go with Aon and then choose next and type in their password let me just do uh MFA and after a few seconds it will have started building this device it has finished enrolling this device into autopilot now because I didn't use the enrollment status page you didn't see that normal page that you'll see with configuring your device installing apps and that kind of thing the user needs to spend some time configuring hello and getting into the next stage of the desktop this is when stuff will be happening this is when configuration profiles will come down to the device it's when security software is getting installed users don't rush through this process normally so we'll choose okay we'll type in a pen choose okay and this is setting up Windows hello which is a great idea it's enabled by default as you can see but it's a great idea to have in your environment now it's on the desktop The Familiar Windows 11 start menu pops up ready for us to use now the user will immediately notice that they don't have all of their apps installed in this case I haven't actually deployed office so that's why office isn't getting installed but I have deployed a lot of other applications that should be on the desktop in a little while the user might be concerned about that it's possible to use the enrollment status page to kind of delay this process a little bit by just putting a Blocker in front of this desktop so the user has to wait until the applications are installed if you want to do that configure the enrollment status page that's might be a good idea for your users if you want to improve the experience by making things faster then don't configure the enrollment status page and things will just get to the desktop whenever they're ready it's completely up to you how you use Windows autopilot in your environment let's take a look at how we can configure the enrollment status pitch I'll go back to the InTune portal down to devices enrollment and then we have this enrollment status page here I'll choose enrollment status page it not configured for everyone yet so it's set to no I choose edit and set yes now this means it will show the app and profile configuration progress it will show an error if it takes longer than 60 minutes that's you know a long time for a deployment it will also allow you to show a custom error message to the users if stuff goes wrong then they can contact you and be told how to do that you can allow them to collect logs in case stuff goes wrong you can also block device use until all the apps and profiles are installed and this is where you set the applications in this case is set to every app that is required on the device is going to need to be installed before the user can use it which I think is a little bit much so we could choose selected and then actually choose the blocking apps here so for example I might say that they must must must must have szip installed and must must must have Google Chrome installed so I could choose select there and those apps will be installed before the user gets to the desktop otherwise they will get to the desktop which looks like this and has no apps installed and they'll think you don't love them at all because nothing things ready for them to do their work that's what the enrollment status page is for it's to put some kind of barrier between the user and getting to the interactive desktop where they think that stuff should be okay that covers Windows autopilot at least the traditional version of Windows autopilot that has been around for six years now and there's another version that came out very recently it's not quite ready but it does work I'll show you it first we'll choose devices and enrollment and here we have device preparation policies this is about Windows autopilot device preparation there is going to be another video about this because it it deserves more than just the end of a Windows autopilot video device preparation allows you to configure some settings about devices that will apply based on the user so for example if we say that let's go into this policy here we'll go into Basics now the the name of this policy is device prep I've assigned a group called Windows autopal device preparation and there are some requirements around that group around who owns it has to be a special service account that owns it check out that video if you want to know more about that in the settings we're able to specify whether it's single user user Riven Azure joined all of these actually are the only option in in the in the interface we specify standard user version versus uh admin user notice that the minutes before showing an error is 30 now because this is a faster version of autopilot much much faster we can actually specify which applications will be installed during this deployment and then assign it to a group and notice that this is being assigned to a user group so these users in this group have this autopilot device preparation policy assigned to them if you're using normal autopilot you can't use device preparation so in order to use device preparation the device cannot be in the autopilot list I'm not going to show you device prep I've done a separate video on how device preparation Works take a look at that video if you want to see it for now that's really all it takes to get Windows autopilot up and running I've covered everything you need to know and everything that you need to get started with Windows autopilot there is more to know there is more to learn and more to fiddle around with to get autopilot working for your exact environment but for now I'm going to ask you to like this video And subscribe to this Channel and I'll get you more autopilot and in tune and entra content as soon as I can see you next time
Channel: Dean Ellerby MVP
Views: 1,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 11, autopilot, azure active directory, Windows Autopilot, Windows Auto Pilot, Microsoft Intune, Entra ID, EntraID, Enrta ID, Cloud Only, Cloud-Only, Entra Joined, Entra Jioned, Windows deployment, Windows deplyment, Device management, Device managment, Microsoft management, Microsfot Intune, Windows Autopilot tutorial, Windows Autopilot guide, Microsoft Intune tutorial, Microsoft Intune guide, Entra ID tutorial, Cloud deployment, Cloud management, IT deployment
Id: uZ2CG5w92Ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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