Ultimate Guide: How to Play PS3 Games on PC with RPCS3 Emulator | Updated

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what's going on guys it's blue hundreds and in this video I'm going to be doing an update to my previous rpcs3 video um you guys had a lot of questions and I kind of want to just clear it up by you know doing it again with the most updated features and uh just so you guys can see what I'm doing I'll probably slow it down a little bit and uh yeah but I couldn't answer a lot of your guys's questions in the last video so if you do have questions I would recommend going to the actual rpcs3 official Discord and asking there because they will probably help you out a lot better than I can anyways let's uh get this video started I appreciate you liking the video subscribing to the channel we're super close to a thousand so we get there we'll be partner with YouTube so help me out and then we'll be doing some giveaway once we once we reach that point but anyways we'll get right into the video alright so the first thing we're gonna do is go to the actual rpcs3 website and we're gonna download the software so this is rpcs3.net I'll leave all the links in the description to make it a little bit easier on you guys and yeah go into downloads like I just did and click for whatever operating system you have I have Windows so I'll click windows once that's done downloading we're going to open it up with whatever file extracting app you have I use breezip but you can use whatever um shortcut you can do is you'll click it the very first file and go down to the last one and hold shift and left click and I'll highlight all those files for you to make it a bit quicker to actually move them over so I already made this folder called rpcs3 and I put a file called firmware and just where the games are gonna go just so everything's organized and I don't need to look for look for anything it looks like I forgot one file so we'll do this again all right and then we'll just drag this into this file we have or folder that we made and now everything is in there and close Breeze zip and we can close this rpcs3 I'm gonna close this too just because um now what we need to go is into the PlayStation website and this is where we'll get the firmware so at playstation.com we click on support go into Hardware that was weird but it worked and then we'll go into other products than the PS3 and this is where it gets a little confusing so I'm gonna slow it down I'm going to the software update and then we're going to be doing it by computer then we'll do PS3 system software update it's going to bring you to another one and then we're going to click on update using computer and then right here it says right click select save as to start the download so we'll right click it save link as and then I'm going to put this in that folder that I made the rpcs3 folder go into firmware and then it wants us to do pcs3 update.pup so we'll just add the dot pup in there save it and now we have the firmware that we will be using to run the PS3 emulator okay good thing this popped up so it says can't be downloaded securely it is safe it's literally from the Sony website so it is safe to download alright so now we have all this stuff and we are ready to actually get in to the setup process um so first download it's Gonna Have you do all this stuff start menu shortcut create desktop shortcut I'm just going to do that and uh say that I've read that continue and now we get into the fun stuff so first thing we're going to want to do is put in the firmware we want to install it so let me do that again so we go into file and then down into install firmware and then we go into our firmware file inside our rpcs3 there's our file I'm going to open it and it will start downloading successfully installed PSE S3 or PS3 firmware and lle modules don't show again okay so there's that and it's going to do this little window and it's gonna take a while but it's just downloading the basically the whole PS3 software on your computer all right now that it's done we're going to click refresh and then our PS3 interface is there and we're just going to open that up so we can finish installing everything that we need all right now that that is all done you see all the then on the log on the bottom is still doing a bunch of stuff but it's all good um I'm just gonna allow access here and then what you want to do before you can move on is go into pads and what you're going to be using so I'm using a Xbox Elite controller I think it's elite controller 2 or the second one so you do the X input and then this will be mapped to an Xbox controller I'm not really sure obviously you can use PS3 controllers there's the Dualshock 3 DualShock 4. and I'm guessing this is the newest PS or PlayStation controller but yes this is all the stuff you can use and but yes I'm using X input with an Xbox controller hit save and then we'll open up that interface one more time and using my controller press a it goes on and it's going to do some more then it should open up the actual PS3 like loading intro there it is go through the setup real quick all right got through the setup and boom the firmware and the interface is all set up and we're ready to start adding games don't worry about this we can just actually close this now go ahead and close that and now to add now we can add the games to it so what we're going to do is go to file add games and then I made this Vim game just that's where it holds my games and in there is going to have the folder containing all the files of the game so you want to make sure that you're actually importing an entire folder not just an ISO file ISO files do not work with the rpcs3 emulator just so you know and you can see that just like that the game is already in here just to make it quicker to access for me I'm going to right click it create shortcut for the desktop and then it will create that game on the desktop for me so I can just click it and play it but we're just going to open up the game just to show you that it actually works this will show up every time you open the game because it's Gotta download the modules for you and boom we are inside the game make the game full screen go ahead and double click that the little screen and it will make it full screen for you and then we're just gonna oh looks like it had more things to download once it's done downloading everything should be good to go I haven't tried this game on the rpcs3 but should work just fine um another little thing so I can't tell you illegal ways to get the video games so I can what I can tell you is just you can go on Google and type in ROM games and if it starts with the V you're probably good but here double click so we can get in the full screen and everything's loading and we should be playing Plants vs Zombies just to show you that it actually works and um so the people that say it doesn't work I do not know what your issue is I would recommend going to the RP CS3 discordant asking your questions there because as you saw I just did it again without any issues yeah it works um after I show you a little gameplay I want to tell you a couple more tips that you can use to see if your game will work with the rpcs3 or not because that was another thing people were asking besides where to get the games which I cannot tell you unless you get them from the actual um Sony website I cannot tell you where I got this game [Music] um I don't remember how to play this to be honest press X to plant your seed okay boom get that over all right well yeah you can see the game works so that's all I'm going to show on this and I just want to show you a couple more things you can hit escape to minimize the screen and then you can just go ahead and close it one tip for you guys to do if you want to see if a game is compatible or not again you go to the RP CS3 compatibility list or just compatibility you can do that on Google and click on compatibility list and then all you got to do is search for the game that you want to play Let's see a game um they got of four three all right God of War 3. and then it'll tell you what these statuses are so there's the playable you can complete the game in game there's an issue inside of the game it can't finish it or it just has some performance issues intro you can't get past the intro loadable is yeah so if it's in game and playable you're most likely able to play it and you might have some issues with the in-game one but playable you won't have any issues so you can see that God of War has in-game issues um but yeah I'm just going to use that as an example for that and then like I said earlier if you have questions on stuff and you just don't understand go to that rpcs3 Discord which I will leave a link in the description and you go ahead and just hop into that help and ask whatever questions you need because like you saw in mind it works perfectly fine oh one last tip one last tip for the game um so we'll just use God of War again again for this example if you click on the game in that compatibility list it will tell you the best configurations for the uh emulator for the specific game so like for this we go into the um actual emulator and then we can right click the game and we would create a custom configuration and this is where you would do all of this stuff so the CPU configuration is in this tab GPU and so on so forth but yeah as you guys saw it worked just fine for me I hope it works for you guys but that's going to be it for this video um as you saw it worked just fine for me I hope it works for you guys and if you do have like little questions I would recommend you can join my Discord and ask questions there but if it's something really complicated that you didn't see in this video I would go ahead and hop into the rpcs3 Discord and ask away there um but yeah again hope this was helpful we're so close to 1 000 subscribers and I will be doing a giveaway to my subscribers during a stream once we hit that 1000 Mark so stay tuned for that um I appreciate all you for watching I hope this helps and hopefully fix your issue if you had one from the previous video but yeah have a good day and I will see you guys in the next video peace out
Channel: okBLU
Views: 58,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rpcs3 emulator, ps3 emulator, rpcs3, emulator, ps3 emulator for pc, rpcs3 setup, emulation, rpcs3 games, rpcs3 ps3 emulator, rpcs3 emulator for pc, playstation 3 emulator, ps3 emulator setup, rpcs3 emulator android, ps3 emulation, rpcs3 best settings, rpcs3 tutorial, ps3 emulator how to, emulator for pc, ps3 emulator tutorial, ps3 emulator for pc windows 10, ps3 emulador, rpcs3 emulators, ps3 emulator mac, rpcs3 settings, rpcs3 how to, rpcs3 emulator tutorial
Id: -uoFBYzASy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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