Ultimate Fuzz Shootout! - Winner Stays On Edition

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welcome back to anderton's TV I am joined by the amazing robber Assad today hello and we are doing a fuzz pedal winner stays on shootout now the rules of this are we're going to start with two fuzz pedals picked at random from this selection of random fuzz pedals that I got on here there's expensive ones there's cheap ones there's middle of the road ones there's famous classic ones there's obscure ones um all that's going to happen is Revere as we go through is just going to play winner stays on so he's going to decide out of these first two which is his favorite then I'm gonna lose the one that he doesn't like put the next one in and we need all the way to the end and we will have our winner that sounds fun sounds fun so as you can see rebeah can't see because we've built an enormous wall of tone a stone this is where the sound's coming from by the way that's what we need we've got 100 watt Marshall super Plexi straight into reverse like this is old-fashioned headphones strapped to each side of your head Rabia has got a PRS uh silver sky SE which I should remind you is on a super deal at the moment 5.99 in that color dragon fruit uh into the victory Kraken which he's very familiar with uh on a sort of slightly broken clean tone are you happy Mr Revere with your basic tone with no pedals [Music] [Applause] and that's kind of the tone that you dump a fuzz pedal over right always okay so I'm using a JHS switch back which is a true bypass so no buffers in here way of just switching between one and two uh the green light is going to be pedal number one which I put on the same side as the green light and the red light is better number two which is on that side so hopefully it's uh easy to do you'll find links below for all of these pedals you may have a favorite that's different to the one Revere picks um that's okay so are you ready to go into your first battle Mr Revere I am okay so here we are pedal Numero Uno I forgot to mention you are also Mr rabeer allowed to say can I have you know more volume more tone or more sustain uh there may even be other knobs on these that uh you can have but yes by all means say give me more X and I'll do my best I will say this that I have no idea really what any of those pedals are and also it's not going to give it away if there are controls on there that aren't on other ones because I really don't know so what he said okay sorry go [Music] [Music] [Applause] I mean I like that quite a lot it's fun would you like more fuzz more tone more volume give it a bit more tone let's see what happens okay too much too much too much [Applause] should we try pedal number two so okay round one of the Big Fuzz shootout this is number two now yeah foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're all going to be different I mean throughout this we've got big muff clones fuzz face clones tone Bender clones and circuits that I expect manufacturers will you know claim to be relatively unique would you like that with more fuzz yeah okay go [Music] oh can I have more yeah uh yes gun the first just pick up gunned it foreign [Music] [Applause] I prefer this one okay fine I just to be fair I'm going to go back to number one and crank that okay right number one cranked phone number one I sorry I definitely prefer number number two number two all right okay so are we in the interest of moving through this video at pace so at random let's just pick another one and see what happens so send goes in here return goes in here now I tell you what I will do on that second pedal that you liked should I leave the settings where you like it best so that was basically gunned right yeah okay so uh let's go back now so here we are your number two is this one your favorite one um yeah and number one again I've you've got room to go up if you want more on either control this is a new first in the challenge indeed all right here we go [Music] [Music] foreign that's quite fun so I think I can tell you without giving anything away this has a bias control which is obviously enabling me to make it go more spitty so I've got a maximum bias so the least spitty so but I do have a bit more on the volume and fuzz if you would like me to dial any more in so when I'm judging these is it literally just on the sound or is it the fact that it's got like more versatile controls no it's your favorite that's all it is what we're just going that's the one I like the sound of best so the bias go go spitty for a sec you want to go spitty [Music] laughs [Music] I like that you do well it's just fun right go right the other way then so maximum or minimum well is it maximum spittiness or maximum sort of throaty fuzzness so the opposite of spit the opposite of spit dry matte dry mouth [Applause] [Music] [Music] and the other pedal again yeah foreign I mean they're both great though but I feel like I prefer the versatility out of the second one uh sorry the new Challenger the new Challenger is staying on it is yeah good for you okay it does more well you know I feel like maybe the uh first the you know the chat the eliminated Challenger is is you know maybe he was suffering a bit of fatigue you know he's playing like two games in two days yeah um we know how that feels don't we tell you like you need some mighty West Ham having to play so many games in in a row okay so your winner stays on is the one that you're on now so here you go there's your tone that you like okay well I shouldn't say it was the tone that I mean I like it but I like this whole pedal okay [Music] I'm going in number two number two I might need to adjust [Music] [Music] I mean it's pretty pretty fun [Music] so I can similarly adjust the bias again a little bit so if you want it more spitty I can do that we can have a spitting contest if you want to so you can spit the furthest okay so yeah let's go let's go let's go halfway sorry what's this lots of less spit let more spit oh this is the other way oh foreign [Applause] that was really fun okay and then this is that your current favorite one okay similar kind of tone then I guess so um all right so what that's so they're both inside they're In fairness the new Contender has got some knobs on it that aren't on the other ones so I'm sort of I'm semi-gassing where they're set similarly because it sounds like the newcomer has it's not in Splitsville whereas this is [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I mean the only the only downside with it is how noisy it's super nice but that I think is because I've got the bias so low it's just making it so if you boost the bias does it get less noisy I think so let's see hang on yes bloody elf so this is with more bias yeah do you know what's annoying like I actually feel like I prefer the sound of it but I don't like how noisy it is it's super noisy so I'm gonna stay with I'm staying there that's a good choice because I think we we're not a good choice but we we do need to move on so there we are sorry um getting carried away with all these times that's fine so clearly the uh current contenders obviously got a you know good squad depth because it's staying fresh despite staying sort of three games in a row Squad dip okay well let's see what happens here um so I'm gonna go here's your current favorite [Music] foreign [Music] yeah it's fun okay and the new one [Applause] foreign uh yeah I agree it sounds good it's got another mode here we are what's the other mode [Applause] thank you okay so like I like it it seems to have a lot more fuzz in it than your current favorites let's just do a little bit of I'm going to Max the fuzz on both of them okay and we're just going to switch so a current favorite yeah new one [Applause] foreign I mean that that one's fun I like this one I think I feel like a change so let's go with this it's going with the chains so we have a new leadership leader ladies and gentlemen I don't think it's as uh versatile in the sense that you can't do the spit can it do the spitty thing it doesn't have a spit it doesn't have a bias control so I guess I could just turn the fuzz down um do you want to hear it just with the fuzz down yeah yeah okay okay go on then is that where the first down yeah it's just it's not a spitty thing is it it's just less fuzz is it still staying on as your current preferred one [Music] yeah yeah why not yeah why not okay I like I like it's full bottle so what the one that's just gone Tay who who started the league well and faded away I can't think of who that would be who's who's that pedal become everyone cares Pete okay so we're going back just sort of higher end of this the it's the world's favorite sport here we go new one foreign [Applause] [Music] all right I don't know like go back to the other one yep foreign they're both really fun I'll do a quick so the new the the current incumbent number one [Music] I'm the new contender thank you I still think the first one that's that I really like that but the first one feel more like I really like that but the first one to it a bit more that's fair enough that is fair enough man uh okay ah I like that one I think this this will get an honorable mention at the end the new one's got like a nice like creamy kind of this is like the Brentford it did the woman it's not a woman tone but it felt like it did a womanly tone didn't it it felt like it did a woman tone here we go I'm completely picking these at random at this stage uh okay this one has like the least knobs of no not quite uh but it doesn't have many knobs so I think there's only really one basic setting for this new one that we've got here so here is your current favorite all right yep and the new one [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] listen to the background noise difference between those two that's with the volume down as well right wow okay so do you want to do any more playing or have you got a preference between those two go ahead to the first one again here we go sorry the current the current winner thank you and the new one [Music] and then the current the current winner still that one okay uh we're about halfway through the season Now ladies and gentlemen um here we go um this is uh our so at the moment this pedal here has won about four rounds in a row so that's pretty amazing so here's your one that you'll currently like yeah and here's the other one [Applause] [Applause] that one's great right does it do spitty stuff ah it doesn't have a bias control so here's what you like with just less fuzz I don't know if that's what it will do but we'll see I like the punch it has foreign okay so here's your current favorite but with the fuzz style dialed back so I've got the the new one you had the fuzz about a quarter of the way up so here's the comparison okay [Music] and then the new contender I mean obviously the other one cleans up better but that's not why you get fuzz pedal is it so that's kind of an irrelevant so what back up to three quarters of the way and you've got to make a choice Mr B here's the new one which one's this the new one [Music] [Applause] oh that's fun and your current favorite foreign I feel like this game has gone to extra time and is about to go to penalties so here you go the penalties are five seconds of one go go now the other one okay here's the noise background noise of the new one background noise of the current uh favorite one new one current favorite I mean new one's definitely noisier but then can I just kind of just one more thing on the news [Applause] and then the current favorite this is definitely tight yeah this one's this is 100 this is this is I I sort of feel almost like the main five penalty takers this could be the goalies now about to take the calories which one is it both of them are great but I I gotta I've gotta I'm gonna be blacked if I come on I don't know does does they have tone controls they both have a tone controller you boost the tone on the new one yeah okay so tone on the new one is now three quarters [Applause] and then do you want the tone boosted on the original one or not uh I still think I'm gonna go with that one do you know what I think you're probably just about right there but we've got to say wow nearly a massive cup upset there this is fun that could have been I don't know that's that's like that was almost like uh trying to think of like a good cup upset it's almost like wrexham beating Arsenal I don't think they did did they where's the Gareth Southgate situation um 96 was it oh what the penalty means yeah yeah uh right okay which one's that uh we haven't done that one yet I don't think we've had a Gareth Southgate moment yet I feel like did we have a Steve McLaren moment with any of these yet not yet I don't think we might do oh is this the new one no this is your current favorite go to the new one new one here [Applause] [Music] ha I mean it's fun but it's not as nice as the other one okay this is your current favorite is that with the gain all the way is that with the fuzz all the way up on three quarters that's where it's been the whole time okay that's still the uh yeah yeah I don't even need to hear the other one again no worries no worries um okay now I do know I think I sort of I haven't been picking these in any conscious order but I feel like subconsciously I've kind of been leaving some of the big hitters till last um so maybe we'll go in for one of the first and buy big hitters I just kind of mean more expensive ones maybe so we'll just go in for a random one here um coming out in the colors of uh I don't know what are these if I you don't know any football colors do you repair so if I say a team it won't make you won't won't give anything away the white the team with white colors I'm I'm saying this is coming out in the colors of someone like Norwich or possibly an old Manchester United away kit from the olden days uh that I never really liked here we go uh your current favorite the new one got lots of knobs on the new one I might need some tweaking thank you [Applause] [Music] that was really fun isn't it that is the current favor thank you and then the new one again yeah [Music] that was I mean it's just so dirty I did okay I've got loads of knobs so what without telling you what the knobs are I'm just gonna do bear I'm just gonna mess around while you're playing [Applause] [Music] foreign that's great I like that one has it fine has the run of the uh current five six round winner they are it's not about which is best for a bear it's which is your favorite there's no right or wrong answers here someone else might I like how dirty this is like a 1970s leads team yeah you know let's go with that let's go with that you want to go with that dear which one is this this is your current this is the the new favorite one rather foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] okay one sec can you watch the old uh [Music] [Music] here's the new one yeah [Music] can I also say right so the new one has a by the looks of things that bias control on it and a second foot switch which is doing something I also think that early Harland plays for this particular battle I'm anyway I've never known so long here's here's slightly more spitty [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you okay and here's your current favorite foreign yeah I'm I'm with you on that one I'd rather regret now saying that this potentially is the sort of man united older way strip because it's an absolutely Man United win this whole contest I'm not going to put the video out so here we go uh this one has a switch that I don't know what it's gonna do so let's see here's your current favorite whoa that what is that the news that's your new no that's your current favorite okay you back off the game a bit yeah [Music] sorry I haven't touched it since you liked it before [Music] all right and the new one [Applause] uh it's pretty fun okay so just going between your current favorite [Applause] [Music] a new one nah same with your current favorite right yeah yeah your current favorite I mean it does that too and you're the new one okay [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] can we change the settings a bit on the current favorite a little bit of course what would you like to do I don't know you've got you've got volume fuzz yeah uh sort of tone and then two other ones which I think are kind of one is like a secondary gain and another one is like a secondary EQ but you okay well let's give it a little bit more of a muff sound what does that even mean because this because currently it's kind of like mid heavy it's like wide open whereas I'm wondering whether we can get a bit more of a like warm muffled kind of all right well I'll play with the tone I'll put the gain about halfway maybe like one o'clock and then I'll play with the tone and you in fact if I if I if we make eye contact you can kind of just say yeah there okay this is the current favorite yes with the tone dialed back [Music] that's great [Music] if you put the gain all the way up yeah foreign [Applause] [Music] thank you it's fun current favorite yeah let's bring the tone somewhere similar to how that one sounds the other one sounds okay so I'll just bring that tone up a little foreign [Music] I still think that the other the current favorites doing it for me oh we're going to leave the current favorite in wow this is a longer winning streak there's definitely the Manchester City one isn't it it's going to see it through to the end did you like on your um current favorite are you liking that sort of where the tone is slightly rolled off or do you want to go back to where it was a bit brighter I like the fact that it does kind of both so yeah it's very versatile pedal I'll give you that yeah uh okay well look here we go with your current favorite okay [Music] okay and the new one [Music] [Music] foreign I mean it's cool for your current favorite let's boost the tone back up on it yep here we go drop off the drop off the fuzz a tiny bit yeah [Applause] that one's better uh well it's not better [Music] does that have like tone on it can we roll that back a bit on that what I need to do for reasons the audience will know but you can't is take a small um comfort break while something happens one last uh a b just to make sure Revere hasn't changed his mind here we go here's your foreign yes what do you want less tone yeah foreign there is only one more pedal to go this is the final last game of the season decider everything okay so um we now have a kind of a similar number of knobs although they do different things so let's just see uh here we go this is the current pave no I'm trying to just keep playing for a second okay thank you [Music] foreign so that's the new one here's the current's favorite [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Applause] wait [Applause] can you switch to the other one yeah [Applause] foreign that's a tough choice now the new one the new one does have a bias control on it so I haven't I'm yet to really work out which way is which so here is all the way clockwise [Music] yeah and here is all the way counterclock [Music] [Music] okay oh that is good what do you prefer all the Bucks I said the bias is working sort of counter-intuitively so all the way down the pedal is it's fattest all the way up the pedal is its spittiest could you put it uh like two-thirds to the fattest yes here you are back to the other one still my favorite still your favorite I really like the final one that's it it's a the the final one has has one through multiple rounds beating off all the competition it truly is uh the Manchester City of the current footballing world um right before we reveal I'm going to put them all back on the table uh if you could just put the amp on standby for a second that would be great uh we've taken the four by twelve away obviously and I've unplugged everything and put it back on the table so um you had a couple of these pedals that stayed in for a long time the one that won it and the previous one to that okay um I thought there was a theme at one point of you not liking well what do you which one do you think you liked oh I have no idea can I say which one I really hope I didn't like yeah TC electronic you hope you didn't like the TCL I hope I didn't like that because I never liked it before that one's great oh that's fun okay so this do you remember there was one where you're going I literally you're not sure I can tell the difference and it just came down to I think maybe a bit of background fuzz yeah um that was that one was it really so that did really the the so okay so the the the no offense TC the ones that I felt you really didn't like because you didn't I don't think you really liked the big Muffy things and they were too dark for you uh that was my sort of scent you didn't like the fox fuzz from my from um from tone City if I remember rightly the uh which was the other one the silk tone was the one that had the crazy bias control on it that makes a lot of noise when you adjust it which isn't the fault that is just discharged from the capacitors I think um but again we didn't really get terribly I don't think you really liked that very much okay um this was the one I had to take a toilet break in because this is the temperature control one that has to reach a certain temperature before they started but then it didn't sound any real different to when it wasn't in its sort of green mode and then you didn't like it much either um I don't think you liked the header very much wasn't your sort of bag or indeed the pedal Pawn fast I don't think that was your bag apologies the ones I if I remember rightly the ones that I think you were sort of going I like that so the boss fz1w is a good first that was the one that won about four or five rounds in a row early doors I liked that when I first heard it I think it's a really good fuss uh I would say my only criticism with I mean unbelievable background noise as in it's almost silent when it's switched off which is most unlike everything else um it didn't do the spitty thing and like you said when you turn the fuzz down you just get a less overdriven yeah sound good but it was in a long time 100 notice honestly the two bearing in mind both of these pedals are the matcha cream and the rusty fuzz are about 40 quid each yeah they were they were ones where they they did unbelievably well in the comparison as in they just they sounded very similar uh this was the one that you pretty good yeah you liked that from the beginning I think that won a couple of rounds uh that didn't win any but you liked it that was the that was the one that won the first round but I think they lost the second round okay okay so we ended up we ended up when we got to the end with these two pedals so one of them was the new one that she'd never tried obviously and one was the one that had won about seven eight rounds or whatever since it came in um obviously one is tone mender inspired the swollen pickle I'm not entirely sure what that's inspired by um the swollen pickles so both of which I I have experience with and enjoy okay so which one do you think you chose as your ultimate winner I really hope I chose the fuzzbender do you this one you mean you hope you chosen the kit why is that because mainly because uh it's based on a tone vendor which current is my current favorite first term excellent and obviously would be a drag obviously if we worked out that actually your entire you know philosophy on which fuzzes you like is wrong because obviously what you really liked best was the swollen pickup so there we are back to the drawing board Mr Revere it's a great fuzzler I thought that sounded epic yeah I've not plugged this in so yeah George trips manager of the month manager of the Season maybe uh swollen pickle uh one it's got the flexibility on it with the is it like 100 Hertz boost and all sorts of stuff I think it's only great I mean it's the controls on it which aren't on any of the other ones is this scoop and crunch yeah and then you did have filter doing kind of tone and obviously then a traditional you know it just sounds it isn't it it's but which was weird because the the official Big muffin the Nano big muff I've never got some of your least favorite sounds and then the swollen pickle so there you are fair play completely pointless little shooter here it's only Revere's favorite you obviously are welcome to make your own minds up it'll probably sound different through mics as well from how it sounded in the room guitars and everything it's all it's can all change but yes thank you so much for being a good sport thank you thank you for watching we shall see you next time foreign [Music] yeah it's fun okay and the new one [Music]
Channel: Andertons Music Co
Views: 118,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andertons, Andertons Music, Andertons TV, fuzz, fuzz pedal, pedals, guitar, guitar pedal, guitar pedals, electric guitar, electric guitar pedals, fx pedals, fx pedal, effects pedal, boss, waza craft, way huge, electro harmonix, keeley, tone city, benson, silktone, tc electronic, fjord fuzz, greuter
Id: XiJS7-68RsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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