Ultimate Food Hacks Compilation

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[Music] today I've put together a compilation of some of my favorite food hack videos which I've made over the years if you enjoy this video you can make sure you don't miss any future videos by subscribing to my channel then clicking the notification bell and selecting all here's a great one to start with take a bowl place a wine glass inside fill it with crisps or tips and fill the glass up with a dip perfect for sharing if you've got a peeler like this have you ever used the little triangle section on the side it's quite good for cutting out bad bits of the potato but also once you've peeled it you can use it for cutting your own french fries it's really easy and just fry them off in some oil you can also use your peeler to slice the potato into nice thin slices which you can fry to make your own crisps or chips you can easily peel a potato by making a thin slice around the middle then boil as normal drain them off and cool them down a little and you should be able to just pull the skin clean off the potato so much easier than peeling if you need to warm up a couple of bowls of food in a microwave but can't fit them both in together place a mug alongside of One Bowl and put the second bowl on top cooking rice give it a bit more flavor by mixing in a vegetable stock cube as it cooks you can pour any leftover sauces or wine into an ice cube tray and keep it in the freezer to use another day here's a really cool way to slice up a pepper chop off the top and bottom slice down the side then slice around the inside to remove the middle push the stalk out of the top and it's ready for chopping you can use one of these rubber jar lid grips to peel a clove of garlic wrap it over the clove roll it back and forward and the garlic should just fall out of the skin in a similar way you can just give it a quick squeeze under a knife blade and if you want to you can use a fork to mash it sometimes salad bags don't seem to last long but you can increase the life of your next bag by taking a sheet of kitchen paper tucking it up to the base of the bag and storing it like this the paper absorbs moisture and the salad stays fresh for a lot longer to cut her whole load of cherry tomatoes in half place them on a plate put another one on top like this and run a sharp knife in between the plates it's really quick and easy you can take a plum tomato cut it at an angle like this then cut it in half to make a heart shape for decorating a salad or cut two tomatoes and pin them together with a toothpick these multi blade scissors are really good for cutting up herbs and the teaspoon is really good for peeling ginger you can dice up an onion easily by cutting it in half put a horizontal slice down the middle slice across the onion like this then slice it up or if you want to keep your fingers further away take a hair pick and use it like this [Music] pretty cool huh it makes it so easy you can use it for cucumber tomatoes it gives you these lovely even slices or even a lemon you can cut a lemon in half and use kitchen tongs to help you squeeze the juice out or roller lemon back and forward over the counter until it's nice and soft push a skewer into the ends and wiggle it around to mash up the insides then you can just squeeze the lemon juice straight out of the lemon you can use a sharp knife to make a spiral cut all the way down in orange so you can peel it in this really cool way or slice around the middle and use a spoon to separate the fruit from the skin so you can open it like this you can keep bananas fresh for longer by wrapping some plastic around the stems and storing them like this you can cut melon into cubes by dicing it up in the skin and cutting it off the skin with a spoon and the same goes for mango you can use a drinking straw to remove the stem from a strawberry place a cherry on a bottle and use a chopstick to push out the stone and if you wanna chop a load of grapes in half you can do it in the same way as we did the tomatoes you can cut a pineapple into quarters and slice it into segments to make a really nice display or chop the top off and use one of these spiralizing gadgets to remove the fruit you can also use it with a watermelon remove the handle from the gadget and use the cutter to turn it all into segments cut a watermelon in half and slice it like this to make perfect snack sized pieces you can use a coin to score a line then the center of a watermelon hand karate chop it in half if you haven't got a hand mixer you can attach a kitchen whisk to a drill it's really handy and works quickly for making things like whipped cream for beating egg whites and even making milkshake [Music] if you want to break choclate into individual pieces you can roll it back and forth over a rolling pin and open it up or just spend it over the edge of the counter perfect for melting you can fill up a mug halfway with chocolate ice cream leave it to melt then top it up with some self raising flour and mix it all together pop it in the microwave for two minutes and we've got a really quick and simple chocolate muffin it's steaming hot and goes great with vanilla ice cream you can take a cupcake tray turn it upside down and grease it then mold cookie dough over the cups like this bake them in the oven to make these amazing chocolate cookie bowls great for desserts you can warm up a couple of cookies in a microwave quickly then take a tub of ice cream use a knife to slice off a section and layer it in between the cookies to make an ice cream sandwich make another delicious dessert by unrolling a sheet of puff pastry spreading over a layer of Nutella roll it back up and cut it into slices bake them in the oven and we've got delicious Nutella pastry swirls you can separate the egg yolk from the white by sucking it up with a plastic bottle and you can do numerous yokes at a time test out if an egg is hard-boiled all raw by spinning it and stopping it with a finger if it stops and doesn't continue spinning its hard-boiled but if it's raw we can stop it and it will continue to spin after we've released it you can peel a hard-boiled egg by just rolling it across the counter and pulling off the shell or put it into a drinking glass with some water and give it a good shake and the shell should just all fall off you can even do it to multiple eggs at a time if you freeze an egg then peel it you can slice it up and fry it to make really cool mini fried eggs egg slices are great nice uniform cuts and easy to use you can also use them for slicing mushrooms butter hot dog sausages salad potatoes soft cheese strawberries and even Kiwi but we need to slice the ends off and use a spoon to remove the fruit from the peel place it in this way around and it slices well you can also peel a Kiwi by cutting it in half and running the fruit over the edge of a drinking glass you can do the same with a mango and even an avocado I hope you've enjoyed this video you can let me know your favorite hacks in the comments below and if you want to see more fun videos you can click on the links stay safe have fun and as always thanks for watching you [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 17,827,456
Rating: 4.8400316 out of 5
Keywords: food hacks, life hacks, dave hax, kitchen hacks, kitchen gadgets, cooking video, cooking recipe, food recipe, recipes, simple food, food ideas, ultimate food, hacks, Cut tomatoes, hair pick life hack, egg slicer, egg hacks, fruit life hacks, veg life hacks, compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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