Ultimate DIY Indoor Cat Playground You Can't Miss

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hey everybody this is bucky he's the newest addition to our family we got him about three months ago and he is all over the place all the time we got him as a little baby and he is just grown with our family he likes to crawl hang do everything you can think of really learn to get along with our dogs and they kind of roughhouse a lot and make a mess of the house so that inspired me to build something for bucky boy did we come up with something we wanted to make our cat a wonderful cat playground the one thing about a project like this is how expensive the lumber was so what i did was i went ahead and just got through my scrap pile and started finding the good stuff and i got to building lots of cutting ready to build on the unique stuff i need [Music] looking good a few more pieces look at that [Music] [Music] there [Music] [Music] that club just goes together like that turned out really good [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] the one thing i wanted to do when i was mounting it to the wall was not make it so permanent and we could also move the items around if we needed to and that's where a cleat system comes in what you do is you take your table saw put it at a 45 degree angle start cutting and the cleat system goes together just like this basically when it's on the wall it goes like this and it sucks it to the wall and it hangs perfect i don't know what i was thinking our poor cat was having so much trouble climbing the tower and the reason was there was nothing for his claws to grip onto so i brought the tower back outside and found some carpet remnants and started stapling it around that way bucky could climb it easily and gives him something to grip on to as you can see he did amazing right up the tower ready to go ready to explore and ready to make an [Music] adventure [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i hope you all enjoyed this build i know that bucky had a wonderful time and has really enjoyed it if you guys like what you see don't forget to like and subscribe and thank you for watching
Channel: GoodlyEarth
Views: 1,272,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zz1aGTKbufM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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