Ultimate Comfort + World Sailing 48' Catamaran (FULL Inside & Outside Tour)

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welcome on board moneros moneros is a 2008 Fon Pau 48t Long Sloop rigged sailing catamaran she's 25 ft wide has a shallow 3 and 1/2 ft draft and a 69 ft air draft powered by 275 horsepower turbo diesel engines with 128 gal diesel capacity has an average sailing and motor cruising speed of 7.5 knots or 8.6 mph or 13.8 km per hour they usually live at anchor held in place by a 85 lb mantis with 200 ft of 3/8 in chain to firmly stay in place they have a DC water maker that produces 15 Gall of pure drinking water per hour with a nearly 200 gallon of freshwater storage they have, 1600 watts of rated solar panels but often can collect more which is then stored into 400 usable amp hours of 12vt DIY lithium ion phosphate batteries but have a backup 9,000 W generator just just in case inside is extremely comfortable with a full dining room and kitchen as well as three private cabins each with their own full bathrooms and even has a DC air conditioner and washing machine they are only the second owners but the first to actually sail her purchasing the boat 4 years ago then named Cool Cats 2 for obvious reasons they immediately renamed her to moneros a sailing cataman like this easily sells for around $500,000 us and for good reason this size and style boat is without question the most desirable sailing and cruising boat on the market allowing anyone to live and travel with complete Comfort anywhere in the world in this video we'll do a complete walkthrough tour of this entire dream boat afterwards I'll sit down with the owners for a Q&A interview and finally end with an honest scored review let's dive on in to repeat myself again I think this boat is the absolute sailing dream the price point is not something my budget sailor n could ever afford but it won't stop me from enjoying my time on it and I want to show you guys every little nook and cranny of what makes this floating house I mean sailboat a dream to live on we're going to go through everything outside and then inside this boat all the way down into the engines we're going to start off with the bow work our way back starting out up here honestly this is what's great about catamarans it's a huge social space the breeze is coming perfectly to you be able to lay down relax and enjoy yourself this this is a huge draw for any catamaran but especially catamaran are this size it doesn't have the bar that goes between so you never hit anything this space really becomes the ultimate spot to bring the family and bring your friends as well when you're sailing the water is going to be able to push this way up through here when you get hit by a wave so it actually does have a useful function to it as well looking out ahead here we can see we've got a double Bridal system with a snubber on it going all the way out they have a 85 lb mantis anchor on this thing so they call it the set it and forget it and it really is an anchor that size for a boat this size perfectly placed you've also got a couple little dolphin Chasers so you can sit down up here and I'm sure just sailing on this thing as a dream at 7 knots it's got to feel pretty good looking out here as well they put up this nice big sun shade they got this thing off of Amazon and it just helps to keep the boat a little bit cooler as well when it rains the water's not going to go right into their hatches that are open up here it's a good little useful feature to have I'll say it again the space of the bow area up here is just unparalleled now I'm actually onto the hard section and this is be really good if you want to do some yoga do some exercise move around that's something I really do not like about a monoh hole is you don't have that same sort of space out there down here we've got the anchor Locker which also is going to be where you're going to have your water tanks other supplies they've got good beefy 38 in chain a lot of good storage space and that again for catamarans storage space is really never a problem though you do need to balance what you have so you don't overweight one hole or the other here at the base of the MK you've got your different controls now you do have to come up to the MK to Reef this but besides that everything else can be handled right back there as you see your lines go back and throughout one thing I really like about this catamaran versus some of like the lagoons for example or the Bali catamarans is their boom is super high to where you can't really get to anything I like that on here you've got your nonskid so you can walk on it and again check this out you've got all this extra space I don't think they ever really lay up here but you could if you want to but now you can get right over top of your sail stack it pack it in there get it all good right here is a stack pack you're going to unzip this raise up the main sail and you're good to go to sail away it's really nice to be able to just walk from the deck up to here and if you want to even anything else back there and before I go back down to show you guys down there I just want to check out what it's like up here cuz this is the tallest part of the catamaran you're standing about two stories above the water so you get even more Breeze and I do know just a fun fact that some people like to do is they use this as like a hammock you undo the uh the stack pack and you can lay right in here especially on a big boat like this it's very comfortable though let's be honest you can just string a hammock pretty much anywhere here going underneath the boom oh my goodness now if they wanted to for more electricity they could put more solar panels down here these solar panels that they have here are actually by facial which means there's no white backing underneath so it'll actually get electricity from the refraction off the water or the refraction off of this white surface here pretty neat A major advantage actually to be able to stand up here so tall above the water besides of being cool and fun is you have a better angle to look out and down into the water so you can see when you're navigating around shallow areas this is super useful when you're in the Bahamas and honestly here in martinque on my way in I had to do just that making sure I didn't hit any sort of sandar I expect there to be a lot of space up front I'm very used to that cuz I've been on quite a few catam but I got to say I'm really taken aback right now by how much frankly usable space it feels like there is right here we'll have to ask the owners if they ever do jumping jacks up here or if it's you know not stable enough for that but it feels super solid to me I know there's a few supports down here but this is actually a pretty cool extra area if you want to do any other sort of activities all right now we can just really walk right back down we don't need to climb on anything it's pretty convenient you'll notice a lot of hatches that are here it's kind of interesting they have circular ones you normally see Square rectangular ones but hey if it works it works these are going to give you really good air flow throughout the whole boat which is very important I don't care how nice or new your boat is you need air flow and there is plenty of them looks like we have one here for for a forward cabin and this one if I had to guess would be for the head very important to have that something else I really like about this walkway here is how wide and easy it is to move up and down the deck this feels incredibly safe to me a lot of boats you know monoh holes or catamarans the stays will be much further in and the edge will be much much closer so you don't have as much space as you're trying to walk up you have to maybe maneuver around it or you stub your toe but this is so user I mean there's nothing to stub literally nothing to stub your toe on it's such a smooth toe rail really a cool feature all right let's take a minute to walk to the back of the boat cuz it takes a minute just kidding now that you're back here this is where you're going to do really most of your living this is where you're going to be hanging out socializing and again we're looking at tons of space so going through just the back living room area I guess I'm going to call it is there a name for this Helm oh really cockpit huh well apparently this is actually called the cockpit when you got a boat like this and then that's the helm up there on a humble monoh hole it's all just called the cockpit but hey you do what you do um so I've got cushions that lock into place here which is really nice and I can actually say that last night we were watching a movie here with a projector there going to a screen right here so the unparalleled amount of space comes in super handy I love that you can feed plenty of people around this and now you have I would say I'm going to call this like the project area cuz if you're ever like building something or doing a project on your boat you have this nice super stable out of the wind out of the Waves out of the weather spot where you can work on things and again this is probably where you're going to spend most of your time if not just inside here so this fonte P was actually designed for the charter Market that's why you have this sun area here now anyone who's living Out on the Ocean we don't spend any time extra in the Sun than we have to but it affords a few cool options first off you could kind of put whatever you want to back here it could just be an extra space for something you can collect some water if you wanted to and you can see the snaps where there's a little bed that's supposed to go in here you see that hump right there what is that hump for let me show you the dinghy comes right up underneath it and cinches in there nice and tight there's nowhere now for the dinghy to move around or wobble and that little bump there is what's holding the engine up into it it's super cool feature now they then added in the aftermarket solar panels which if you're sailing and cruising you need to have this and you can see now how it's producing electricity both from the top and the bottom it's just a super cool feature I think so they added on this aluminum tubing structure up to here to support it and then up over there then they found out actually started to crack a little bit because it's not meant for that sort of weight especially with a little bit of wobbling going on so I added this bar here and I got to say coming on and off their boat a few times this should have been a natural feature to the boat it makes it much more usable also while we're back here take a look at this if you don't want to hop straight up you've got a big swim ladder you can climb up on but I like how far back it goes so you still have your usable space on the other side which I'll show you in a second there's no ladder you just have all swim platform and then back here you've got this little closet to hold your Scuba tanks space on a boat is always out of Premium especially depending on how usable that space is a locker like this outside super usable right here then you have the things for your outdoor shower I've used this a few times it's great you you come up out of the water you want to get the salt off you you're done something else I think is really cool that you could be doing on here is if you catch a fish where do you go to filet it if you filet it up inside the boat you have a dirty boat I kind of like it right here I feel like this is a space I would do and it wouldn't be as painful as is doing it just on a flat surface Flay them right here spray it off throw on some sea water good and clean oh all right I'm just learning from the owners that no no no that's for small fish when you get the big fish you fet them right here you've got padding for your knees and and that makes sense you know cuz you don't you don't want to fet a small fish on a big boat you want it to use the whole Space very very cool coming over here to the other side we have the winch so you can pull up your dinghy and as somebody who has to manually pull the dingy up every time on my boat I get a little sick of that so this does look pretty sweet you can see just how the motor fits right up in there perfectly really nice back here is where they keep the life raft interesting story they were telling me about somebody who had almost identical boat that had the life raft in a space further inside the boat the boat turned so much he wasn't able to get the life raft out and was actually in the Water by himself so that's why it's back here you pull on this Chuck it out it'll self-inflate and you're good to go you you really do want to have your life raft in the safe place this back space is just so usable whether you're spear fishing maybe you've got some kite gear whatever you want to be doing got even more space here to sit more space there so I imagine you could probably comfortably sit I don't know what 12 people out here oh yeah oh easily you could have 12 people out here so that's really nice moving in a little bit further we've got this extra storage space here just holding all your chemicals whatever else you might need again storage space at a premium here is where your water would something through if you ever caught a wave into here and this then goes way outside which is nice because catar are known for being more like a house with a sliding track door it keeps everything nice and dry and very livable in there John will you give me a hand and show me the helm station absolutely also right next to him here is the ACR perve in case the worst does happen you pop that that's going to give you a GPS location to the emergency places oh my gosh I have not actually been up here this is a genuine reaction folks this is is so nice this is more like a car than a uh than a boat oh my gosh look at this this is so comfortable yeah that's our favorite place when we're I mean just where do we start we sit here all the time so yeah I mean nice uh nice chart plotter all the instrumentation you need uh Wireless VHF oh wow oh that's so oh you can just pop it out of there or leave it in there yeah it just pops out it's it's got a wireless charger cool oh so there nothing to corrode that is a cool feature here you're going to have your true wind angle and your wind speed what is our we have a true wind speed of seven ooh seven knots now what's good about this is it's telling you what the wind speed is 69 ft up in the air and that's important because right here we're probably feeling more like three or four knots right always important to know that uh you've got a lot of things got your autopilot right here and then we've got our just more more more data I just scroll through oh wow whatever you want to see it's there to see does it have ESPN how great would that be if it was just a tiny TV you know just you know meant to look like navigation but it's a tiny TV all right anyway back to back to it um also o I do love this although it looks like it's childproof it's waterproof and that's why it locks ah and it's USB ports to of them up there yeah just having USB ports is so important cuz you never know what electronic you might want to charge especially your phone and look at this like you have so many options of where you could be putting your phone where you could be putting everything something else that's really great is you could be in a complete storm and you really not going to get wet here you might get your feet slightly wet if the right amount of rain at the right angle comes through P that comes here but we never use it oh so you could be totally dry totally dry that's really cool and we also like the fact that the winches are a little bit away from the helm so that you're not trying to reach over the wheel because there's a lot of smaller boats where the wheel is here and then you're reaching over and and and doing all that and your lines are getting down your wheel and all that stuff yeah so it's really actually much nicer to have them separated slightly absolutely and the view from up here is fantastic to obviously everything is all zipped down so it's you know sealed in but I imagine when you're sailing someplace especially into a place you haven't been before you'd be a little bit more opened up but you've got a great view over everything in here we have our two 2 engines this is another really big thing about catamarans that I love and anyone really EnV is you need a bow thruster when you have two engines so you can actually crab the boat you can move one forward and one back so you can turn in place as monoh holes we need to have a bow thruster in order to do that beyond that I mean this is just such a comfy spot also too I think this is a little useless we all agreed earlier but you just get your sandwiches right here there well that is so that you can look out there and see that back corner when you're backing in oh really yep oh you're right oh so it's not useless no oh all right I can handle that that's so funny they put that there but really though like this is such a comfortable place and as somebody I haven't done a lot of cold weather sailing but I imagine if it's cold you'd be so much happier this m was not Factory we had to have this installed in Florida okay and the factory mimin was Tiny yeah no I've seen that they can and probably not enclosed now what about the Boom is the boom just set to an angle so it can just barely not hit correct okay and is there any way that it could hit if you did something wrong or is it just if you drop the if you drop the topping lift when your sail is down but when the sail is up we had to the the clue of the sale recut so that it move the boom up a foot from the factory cuz the F the factory one is actually the boom sets lower than it does now yeah and which is better for sailing to have the lower boom y but we want to be comfortable everything's a compromise on a boat and if I have to take a little bit worse sailing to be more comfortable I would well and we don't even notice the difference I mean a foot off the bottom of the the and we'll go over some of the upgrades they made later and you guys will find out why they were able to make this boat even scale a little bit better but something else I really like about this is hey I can stand up in here just barely so that's nice but also I know that I can never get knocked out something that is a bit frustrating is if you're on another boat and you have to worry about going forward or somebody else going forward who's not as experienced you do attack you an accidental Jive you can kill them knock them out so it's nice to know that like you really have to try to get hit by the boom on this boat looking ahead here we've got all the winches and everything can you walk us through a little bit about this cuz are any of these power oh these are power winches aren't they one's electric the other two are not okay and this one is mostly used well almost exclusively used for the main haard okay um so this is mainard um mhal your clutch and but you can divert any one of these over can't you well if you want to go to that extreme angle you're going to go around another winch and over but we don't do that yeah um so really these winches we use these winches on and off for I mean just about anything yeah um so yeah I mean uh you can always clutch it lock a clutch down we did we have learned a valuable lesson in that whenever we're sailing the whatever jib sheet we're using that stays on the winch with the clutch unclutched because we got caught in a Squall too much sail up and it actually snapped the the jip sheet yeah it so it blew the jib sheet out you know this is not significant line and uh you're happy that breaks and not something else though exact like your mask exactly and that's why I replaced it with the cheapest line known to man oh so it would be your failure point it's a failure I like that cuz this really for a boat is cheap even on a mono we agree this is cheap right that's really cool and you know what also is cool is I have these almost identical mine I think are just a size smaller than these they're these same winches and I got to say I've never maintained them and they work great never had a problem with them so I have maintained all of these and I actually had to put a new transmission on the electric oh really really yeah oh wow so yeah the new transmission from from uh Parkin is $1,100 but if you if you look hard enough you can find the sticker with the part number from the manufacturer which is bonoli uhhuh and so you can get a hold of buoli and buy the same transmission for about 250 well so and and just for lay in terms I know you guys heard that is like $1,100 and $250 but that was actually 11 boat units and 2 and2 boat units just just it's better say it that way trust me or or it's 1.1 catamaran units yeah I I was going to say yeah no it's it's different mon C I like bre break out another 10,000 yeah yeah cats are expensive oh I like and then down here this is really nice too you just have a big uh what do you call these again just a sheet bag big sheet bag one of the upgrades that we're going to make whenever we decide to remake this and it's getting pretty well on the on the old friend of ours put three bags on the outside as well as this one makes it even more useful that is you don't need to go through here that often that's really through there all the time actually well no but I mean like it's it won't stick out it won't bother anything that much and can can I open this one yeah that's electronic and steering there this cool I love seeing this we got the Nema unit this is nice so just the amount of space so you can actually work in here oh this is so accessible accessibility of things that might go wrong and when they do you really need to get you it's so important I can't stress that enough it's really cool getting a it one one problem we had to contend with because it's a catamaran is that the power source for the Nema backbone is up there at the nav desk by the time you string it all the way here it's 30 some odd feet away and we had voltage drop across that backbone yeah so we were having low voltage alarms going off up here at the helm by the way folks these are known as big boat problems right yes um and so actually there's a there's a gray box down there where I made a relay box for it with a with a solid state relay yeah so that when you turn on the instruments at the at the nav desk yeah it turns on this relay which Powers gives you a separate power yeah for the helm but it all operates off in one switch super cool no this is such a nice little like space I mean you can easily easily be sailing the 7 CS up in here really good obviously we've got auto pilot you can close this as well so less water can get down below I think it's worth looking at just how easily you could be steing right here we've got a little knot so we know where Center is on the rudder very important I hate boats that don't have that and then oh you got to go up front to change something or in my case you got to go up front to do an Instagram moment look how easy it is to walk and the whole time I don't have to worry about getting hit by the boom especially with a stay right there you can walk straight up nice and clear I mean this is wonderful look at this how often do you guys dive off of this uh pretty rarely so what happens when you get the boat is you do things a bit less sometimes that's why it's fun to have you know excited people on your boat cuz we'll jump off of it all right let's check out just the one last thing on the back of the boat here which is the engine compartments John used to own a 20 Bay Automotive shop so so I think he knows a thing or two about mechanical engineering so this is how they make water on the boat they have full solar panels giving them all the electricity that they need and they just hop right down here they've got the same system I do you've got your Boost pump which is going to provide all the salt water to your pre-filters once it goes through that it's going to go to the high pressure pump which pushes it through a membrane giving you clean drinkable fresh water the thing I don't have installed yet is an an overboard so I just oh yeah yeah pin it overboard that way it works yeah you only got to do it for a second so that right there is fresh water that's coming out but it's not yet at the Quality you want to drink it's the first bit that comes out always tastes a little funny so you pitch it overboard wait a few minutes and then you get that super clean water interesting fact too this water is so pure you can actually have a mineral deficiency if it's the only water that you drink so you either need to add in minerals or supplement your diet so his system can make about 25 gallons of pure fresh drinkable water per hour so down below you have a PPM parts per million which actually tells you how pure the water is like I said we first chucked a little bit of water that comes out of it pretty soon it becomes good now if that ever breaks there is a very reliable way to tell if your water's good delicious let's keep it so down here of course we have the engine and Sail Drive we also have the Autopilot Drive uh engine start battery lithium battery bank that I built from cells uh inverter solar controllers Servo oh wow it really is like half the heart of the boat oh the water maker too is down there do you mind if I just hop on in I get you just to hold that for one second oh the space Oh my gosh it's so clean oh this is nice yeah you know too you also see on some now they've got a good thing going here but boats where the men and women don't have good things going they just close the hatch they just to hang out down here for a bit a lot of time in there yes no I can imagine all that oh my gosh wow this is so great so I have the same water maker made by seawater Pro highly recommend them to do a great job their customer service cannot be beat this is the main membrane and then you've got your gauges for your how much actual freshwater flow you have your water pressure for Boost pump and for your main your TDS monitor all the important things there oh yeah we got our bus bars back here lots of Brak ERS oh I like the braiding you did on those wires solar is up yeah on the outboard side the solar potential oh yeah oh wow I I didn't even see all that yeah Okay cool so I also have the same inverter on my boat uh the 3,000 volt amp victron I think is great it's very complicated when you take the shield off but it's like one little button and it just does everything you want it to over here wow I have not seen these before actually I have the same but much smaller mppt solar charge controllers this takes the voltage of electricity coming from your solar panels and converts them to a lower voltage usually and then increases the amperage so it's more usable for your batteries otherwise it'd be too sporadic and you damage your batteries that way and these ones are monsters 150 by 85s absolute monsters very very cool see over here we've got the lithium battery Bank cells that he built as well down here we can see some of the steerage this would be the steering quadrant it's going to go all the way across to the other side with a bar so all this actually has a little space that goes over to the other engine room and then right here if we were to follow this all the way down that goes to the rudder which well that steers the boat so all pretty important stuff it's really cool to see there is a lot that got packed into here John how much of what's in here was you versus was here to start with cuz I would guess like out outside of the engine everything else looks like it was you uh so the the circuit breaker boxes were in there before uhhuh um yeah that's about it really wow so yeah there's two circuit breaker boxes that were there um and there's a there's a box with three switches on it that was there other than that yeah there's like two things in here know the engine being one of them now tell me a little bit about the engine it is a and you guys have sail drives right right yeah how do you like sail drives as opposed to shaft drives I hear there's a lot of problems with sail drives they are much much weaker um so so the there's a lot of Maintenance and the reason they're much weaker by the way is you have the engine which is so it literally goes like one turn and then two turns as opposed to a a direct drive it's just going to go straight from this to a shaft with the motor slightly tilted up to accommodate the angle but how do you find that the S drives work well they work fine um but they've got like I said they have some maintenance issues some breakage issues I've had to replace uh so I've I've had to rebuild the clutches in them um I've broken uh final drive gears one on each side um so I've had to replace final drive gears uh some things like that so they're they're weak yeah but they do allow um a design so that's their purpose is they allow the designer design a a much more compact layout yeah if this if this was a shaft drive the engine would need to be under the bed yeah it would need to be what another 10t forward maybe less seven or eightt forward anyway yeah and 7 eight ft on a boat like this you might be like oh hey put it anywhere n you just can't do that it is cool to see it in here and it's cool to see just how much he was able to pack in here and I got to say John I really admire like not only the layout and what you did but how clean everything is I mean look at the floor here like my hand is clean right now not of any anything that's just very impressive oh well thank you mechanics don't know how to take compliments now now with most any monoh hole your engine compartment is going to be located from within the boat which in the rare case you know there's a storm and you don't want water to get in while you're working on your engine it's a plus but I really actually prefer this about catamarans that you're outside mostly the breeze can come in and you can sort of stand up once you want to get away from it so it's really nice to be able to do that and then you just close it here you actually can lock this you can put a lock right here but obviously that's not necessary let's take a look over at the other engine ooh what do we have in here now looks pretty similar so far this one's actually tighter o I know why we got a generator a big old Generator how many uh watts is this thing 9,000 this is a 9,000 watt generator this is for when they want to throw those big parties with lots of air conditioning now John you've got really good power production with your solar have you ever thought about getting this taken out or removing this I've thought about it but even even with all the solar you know if we've got two or three days of of low power then it's it's hard to run the air conditioner in our cabin at night ah yeah so we we like to have it um just to top up the batteries and is it a reliable unit I mean and it looks like if you had to work on it would be a nightmare it is a nightmare I had to CH I had to replace the heat exchanger on it which is all the way up by the bulkhead oh my God at the bottom and it was exactly no fun you would not want to be doing that and then what is this thing I'm seeing is that that a dive compressor that is a dive compressor they got all the toys on here that's pretty cool here we see the other side of the steering quadrant that comes over I just always think that's a unique thing cuz you think about how important having steerage is um I would rather lose my mass than lose my steerage let me put it to you that way and there's a fuel polisher ah here's the control I made for it here so you turn this on oh it's a self polisher for your whole for all your tanks that's really cool so yeah let me let me cover the alarm real quick and then it runs the pump there pumps it through the polisher and back to the tank wow he can self- polish his tanks that's uh it's pretty nice it's pretty nice so I do that anytime we're fueling that runs it doesn't polish it as it's going in the boat which would be awesome but it do it gets to it right it it does get to it and the main reason for it is if I'm pumping water in that's going to go off that's going to scream at me oh really and so I can stop pumping very cool I I have a very similar system um I I fill up these jugs that I then bring to my boat and if I see water then I just you know pour it back out it's a little bit more budget but hey it gets you there we've also got just some basic storage back here looks like you've got these meant for diesel probably the blue ones are water the yellow ones are diesel the Diesels are actually full oh okay oh wow now do you keep them full I'm curious what reason do you keep them full um because in Trinidad it was like $245 a gallon oh wow it's outrageously cheap all right now that we've done all the mechanical stuff let's take a look inside and see what looks like in there welcome so um this is what sells a boat for a woman sailor that loves to cook um The Galley is really this is a very nice Galley um it's the U shape so you know if you are in sees that you've got you know some things that you can lean against which which is always nice um but everything's super close as well so that's very nice it is um a catamaran so it's not a gambled stove it doesn't move for us um she says it like it's a bad thing no it's not it's not it's a great thing the fact that she can just have a stove versus mine has to be able to move or I lose everything is is pretty and honestly sometimes I look at stoves like this they don't even mine not only gimbals but mine then has these little arms just in case and we do have the arms but I've never used them so yeah sorry sorry yeah and this is really and truly just a dream kitchen for a catamaran in terms of space um I've got you know wow tons of storage oh wow and just and I you know I don't know if you say more than you need but um like I have containers in here that literally have nothing in them because I don't need it how well these are organized um Anda said something really funny to me when I first met him and she actually she was cutting my hair so haircut by by Tina for those of you that can get an appointment good luck um but but you know she brings out the container of for hair cutting and it has everything labeled and she goes you know people think I'm OCD but I'm not I'm CDO cuz that's alphabetized I thought that was very funny but I got to say if you can having somebody who's this clean this well organized actually mean really both of you because I know that you know you're the one that manages the kitchen and you're the one that manages the you know the motors in both places we incredibly well incredibly wellmaintained very very clean so it's it's really good wait till you get to my storage room it's the garage yeah like one I was worried they weren't human yeah it's it's not quite as good so anyway yeah it used to be but then I spent more time yeah look what it is so you can cook and clean anything you would need this is just really I mean just like a house it really is um I mean you know obviously things are going to be a little bit smaller if it was a full-size house I feel like they could have put a bigger stove you could but you know what really and truly so I have I literally have a pot and a pan and an insta pot yeah and in a barbecue girl but that's what we cook with and so guess what a little in a little toaster oven yeah yeah yeah to have the toaster oven which actually this gets used way more than this oven because this oven doesn't have temp control yeah that's a problem with every boat oven it's not great for baking unless you dial it in through many burnt pastries correct many burnt pastries have to pay the price for a good one the big dial and turn it up and down so it's actually just a good storage oh yeah well it's Tays out of the way so that's really nice it does I mean it runs off of propane it's not going to be as much juice versus the toaster oven takes up a lot of electricity correct we got the coffee machine an essential for many people although is this not used or you guys that clean often so I get seasick so I found that cutting out caffeine completely not just on sale days but completely cutting it really help my seasickness what other things do you do to help the seasickness you do like ginger um I do Ginger I love my ginger chews I do um Ginger essential oils with ginger and peppermint oh wow and then I also do um the relief bands which are um basically you shock yourself so you get these online you want to say that in a way that's more cable so it's a relief band it goes on that pressure point there um and you just I've never seen one like this before yeah and it is powered so you know there are some like pressure point bands so is it like an electrical stimulus it is okay that sounds a lot better then it shocks you yes I imagine like you get nauseous and it's like zap don't get nauseous and you're you know it's like a shock cing but so this is like the lowest setting and then you go until you feel it but then you'll actually see um you'll see my fingertips are actually like moving so it is actually shocking you um but the good news is is that when I wear this because sometimes I even get seasick at anchor and so then if I'm trying to do something like you know balance the checkbook or something like where I need my brain it makes me really sick I can put this on and while I'm not like 100% I feel great it's enough that I still have the brain power to do whatever I need to do so it's been a game changer for me honestly I'd rather have like a broken hand for an hour than be seasick for an hour it's the worst it gets in your brain it's it's not fun um yeah it's not great at all moving on to the rest of it here as you can see as John perfectly shows us this is like very very comfortable uh living room station you can also drop this and make this into what's known as like a day bed or like the party bed but they never do they just keep it up here because I mean look at how much space this is look how nice this is we're at about what 5:00 right now close yeah probably we're getting about 5:00 so we're starting to get that golden hour time and you see how nice it is to be here where you we're fully protected inside if there's any sort of weather we wouldn't feel it but you're right here near the outdoors and you get this beautiful view and we're not even in like a Beautiful Anchorage we're just in a nice Anchorage so it's pretty great moving over here we've got the nav station as it would be called this where you're going to have most of your electrical panels for all little things here and it looks like quite bit this is in French because this is a French boat on just like my Beto is a French boat yeah got all the things we might need I really like this so you can see what's going on with the power we've also got some hatches just to keep the airflow going your main VHF I assume you guys have music playing throughout and a lot of these controls actually are going to be doubled up at the helm station but it's nice to be able to see them down here maybe somebody's down here navigating while the person upstairs is steering it's got really bad weather you just sit here and and drive the boat oh yeah cuz Auto pile is going to work from right here yeah oh that's nice I mean you're not even near the ocean at this point you know I mean you might as well be remote controlling it from Land I can mirror the plotter on that tablet as well oh really super cool this is a nice little space right here too you know it's cool look at some of the bigger things like wow you know there a whole Sund deck for your dingy but I really appreciate just little things like this you can store like sensitive Electronics you really need spaces like this is what makes the home moving over here we've got one more thing we actually have this really unique fridge space face look at that and of course it's alphabetized by ingredients got a little freezer right here and you know what this by itself would definitely be enough for two people but come on we're not on a catamaran to be normal no they've got a freezer down below let's take a look down on this side first and we'll see what's down there perfect so coming on down here now it does get a little skinny down here when I get to this spot it kind of reminds me that I'm actually on a boat which is nice you know instead of just a house yeah so this is the port forward cabin um oh wow so it's nice we've got this set up here and I just vacuum bags so everything that we aren't using so bedding and all of that gets shrink wrapped and um just to keep the mold off and any clothes that we aren't using get vacuum sealed and put away if they ever sell this boat this is going to be like the video that like tells people no like they treated the boat too good you can't you can't lowball them at this point um and then a nice storage closet here which oh um oh wow just fits so much yeah um yeah very cool and then because it is just the two of us up on that shelf is both the Wi-Fi router and then behind the Wi-Fi router is the Plex server oh I was wondering about that yes so they have a whole server on here for like 1,700 movies which last night like I said on their projector that they bring out we were watching tenant which was phenomenal by the way if you guys haven't seen it so really like this this is the type of lifestyle that I I do enjoy I like going spear fishing and all that gnarly stuff but like it's really nice you know you watch a movie stable place plenty of Elbow Room it's really really good it's not bad and when you guys have company is this like the first room they would come to no so um we go to the back cabin for that wait minute there's another door here there is and it's like Narnia in here it is like Narnia now this we've turned into a dive Locker oh that's cool yeah oh my gosh there's so many things so the rod um can be taken out so when we do have when my sister and her family comes my nephew stays in here so this all gets removed and it's a completely working head and it's good to go wow but for the rest of the year um and what's what's going on here why is that is just a cutout in the fiberglass so you can just see lights um but there's it doesn't open there's nothing behind it it you just see light I'm not going to lie that's really strange and I don't get it yeah so anyway but yeah so it is just nice to have a place plun of space oh then here's yeah cuz you need you're going to need to have air when you're in you got to have air yeah I think it's interesting that these hatches though are actually backwards facing instead of forward so they don't catch the wind this thing they don't oh you know I just realized why that is so you don't get the water in as much no no no no it's um the air comes in through that hatch this guy yeah it positive pressures here and then it back pressures out there when you open those you get crazy good air yeah that is true actually really really smart I always wonder why these ones are backwards but you don't want to have this one filling in air and pushing it into the bedroom you want it being sucked out of here so really really cool let's go check out the other one yeah perfect yes it's fine it's good to go okay um so this love that golden hour light up here oh my gosh this is the companion one way and this was a single birth that we decided to use this is so cool better so we put in a freezer and then we also put in a a washing machine a washer drying clothes is not really a problem out here especially with the space you have outside you can even dry them under cover which is really cool so check out what they did this here used to just go straight across you can see pretty much where they cut here it's a little bit rough but this bedroom would still be fully sealed away with the door closed this seab birth you would have just this space right here you'd have everything right here to climb into your bed and so would your head go down or would your feet yeah feet down here head there so so you would sit down here like this and you would kind of put your feet in and it probably would have a curtain and that was pretty good because I would give you effectively one more usable bed that would also be separate from any of the others which is nice but honestly two people that are occasionally going to have guests this was such a good Innovation you guys did here and I will say being on a boat there a few things that are harder to get you know boats that don't have a water maker I feel bad for at this point boats that don't have washing machines are still in the majority myself included and it is nice I could only imagine to not have to go to shore so being able to do laundry here awesome and then this much extra freezer space you can store ice cream for when you're in remote places absolutely necessary and they even have oxygen bottles in here in case somebody gets bent or in case another sailor has a medical problem so it's super cool to see how much you guys were able to fit in here yeah so this is just the extra cabin and quite frankly um we need to do a build sale and this is all just so this is um like were for tanks and yeah and this is a super comfortable bedroom this would definitely be a better bed than the other one up there it's much well just more spacious I will say though I always see stuff like this and I think you know what if it was me and I was going to live here 24/7 I'd rip this out and I would put a bed that fits exactly wall to wall yeah and and I would just call it a St with that yeah for me I like it because it's easier to make the bed when I can get next to it oh yeah that's true yeah the other upside to to this is you can climb in and onto the sze not have to get in the way of soone I've been on other catamarans that were really ju worth just as much as this one where the beds were like foot only or some weird access I feel like this here is like the reason to have a catamaran and it makes it so usable it's very nice it's very nice and really I mean maybe this person could hit their head if they're not paying attention but this side is never going to hit their head when they go to hat wind I also like this you can sit up out of bed you have the Sea Breeze flowing down and into your bedroom and you can just immediately look out level with the water oh and look at that gorgeous monoh hole over there isn't that just the most beautiful boat you've ever seen and it's also cool that from here I can see my boat this is a beauty of boating you guys by the way that you get to meet awesome kind and amazingly fun Sailors so thank you so much by the way if I haven't said already for showing me the boat it's been fun getting to know you so yeah that but it is the fun part of cruising so and then this one has another head um oh wow so everybody has their own private bathroom yes so nice and when we don't have guests on board it just becomes kind of my cleaning closet yeah um yeah it's not even actually I'm going to take a quicker or quicker absolutely and the toilets are electric yes now the camera can't tell this but I can but it smells very clean in here it smells like it was clean like it smells that clean which is really cool no one wants a pooh head no and actually I really like this it's just on a little track that's going to slide around kind of giving you the benefit of like like this doesn't actually become a fully wet bathroom although this is technically a wet bathroom pretty much you get almost everything in here wet the thing I'm really seeing that I really don't like or understand is this this still like I don't know I I mean I guess it's a simple fix you just glue another mirror over it and call it a day yeah but like I just I really can't figure this one out tell you guys what um you get one poopy point if you guys can tell me what this is in the comments below but anyway let's move on to the rest perfect again this is like the only space where I actually feel like I'm on a boat and you just have to go through it briefly you know I'm really okay with that cuz once you get to your bedroom you've got so much space in there I mean look at this thing like look at how much extra Headroom that I have in here this is just wonderful really really is so all right we're going to take a look now at the starboard side of the boat we're John going to show us that side and it sounds like you've got a little bit of a mess you take us to the mess I want I want to see something wrong with this boat so this this is uh my garage oh uh this oh wow Factory built with all these shelves in there this was never a bedroom although it does have the same fiberglass insert that they would have done for a bedroom yeah so all this is the same as the four cabin but on the on the older Selena 3 cabin boats which is the this is first year here for it this if you bought a three cabin you got this shelving system this is so nice so you could actually do work back here look at all the storage and not only that not only storage like you're not even trying to fill up this thing no now is a part of that because of weight in balancing the boat is that like a big factor for you don't you don't want too much weight especially in the boughs and I have too much weight in here because you can see I have all the stuff oh my gosh look at how well organized that is now it is thank you Tina okay and that was my question is like but who do this so so I get the sense that you're you're mechanically organized and all that but you're not this level no no okay but it is nice because I can tell Tina hey I need this tool and she can come down here and she can find it because it's that is nice you don't have to climb up out of the engine room all the way that is such a pain I got to tell you guys you're working on something one person jobs really are tough just another person even if they don't know what they're doing maybe it's even just the motivational Factor but that helps out a ton here's the thing you need to have on your boat and everybody should have I've got a small Vice oh yes mounted on a piece of starboard yep so you can take it outside and you can just like put your knee on that starboard and you can do anything you want on the vice he he is 100% correct on this as much as I want to be like we don't all have Catra in space no he's right like a vice is would be so helpful for just holding things you could Dremel them and like reshape them absolutely amazing required but anyway so this is the this is the man cave mess it's not battle and what's behind this thing that's the B Locker same on the other side the other they're they're both pretty full but uh in the bow Locker on this side oh I've got a set of saw horses for there wait a minute this could be a bedroom it could yeah this this is the uh the Mother-in-law Suite yeah I've got all the you know boxes of filters for the water maker I've got my you have sawes stop back I've got saw hor he has saw horses and this is not a cluttered boat like I've seen saw horses on boats that were cluttered but that is incredible yeah had the buck ahead vacuum I love that I've got one of those vacuum for the yard it's awesome that is incredible we just have stuff and that would be your your your way to get in and out as well if you did decide to make it into a mother-in-law sweets correct um and actually it wouldn't surprise me at all if this was a charter boat they might even have uh the crew if you had a an option and you actually when you buy the when you buy the option for the crew quarters up there they put another one of these Port lights just forward to that bulkhead as well one of these little ones oh really oh I didn't even see that oh okay so so that way you can actually have some air flow in in more than a few directions that's awesome all right let's take a look even further back Tina you definitely have the most functioning OCD I've ever seen in my life functioning it just makes me happy oh my gosh ridiculous do I go through I'm going to go through this way I'm I'm going to I'm just going to I'm going to track straight for the bed look at this look at this now we're in the back this is so much space and we we're going to get to this this thing is just a whole bag of questions in it of itself but it is this is so cool this is so much space you really have like all the privacy and everything that you could want got a nice little desk here this is so good just to be able to do some computer work or anything and you know what is also really important I will say is you could easily be down here if you just want a little bit of space to yourself because I don't care who you're with and how great they are eventually you just need a little bit of U time and there is space for U time in here let me tell you oh nice we've got good mirrors oh that's right you also have air conditioning into here the DC air conditioner super cool minimal draw operate minimal draw operates off the battery with no inverter no generator oh that is so cool and we've got quite a few hatches as well for air flow as well as just to get some sunlight in here MH again we've got these big Windows this is really very similar to the other one I mean it's just this one would be longer but it feels wider no it does wait it is wider yeah there's nothing to hit your head on back here might be slightly wider just because that's um that's that u-shaped seat that's behind the helm on the other side we've got the the table and that's why the difference so this really is like the best cabin in every way not only that because you're further back you're going to experience less movement I mean I have no idea that I'm on a boat right now I have it for quite a while other than the fact that out of every corner of my eye I can see these windows and look at that view that is so nice this is also really cool too I mean I respect that they keep it so clean but if you got some books and stuff perfect little space for it my wife is very much anti clutter yes so my my room up front drives your nuts that thing is so well organized but hey I mean if they keep the place this clean you know like you got to do what you got to do but man that is so cool out of curiosity what's the story behind so that so and who sleeps with this by the way who who cuddles this at just goes over here um that is the drown that is the guest book for our wedding no way yeah that is so cool so when we were we got married just a few months before we took off and we the rule at the at the wedding was absolutely no gifts if you bring a gift you're getting sent home yeah oh on I'm gonna I'm going to take a guess at why that is because people would have given them gifts there's no place for on the boat correct yeah I mean it's a boat you don't have room for all that crap and and who wants well they do but you know but not with the level of declutter this no that is super cool I got to say that was our guest book that is super cool and I absolutely respect it it's very hard to shop for people that live well minimally you know in any way and believe it or not I mean even if you're on a Catan you still technically do I mean what's here is probably what maybe a tenth of what many people have in their house when you think about furniture and tables and clothing and tools everything else maybe a tenth um IID ask who is who's which side is there I'm me that's me there no is there a re Rhyme or Reason to it uh it's where where slept at the at the house I mean it's just and and it just stuck through yeah okay I was just curious I thought it was kind of a funny thing very cool and of course the bed super comfortable this is this is an Amazon mattress yeah and a and a electric carving knife like a turkey carving knife oh no way the correct shape you got the shape perfectly too yeah so nice job yeah this is a this is an Amazon memory foone mattress I'm just blown away by this place especially this right here like to have just a nice big desk this right here really would get me because I would I would put like a full-on office chair here back support and everything so I could edit every video and never be straining would be a wonderful thing lo oh and that's right one last the head in here is slightly bigger it is and again slightly very slightly less um kind of uh wet showering where you actually have a door that comes over that's really cool I really like that that's cool and then it just locks back into place with this right here so it doesn't fly around it's going to go down there to a sump pump and that will pump it up and out correct very very cool now how often do you guys shower versus jump off the boat and shower off the back there no we haven't used the shower in quite some time awesome I love hearing that I don't I don't ever use my shower either and it's so cool when we have guests on the boat yeah then then we'll use this one oh really because they don't want to see us naked on the back of the boat no you know what's interesting too like hearing that is there still so many similarities in our lifestyle because of that I'm on a relatively small monoh hole you know very budget boat and this is certainly the dream boat for anyone but there's so many similarities in just our lifestyle so it's really cool it really you can be out here on anything so for sure the sink here is a little bit small a little bit useless but you know what you could wash this place easily enough once you you know get done but hey sounds like they're figuring out other ways where do you shave then if you don't shave right right here back deck back same as me awesome well hey thank you guys so much let's uh go up top and ask you guys a few questions about the boat so it's really cool getting to check out this whole boat now we want to ask the owners Tina and John what they think about their boat what they would do differently where they're going to go all those fun questions let's dive on in all right guys thank you so much for letting me see this boat and I want to ask you a few questions like what's your one favorite thing about this boat if you had to pick the design the the layout really the layout really yeah really really love the how how comfortable it is at anchor because where you spend most of your time yeah it's so comfortable the layout is is really it's hard to be it is awesome what would you say is your one least favorite thing about this boat and you can say this one each we can get two answers out of this so for me um this was an early Selena it's early it's an early production boat uh so it's only Hall 16 and they had some trouble with quality control at the factory and some some structural problems that I've spent a lot of time fixing that's right you were telling me Tina what about you what would you say is your one it doesn't have to be major because that is pretty major forer to be structural but yeah so minus the structural cuz I think that would be my number one but I was really a baker and on land and now like not being able to really bake with that oven and then just even just the heat right cuz it's not like doing buttercream cakes on so much hotter yeah now there would be the possibility maybe John an investment of your your future happiness to put in an electric oven in there we have looked at that a lot we've discussed it for sure and uh so yeah we were looking at a like a convection microwave to go in there but it's really been hard to find something that fits that hole oh yeah so that's the that's the problem is we would have to really redesign that whole cabinet yeah I'm I'm not sure it's worth it at this point and I really don't need to be making a bunch of cakes and brownies and all that because we just eat it so it's a good point you guys are very healthy as it is and it's like kind of some of that too real fat in a hurry on cream cakes yeah real quick I know you've done a lot to this boat but what are some of the most memorable upgrades that you've made to this boat most memorable changes so some of the one of the best changes we did of course was is that solar system because it gives us so much freedom to to run whatever we want without thinking about it I mean this boat makes I mean automatically every day at the end of the day it makes hot water so we don't even take cold showers oh really yeah automatic amazing really yeah that's so cool what would you say you guys both miss most from your land life most is the people and the friends and the relationships for sure um our dog had to go she didn't she didn't do well on the boat we tried her out um so she ended up going to live with my daughter on her Farm which is she's really alive yeah she didn't go live on the farm she's actually living on my daughter's farm with her cows and the four grand kids four grand kids and all that stuff so she's having a great time I think that's actually really good you guys did that I've heard of other people that kept their dogs on the boat and they give them Prozac or something to keep them sailing and yeah at what point are you doing the dog a favor does the dog really love you or you know yeah it's at that point it's it's not for the dog it's for us yeah and I feel like we did we did right by her yeah absolutely so you guys have been sailing for four years now almost Yeah March will be four years and you guys started in Maryland went all the way down to Florida during Co that's interesting for all of us that were on boats for Co you guys then went went through the Bahamas then a straight shot to Panama pretty unique route you guys explored a lot of these little Islands throughout Panama bise Honduras Mexico then you guys came up again through the Bahamas for a better wind angle down the whole Eastern Caribbean to Trinidad slowly back up all the way to Antigua then back down again and now back up from Grenada to here where we all are out of all of that what was the most memorable for you guys what did you like the most Bahamas you can't you can't beat the Bahamas no why did I leave but it but it's like it's like we were saying it's like it's like your first love right you go from the from the states where you you know Florida's nice but it's not the Exumas yeah right so the Exumas are so hard to beat and it's like it's your first season cruising and you go out there true Freedom it's true blue fish the lobster it's really during Co still and there were no boats out there that is cool so it's just like us and these little islands and a couple of Buddy boats that we just really connected with and it was just such a special season and I think it was you know part of it it was the first season yeah but it was just so special I think sing brings us together so close anyway but then if you add on top of that a little like Global disaster yes right and then you're but you're in Paradise it really brings you together and probably brings just the fun out even more that's super cool great it was great we really enjoyed it scene see so how did you guys actually get started into ceiling cuz you started much earlier you found some gas boats you didn't like cuz they were too quick too noisy you found a diesel boat that you didn't want either because it was 300 miles tank or 300 mile range for 400 gallon tank right and then you you bought a Hobie Cat a 16ft Hobie Cat and you didn't know anything about it you didn't know anyone who sailed how did you sail that first how did that work so I would get it set up on the this little Lake that was near my house and uh I would just uh trim the sails in and see if I could make it go and and a hobie's not a great boat to learn how to sail on oh they're complicated yeah well and they're hard to attack they tend to lose their they're very quick to accelerate but also very quick to decelerate yeah and so when I I couldn't get it to Tech so I would sail it to the other side of the lake and it would bump into the side of the lake and I would get off the boat in the water turn the boat by hand and jump back on before it sailed away that is what a legend what an absolute Legend and that only lasted for maybe maybe three or four weeks before I figured out how to backwind the jib and all that stuff and make it come around the corner but yeah that was uh and do you still have that catam ran or that it uh it was actually a bad hul the the Halls were bad on it I didn't understand that going in and hobiecat actually they they only warranty about 20 tacks when you run into things and after that you know they're no longer covered but but it but it it pitch I pitch pulled it which is normally not a big deal yeah but because the Halls were bad it just folded one of them backwards that boat was done but but you still need to keep sailing so you end up upgrading to like a boat you could bring the family on a 27 foot boat right you go to a yacht club which I always recommend to people yach Club what yach club was that give him a shout out the paach club right here yeah club in Kansas in Kansas it's on a for of engineer Lake okay yeah a reservoir technically well but it got you sailing and you met other people and you learned there and then you were hungry for a little bit more and you took took your next steps going to Florida start chartering boats out of Florida so catamarans right so that starts happening and then you really decide like okay it'll be cheaper to get my own boat and so the dream formulates this dream that you're now living formulates what's that 203 years ago more than 20 25 maybe so 25 years ago okay so pause that but at some point I think we just say about 8 years ago you're doing CrossFit and you meet this very attractive motivated you know financially successful woman you know equally you know you own your own business you have a 20 Bay garage and then you're working at inventory with 1,200 other people Logistics Logistics and you guys meet in CrossFit you go sailing with them once then you go on a charter catamaran with them and how was that first trip when your first tasted it was amazing it really was just absolutely amazing and then he says you know hey I want to do this forever and I thought he was crazy and then fast forward we do a trip to France for two weeks and not just not just to France but you guys were at this point watching La vagabon hands down the most famous saling YouTuber out there and they've done a great job of inspiring many people yes this is so cool so so you go to France to their Splash party right and what happens there you're with people that like-minded people and seeing the dream and how do it come alive for you just really that I mean talking to all of these people right that have the same dream John has in the same room so you're hearing all of these people with the same dream and that get you pretty amped up about it but even just the French people like and you hear like oh you know they're so rude and all of that and we did not have any of that we had so you guys loved your time we did we had so many great experiences so dressed well that's by the way I've talked to them about this if you go to France dress like the French do they dress well that is the trick that is the trick do not tore the Lou with sweatpants and say juicy on the back do not you will not get a good croissant I'll just say that no no but so yeah so then you decide okay this is it and you start what I love to call the grind you say five years we're doing it yeah and what happened to that 5ye goal so it disintegrated so in a good way in a very good way so it was three years later we're on board living the dream you guys take off and now now we're here with all of this so now the next question is what's the next dream for you guys what's the next goal how much longer do you guys want to sail where do you want to sale to just give me a quick idea yeah so we really want to circumnavigate and our original plan so it was like okay we're going to do this for two years even if we're not loving it we're going to do it for two years I love that like they dedicated because they know it can be bad to start so they kept going through it and but yeah ended up loving it yeah it wasn't long and I mean even despite a lot of upgrades I do want to commend the both of them like this boat is just Immaculate and you get on board you just assume it was always immaculate it might have looked nice but it had as as John was saying structural faults to it and repairing those must have zero cruising gear cuz the original owner was not a sailor I forgot to mention that this boat was um they're the second you guys are the second owners but the first ones to actually really sail it the first owner didn't know how to use it at all God bless his heart you know kind of a thing so they actually got to use it that was really cool yeah so we really want to do a circum nav um and we always said like oh 10 years but then now we've been in the Caribbean I think we're going to be close to 5 years in the Caribbean before we ever even go so we're realizing at the pace we want to go 10 years isn't going to be yeah enough enough so at this point as long as it's fun I love that and honestly like without talking about it that's exactly where my goals have ended up as well I want to sale around the world and then I realized take your time do it while it's fun and that's my plan with everything is like if the country is not fun next country right you know but if you're really enjoying it stay right and and there's no hurry there is no hurry so just just uh Move It Whatever pace is because we don't really want to feel like we want to backtrack a lot yeah but so we'll want to if we like a place we want to see all of it yeah and so there's no reason to blast on through just for the sake of going yeah and and we would love to say like oh we've circumnavigated but I would rather say I enjoyed and I really took my time and I really had all of these great experiences okay we didn't get a circumnavigate whether we just get tired of it or yeah it's about the journey not the destination yeah cuz to put that pin on but to have to you know sail through rough Seas for no reason damage the boat and stress stress more than anything is just not worth it yeah right well thank you guys so much you guys have shared your home your lifestyle and everything with us and before we go I just want to ask you guys what advice do you have for others that want to follow and do what you guys are doing get as much sailing in as you can yes uh by get into a a yacht club a local Yacht Club getting their racing program you you will you'll be shocked how quickly you'll learn to sail when you're racing um and then uh Charter some boats get out there uh as many times as you can and on as many different boats as you can I think that that's because there are some advantages of monoh holes versus catamarans and all of us kind of have our sweet spot and there's no right boat for everybody right all of us if there was we'd see it out here is every boat exactly so I think that that's the biggest thing is just to get as much exposure to different kinds of sailing to different kinds of boats um the YouTubers are great I mean I think that it really makes the dream come alive for people yeah um what five sailing YouTube channels would you guys most recommend for people to watch to get information and get a good idea of what this is like we really like uh the winds uh Gone with the winds we really like I like NOA NOA is a great channel uh that really does show a lot of realism uh I really like sailing uma yeah I think they do they do a great job really great job and then if you like cuz I think just boat jobs so you've got s life with M oh yeah you gotta watch you gotta watch s life yeah hi guys hi guys oh my gosh we love him but yeah and and he's married now but yeah so um and last one who would you recommend so Adventure Man Dan I I wasn't teeing you guys up for that I swear I wasn't teeing them up for that but I'll take it I'll take it oh I'll add in my two cents that that honestly what they said is exactly exactly what I would tell other people to do as well I loved as well the Vagabond I really do like um I think they do a fantastic job I would say uh delos for me was the one that really like we watched we watched all of delos beginning to end yeah great job great job for sure but anyway if you guys have any questions throw them in the comments I hope you guys enjoyed this not only tour of the boat but tour of the lifestyle and thank you so much again John and Tina you guys are wonderful yeah thank you thank you it was a good time yeah it's good fun wow I can't believe you've made it all the way to the end I think this is my longest video ever but there was so much to talk about so much to share really happy you guys made it here we talk about my quick scor review which I break down into five different categories we have salability comfortability durability usability and price that's the interesting one but let's go through them real quick first saleability all these are going to be scored out of 10 so 10 being the most sailable boat it can sail in any condition and all that stuff I talked about it with them so it's sort of a group scoring and we all agreed that their boat is about a 7.5 out of 10 it looks like it sells pretty good you know it can only go so far to wind and a big part that I want to tell you guys is they did a lot of work something we forgot about to say in the Q&A was John and Tina did work to the Keel they extended both their Kels to make them longer so they had less slide they made their ruers sub like 30% bigger so that made a huge difference to it um they did have to raise their boom slightly to accommodate for the pit cover that they've got there when you're at the helm but besides that I think 7 and 1 half out of 10 is a good score both that SI is going to sail fairly well and fairly quick have a decent upwind Advantage uh so I think 7 and a half pretty good for that next category is comfortability it's a 10 there's no doubt it's a 10 on that boat you're going to be as comfortable as possible I don't know if the video can show but we're rocking and rolling right now just at anchor because there's some little waves on that boat you don't feel a thing you don't even know that you're on the ocean it's huge it's massive the bed everything comfortability is a 10 it's not really open for discussion I don't care if you think different it's a 10 next up we have uh durability I originally was going to give durability on their boat uh like a s out of 10 it was really great though they were really honest with me and they told me that their boat really is not that durable I feel like a lot of Boat Owners can be very biased in categories like this people on older monoh holes myself included often like to kind of brag like well they don't make boats like this anymore they're super tough blah blah blah and I always kind of Wonder like is that really true or are they just trying to pick a category that their boat is good in but they were very honest about this they said that no this newer boat and the year that it was made the quality of production was not not that great um and that they've had to do some major structural upgrades to the boat they said now that it's done the boat's good to go but they had to do a lot of work to it so for that reason we gave durability for them a five out of 10 uh next category up being usability how usable is the boat does it take a ton of people to get it going do you need you know a lot of skill and knowledge to operate the rigging and everything or to operate the motors you know how often you have to do repairs on it all that sort of stuff we came up with 8 out of 10 which I think is fair because you can still solo sa the boat John has uh many times before I would say it's tough to bring it to a dock because of its size but being a catamaran and having the the two Motors to be able to move it around makes it really really usable I would say8 out of 10 I think is a a fair score for it and the last one where there was was some disagreement on is the price point $500,000 half a million dollar I immediately gave it a one and John immediately gave it a four but as we got to talk about it we we narrowed the category down and we said okay well what is price point is it can anyone afford this boat no cuz that's not really realistic and I narrowed the category down to price point means out of 10 people that are going to buy a sailboat to go sailing and cruising in a substantial capacity not around the world but in a decent capacity how many out of 10 can afford this boat and I was like you know maybe 1.5 you know so on John made a really good point he said look at the Anchorage outside that has active Cruisers in it and how many of them are catamarans it's a lot of boats and it's worth noting that you can go sailing like me on a budget boat $23,000 get up go you can go way cheaper than that but you have to accept a much lower stand of living than you would have on land and the truth is for all the people that complain about wanting to do this lifestyle most of them are not willing and not ready to sacrifice all those Comforts however if you look at catamarans you don't suffer any of those losses hardly I mean it's still a boat but not really so I think that there is a disproportionate amount of people with money that will be getting into sailing because they can get a catamaran and they can not sacrifice so much of their lifestyle versus I think there's a lot of people that do want to go sailing but they're not willing to sacrifice it even though they could go and do it so I see John's point I cannot in good conscience give his boat a four out of 10 for Price Point half a million dollars that's just ridiculous we sort of all had our own score about it I will say with a category of out of 10 people buying a sailboat right now that will go sailing and cruising I would say two out of 10 um are probably going to be at that boat's level or close to it maybe 1.5 I see though why John want to initi give it a four I think he came down to a three on it and Tina was kind of somewhere in the middle on the whole thing so it was pretty interesting so to wrap up their whole boat in a nutshell from the five categories we had sailability at 7.5 we had comfortability at an easy 10 we had durability at a 5 out of 10 we had usability of an 8 out of 10 and then we had a price point I'm going to give it a 2 out of 10 bringing its total score to a 6.5 out of 10 which is surprisingly low but that price point is really what it comes down to I love my sailboat because it's so affordable I think dollar per dollar I've done better really than almost anyone else in what I get as usability on my boat and how far I'm able to go and it still looks decent and it still can do all this stuff but let's be honest you guys if I had a half million dollars I would want their boat in a heartbeat I mean it was so nice again right now we're just rocking and rolling at anchor you would never know that there there's multiple places where you're fully protected inside you can stand up out put your arms out and make a big circle you cannot do that inside my boat which would be great I mean right now we are moving and grooving look at look at my gimb stove over there we're we're going here so this is the downside of a monoh ho there's a lot of downsides to the catamaran as well overall I hope you guys enjoyed this full full in-depth tour of their sailboat if you have any questions throw them into the comments below I'd love to hear from you guys other than that hope to see see you out on the oceans cheers thanks for joining me on this adventure I hope you feel inspired to begin Adventures of your own don't forget to like comment and subscribe for an exclusive in-depth look at this adventure lifestyle and to further support my channel become a member of my patreon crew Link in the description I'll see you on the next adventure [Music]
Channel: Adventureman Dan
Views: 67,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sailboat tour, sailing, boat tour, sailboat, sailing around the world, sailing la vagabonde, sailboat tour inside, living on a sailboat, boat, blue water cruising, living on a boat, sailing vlog, tiny home, cruising, sailboat for sale, liveaboard, sailboat life, live aboard sailboat tour, bluewater sailboat tour, sailboat tour 2023, catamaran tour, catamaran sailboat, sailing catamaran, catamaran boat tour, luxury boat tour, la vagabond, catamaran, fountaine pajot, lagoon, Leopard
Id: 5QwDFMN0u1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 32sec (4532 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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