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whoa have you looked in the mirror lately Lana looks like someone's Fallen victim to a seriously bad hair day but don't worry this smart girl has an even smarter solution did you know if you put hairspray on a toothbrush you can brush back pesky Strays yep a couple small strokes and your hair can turn from bad to Fab in seconds [Music] quick let's take a selfie before class starts um Lana what the heck is wrong with your eye what much like that [Music] rubbing it in just made it 10 times worse I don't even think I brought any spare makeup with me but maybe this highlighter can help Okay why didn't I think of this before if you're having a smudge catastrophe a little highlighter can save the day in just a couple Swift moves those unsightly marks will disappear aren't highlighters supposed to draw color well funny you should ask that I actually tweaked this highlighter a bit to fit my needs first start with a bowl of warm water then grab a highlighter and take off its end before taking off the cap and removing the tip drop it in the water before taking out the ink inside the marker and doing the same thing then you just sit around and wait for all the color to extract next take the color free ink holder and tip and soak it in eye makeup remover like this one there you go once they've soaked in the remover put the pieces back inside the highlighter don't forget the cap and basically that's how it's done wanna give it a try oh Don't Mind If I Do Well we'd better get to work class just started [Music] ever get lost in a good conversation Eva wait oops don't tell me yep just sat in wet paint maybe it's dry now that would be a big fat no oh hi Kevin I'm just gonna go over here [Music] Sophia help me Eva come on hey I have a brilliant idea thank you take this oh now we're talking wrap the pashmita around your legs twist the hanging fabric a couple times then bring it around your back now it's a cute skirt pretty creative huh whoa that's adorable [Music] way to go girl did I just [Music] looks like I made it to class early that gives me time to get all my things in order whoa what's that blinking light huh who knows oh my God a monster a ghost and it's coming for me oh wow what the heck Madison it's just me you didn't have to hit my head oh thank goodness but I'm sorry I hit you but I mean you're looking pretty rough today I slept terribly stayed up too late watching scary movies yeah I guess that will do it my hair is driving me bonkers though why won't it just stay out of my face okay I think I've got it under control or not shoot I guess I just have to spend the day like this [Music] wow her hair looks really troll wait I bet there's something I can do to help hey I have an idea for fixing your hair and all we'll need to use is this pencil to keep it out of your face step one take the pencil and slide it under a section of hair then you're going to start twisting it over and under make sure you grab more hair each time you twist once you get behind the ear hold it in place remove the pencil and use a pin then let's repeat it on the other side over and under just like on the other side then bobby pin it or clip it into place and now your hair is pulled away from your face it looks pretty too with all the twisting wow my hair is pulled back and it looks so nice thanks Madison you're welcome but you're gonna need some help with those dark circles under your eyes okay I think this is the next shade I need to use almost there but it needs something else hmm what color should I choose blue it's definitely a blue day Yep this will definitely make my look pop just a little bit though not too much oh no I got it all over my hair oh what a dumb mistake I've just ruined my entire look wait a second I think I'm getting an idea this could totally work okay I'll need a cup or bowl and then I'll need some styling gel I'll just put a bunch of the gel in the bowl that should be a good amount now it's time for the next step the glitter I'll just dump all this glitter into the bowl with the gel it's so pretty I love it and now I'm gonna use this stick to mix the glitter and the gel ooh it's so sparkly and jelly pink orange and blue they look great I'll start with the orange I'll need a paintbrush now I'll just paint it on my hair like this it's so sparkly this is turning out great now it's time for some blue look how pretty it is I'll just make colored Stripes all on the side of my hair done this looks amazing look at how it Glitters and shines [Music] yes this is my best idea ever [Music] I can't get over how gorgeous this is I definitely need to Instagram this look [Music] Amy no my makeup bag will definitely fit in here um isn't this thing supposed to have a bottom guess this backpack is out of the running but I really need my hands free today [Music] okay I have the best idea ever turn your favorite purses into backpacks simply put the strap over your neck pull your arms through and toss it back so cute [Music] I kind of like this color better anyway almost forgot the most important thing oops am I in a more green or pink place today definitely pink if you need me I'll be blow drying my hair Sophia I better hurry better smoothies wrinkles out really quick I don't want to get to class looking like a slob personal to steam I plugged it in it's not hot at all [Music] Sophia we have to leave in five minutes this stupid iron is broken let's just use heat from somewhere else if you find yourself about an iron simply blow dry your slightly damp clothing [Music] yeah yep that works there we go this thing will be wrinkle free in a matter of minutes see there they go the more damp your fabric the longer it'll take to dry all done thanks for the brilliant idea Amy and just like that these girls are ready to go [Music] oh why is that dog wearing a dress whoa that's not a dog [Music] look at this Bella so I think I need a big change and I want to cut my hair whoa you want to do it for me I guess you can do it I didn't know you knew how to cut hair you know what you're doing right definitely those are some awfully big scissors maybe I didn't think this through oh God should I be doing this Mickey no don't do it my hair's too beautiful I can't ah I guess we'll never know it's too bad you look cute with short hair let me give you a little preview [Music] take this bottom layer and braid it keep going all the way down then tie it with a small rubber band take the section you put aside and tie it Loosely with an elastic about halfway down the hair is good take the braid and wrap it around the elastic [Music] use a bobby pin to keep it in place okay maybe two for this thick hair tuck it underneath like this and just like that you have a cute Bob I'll take a pic for you so you can see you're gonna die when you see it look whoa I can't believe you didn't even cut it it's so pretty pretty good with this dude [Music] I'm gonna go take this hair for a test drive [Music] or at least have a good selfie session I've got a lot to do see ya bye Bella getting ready for the day I see it feels like a sauna in here some fresh air should help yeah what's with this crazy wind God I almost got swept right out the window you don't say why are you looking at me like that rude whoa why didn't you tell you to Bella can I just finish doing my hair wind [Music] I wonder if this could help look at all those little bristles first spray the brush with Hairspray then brush back those pesky flyaways the spray residue should keep them in place you feel like a new woman you're here so fast the new mascara brushes were so versatile yeah that does make a lot of sense oh wow I must be kind of tired wait what is this no finale not missing this party but I can't go out in this [Music] okay just calm down and think for a second I can do my makeup with both my hands at the same time this is definitely saving me some time ow these earrings are always such a pain to get in I broke the brush now for these killer red heels yep definitely the right choice but what am I gonna do about wardrobe too fancy too casual oh hey I think this is just right Yep this is the outfit of choice for sure [Music] hey are you ready to go Oh no you're wearing the same dress as me shoot now what are we gonna do we definitely can't go out like this [Music] oh stop right there I just got a great idea I know how I can make my dress look different I'll just crisscross the straps like this foreign and now I'll need to use my trusty scissors I cut slits into each side perfect wow it's almost completely different you're definitely looking amazing tonight oh I love this so much I wish I could just live off of chocolate oh and ice cream of course wow that is a lot of junk food for one person you doing this is all like pure sugar if you keep eating like this you won't look like that for much longer I guess you're right but would it be so bad yes I finally got all the chocolate I want oh I don't want that for me no I've gotta start exercising too no more sweatpants for me there's got to be workout clothes in here somewhere shoot this is the only pair I can find well what's wrong with them I mean just look at them they don't work look I'm sure you could do something to make them like mine that's a really good idea [Music] I'll lay them down nice and flat and then I'll need some scissors time to cut them so they're shorter I'll go nice and slow I want to make sure the cut is straight just like that all the way across both legs perfect they're ready for me to try on wow they fit really well and they're cute good job those are great thanks let's go jogging all of today's lessons will be on the quiz anyone want to take a stab at the first equation let's see here huh is that what I think it is [Music] say something anything never mind I don't know the answer how am I gonna fix this [Music] take the detachable bra strap and hook it onto the back of the bra Now hook the other end onto the other side position the strap to hold the bra in place see that thing's not going anywhere [Music] were we everything these days oh Lana go ahead don't mind if I do chalk me teach [Music] turns out Lana has answers to chemistry problems and fashion problems [Music] two more minutes and we'll start class [Music] morning hold it right there is that skirt in line with the dress code let's see here not even close I must have been standing funny better luck next time young lady why hello there Miss Appleby no ruler needed here I'm so pleased thanks teacher I just got it this weekend oh no [Music] that deep V has you in deep trouble young lady man I is so close why is she always so strict I didn't even bring a jacket with me oh this underwear could work as long as it doesn't look like underwear tuck it into your v-neck to cover your skin a light Stitch will keep it from slipping down use this pattern all the way up the V once you're done disconnect the stitches [Music] then pull it taut hey that's pretty cute [Music] I'm ready to learn Miss Appleby see no skin here way to go Vicky oh boy today's Lana's big presentation another day another biology report retirement couldn't come sooner whoa [Music] what on Earth was oops sorry about that hey this earring's about the same size and it makes for a beautiful button if you hold the post in the front of the hole you can close it from behind like this a bit sparkly but it'll do that was close I'm definitely feeling this song yep it's official this is my new jam wow this party turned out better than I expected oh punch that looks good oh my God Jennifer we're wearing the same outfit Oh no you're totally right we're dressed the same this is why I wanted to plan our outfits [Music] I didn't mean to do that so sorry are you kidding me now I'm soaked so sorry totally not sorry later alligator I can't believe this is happening to me I don't even know what to do about this wait I think I just came up with a solution first I'll need to take off my shirt and put it on a flat surface now the scary part time to start cutting with some scissors I'll just cut off the collar and the sleeves entirely actually what I really need is the image on the front of the shirt everything else can go over here for now time for more cutting just a little fold and a little snip I'll do that on both sides top to bottom now I'll slide this over and open it up for the next step the inside top corners need to be folded down time to bring back the strips we cut earlier I'll just give them a little stretch and lay them in between the two shirt pieces now it's time to start weaving I'll just go back and forth like lacing a shoe I want it tight but not too tight I'll start at the top and go all the way to the bottom and when I get to the end I'll tie the strips together okay flip it over and straighten it out and just like that I made a new shirt just tighten each side so it's a perfect fit super cute now I'm ready for the party whoa look at Jennifer that's right I'm back everyone out of our way Ava hey Jennifer you look great what just happened I'm standing right here you made that shirt yourself no way oh Jennifer and her dumb cute shirt [Applause] one oh I'm so hot I hate sit-ups me too but we have to do them oh Jennifer look someone else who's hot oh wow definitely hot where is he going I need to see him oh he's lifting weights right next to us it's like my birthday and Christmas at the same time I think you need to make a move look at his muscles gotta make sure I'm looking my best all right ready to move in Jennifer Waits look how sweaty you are oh you're right what am I gonna do yeah it's not one of your better outfits oh I wish my workout clothes were cuter Jennifer I've got a genius idea what if we you're right this is a genius idea let's do it time to take off my shorts done now for the next step one arm in the leg hole and now for my head [Music] is in so now for the second arm and done phew now I look cute instead of sweaty and gross you do go get him girl you're a goddess he'll see only your Radiance okay here I go wish me luck watch just kidding I can totally watch it's like love at first weight lift it's Mike he wants to meet me after class I better touch up my makeup perfect maybe he'll ask me out [Music] here's now what do I do I knew I should have brought an extra pair wait a minute clear nail polish can fix this painted right onto the run so that it won't tear any further that sure was a close call don't worry Mike I'm coming for you [Music] whoa something feels weird did this bra shrink or something [Music] that something's digging into me that's it I can't seem to get comfortable you're the culprit those wires really hurt do I have anything that could help a Band-Aid Maybe let's see first I've gotta take this sucker off there if your bra has an exposed wire you don't have to buy a whole new bra simply cut a Band-Aid into a rectangle shape and peel off its back stick it right onto the hole covering the wire now it won't poke you anymore try this again shall we ah sweet relief oh no is he behind the door oh thank goodness this movie's nuts definitely forgot about the meeting I gotta get ready [Music] why am I still holding these my hair is now my top priority well this won't die I'll just dry it while I text her back I gotta have fresh breath uh hello how much hair think I can use this Pringles can [Music] instead of throwing one of these away turn it into something new but you'll have to cut it in half first wrap it in colorful paper we chose orange now glue two suction cups to it hot glue works best and once it's dry you're done you're about to be a lifesaver Mr can get ready for some hands-free styling people [Music] too bad I didn't think of this earlier ah no hair in my mouth I kind of look like a model this way does my hair look fabulous or what [Music] oh I better get a move on it [Music] I better change out my books [Music] what's up my brows are misbehaving again come on guys time for a quick pluck [Music] and tweezers in here somewhere don't I don't tell me I left them at home ah of course I did wait I have spare change in here [Music] I'll just make my own pair of tweezers [Music] foreign it's actually working the hair is coming right out it may not be ideal but it sure is Handy see you later bushy brows it's looking better already [Music] these things really save the day I better head to class [Music] yeah did that thing grow overnight breathing we're getting rid of this once and for all I know just the man for the job nope cover up to the rescue I'll blend this sucker right out of the picture [Music] oh you'll need some more of that girl [Music] one more layer ought to do it is it budging that's it your days are numbered pimple yeah oh that's not very subtle is it I wonder if this [Music] gets worth a try [Music] if you have leftover blue or green eyeshadow mix your concealer with it use a brush to really blend them together then Pat it onto the blemish with a brush it may take a couple of layers but keep blending oh my gosh take that ugly pimple oh the magic of color correcting [Music] meow I look fierce whoa Foundation overload it's because these bristles are so stiff my new cookie recipe smells like a win [Music] fella don't worry I'm coming Bella what happened makeup mishap got you all frazzled huh [Music] I think I may know how to fix your problem damp a rubber glove along with some soap then rub the dirty brush into it the friction pulls the makeup Gunk right out once the water runs clear you know you're done looking good huh no makeup residue here I can't believe how easy that was you're the best Vicky let's wash that face first see ya [Music]
Channel: 123 GO! GOLD
Views: 10,244,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fun, lifehacks, pranks, funny video, funny, funny prank, funny memes, funny challenge, DIY prank, how to have fun, comedy, comedy video, sketch, funny sketch, role play, funny role play, humor, humor video, comedy actor, memes, try not to laugh, fun video, bloopers, life hack, gold, 123 GO!, 123 GO! GOLD, 123, 123 go, 123go
Id: hGuxVhfPRnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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