Ultimate Astral Farming Guide | Deepwoken PVE

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astral is commonly agreed to be the best PVE enchant in the game because it provides a 20% damage to your m1's and as of a not so recent patch it finally bypasses the damage cap you're welcome by the way there is three total methods that I consider viable to actually get astral all enraging difficulties and time investment to actually get astral although even with these three methods don't expect astral to just show up in an hour Al FYI I am buying an astral event that isn't really far out in the void sea so if you get one let me know on Discord and also subscribe if you enjoy the video anyways let's start off with the universal strats that will help increase your astral farming rates first you want to try to hunt for it on a PVE build just because if the astrom meteor lands and you die that would be very unfortunate plus if it doesn't land really far out in the void sea you'll want to be able to kill it before anyone else can since you don't want to risk someone stealing the enchant Stone next you use a ring of curses this will just increase the frequency that events occur so basically you're going to get astral a lot faster wearing one and before you ask two ring of curses don't stack so you can't equip two to get way more events and you also want to farm in preferably low play count servers just because there's less people for events to actually spawn on you may not be able to farm in your specific region depending on how many people are in your servers thus why you should be using a PVE build to fight the Astron knite the first method is the easiest in terms of effort it's simply just afking until astral spawns on you the two best places to do this are summer Isle or a little corner of the St Maria where you're still in the wood sea there is a very small chance for Astro to spawn on you in either of these locations and because you're afking it requires basically no effort if you're at summer aisle you want to ideally get good rep with most of the factions in the game this is just so void Walkers can't Target you as easy don't expect this method to be super fast though compared to the others the main reason you should consider it is because it's incredibly easy you just want to have your game audio decently high so you can hear when the meteor lands and you'll be good however the next methods can get you astral a little faster but require way more effort now if you want to sail out into void sea with a boat this is the best method as if you get any boat such as a dinghy then press shift F3 and shift one until you see this little map of green squares you go straight out into the void SE in One Direction and every so often an event will be forced to spawn the types of things that can spawn our lion fish and the ice variant a brain sucker kaido and finally the resident Dorn man which will get you astral if you see a lot of squares light up at once you should immediately log or be ready to fight kaido also if you go too far away from the center of the map on a boat you will get teleported back and this will cause some damage to the boat so I recommend bringing a repair Hammer if you're going to do this method because once you do get teleported you want to turn around and head back in the opposite direction until you leave void SE then once you leave you turn around and go back and just repeat this cycle until you get astral if you have an animal King slot the monsters that spawn won't aggro this is very useful for this method and the next one but you know not everyone has an animal King so if you don't have it just avoid the kaidos you also want to make sure your game audio is too high and you're not moving too fast just so you can actually hear when the event spawns in since the audio Q doesn't happen immediately and the final method is very similar except instead of using a dinghy we are going to use ice skates to go out into the void Instead This is a useful method because you don't have to worry about repairing your boat since I've gone as far out as 70 or even 90k studs from the map Center although the ice from Ice Gates does seem to bug out after a while so if this happens you want to do the same thing that you did with the boat method turn around leave void SE and then go back you do need somewhat decent ether to get far enough out each time to spawn another monster 150 Oro seems to be fine although there is currently a bug in the game that can give you two times ice Gates duration you simply just have to lose the Maestro and get the disgraced floor as you can see from this clip The Ether from ice skates is draining way slower than normal but if you do want to do this you need to actually make sure that you can beat Mestre later on since you don't want to be stuck with reduced health and ether regen but if you do any of these methods you should hopefully get astral in a few days worth of work obviously it depends how much time you're putting in and how lucky you are now the Golem doesn't actually SP spawn until you get close so once the meteor lands you just walk up to it and it should spawn and start attacking you however there is occasional bugs that I have seen where the Golem doesn't actually spawn so you just want to try to look around for it in case some NPC or other player aggre it however keep in mind that you're going to have to compete with people if you're doing it in more public servers so if someone steals your astral well you're wiping them okay but whenever the Golem spawns you need to know how to properly fight it otherwise you're going to die and someone else may steal the astral enchant or you're going to be too far out to Journey back so to fight the Astron Knight you want to ideally use mantras since they seem to be incredibly resistant to most physical attacks stuff like tornado or cou drops from Iron sing tends to be able to posture break them pretty fast then you can get a lot of damage off something that you will want to note if you're using either of the Void SE methods is that most of it its animations are hidden so you've got to be very careful when fighting it as you can't really Parry or roll its attack super easily however on most decent PVE builds you can generally kill it in a few seconds worst case I'd say just put bloodless on your mantras before you start farming for it while it'll make the kill slower you're at least going to be regenerating since no one wants to lose an astral because they ran out of Health I've seen that happen to people on many occasions and of course once you actually kill them tonight there is a bell medal that you can redeem if you want although if you don't want it I'm sure some random power one freshy wouldn't mind getting Bell although there is actually another way to buy astral although it's less practical than the others and it's by trading for it you see whenever a residence Dawn event lands on someone they don't always need it so sometimes they'll often sell it to other people or you can put out a bounty like I've done to try to get AST generally the price of it varies and go for as L as one Storm's eye although some people will charge you an arm andal leg it just depends how lucky you get with somebody selling their own astral event so if you happen to have a lot of items spare and want an easy way to get astral that's one way to do it although the other three that I've said in this video will get you astral a lot more faster and consistently plus you don't need to rely on somebody charging you too much to get the event but with enough time and luck hopefully you two can obtain the best PVE enchant in the game it's super strong and most importantly it looks super drippy and if you need a PVE build to put the astral enchant Stone on make sure to check out my God slay V4 the best PVE build in the game anyways I hope you guys have enjoyed make sure to like And subscribe and check out some other PVE content and I'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Skipper Gripper
Views: 81,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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