Ultimate Adventure is just around the corner and this old jeep needs a ton of work!

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time to get this old Jeep Wrangler ready for the Ultimate Adventure [Music] [Music] [Music] if I'm gonna take this thing on Ultimate Adventure there's a bunch of requirements just to go on the trip plus a bunch of Maintenance that this thing needs let's get to the shop [Music] all right let's dig in on this YJ and get it ready for Ultimate Adventure I just finished this Jeep about four months ago actually Fred and I just finished this Jeep about four months ago on dirt every day and it's a really cool build it's got bigger axles than it had stock it's got a coil link front suspension it's got a really cool midnight Metal Works transfer case in it um so this thing is pretty dialed in but there's a bunch of stuff that I need to finish up on it and fix it needs a it needs a clutch right now it needs rear main seal right now it needs a timing chain Set uh there's a bunch of sort of Maintenance stuff that I gotta catch up on which we're going to dig into first and then once I get that done we can go back and we can work on things that are fun like a roll cage and new seats and stuff like that so follow along we're going to dig into this thing it's time to get it ready for the Ultimate Adventure camping Wheeling camping Wheeling road tripping doing all this fun stuff out of a Jeep and running some of the hardest trails that we can find [Music] foreign [Music] look at this totally caked in gear oil um I built this front axle and for some reason ever since I put it together it's just been puking gear oil left so that's also going to be a problem we got to sort out all right we're getting into it now I got the belly pan off of this it's got a Barnes high clearance flat belly deal it's actually like a two inch drop on it and that allowed me to have enough room under here so that the transmission mount can be separate from that this is like a pretty neat little trick that I did um built this when we had it in the shop under it every day but it didn't really make the cut so you can kind of see some of these things that we did how much work they are and get a little more in-depth view of it now this is a Barnes Universal transmission mount kit and then I also added made the center bracket for it so that I could reuse the stock the stock Jeep transmission mount so pretty slick little piece a lot of work went into that and this is the transfer case this is the midnight Metal Works D300 case kind of like the crown jewel of this Jeep so I'm going to pull that out pull the transmission out and we'll get in there and start doing the clutch all right I've got cross member out I've got Hydraulics off the clutch exhaust is out of the way starter is off shifters are off drive shafts are out we're kind of cruising and now it's time to undo the last of these bolts for the engine to transmission and the inspection cover and we should be pulling this thing out here in a second I decided to leave the transfer case on just because I don't think it really needs to come off for any reason I've got this transmission jack so we should be able to like pull this thing off without struggling too much so a few more bolts down due and then this thing is out of there all right I think I got all the bolts out time to Wrangle this thing out of here coming out of there there we go yay let's see what we're working with now you're drunk in my eye all right Transmissions out I still have all 10 of my fingers that's good um I had problems with the clutch slipping on this and now that I'm under here this thing looks like a brand new clutch and it's a Luke or a luck brand which is usually pretty good but I'm kind of committed now I'm going to go ahead and pull it off see what's going on with the clutch um probably pull the flywheel off because I'm actually going to be putting a center Force clutch in here and I've got a weighted flywheel um which kind of helps with rock crawling we'll get into that when I get the parts but I wanted to get all this off and see what's going on here this is all oily and it's usually because of the rear main seal on these things the four liter is notorious for a leaky rear main seal so I'm gonna pull this off that was coming off anyways I'm going to clean that to do the rear main seal I'll probably end up pulling the oil pan in the rear main cap so it's all coming apart even a little bit more than it is now flywheel off inspection cover off kind of leaky I think a lot of this problem with the oil may have actually been from the oil filter housing but regardless I'm going to do a rear main on it because I'm already here yay you got the oil pan I'm pretty good this thing actually has had a recent oil pan gasket so the rear main seal has probably also been changed but I'm going to throw a new one in it anyways but look at this right here I had a noise from the front of the engine that's the timing chain pretty sure that's where my noise was coming from that shouldn't be anywhere near that loose so I was second guessing myself as far as taking this thing apart this far and I'm kind of glad that I did so all right I'm going to clean up some parts and go to the auto parts store get some stuff on order and hopefully in the next couple days this thing will be going back together all right I got all the bolts off the oil Slinger off of here I'm gonna throw the crank bolt back in and I'm going to rotate this around until my timing marks line back up and the timing mark I believe is right over here anyways there's a DOT on each one of these gears that needs to align with each other and that'll tell you that the crank is in the right position with the cam you can pull everything off line the new stuff up the same way put it all back together basically that gets you back around the top dead center on the compression stroke all right there's our mark this is our this is the mark that we're looking for you can kind of see it coming around so if I get that come around getting close dropped you guys sorry close there and the other timing mark is also lining up you can see it right there so that one and this one over here need to be in line with each other basically you draw a line from that hole to that crank whole Bolt and then line those dots up and then you know you're at top dead center compression stroke let me set the phone down and make sure that I'm all good all right I got the new timing set on I've already kind of got the camshaft bolt in there tight and I went ahead and put this little spring-loaded follower [Music] follower um oil Slingers on but you can kind of see like behind that oil Slinger is the the alignment Mark and that one lines up with that alignment Mark and if you were to draw a line between the crank the cam and those two alignment marks so this should all line up so I'm going to call that a win and oh you can see here this is about how much deflection it has now and what happens there is there's a little plastic follower block kind of a tensioner and that will end up going inside of the timing cover and that's sort of a wear item that just kind of rides right about here and keeps that deflection to a minimum it's going back together yay I really don't like doing this kind of work all right I'm putting everything back together this is a timing cover I got it all cleaned up put the new crank seal in I figured I'd show you my trick on doing gaskets in our TV so I usually don't use a ton of it I'm using some Ultra gray right now because it's what I have and it wasn't already hadn't already gone bad so I usually just do like a little smear on these gaskets both sides and then the key is here I just go through and smear it until it's just got an even like really light film on it come on I really don't like when you throw a gasket on and tighten the bolts and you end up with just sealant everywhere so this usually gets the job done nice and nice and even and not a ton of it on there foreign sorry the Jeep oh dang I almost forgot that I mean chain guide tensioner thing that gets put right in there okay well that would have been a problem if I would have forgot that all right back to business I'm gonna do the rear main seal on this these engines have a two-piece rear main seal half of it is in here in the main cap the other half is up here in the engine if you do this right you can knock the seal out with like a punch and you push it up and through take the rear main seal out of there and then you go and put the new one in the same way knock the clean new seal in and that's good to go and then put the other half here in the in the main cap bolted together and then you won't have an oil leak for like 15 to 25 miles because it's a Jeep all right I mean out of here ah it's working sweet and get some pliers on that there it is ah yay top half of the rear main all right Matt's got the transmission just about done and I am putting the rear main seal in this main cap it's pretty self-explanatory pulled the old one out cleaned up the gunk the new rear main seal fits right in that channel and it actually like locks into these little grooves so you can't even put it in wrong I'll get that in place and then I'll knock the upper one in just like I knocked the upper one out and then when I'm all said and done I'll just take a little bit of sealant and put it right here on the corners and that'll keep the oil from shooting right out the back of the engine hopefully that's the main goal on doing this keep the engine oil in the engine it's Labor Day so we're gonna do just that we're gonna put this transmission back in the Jeep we're going to put a brand new center Force clutch on the back of the engine with a new weighted flywheel all of these items here should help with the rock crawling aspect of this Jeep if you watch the dirt every day where we built it originally you would know that I was having a little bit of a hard time in the big rocks clutch slipping not quite low enough gears so that weighted flywheel should help keep things spinning not stall the engine so much the new clutch should help with clamping force and keeping that thing alive for a little bit longer so we'll go over here to the truck sorry the Jeep I'm gonna replace that pilot bearing real quick and then it's go time we'll get that flywheel on we'll get the new clutch disc on we'll get the transmission in and then hopefully before allowing I can fire this puppy back up all right here's the new clutch disc you can see there it'll tell you which sides the flywheel side I've got the assembly tool that it comes with that goes up here on the flywheel which is all torqued and the new pilot bearing so you essentially just get that to line up in your pilot bearing and then that alignment tool stays in place until you put your disc on sorry your pressure plate on so that's going to want to fall out right now so I gotta use two hands sorry there's that there we go the throw bearing is all in place everything's greased up the clutch Fork is in and clipped where it's supposed to be let's put this whole unit back in the rig come on taking my transmission for a walk let's go over this whole thing here Jeep four liter inline six with a brand new clutch that couples up to this ax-15 transmission manual five speed and then that goes to this midnight Metal Works D300 transfer case this thing is awesome it's a gear driven case it's based off a Dana 300 but it's all Billet case halves um I've also got a four to one gear set in that 1350 outputs front and rear and it's got a JB custom Fab shift lever system so it's actually twin sticks so you can do front dig with this case if you want that's when you run front wheel drive only and use that to like pivot around obstacles and stuff so anyways pretty rad set up this is all going up in there right now see if I don't have to fight this thing too bad still sounds bad it still sounds really bad it's an old engine it's an old Jeep and I only have like a week and a half or two weeks left to finish all this other stuff up on here so I'm gonna go ahead and run this it's got really good oil pressure has a new timing chain it's got a new rear main seal it's got a new clutch um I think it's time to address some other problems with it thanks for watching this dirt Head Shed I got a whole lot of work to do
Channel: The Dirthead Shed
Views: 79,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: seSrP_6mSjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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