Ukraine is ‘punishing’ the Russians | Colonel Brendan Kearney

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the technology certainly isn't going to wait for uh Warfare to uh to catch up with it technology is driving it in many respects now the ukrainians are taking advantage of their own technological competence their penchant uh to be Innovative and um they they want to punish the Russians and one of the ways to punish the Russians is to go after the Russian Navy at least seven people have been killed by a Russian missile attack on a residential building in the Eastern Ukrainian town of pork officials say tonight two missiles hit the town the second is Rescuers were searching for victims of the first attack dozens of people were injured including police officers and Rescuers and two children were among more than 30 civilians who were hurt rescue efforts are continuing let's get up today with the latest situation in Ukraine we can now speak with Colonel Brendan Kearney military Affairs analyst and former Chief of Staff for the US Marine Corps forces in Europe Brandon good evening good evening Rick how are you I'm healthy really good to speak to you and thanks for taking the time out to chat with us in in the UK tonight um now this town is constantly on a war footing it's a place that I'm hearing described as were civilians mingle with soldiers and and it was only back in May this area of Ukraine because in the east of the country isn't it Brandon were thousands of people uh returned back to to where they live but it is so close to the front line it is and you know again it's uh it's one of those sad situations about war is that people people that have to leave their homes are driven by an impetus to return and I mean the Ukrainian people are no different than anybody else and they they decided to vote with their feet maybe with a degree of confidence in their own country and its military uh they returned uh near the front but by being near the front they expose themselves to the danger of uh these Russian attacks that really are indiscriminate they're not targeting they're not targeting military organizations or military targets they're going after people they're they're they're they're they're putting out a terror campaign to intimidate the Ukrainian people we shouldn't be surprised anymore should we because these attacks came after a Russian guided bomb as it's known hit a blood transfusion Center that was the other side of Ukraine Northeastern Ukraine and that killed two people so it it's it's indiscriminate but it's also in different parts of Ukraine not just the the areas where the heavy fighting is taking place absolutely and and you know there's a method to the Russian Madness and what they're doing is they want to uh they want to move their targeting around uh because what that does is it uh it keeps the ukrainians off balance where they cannot concentrate their anti-air anti-drone defense capability in one area so it it just adds complexity to uh what the ukrainians uh are defending against it uh there's no surprises here the Russians have been pretty uh consistent in the way they're approaching this uh the inhumanity of it all you know particularly in in targeting an area and then waiting 30 to 40 minutes and firing another another uh missile there you know they call it double tapping uh to go ahead and uh really what they're then targeting is The Rescuers the fire the police the ambulance services that are on site helping the original victims so uh it's a terrible uh Testament against the uh atrocity of War to begin with but particularly against the Russians themselves Brandon talk to me a little bit if you can about the this use of sea drones by the ukrainians which we're hearing more and more of so they call sea drones or Naval drones now apparently they're small very small sometimes fit in in the palm of your hand unmanned vessels that operate on or below the water's surface and and these are being used more and more around the the southern Ukraine ports to attack Russian vessels it's a great uh you know the technology uh certainly isn't going to wait for uh Warfare to uh to catch up with it technology is driving it in many respects now the ukrainians are taking advantage of their own technological competence their penchant uh to be Innovative and um they they want to punish the Russians and one of the ways to punish the Russians is to go after the Russian Navy there's a you know there is no Ukrainian Navy per se in existence right now in the Black Sea uh it was pretty much uh what little there was if it was knocked out in the early days of the War uh way back in February and March of last year but uh the ukrainians are you know Naval targets are big they're expensive uh they're extremely hard to repair use because usually you have to go to a specific Shipyard facility to take care of repairs to large Naval vessels so the ukrainian's sense of vulnerability and they're going after it and uh and again I admire the Innovative use said that they're putting with technology with these C drones well the level of warfare that's currently going on in the Black Sea Brendan uh has been heightened hasn't it across the last few weeks after Russia pulled out of the grain deal with Ukraine much of the upset of many African countries who were beneficiaries of that grain deal and found it very important to get Ukraine into their ports but that has heightened the amount of violence and warfare that's taking place in the Black Sea hasn't it it has it has you I think there was a degree um and I I used this term uh uh hesitantly Rick uh there was a degree of Civility um that was seen in the Black Sea and at least allowing these humanitarian shipments to go forth I mean there's tens of thousands of people that are alive um in Africa particularly in a third world uh writ large because these shipments of green uh were allowed to go through yeah and what you're looking at now and particularly in places uh you know the Sudan and and others uh you're looking at Mass starvation and you know quite frankly the Russians don't care um they could care less that that these people are gonna uh there will be people innocence that have nothing to do with Russia have nothing to do with Ukraine or the conflict uh that will die as a result of uh you know the the Russian decisions and I again you know the ukrainians it would be easy to criticize them and say well wait a minute they're they're attacking the Russians uh in the Black Sea so they're contributing to the overall situation and I I would disagree I think that I think what the ukrainians are doing is they're taking advantage of the situation the Russians have created themselves and they're punishing the Russians and I'm I'm all for that no hesitancy on my part to say that yeah I don't think anybody could have could have imagined how much food would be weaponized in this war when it started back on February the 23rd 2022. uh Brendan thanks so much for your time tonight we really appreciate your Insight on this thanks Rick talk to you again soon bye-bye a pleasure to have you on channel Brendan Kenny the military Affairs analyst and former Chief of Staff for the U.S Marine Corps forces in Europe
Channel: Times Radio
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Keywords: russia ukraine war, ukraine, russia, russia ukraine, ukraine russia, ukraine russia news, ukraine war, ukraine drone attack, russia ukraine news, black sea, ukraine sea drone attack, russia drone attack, ukraine drone, russian navy, drone, naval drones attack russian ships, ukraine sea drone, sea drone, russia vs ukraine war update, drone attack, russia ukraine war russian, russia drone attack black sea, ukraine news, russia vs ukraine, ukraine russia war
Id: zwU8GHvbNpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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