UK police is busy helping corrupt social workers to take the child hostage

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social workers can still outside they're not included in the warrant I hope it's not a photocopy or no it's not effects either no it's not no it's not it's a genuine article could I take your names pleas 1998 you can my name Sergeant McCrae PC McVey number 225 2250 thank you Mr Cur Mr Curry that is I'll be keeping those if that's all right with you we can get copies tomorrow M okay that's fine that's the recovery order for page and that's the warrant that's fine you come in and speak to thank you me yeah the Paige could you remove yourself from the property Mr absolutely absolutely you have not been invited in either of you got to Don't Be Afraid no but we don't want to end up rolling around and fighting with you and grabbing all of you but we're going to do it no matter what don't what come on no right I'm telling you now we've got to do it you cannot stop here well I have it's not like I'm dying or anything no now we've come we've got an order from the court yeah come around the front Ken please tell them to change the order no well we can't do that I appreciate that you want to stop here but this says that you can't do you want me to explain it to you a little bit more I know so you know all about it I do know all about it I'm not a baby I'm 10 not so what do you understand about it everything you tell us what you understand I'm not 10 months I'm 10 years old your dad got a copy have you have you got it there Mr I do indeed can we just show it to your daughter no she's not not gillick she she's not gillick Gil what's that she doesn't understand the court procedure as the court has proved if you let me have it I'll just show it to her no okay she's not gillick and it's pointless showing it to her if the court has claimed that she's not gillick you cannot show her court papers so we've got to get this shorted so you're going to have to come with us I'm not after d on Collins okay well I don't know where you're going I don't know where you're going sweethe well that's why I've been you're not taking me at all so could I take your name and number please p456 thank you very much and the name Johnson thank you why can't just leave me alone agage all right still got sense of humor that's good so what are we going to do then go away that's not going to happen you need to get some gear together you need some clothes she need some clothes Dad I'm not saying a word I want to see what's going to happen yet because I've already um explained that need some clothes Grandad you think she's been in three four five AB abuse of foster homes already she's run away three times now and you want to take a bag to another foster abuse of foster H have have complaints been made about that oh yes but um the police are ignoring it the social workers are ignoring it you just let the social workers in it does they are covered on the warrant could you just let the two social workers in for do you covered on the warrant I could I see where it says they're to all police contables a court authorizes you to assist North link o Council and exercise the powers so it's assisting them yeah but it does not say they're allowed to enter the property I totally disagree with you if they enter well you can argue that at court later on I will do because it does not say they're entitled to enter the property it says for us to assist them yeah we are assisting you are assisting them by doing what you're doing it does not allow them to enter into the property why just go away okay so we need does not to go into bloody K don't want to I know what you're saying but it but it's a decision from the court want page another abuse of home yeah I just want to stay here these these people know more about the situation so since for one night yeah at the moment and we're looking at this is be it's getting Beyond control now I promise you right but she does need to go so we need to know what what equipment she needs with her clothes hairbrush that kind of thing to toothbrush so it would help the social worker dropped off the social worker dropped off the stuff yesterday was so incompetent they didn't even put a toothbrush in their stuff okay have you got a toothbrush that you can take um I'm not why can't go to my old house and get my old stuff Paige if you've got some stuff tell us where it is then we get it for you it's at my old house can we not go and get it yeah not me not me okay you don't have to go you where it is let's get this started okay I'll stay here bye P you can't stay here happen p is it don't talk PA you need to come Dar quite frankly you've been asked to remove yourself of the court order doesn't state that you can enter the property it states that the police can assist you they are assisting you of you to remove your I don't want to take your you with me don't to do that listen sometimes in life we have things that we have to do yeah well this is stupid thing to have to do I know I know you don't agree that and I know you cross I'm sorry there's nothing I can do about anybody need to do we need to do yeah we don't I'm not coming when she arrived there isn't something that we change now what judge says richson don't know what ton you take it back to no I'm taking it post qut Brian because the whole thing has been a sham from beginning to end take back you get and excuse my language loveth I can't take it back to I don't have the money you know that you can tell about this yeah listen Brian don't listen funny over there about very much maybe M Bri's not the right person to talk to about well he's my social worker if there's somebody if you want to speak to somebody else about it they can sort that out for you the won listen I've been in six different Foster Care Homes and none of them have been right so if you think that this one's going to be right think again yeah thought that would happen this is this is locked in a room on boxing day right we don't have a choice for tonight okay we have to take you and I don't want to take your arm just police officer I'm not scared of you I don't want you to be scared of me I'm a lot stronger than you think I am paig I don't want to fight with you I don't want to fight with you to just go away I know you don't I know you don't I know you're angry but it's something that we need to do we need to leave from here today okay you need to come with us it's I it's not going to change the longer we sit and talk about it's not going to change okay I won't D because we'll have to take you do you is there anything you want to take with you have you got anything upstairs that you want to get yeah my parents dad is there anything you wanted to take with her I'm not saying a word um I don't want her to take anything at all I want her to stay here so she doesn't get abused again for the sixth time I can't that's for me to do nobody's going to take you anywhere where you think that anything bad's going to happen Okay well people have never fought that but in six different Foster Care Homes obviously people have fought wrong so if the think that this one's going to be right oh why can't you just anyway is being push to to them to them all right so you need to come with you I don't want you to leave without get rid 200 bloody coppers by you got upstairs you say with and we got to put up [ __ ] like this you got any tedes or any books or anything you need I want my stuff on my old out right we can sort that out yeah but I want it tonight right we'll see what we can do I'm going to keep running away against Point even taken me Paige does Brian know where that is yeah I'm sure it's not yeah it is if if he knows where it is if he knows where it is we can get your stuff okay I want all of it and if anything's left the end in the best possible interest of the child I want all of it and if it's not there you're going to buy new stuff so right okay so we'll try and sort that out for you okay can't get it now we need to take you now and then we'll sort your stuff out afterwards okay come on me no I'm sorry D you've got to come on get off me I'm not touching you right now come on yeah well don't touch me I will have to if you're not going to move for me come on P you might what from come on P come police come I'm not going to hurt you come on if you say to me I no I don't want to got on your elbow you I know it's not nice but listen I told you it's not going to go away didn't I well we can't leave you can I can't you can I've got a job to do and the courts have said that we've got to do this okay if I come with you I'll have to kill you all we'll talk about that later I know you feel like you want to do that but I'm not coming come on come on get off me come on listen D I don't I don't want to hear yeah so just with me okay turn for me come on S get off me down come on it's not clever well get off me then stand up stand up we have to carry you we'll just walk out with you otherwise we're going to end up carrying you out we me now right walk with me then yeah definitely no not to carry you then sweetheart the [ __ ] off me you hurt in my arm calm down get off calm down calm down walk your come on me stop doing that get off me c down come on [ __ ] eat you B wish you were dead Cal I won I won't do anything for you cuz you don't do anything for me I'm trying to darl I'm trying to no you're not I'll get it come on we don't want to ruin your shoes do we already rest we're to get off me there no I'm going to rela get off me I wish you were all dead and I'll dance on your Graves py I love you my baby girl my man go to the hospital next World going I get just cuz your police officers don't mean you're strong I'm big and AD we don't want to be big an out well that's what you're acting like we just need to get will you get off me what with me then well I'm going to tell him that you hurt in my arm with this come on come on listen love get off me [ __ ] bastard [ __ ] going to kill you all [ __ ] get off me thank you you're happy now Simon Brian you happy or not are you guys proud of yourselves no absolutely not you should be disgraced you should be disgraced they go the thief the accomplish thief and the rest of the [Applause] thieves [Music] parked on a double yellow line you will notice on a double yellow line when there's plenty of parking that's that's the Grims be place for you
Channel: ilcool90
Views: 1,113,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: United kingdom, social workers, police, foster care, hostage, family court
Id: 9lGfuvLae9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2016
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