UK KFC Review

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did you know that by number of locations KFC is the fourth largest fast food chain in the world number one being McDonald's number two Subway number three is Starbucks number five is mixu ice cream and tea anyway I know I kind of hated on KFC the other day my Mor's video but since it is such a global Enterprise with locations in over 145 countries and territories I decided you know what why not let's do a KFC video I'm kind of interested to to compare it and to contrast it I do some KFC videos in Korea I haven't had in America for ages but I did find some of the things on the menu a little bit interesting so we're going to take a look I got $55 worth of food here in this big old bag right here came very quick so Props to that all right all right all right all right we got everything spread out here not going to lie I thought it would be a little bit more food we got a lot of different items but each one is is pretty small which I guess was intentional I wanted to just taste a little bit of everything this is everything laid out right in front of my very eyes and it's it's a good spread so let me just start out over here this is one order of regular signature fries these right here are what they're calling Kansas barbecue dipped bites we have a mini fillet and a mini filet Burger over here the famous supercharger sauce which I don't think they have outside of the UK I could be wrong on that I've never heard of such a thing baked beans y'all so that one is at first I thought that was weird but then I'm like hold on a second that's not weird gravy so this is where it starts getting weird we have gravy but we don't have mashed potatoes on the Moone what's up with that that just come on now I got a one piece original recipe chicken because I just wanted to see how it Stacks up and they did not have extra crispy chicken on the menu here at least all the menus that I was looking at now down here we have some Southern rice never seen this on a menu at KFC never seen rice of any kind on a menu even in Korea but this is looking good it's looking like uh Mexican sty rice or Spanish sty rice over here we have a Flamin mini wrap two chicken chicken wings one corn on the cob on a stick and I got an order a popcorn chicken just because I used to love this as a kid and they don't have it in Korea so I really wanted to just eat some KFC popcorn chicken again so 55 bucks for all this a little bit expensive but the freeze we're in central blah blah okay now that that's out of the way let's get into it I'm going to start off with a french fry seasoned flavorful tasty good texture your consistency pretty good let's give them a dip in the in the gravy here all right gravy on point dipping some french fries into the gravy is on point but where is the goddamn mashed potatoes they don't have mashed potatoes in Korea either and I thought that was a Korean thing like oh you know Koreans must not like mashed potatoes but I was a little bit shocked to discover that there's no mashed potatoes over here there's no mac and cheese over here either but maybe maybe the most shocking thing that I found on this menu even Korea has this but it's not on the menu here no biscuits what is with that what's the deal with that that's just weird to me um there's no double down there's also no famous bowl over here but the fries are good and dip it in in this gravy is really good you know at least they have gravy so you can kind of and it's it's tasty gravy so at least you can do one of these in Korea I don't think they're they sell gravy like this so it's kind of cool a little cup like this all right let me try some of these Kansas barbecue dipped bites there's four bites in there and one thing to note they didn't call it Kansas City Barbecue so I don't really know what to feel about that but uh kind of an uneven coating on those but it smells good smells good in barbecue going in I haven't had Kansas City style barbecue in a long time so I honestly forgot what that what that sauce tastes like you know I won't be a good judge on this one I just really wanted to try this it's solid barbecue sauce super thick it's kind of like eating a boneless wing like a mini boneless wing kind of it's sweet sweet and thick barbecue sauce personally give me a little bit more dimension on the barbecue sauce but I just that's just my take on it I should also try the supercharger sauce while I at it a simple french fry for now this is like some kind of spicy mayo or something it's tasty real tasty that could be dangerous I can getat a lot of these got a little Zing to it let me go ahead and try this uh what do they call this the mini fillet basically a chicken tender this is probably I guess what you'd have to get if you wanted something extra crispy cuz compared to the original recipe well yeah I mean it is slightly crispier I mean this looks like the breading that they do use on their extra Krispies that's crisy that's good real tasty I feel like it's going to be real good with this it is well so far so good just a few just anomalies on the menu I don't know what they're doing here is the mini fillet Burger so looks like we got some kind of like ranch or mayo lettuce and literally just one of those mini fillets I wasn't too interested in their uh chicken sandwiches to be honest with you I think a lot of them would be on the Korean menu like the Zinger Burger stuff like that and I'm going to have to do a full like every chicken sandwich on the KFC Korean menu so I decided to keep it pretty lowkey with the sandwiches but they only had like three different ones and I just got this mini guy here good go hold on actually I mean it's fine not offensive in any way the bread almost tastes a little bit maybe it's just this place it tastes a little bit stale I'll just polish it off anyway let's see yep warm warm and tasty they call this baked beans in a barbecue sauce so more of a barbecue flavor I guess than hindes like English style hind baked beans the stuff that you would eat for breakfast I think this does have more of a a barbecue flavor compared to like a ketchupy flavor so I'm real used to these beans the flavor of them tastes like what I had grown up this is intriguing they also had some kind of like Rice Bowl but it basically just rice and like a stupid salad and couple piece of chicken so I was like you know what I'm more interested in just the rice so let me go for the rice by itself as a side glad I didn't get the rice little bit blend a little blend on that one it's it tricks you because the the scents coming off it are really good the texture is nice it just like I said a little bit Bland it probably would have been better in The Rice Bowl so you can like mix chicken with the the rice and E it together with some extra sauce on it but uh I wouldn't just go for this as side usually probably I went to Nando last night and their rice is definitely better than this original recipe time I'll be honest this is a good looking piece of of fried chicken sometimes in Korea when I get original recipe it looks not this good it's got less color on it and it's doesn't look as crispy so I have high hopes for this going in looks can be deceiving though a little bit dry on that one feels like it was sitting out I don't know how KFC prepares their food it's been ages since I've actually been inside of a KFC I wouldn't be surprised though if they got the if they got the heat lamp system you know what I mean so this feels like it looks good but it's been sitting there this this is what it might need ooo that is what I needed we'll come back to finish this off here in a bit I guess I would say that uh everything else the flavors are fine I was kind of looking more I was thinking more about the flavors anyway when I was when I ordered this compared to the you know original recipe flavors are those secret flavors in there you know you know Flamin mini wrap I did not expect it to have this nice color on it so they put it on a grill little press and I didn't expect it it's looking like a little mini like Taco Bell burrito or something did not expect it to come like this I mean this thing you could you could chuck this at somebody if you wanted to I like going in Flamin mini wrap this kind of tastes like a chicken tender or a mini fillet with I don't know maybe maybe it's this supercharger sauce wrapped in a tortilla and that's basically it I guess the the grill it does add a nice little touch so there might be some lettuce in there as well but very simple very basic very good to take on the go I would I would get this it's very clean good snack when on the go it's got a good finish too Wing time we got a flat and we got a drummy this is not looking like a drummy though it's looking just like a crispie I mean that's a lot of buring on it no sauce to to speak of I actually had like 13 Wings last night this is like all crisp no Wing I mean it's in there it's in there but if you like that crispy Little Skin action then just get these and you can just pick off the skin and eat that I kind of did that as a kid sometimes that's a lot of biring not bad a little bit OT these are OT man these are the most heavily breaded Wings I've ever seen in my [Laughter] life that's a good KFC flavor though our old school flavor bringing me right back growing up we had KFC that was probably the only um fried chicken place in my my whole town so got a little soft spot in my heart uh this is really going to be bring me back the popcorn chicken like I said I ate a lot of this when I was a kid a lot being a relative term but whenever I went to KFC and my mom would let me order what I wanted I'd always get the popcorn chicken so this is crazy they kind of look they look a little bit more uniform than I remember them I mean they're all the exact same size and shape no joke haven't had these in 23 years and that supercharger sauce is something else though I love the name on it too supercharger let bring me back though see I tell you what man I really want to get a famous bowl I was hoping they would have it here maybe just a us thing maybe Canada should have it maybe they probably I bet you Canada has a good poutine now I think about it Canadian KFC if they don't what are you doing because you got the gravy you got the the french fries you know what I'm saying all right last food item to try here uh corn on the cop bogur little bit bogur off the B I don't know what it is okay the flavor is not bad but the texture to me is all off very much overcooked maybe some people like it that way maybe it's a thing but I always had my corn maob like alente if you will or just like rightly cooked this would definitely benefit from having some butter on it as well make some salt ain't going to lie y'all I am getting a little bit full so I think I might have R swoop in and eat everything else I just wanted to try everything on here I shocked that they don't have mashed potatoes here because Mash it's a big thing over here mashed potatoes that's just shocking to me and almost inexcusable I would say yeah just just go to Mor's or Sam's KFC it's solid but it's not the penist of all munches it just it kind of is what it is by the way aren't biscuits just kind of like scones why don't they have biscuits here what's going on here I mean I can understand why you wouldn't have some of these things in Korea because the the whole palette is completely different but like what what's going on anyway I'm skting out here thanks for watching I'll catch youall in the next video peace
Channel: BenDeen
Views: 317,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendeen, ben deen, mukbang, muckbang, eating show, asmr, food, eat with me, kentucky fried chicken, british, england, gb
Id: ArO8teCjs10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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