UK Immigration Changes and its Impacts on the Tech Industry in the UK ~ Latest UK Visa News 2024

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UK immigration changes and its impacts on the tech industry in the UK in today's video update we will take a look at the changes affecting the tech industry due to the upcoming UK immigration changes the government is about to announce its plans of making some major changes in Immigration system to be finalized in 2024 this video update will focus on the challenges that these changes pose for the tech sector before we continue let us know if you want to migrate to the UK or already in the UK and having trouble with your immigration application we have hundreds of expert immigration advisers registered on our website just click the link in the description box and comments section [Music] below let's resume the video it is also definite that the alterations will result in less migration but they would be equally challenging to sectors that need the spons ship system to make up for skilled deficiency in jobs Market it is the fact that the UK is suffering from a skills Gap in its labor force that's why many tech companies go for sponsorship to fill up the gaps for the most important jobs the future adjustment will see a rise in the overall sponsorship salary threshold from 38,700 British and the elimination of the shortage occupation list which lists employment roles which are scarce domestically an option of reducing salary by 20% for these positions is provided provided rather than shortage occupation list the immigration salary list has been adopted this time containing only one half of the roles of the former list although all jobs on this new list will save the salary discount of up to 20% no tech jobs look like to be in it previously several Tech positions such as design and development Engineers it programmers software developers and web design and development roles were on the shortage occupation list this inclusion lowered the minimum salary for sponsor ship with programmers and software developers requiring a minimum salary of 27,200 British however since no Tech roles are included in the new immigration salary list as of 4th April the minimum salary for sponsoring workers in these positions is now 38,700 British the migration advisory committee justifies this exclusion by citing that the median salary in the tech sector Based on data from the office for National statistics exceeds £ 38,700 British pound hence not qualifying for a salary discount although the old businesses will have certainly offered their employees salaries that exceed the sponsorship amount crowdfunding may represent a challenge for the startup companies since they will need to find some way to bridge the gap that will mean that there will be no surprise if the number of recruitment as well as the amount of expenditure will go up to the sky level so as a result of the UK government being the policy leader the world Talent will not be interested in coming to the UK because of the new policy and the further rise in prices transformation in recruitment process is probable since employers would look for other alternatives to attract and retain workers that could be done by setting up graduate schemes to help young graduates join the job market our video ends here thanks for watching today's update we'll see you soon in our next update
Channel: UK Visa and Immigration Updates
Views: 1,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uk immigration changes april 2024, uk new immigration rules 2024, new uk immigration rules for skilled workers, uk immigration new rules for dependents, uk new immigration rules for international students, uk immigration rules on family settlement, uk new immigration rules 2024 for skilled worker, uk dependent visa new rules 2024 for care workers, uk immigration news for skilled workers, uk immigration news today, uk immigration new rules, uk visa changes
Id: 6HdXqe_jNyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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