Ugreen IDE / SATA to USB 3.0 Converter Review and Demonstration

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hey guys how are you my name is Phil welcome to Phil's computer lab this is a video review of the U green USB 32 s and ID converter now this product is sponsored by bang good I was really after a solution to attach my ID devices to my modern desktop to take backups and do images and yeah so I asked if I could review this product and they sent me one they actually had a range of devices that can connect ID hard drives to the USB interface of a modern computer the reason I chose this is I like the look of it to be honest it looks fairly modern and straightforward to use and also I found the product and the company uh on the internet they've got their own website and that's also something uh that I look out for let's have a quick look at the box and the specifications it mentions it can use up to three devices simultaneously so that's interesting it supports 2 and 1/2 in and 3 and 1/2 in s hard drives or ssds and also 2 and 1/2 in and 3 and 1/2 in R drives as well as Optical drives and I will check uh whether ID as well as s Optical drives are supported it's compatible with Windows XP Vista 87 and 10 and Mac OS 9 and 10 and also Linux supports drives up to 4 tbte speeds up to 5 gbits per second now that's a lot that's like 600 uh megabytes per second so we will see what the bridge chip in this device can do with the I'm going to use an SSD to test that it's backwards compatible with USB 2 and 1.1 it's got an onoff switch uh comes with a power supply 12 volts for 3 and 1/2 in devices so that kind of implies that you don't need it for 2 and 1/2 in devices that's also something I will test and as an LED indicator it's Plug and Play Simple reliable and stable so let's take a look and see what's inside the Box okay in the Box here we've got the adapter so we will have a closer look at that in a moment we have a uh Molex power adapter so let me just see how that works okay so the power supply plugs into the device and there is a little MX connector over here this seems to be like similar to a standard floppy MX power so basically if you ever lose this one or this one fails you should be able to just yeah plug in a normal MX device here this is also a standard power connector you can find on all these AC adapters so if you're looking for replacement for this this should be easy to find and we've got a USB up standard USB uh 3.0 cable there's a little product warranty card and we've got some in instructions here I'm going to have a quick look in there and see if there's anything interesting to talk about so yeah this is basically a copy paste what's outside on the box so there's no extra additional information this should be really straightforward to use so I don't think we need any uh user instructions to be honest the power supply is rated at 12 volts and 2 amps it's got the US adapter so you will need one of these travel adapters um a tip of mine just when shopping in China that I actually prefer the US adapter the connection to these travel adapters is a lot more secure whereas if you get the European ones with the round connectors they tend to wobble around a lot more so uh if you have a choice go with the US type adapter so let's take a closer look at this adapter we've got a couple of connectors here 3 and 1/2 in ID this is for 2 and 1/2 in ID for the laptop drives and that's your standard s connector at the back we've got an onoff switch power supply goes here USB connector and this is where the Molex adapter goes so if you want to connect a 2 and 1/2 in s device you basically just line up the connectors like that and plug it in Fairly straightforward and same goes with mechanical uh hard drives just line them up and plug them in um we will see whether this device can power up the hard drive without the external power supply um yeah we will find out soon so the connector 2 and 1/2 in ID Drive we've got a Fujitsu here with 40 GB you basically just line this up and plug it in like that and here is the connection so once again there shouldn't be a need for an external power supply it hopefully is all powered through USB and the power goes through the connector itself let's have a look at connecting a 3 and 1/2 in Sada hard drive so the S connector is pretty straightforward that just goes in here and then you have to make sure that power is connected cuz the 3 and 1/2 in drives they draw a lot more power and finally 3 and 1/2 in ID hard drives and this is the main reason why I got this product I've got a few of those but I'm getting a lot more and I'm going to do reviews and tests on some ID hard drives so first thing you need to do is connect uh with this side that says 3 and 1/2 in ID so that should just plug in like that and then we need to plug in the power cable so this go goes into here and then that goes into the hard drive so I think you just plug it in like that there you go so yeah just takes one little extra step for the power but otherwise it's fairly straightforward and the manual mentioned you can plug in three hard drives so let's have a look what that looks like so we couldn't plug in a s drive over here and an ID 2 and 1/2 in drive on this side just get a line it up properly yeah we want to be careful with those pins not to bend them there you go so three drives plugged in we shall see if that works as advertised we're also going to have a look at some sarda Optical drives so here we've got a standard s optical drive so that should also connect just like with the hard drives just like that so I'm also going to test an ID optical drive this is just a standard uh DVD drive so the ID connector goes in here and then just like before we have to deal with the power so we need that little power cable adapter which goes in here and then that connects into the drive so yeah once again fairly straightforward now why might you want to use Optical drives with this well you your computer might not have an optical drive anymore and you don't have a USB portable optical drive and you just want to install Windows or boot off a test CD um and that's what I'm going to test later whether or not you can actually boot off um a boot dis with this adapter connected to the USB okay so let's find out what this device can do we're going to start with testing the SSD performance I've got a solid state drive here connected to the SAT side and then we need the USB connector so this laptop has USB 3 of course plug it into here and then let's switch on the power there you go got the SSD it's on Drive letter e let's run Crystal uh dis Benchmark to see what the uh s to USB bridge in this device is like so we just going to change over to the e Drive and we're just going to do the sequential test so here we got the results so just like I mentioned in the beginning the specifications on the box a little bit too optimistic this SSD can do up to 500 megabytes per second when reading sequentially but 107 megabytes for reading and 96 megabytes for writing it is still a lot better than USB 2 so uh it appears that with older hard drives you can Max them out but if you're using a faster SSD or a modern 3 and 1 half inch sat hard drive then you will get a slowed down uh a little bit with ssds quite substantially so that's just something to be aware of okay let's test another hard drive so I'm just going to eject the drive through here power it off and we're going to test the next Drive let's go with the Fujitsu ID drive cuz that's really what I got this device for so I can uh get data off and on to my ID hard drive so it's plugged in let's power it on see if it gets detected yep there it is okay here we've got the results it's basically 35.7 for reading and writing and that's interesting so we might actually be running into a limitation of the uh Bridge chip or of the interface rather than the hard drive so we're going to keep a note of that number 35.7 and compare it with the 80 gb ID desktop drive and see uh what's going on here we're going to start with the 3 and 1/2 in ID drive this is an 80 gb seate Barracuda 4 so that should be faster so we will see what the transfer rate is like compared to the 2 and half 2 and 1/2 in laptop ID Drive okay so that's all plugged in we also need the power adapter so that goes from here into there and we need the power supply as well okay good to go let's power it up I can hear the draw spinning there it is all righty let me have a look what's going on here so seems to be several petitions all right it looks like I've installed do 6.22 on this machine a while ago there you go all righty so oddly enough it shows up as 7 gabes although this is a 120 GB hard drive so all good guys so I just plugged in the hard drive into my slot one test machine and there it also showed up as 8 GB so I booted off ultimate boot CD and ran C tools and yes I put on a capacity limit a while ago so I changed that and we should be seeing the full 80 gab now so let's give it a go all right there's our drive now I still have to change the petition I believe let's have a quick look see if it shows up as 80 gab there we go okay so we're just going to delete this 8 gab partition in the beginning 7 4.53 that's it all good so yeah um sometimes I just marck around and limited Capac capacity on hard drive so they work with 386 for example um but I must have forgotten to change that back okay the results are in 42.3 N for reading and 4.74 for writing so a little bit faster compared to the 2 and 1/2 in ID drive but not much um maybe these older 40 60 80 gb ID drives maybe they're just not that much faster um let me know what you think think I haven't really benchmarked these drives a lot but I will do more in the future so uh it's still a question mark of how much ID performance we can actually get out of this adapter okay let's have a look at Optical drives so I'm just going to eject the adapter uh Power it off unplug it and the power let's put that aside and I'm going to start with the optical drive just cuz I've got actually I've got a lot more of those compared to uh s there you go and plug in the plug in the power there you go all righty let's turn this around a little bit let's powered up I've got a disc here somewhere yes so we're going to go with a Windows XP installation disc let's show that okay the drive already shows up under here there you go just took a while now it's working so maybe I was a little bit too quick it was just installing some drivers let's see if we can get this set up yep that looks fine okay I'm going to reboot the machine and I'm going to have a go at booing of the optical draw through the USB interface okay here we go so boot device options is F9 let's have a look we got oh okay so looks like the USB doesn't really show up boot options aha okay so maybe we have to enable USB boot device no still can't boot from the USB uh I'm just going to quickly grab another laptop cuz I just want to make sure that this uh is really an issue with the adapter rather than with the laptop okay guys so I've got another laptop let's see if we can boot um from this one maybe it's just an issue with that particular laptop so this is a compact bit older but uh I know this one can boot of um USB devices cuz I've done that in the past so boot options F9 and there you go now it shows up okay so let's see if it works yep Drive is doing something and it's booting off the optical drive yes fantastic so awesome so yeah if the buy supports it and that was very rare I haven't really run into a laptop that couldn't boot off a USB uh optical drive I'm just going to quickly swap the ID optical drive for the S of one and see if we can boot with that one okay here we've got the S optical drive let's see if that one also boots just gives you more options F9 yep driver is showing activity and yeah it's booting beautiful there you go so yes it does support Optical drives and not only does it support Optical drives you can also boot from them okay one one more thing I want to test is the claim with the multiple hard drives so we're going to plug in uh two notebook drives the 2 and 1/2 in uh sat drive and also the 2 and 1/2 in ID drive and I'm going to have a look if it can power these two drives through USB without the external power supply so let's turn it on and see what happens so we should be seeing two drives pop up yep that looks fine so we should have two drives yep there's one got some Window 98 stuff on there and that's the 40 gig drive here also something I just noticed is it's got some LED lights here that tells you which drives are connected let's see if they're actually flashing for activity didn't really see anything doesn't look like it that might just be power all righty so let's add a third drive but for that one we need power so I'm just going to eject those two drives so guys I had a go at trying three hard drives all connected unfortunately I ran into some issues it seems that you can only use one ID device at a time so I was able to use uh 2 and a half inch ID with a s device I was able to use a 3 and a half inch ID with a s device but I was not able to use two ID drives I'll show you what happens so let me just eject the USB device and I'm going to unplug this s drive so we've got the 3 and 1/2 in ID connected and I'm also going to connect the 2 and 1/2 in ID hard drive just going to make sure sure line it up properly there you go and let's turn it on and see what happens so the two lights are turning on the drives are spooling up but I don't know if you can hear it but one of the drives is just constantly seeking so nothing is showing up here here so um yeah so basically for me the claim of using three devices in one go uh isn't working out so it seems to you can use one sat device and one ID device but not two ID devices so unfortunately you can't for example clone uh a notebook drive on another ID drive but look that's just a yeah it's a minor issue but still worth mentioning so guys there you have it hopefully I covered all the bases and all the interesting things so we looked at performance compatibility how to use them pricing you're looking at $29.99 from link Down Below in the description if you're interested so what do I think I really like this product mostly because it's so versatile and flexible all these devices uh can be used and connected to USB the performance is fine yes with if you're using a fast solid St drive it's not going to give you those 5 gbits per seconds that they claim in the Box however uh you're getting over 100 mb per second and that's fine and we saw that the ID hard drives they max out of 30 or 40 megabytes per second it seems and the other claim using three devices at once that didn't really work out for me it seems you can only use one ID drive at the time um but using two devices is still pretty good because that means you can uh clone from ID to s or take images from it to SATA onto b s hard drive with acronis or something like that and yeah in terms of usability it's straightforward the I like that the power adapter has a universal connector so if that goes missing or if you don't want to use a travel adapter you can easily find a replacement uh it's all standardized and um you can even use another Molex power solution running off another machine for example if you uh yeah if you don't have any power so yeah all up I'm pretty happy for $29.99 I think this is good value it's definitely very useful and and it will help me with a lot of projects in the future so I will be definitely using this quite a lot so I've got a couple of uh ID hard drives incoming which I plan to review and we will see if they perform faster than the 80 and 4 40 GB drive that I had um so we still have to see where the ID limit lies with this device but yeah I think it's good value so definitely check it out and that's it for this video thank you for watching and I'll see you soon with another video
Channel: PhilsComputerLab
Views: 167,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IDE to USB adapter, IDE to USB converter, IDE to USB 3.0, SATA to USB adapter, SATA to USB 3.0, USB 3.0 speed, IDE hard drive, SATA SSD, SATA harddrive, 2.5 drive, notebook hard drive, PATA drave, IDE CD-ROM, IDE optical drive, Transfer data from old computer, Data recovery, data backup of old harddrive, drive diagnostic, ugreen, banggood
Id: 32GLFvd0IA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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