UEFA Euro 2024 Final: Spain's trophy ceremony following 2-1 victory over England | UEFA Euro 2024

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[Music] he is there he's about to hand over that trophy that he so proudly won with Italy at Wembley just three years ago Giorgio kolini the former Italy Captain about to hand that trophy over that now has the Spanish colors on it he crying inside I'm telling you he will you don't want to get get rid of that trophy he is so proud of that Trophy and and having won that with Italy and how proud for us all to see Georgio up there as well after spending the last month with him here in the fox Sports studio in Los Angeles it's great to see him up there in a in a really special moment for him as well I know he's very proud to be out there handing over that trophy despite the fact he doesn't want to let it go of course Peter but there we go it is adorned with the colors of the Spanish flag they are the European Champions and they thoroughly deserve it they've been so entertaining to watch this tournament you can see the players on the pitch they're still celebrating I don't think we'll be able to quiet down their fans in that Stadium either at the moment and we're about to see the best young player of the tournament award be handed out I mean who else could it have gone to of course now 17-year-old lamine yamal and you can see clearly a favorite amongst his Squad absolutely and you can see that he's the the Young Brother the little brother that they all wish they had and he they he is their little brother now Drew in this squad he's done things with the football at a young age at this level that we've we've never seen before and he's a special special player and he's got his career ahead Lord willing will be top draw because this guy has everything in his locker to be a world class football he's only in his his second day as a 17 year old don't forget this is not something that happened two days or three days ago this fellow's been going on for over a year now you know the you don't see them very often but my God what a talent and uh you know that's something to look forward to now in uh my my player to watch Ro well here he is he's also just been named officially as the play of the tournament also came off at halime of this game of this final we thought that was going to be such a huge moment but Spain managed to find a way through and rodri player of the tournament I think it I mean shows I mean obviously he's incredible but that Spain was able to lose this incredible player and still not miss a beat shows the depth that they have but also shows the understanding that they have of how to function even when this this player who who was so important and sometimes he does things that that you don't see that aren't necessarily sex at times they're they're ugly but they are so essential to how this new version of Spain plays and a lot of it is kind of old school in the way that he plays but any team in the world would love to have that man right there on their team so happy they piic somebody who's not a striker not a goal scorer somebody who takes the headlines now without him I don't think this happens to be honest I really don't think let's um outstanding yeah the referees are about to go up and receive their accolades as well for taking part in this final but let's just talk a little bit about England then Daniel at this point it's absolutely gutting two Euros finals in a row and they haven't found a way over the line this time around I actually think they played quite well in this game I think at times that they were stifling Spain they just couldn't find a way over the line after that equalizer absolutely and look G Southgate was been a magnificent manager for England and he showed a lot of Bravery making changes at the right times people have decisions that he's made I think he's made fantastic decision throughout the tournament that have paid off now today unfortunately it just didn't work out for England but the future still bright you know from a success perspective they're in The Knockout phases and doing well consistently now which is isn't a normal thing uh for England to to get to so many finals in in a short period of time 2026 the future looks bright there's obviously players coming through they they've got current players now who are of an age who will grow in stature in confidence in quality so the future's bright for England man and look they got to this step and unfortunately it was just a step too far for them and and Spain got the job done in the end but I'm proud to be English and I'm proud of the team and I look forward to them getting back to action in in America for World Cup you know what I mean for World Cup 2026 will'll be here and it must hurt but it would hurt more if you had lost to a team that you thought you were better then and so at the very least you look across and say we lost to a very very good team and they're going to have to get better if they have any hope in two years from now but there's still a lot to build on from this tournament and going forward we'll see what the leadership ultimately is but it wasn't a pretty tournament by any stretch of the imagination but there was still there was still something there and I know it there's no consolation but there is something there this tournament doesn't have a game for the third place that is the that is the second worst thing that so that I mean it's terrible to play that game that was played in The Copper yesterday this having to go up there after not winning yeah there isn't a worst feeling in the world you know you you're all you're geared up you know you think you have a chance you have all that adrenaline going into the game and then up you know they got you know got P back in the last couple of minutes and you're totally deflated and you have to go up and receive a metal one thing that I half of them takes it off one thing that I do hope though is that these players get love and respect when they return home because what they've done again is prove that against all the doubt against amidst everything they managed to get to another final yes they didn't win it but they I hope they're proud of themselves of course from a players ego perspective we're all up here we know we want to win we're winners right that's what we're here to do we're here to to get to the ultimate goal which is Success lifting trophies but these players I really hope that they're proud of themselves and I really hope that everyone in England is proud of what they've done in this competition I I I hope that Gareth goes back he looks at this and then think the one thing if he stays in the job I need to add is I need I need this team to control games I I I mean for all the talent for everything that is in within those 26 guys he could easily have gone out every single game and controlled it from from the beginning to the end that's a quality of the squad yes he was hammered a little bit with with Luke shaww um not being ready so we didn't have those many options defensively but and now that's the next step iations I'm with you guys and I I couldn't be prouder as an England fan to see them in this final and the journey that they've gone on as well but now to see Spain Crown as the European Champions let's head you over to Berlin and hand you back to our commentators Landon Donovan and Ian dark yeah fabulous moment for the Spanish players who've illuminated the tournament be fair about it I think they did deserve it the team that came out on top and they prevailed with that late goal from Mikel oal of RA sad you just saw linal ran up there ahead of Luis De lafuente he said hey young man come back here wait your turn but congratulations to Spain to Louis de lafuente they have been the best team the entire tournament there is no question about that they won and they did it in style yeah delivering goals all the way UA President Alexander jeffrine from Slovenia having a word with all the players as they go through of course for the likes of Danny kajal and nacho it's a treble isn't it La Liga Champions League and European Champions as well with the national team of course they won the Nations League last year as well for Luis delente a change of style from the old tick attacker death by a thousand passes thing that we used to see which had stopped working for them now they've got the flying Wingers now it's paer it's more Dynamic it's easy on the eye and they've edged past England here it's interesting the staff have all got Reyes de Europa with the number four written on their shirts as they watch the the players get their Awards here translate that for those of us who don't speak Spanish Kings of Europe isn't it you you speak better Spanish than I do yeah they're quite proud of it and look they have evolved into the modern game and you could easily say well they just have yamal and Williams so of course they're going to no Luis De lafuente picked them put Faith in them and said we are going to change the way we play and they've done it great moment for Alvaro morat who's had his critics and had plenty to say about that criticism in the last few days but he has the last laugh the trophy is handed to Alvaro marata the handsome hre delone Trophy and what it means is that Spain are champions of Europe for a record fourth [Applause] time a fabulous night for Lara [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: FOX Soccer
Views: 10,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trophy Ceremony, Spain, UEFA, Euro 2024, Soccer, EURO, highlights, sports highlights, soccer highlights, International Friendly, 2024 Euros, European Soccer, sports, sports talk, sports news, sports debate, soccer, soccer on fox, Fox Soccer, soccer talk, soccer news, soccer debate, Fox, Fox Sports, Fox Sports 1, FS1, Fox Youtube, Fox Sports highlights, Goals, penalties, international sports, Euro today
Id: rAXjuclFpxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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