Hi. This time, I will make Rain Ripple that occurs in the puddle. First, import the texture uploaded in the video and double-click it. You can see 16 textures are connected in order
in a 4x4 format. Then double-click on the Rain Puddle Material
you created earlier to open the window. After creating the flipbook node, click while
holding down the keyboard T to create a texture sample, set the uploaded Ripple Flip Texture,
and connect it to the flipbook node. Then, if you preview the texture, you can
see the Flipbook Animation is moving in a certain fram unit. Next, press 1 on the keyboard and click to
create a constant node and set the value as 4. If you set it to Rows and Columns, images
are divided into 4x4 format, and you can see that 16 images appear in order. Next, after creating a Time node, click it
while holding down the M on the keyboard to create a Multiply and connect it. After that, hold down the keyboard S and click
to create a parameter and connect it to the Multiply node in order to adjust the timen value with an instance. Now, connecting the Multiply node to Flipbook,
you are allowed to adjust the speed of the Flipbook Animation. Next, after creating the Texcoord node, create
a Multiply and Parameter node as before, and connect them so that the number of UVs can be adjusted to Instance. Next, create a Panner node to express the
motion of Ripple and connect it like the video. Next, after creating an Append node,
make two parameters and connect them to create X and Y coordinates. After that, connect it to the Panner, allowing
you to set the direction of Ripple's movement. Next, create a Frac node, connect it to Panner,
and connect it to FlipBook's UV. If you preview the Frac node and increase
the value of Ripple UV, you can see that the area is divided by the number of UVs. Because the Frac node outputs only the decimal
point of the received value, only the decimal point of UV coordinates was outputted. Now, if you preview the Texture Sample, you
can see the Flipbook works with the increased number of UVs. Next, create a component mask node and connect
it with the texture sample to extract red and green and use only the Ripple part excluding the background. Next, create a Multiply node and a Parameter node. And if you connect the nodes as shown in the
video, you can adjust the intensity of Ripple's Normal. Next, after creating the Append node, connect
the Multiply node and the Blue node of the Texture Sample to make it in Float3 format
so that it can be connected to the Normal Lerp. Now, after copying the nodes created so far,
change the parameter names of the copied nodes little by little so that the parameter values
​​do not overlap with each other. When you're done, hold down the keyboard A
and click to create an Add node, and then connect the two Ripple nodes to make the Ripple
appear more irregular. And once again, create an Add node and connect
it with the Add node of the previous Rain Puddle Normal to merge with each other. Finally, if you connect the Add node to the
Lerp node as shown in the video, you can see the Ripple appear in the puddle. When you're done, save it and exit to the Content Browser. Now, click on the Rain Puddle Instance that
you have created to open the window. After checking all of the new Parameter Groups,
adjust the parameters to create the desired Rain Ripple. You can adjust the desired value by placing
the cursor on the scroll box of the parameter and dragging it. Once you have adjusted the value as you want,
save it and look at the world. You can see that the Ripple of the puddle
appears as the set value of Instance. That's all for today, see you in the next tutorial!