UE4 Control Rig Leg Adjustments

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welcome back to another episode and today we're going to be aligning the other foot well basically both feet to the steps and it's going to look something like this so yeah let's go ahead and let's get started [Music] so let's go ahead let's dive into our rig once more and let's adjust the feet so that they would align with the steps properly so what i'm gonna do is really quickly just a small bit of reroutes and moving all of these nodes back because i'm going to be using the c route from this so c route and again an empty c route for the sequence and we're going to be running another sequence what a surprise okay and so today we're going to apply some little bit of offsets to to our feet so what we need to do is we need to grab our controls so we need our left foot control and we want to go ahead and add an offset for this control so that disconnected it so i'm going to reconnect it connect this to the a route like so and we're going to need a new variable for this whole thing so that we can again do the animation slowly over time so it looks a little better so we're going to add a new variable and i'm going to call mine current offset foot underscore l and this variable is going to need to be a float type and straight away i'm going to duplicate this for the right foot as well like so and then once we have applied the offset we're going to go ahead and set the new offset value for the or the left foot okay so that's that now what we want to do is we want to grab our current position of the control so we're going to grab our left foot control we're going to get it and similarly like we did in the previous video we want to go ahead and inverse this transform and then we want to go ahead and do a transform direction and then the end result of this can go into the location for the control so the result goes into the translation like this now for the direction again let's do the small accumulated calculations so first we're going to need our left foot z value so foot zl so where it should end up in and we want to do a subtract float and we want to subtract our pelvis value so that it would align properly so we're going to grab our pelvis and connect it up like so then from here we can do the accumulate lerp float value which can then go into the z-axis of the direction so that's going to be for our z value like so and then we can grab our current offset foot l value and this is going to go into the initial value and then again we need to apply so that it is in delta seconds and give it some time to actually happen and i'm going to say something like 10. obviously again experiment with these numbers the higher you go in the slower the thing will take an effect and then also this result value should be plugged into the current offset float foot l variable like so now for the other foot we need to do exactly the same so we're going to grab the right foot control we're going to get the control then we're going to go ahead and add an offset for this control as well like so and i'm going to reconnect the execution to the sequence node like so and then what we want to do over here is again at the end of this we want to make sure that we have set the current offset for the right foot float value we're going to split the transform and do the math again so we need again to inverse the right foot controls transform then we want to transform the direction and then that can be our translation for the offset and then we need to provide the z value for the direction so we're going to grab our foot z right float value we're going to again subtract the pelvis z value again so it aligns properly and then we can do our accumulate lerp float not this one we want to do accumulate float which then goes into the z value and also it goes at the end over here for the current offset like so and then just like before again we want to grab our current offset foot right plug that into the initial value apply the same numbers as we did above in the in the left foot and check that it is in a delta time and i believe that's it so let's give it a go let's hit play and let's see what happens so if we have a look now you can see that the character is aligning its feet with the ground properly and here comes that 60 for the trace 60 value below so that if i go a bit higher it's going to do something like this now we're going to adjust i'm going to show you some mechanics how we can patch this up so the character would either fall off or be forced back onto the stairs so he cannot stand like this because this looks very awkward we're gonna try our best to patch this up but let me show you what happens if we provide more than 60. so if we go back to our rig we locate our traces and let's say we do 100 in the end position you will see that now our character is able to hold his feet even higher so you can see this way now it starts to look a bit awkward i would think right so that's what that number really does so that basically tells you how far he can lift his feet up so this value seems to be still okay this one already seems to be a little too much so again feel free to experiment with this value like i said i found that 60 was the best value for me and everything else that will go above this i'm going to be forcing my character to move away from that location so he is not allowed to be in that specific specific location so it doesn't look as awkward as it does right now but well this one was a short one that's going to be it for today now our character is aligning with flat surfaces and then the upcoming one we're going to go ahead and apply the same logic when it comes to angled surfaces like these ones so yeah that's gonna be it thank you for watching make sure to subscribe if you haven't already and i see you in the next one you
Channel: It's Me Bro
Views: 3,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue4, ik, hand, foot, placement, control, rig, unreal, engine, tutorial, guide, easy, setup, animation, full, body, aim, math, fullbody, aimmath, basic, dummy, controlrig
Id: Da1GGKeu4bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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