Uber riders that gave 1/5 stars, what happened to make it so bad? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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ah / ah screw did you the passengers have relieved that have given one stroke five stars on a ride what happened to make it so bad kept talking me non-stop and was asking me sexual questions and kept trying to show me music videos on his phone while driving and drove me to the wrong location and ended up charging me more immediately gave him a one-star I was taking an uber home from the airport the ride was perfect and he even insisted on dropping my baggage to the front door awesome he then asked if he could use the restroom really quick and of course I obliged he wasn't in there for more than three minutes but when I went to wash my hands after I found my bathroom destroyed [ __ ] was all over the toilet seat and just [ __ ] everywhere I really wish he had just taken more than a minute and shat like a normal human being but the dude must have had a leaky butthole because there was [ __ ] on my walls to a one-star review was the bare minimum I think you bird driver was visibly drunk not blackout drunk but it was obvious he was having a hard time staying in his Lane he kept veering over the yellow line then would jerk the wheel the other way nearly running us off the road a few times he also had an open can of Bud Lights in his cash folder I had him drop me off a few blocks from my actual destination because I didn't wanna die that night but rated him 1 star and reported him not sure if anything came from it she was simultaneously driving for lyft and picked up another passenger completely out of our way then proceeded to brag about how she picked up some high school kids earlier and they had their destination set to the liquor store where she bought them liquor she had three kids with her one in the front probably 14 a preteen in the back and a toddler no older than 3 also in the back with no car seat she was also driving erratically and wreaked of weed they just never came I waited 20 minutes and the car drove around in circles nowhere near my location I eventually just cancelled bidded when I did my score dropped I went from a five point zero zero to like a four point nine something so she must have rated me then it gave me the option to rate her so I gave her a one-stroke five I don't know if it was a glitch or what but now I can never recover my perfect score he refused to acknowledge my presence and kept asking my husband if he thought it was fine badly the driver wanted to take a second wife because he believed men should be happy my husband was not about that at all and said that if he wanted a second wife she deserved a second husband and the driver flipped out and told us that men deserve more than women and that she should be fulfilled by taking care of his children it was incredibly surreal uncomfortable and demeaning so yeah a big complaint was filed with left edit he specifically said he did not believe in divorce and wanted multiple wives because it was normal in his religion I'm also the person that ordered and paid for the ride and he actually shared me several times for chiming in I was at the DC zoo and needed to get the metro and had foolishly decided I didn't need my cane so didn't want to walk back the driver picked me up and tried to convince me to just get a ride to Union Station instead of the nearest red line when I declined he pulled over and canceled the ride reporting me as drunk and abusive tried to sleep with me I had to call you go and report them immediately when I got in the car I was hit by an incensed why smell that was so strong it gave me an instant headache she spent the whole ride trying to get me to join her essential oil downline in a well known oil MLM I declined politely and then firmly I thought we got to my destination and my head was pounding she stopped and locked the doors she told me that she wasn't going to let me out until I gave her my email address I kind of chuckled and unlocked my door and she immediately locked it again then she pressed child locks so that when I tried to open the door it didn't budge I was shocked and scared and she repeated that I had to give her my email address and handed me a note pad and pen I made one up and dashed out of there immediately reported her kupe of weeks later she somehow found me on Facebook and sent a friend request needless to say I blocked her the guy fell asleep at the wheel and rear-ended a car in front of us then tried to flee then left me at the side of the freeway at Fruitvale in Auckland in the end I got a $500 credit from ubirr my uber was new to the area and attempted to drive down a railroad track I asked what he was doing and he said oh sorry I was on a work trip in another city riding into my first shift at around 5 a.m. we were having a casual conversation and he asked whether I had a boyfriend I said yes yes we were pulling into the empty parking lot no one else was there yet and I was trying to figure out which of the buildings I was supposed to be in he asked if I would go get a coffee with him instead I said no and told him I thought it was the building straight ahead but he turned the other way and started circling the parking lot he said something about no-one else being there yet so I should just get coffee with him and I said no again and asked him to just stop and let me out and I would find my way by foot he let me out but then pulled into a parking spot and lingered there until sometime after I found my way in he decided it was a good time to practise the flute took a new bow from my house to the airport for a work trip flight was at 10 a.m. picked me up at 730 got a call from my boss of the way in driver screamed at me to hang up because he couldn't hear his podcast on his headphones my boss who heard the insane rant tailed the entire team to switch to lift or taxis after that he hit a cyclist who was taking home a pizza slice didn't help him up didn't buy him a new pizza slice he also ran a bunch of red lights and asked for five stars at the end the woman turned into the wrong lane going directly against traffic and then she got lost completely despite having GPS it was a bit unnerving to say the least being one of my first team arrives I mistakenly sat on the front instead of the back while he was taking me home I'm MF he started talking to me and randomly threw in there that he could give me his phone number to make him my regular driver and then proceeded to say he was kidding and placed his hand on my leg I was wearing shorts I felt extremely uncomfortable and unsafe because he dropped me home I immediately reported into youever and they actually called me to have a better sense of what happened they never told me exactly what they did but they did say they took appropriate action so who knows he drove the wrong way down a busy downtown four-lane Street on a Friday evening all while telling us he just came from the local comedy club which I happened to know has a two-drink minimum on Fridays I was terrified i'm a ridah cher driver and only rarely take you body d as a passenger the first one I gave was because the car was absolutely [ __ ] filthy I know after a long night the car can get a little dirty but this seriously looks like it had never been cleaned vacuumed in forever the trip itself was ok though the next one came about you to the driver herself it was a DD trip and I needed to make a quick stop on route at an ATM first the driver berated me for not having my proper name in the app turns out this was a DD platform error nothing I'd done wrong then argued endlessly with me about putting in intermediate stops at the time DD didn't allow you edit the route or have multiple stops you can now and this [ __ ] refused to admit she was wrong she stopped the car and told me to get out but kept the trip running and drove towards my destination one dealer reported her for fraud and got a refund last one was the driver who was clearly annoyed because he didn't want to do the trip which was 30 minutes from the city to where I was staying she was texting and driving yelled [ __ ] she almost hit the curb while entering the interstate and she wasn't wearing a seat belt we were stunned and terrified the whole time my yuba picked up someone else instead of me when I called him to tell him that wasn't me he put the passenger on the phone and kept driving to the destination I had to cancel it and I think he dropped the passenger off at some random spot in town you bear wouldn't refund my ride either the driver didn't want to wait in traffic so he drove up onto the sidewalk we all screamed at him to get back on the road as he continued to drive down the sidewalk one pedestrians ran out of the way he told us that it wasn't a sidewalk it was an uber lane it was a miracle he didn't actually run anyone over said I look just like their ex-girlfriend and asked me out to their favorite restaurant in a follow up text message also had an old Indian woman come pick me up outside of a hotel and watched her circled me ten times while I waved at her in the middle of the street we even made eye contact several times but she just kept on passing me when she finally pulled up to me she almost hit me I think she may have been at least partially blind then she did 20 under the speed limit the whole way there law one stroke five driver took the wrong exit from the traffic circled by my office then missed her turn three times I could see her when she was in the circle but it took her at least fifteen minutes to actually pick me up then on the highway she ignored when the app told her to take the local lanes so we had to sit in traffic to the next exit where she could turn around five miles twenty-five minutes of traffic each direction to turn around I could see my destination when she missed the exit but just couldn't get to it and to top it off she was super annoying and talked a lot complained to yubi they refunded me one dollar and thirty five cents law rode in the front do - number of passengers she shifted into pee every time we were stopped at a light then proceeded to tell us about her abusive ex isn't about how now she carries a loaded handgun in her purse which was by my feet because if she ever runs into that last ex she's gonna shoot him my sister gave up Yuba driver one stroke five he did not understand a word of English and apparently could not read English either as he disregarded nearly every street sign including no left which she yelled at him for as he was about to make a left or no left across a very busy intersection he also attempted to back up when he missed a street she yelled at him for that ones who given it was on a busy street she immediately rated in one stroke five she contacted them and told them that the man should not be driving for them he is a very unsafe driver they told her they would unpay her with him great someone else will get killed I'm sure he had a lot of stuff in the back and made me ride in the front with him I hate riding in the front with you but drivers so I told him I'll just get another ubirr and he persisted for me to ride with him I was already late to a dinner with my family so I got in and it was more uncomfortable because he asked a lot of personal questions like where I worked and what my shifts were once I got out I immediately gave him one star and would have given him some negative stars as well if I could I was riding with a bag of specialty groceries and the driver asked what I had bought I was happy to make idle chitchat so I answered truthfully I was going to make a goat curry over the next 10 minutes he monologue about how much he loved goat curry and how you just can't get a good one in this town and he needed to marry a wife who made a good goat curry and he'd never met a woman who even liked goat before and my curry must be really good and can he have my number can he have my number he needed my number I'd obviously make a good wife and give him loss of children and lots of good goat curry phone number I gave him a fake number and scrambled out of the back seat never have I felt more grateful that I was being dropped off at the subway station and not in front of my apartment lifts got pulled over for speeding and no seat belt proceeded to then say he's gotten four seat belt tickets and won't ever wear one also had a beat to [ __ ] car not sure how it was lyft approved he was running lyft and uber at the same time I had to make it to work and halfway through he started a ride in the other app and started going the wrong direction what bro take me to my destination please they drove with their knee even after I asked them to please not to didn't acknowledge me at all had some songs screaming just suck that dick and leave that [ __ ] on loop and was facebooking while driving I had a guy pick me up with his car smelling like meth he tried to convince me to take his number and he will drive me around without the ubirr app also tried to make me sit up front and gave me really weird compliments the driver didn't take me to my location had a messy car smelled really bad spent the whole time talking on the phone driving one-handed didn't follow my directions I had him pull over so I could get a different driver he asked if he could take me out sometime I told him I wasn't entrusted then he started blaring his music luckily I was only a couple minutes from my destination this yuba driver was extremely curious about my life he asked me if I was partying or drunk he asked me if I lived by myself and new in town and he started talking about how he liked Indian women it was very uncomfortable that's night I slept with a hammer under my pillow it was so scary asked me if I liked cocaine within the first few minutes then proceeded to tell me about how much he loved it including a story about when he'd once done crack and tried to throw himself out of a window because he felt so depressed afterward then tried to take my number I was running late for my flight driver didn't realize that he couldn't drop me off at the airport because he didn't have a special permit for that instead of telling me to find another ubirr he drove around the corner and Basques waits for me to do something until i let myself out I was still charged the cancellation fee and I ended up having to call three uba's if my flight wasn't delayed by 10 minutes I would have missed it no you know reverse card I used to drive for Yuba I won start a passenger because he wanted me to end the trip early then drive him the rest of the way to save him money because come on blue I won starter passenger because he booked a regular uber for seatbelts despite having a group of eight people because an uber Excel costs like a dollar more I won start an old drunk lady because she would not stay in her seat and off my head yes Ethel my head is shaved and it is hella sexy but we are on the freeway sit the [ __ ] down I won start of dude who changed his destination six times in one trip and made me change it's on his phone for him I won start a pair of freshmen chicks who were mad that I wouldn't let them light a joint in my car you are not that cute Liz and Elizabeth I once start every single drunk [ __ ] who got pizza grease falafel bits or fried chicken crumbs in my car I have to clean bat your little shits said get in [ __ ] as I was walking up to the car then when I got into the back he started mouthing off to the guy beside him at a red light tailed him he's [ __ ] and gave him one star his car reeks of Old Spice body spray and he drops us off 12 blocks from the location nothing she was great we hadn't used uber in years and accidentally hit one star instead of five we thought we'd get a chance to correct it but nope already locked in we felt terrible gave a nice tip and called customer support to try and fix it but we're told they don't allow reviews to be changed for any reason fortunately the lady had a ton of reviews and a 4.9 AVG so we probably didn't bring it down too much stopped on the highway to read road signs during rush hour more than once two stories why a why first one my mom and I were on our way back from my dentist appointment and we ordered one however the place is like a maze so it took him a long time to find us but my mom was talking to him on the phone so whatever so he finds us and we get in normal ride then we get to her house and after 10 minutes my mom got the cancelled ride what was normally a ten dollar ride was a thirty forty dollar ride my mom got her a fund and gave one star next one for my birthday we were going out and decided to get a ride this old man picks us up normal ride up until we get to a turn that he should take but he doesn't because the app tells him something different than my mom and she doesn't say anything fast enough by the time my mom casually mentions how it'll be a couple bucks over what it normally costs the dude tries to argue and then out of nowhere he starts yelling at my mom who's kept a calm voice and literally wouldn't let us out until we got there and was just a general ass once again one star was going across the bay bridge at 1:00 a.m. and I noticed the drivers head keeps drooping down throughout the trip we're about halfway across the bridge heading to the East Bay and his head rupes down and he swerves across two lanes to the right abruptly I yell at him he wakes back up and acts as if nothing happened saw my life flash reported that guy played gospel music even after I asked them to turn it off refused to roll up the windows and provide air conditioning in the summer heat refused to stop and let me out after I requested them to do so ignored repeated requests of the above three items for the entire trip if I hadn't been loaded down with grocery bags I would have jumped out at a stoplight they drove 25 kilometres below the speed limit flipped off the locals honking and overtaking them took a longer route because he knows the area really well etc I was silent and understanding the whole ride except when I calmly explained why the locals are mad at the guy going 75 kilometers on a 100 kilometer road after I got to my stop I looked at my passenger rating and lost my perfect five-stars [ __ ] texted and drove messed up simple GPS directions three times it's six turns to my house and she [ __ ] it up so bad it was wild we were in Vegas and we're heading to the zombie burlesque show so we called an uber the dude was a bit off as he didn't really acknowledge us I think he was messed up on something as he was super sweaty and his face kept twitching he then covered everything from the neck down with a large towel and I believe he was jerking off while speeding through the strip the final part was him driving 50 miles per hour in the underground parking garage of the Planet Hollywood Casino and was weaving between pillars which he almost hit we got out the second he had to stop due to cars being in front of him used to be a driver but can say I've got in a one-stroke five before as retaliation for giving a three stroke five to the rider for clipping nails in my back seats and I'm unprofessional this is why reviews should be double blind halfway to the airport for a flight I was running a little late for that would have made it the driver pulled off at a random exit announced that he didn't feel like going all the way to the airport and had somewhere else to be soon made me get out and call another ubirr only low rating I've ever given still made my flight but just barely in southern France we had one yuba driver who kept looping around and running up the trip he also went exceedingly fast on a hillside road with blind corners and two-way traffic we also had one that picked us up in ease and was supposed to take us to Monaco but went through nice eases halfway between nice and Monaco so we were already halfway to Monaco and he went all the way back to nice first both times we rated one-star and complained and got reimbursed for part of the trips only did one stroke v twice first driver was high-cost melde's strongly of weed he was texting constantly missed a few exits and cross over at last second second one robbed me literally drove to a convience store in bad area of town at 4 a.m. told me to get him 100 bucks out of ATM if I wanted him to take me home reported both to yubi they gave me $20 towards a future fare in both cases and didn't say anything else I'll call he drove me around the [ __ ] planet because he missed road signs and somehow got on the highway I looked up and was horrified I asked him why we got on the highway and he said because he couldn't turn the other way because there was too much traffic the trip was 15 minutes but took 1 hour and 2 minutes it was insane they tried to charge me for the whole trip to tell me me gleefully that she braked checks people who tailgates her then proceeded to do it multiple times when I got into the car he immediately yelled in a stern voice state your account ID I take you there almost daily and I know drivers like to ask for your name but I was so taken aback by the aggressive yelling as soon as I got into the car I was met with the most awful smell I've ever experienced in my whole life it was like something died in his car I had to hold my breath throughout the 20-minute ride then he drove me to the wrong place two times by the second time I just decided to walk to my destination because I was so vexed by the smell before I got out after sitting in the car in silence he yelled rate 5 stars he wouldn't unlock the door until I agreed yep one stroke 5 they drove over my foot as I was trying to get my luggage into the car Lal if you want to get nothing in return you can like and join my discord there is a link in the description [Music]
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Views: 131,464
Rating: 4.8593531 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: _hWdpvpeNTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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