U Roy Meets King Tubbys (Full Album)
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Channel: Reggae2Reggae
Views: 120,026
Rating: 4.8359737 out of 5
Keywords: Reggae, Reggae2Reggae, Roots, Vintage, Classic, Dub, Retro, Oldies, Jamaica, Rastafarian, Riddim, Ska, Carribean, Music, U Roy, Meets, King Tubbys, (Full Album), Full Album, u roy natty rebel, u roy runaway girl, u roy chalice in the palace, u roy wear you to the ball, u roy live, u roy full album, king tubbys meets rockers uptown, king tubbys 2016, king tubby's dub, king tubby's sound, king tubbys carnival, king tubby's special, u roy king tubby, u roy meets king tubby
Id: u25HRsuqS0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 12sec (3732 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 11 2015
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much respect mr u-roy!!!