Tyrone Magnus Dragonball Z Abridged Christmas Tree of Might Part 1 FULL HD

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was handed back insights time to get it on with another team four star Dragon Ball Z movie and this one is going to be part one to Christmas tree of might let's get it will see a caramel tootsie roll with my permission to animation Fuji TV I get three on oh please support the official release twas the week before Christmas and Nepal pianist no one was searching for 3d of great worth they longed for a tree both tall and wrapped and for some us wandering faces all Britons this my dear viewer is where our story begins alright guys Christmas tree Christmas is ruined now yeah no we don't network Trey I wish there was something we could do for them yeah real easy presents series as you can see this beautiful land full of trees that life has been burned to the ground Christmas tree Mitch it's not just any tree a perfect Christmas tree he's [ __ ] tired hurry lizard on navigation system just changed cause we're on route to a new planet earth doesn't contain the sufficient amount of joy according to our senses yes you are not allowed to go camping again young man mom who wants the ones who bring them aquatics not me I don't care whose fault it is you need to be responsible remember if you don't act like a good little boy okay I just got bring me looks again he brings you what you like and what do you want with my books see he brings you what you like well what am I getting for Christmas the same thing is last year Goku oh so that thing you do with this it is time plant the tree of Mike the Christmas tree of Mike now let the Yuletide celebrations the type of rock is that call I want to know you guys for a while your car yes goku like my car my calculate the wreckage landed on your house neither can i and since they put a lot money into the car pretty much destitution you know let me say that depression gets worse June the holiday season my suicide rates are so high you see space pirates sign up your credit with growing and now it's literally sucking the Christmas joy out of the entire planet Disney evil Gregory get smashed alright guys group meeting so it turns out someone just plenty like gigantic tree my tree that is sucking the Christmas joy out of the entire world but I don't know who would be so Bastardly so my plan is we get the Dragon Balls and wish you to win Oh didn't work dammn if we don't act soon Christmas is going to be ruined forever wait a minute ciaossu what are you two doing here are you Jewish because Holidays to you too I think the only course of action left is to reason with it okay Trey usually right now I'm gonna have to beat you up Goku trees can't come are these guys we are from the planet of misfit minions we're all better servants of Santa Claus our scent we are all but why are you banished in the first place some of us did things terrible things some of us regret and some of us don't thank me for example I was but a humble mall Santa trying to bring children joy so what happened well a young child asked for a firetruck what you do something so evil I am forever on Santa's naughty list geez compared to these guys what could you have possibly made rude off Merry Christmas guys you mean jingle bell jingle bell you know you look like one of the kids I let's sit on my lap once of course he was the cancer patient asked me if I can get rid of his dancin oh god this is going where I think it is no more cancer yeah you are one of the worst of all Santa's ever right behind those ones the best kids so I'm the worst them can I just smash the Krampus Oh what are the others by my mind and soon it's gonna be too late to go caroling oh hey Dan what's with the getup Halloween Christian Christmas whatever they're kinda hate Christmas I hate ginger bread houses I hate presents and toys I hate reindeer and all of the good girls and boys I hate the who's down in Whoville and all of their songs I hate their wallets and plummets and Kubik for bras I hate carols and sleigh rides and donilon's but above all things else I hate Santa Claus you're saying aren't you how lucky you were to never suffer by injustice however after my tree is done with this planet will be left with what who's that [ __ ] you look like Goku and you look like a Yoshi I get that now hand over the kid oh you want this kid I want him you want this kid I want him you want this kid my water you want you Merry Christmas yeah you're gonna stay right there now how about I show you a little trick I learned if I put pressure down on this part of your back your tail grows back it stays like that it's the Star of Bethlehem you know what that means I forgot he did that toy yeah only instead of Jesus she finds out about this my bucketmouth present laid mouth present I'll start calling it dead thanks girl I'm gonna get one from today can't get him mouth the present now it was a mountain prison look if that keeps on giving posted comments down below let me know what you think I will be back with part don't want you subscribers you
Channel: Zanto NFE
Views: 23,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 01uBLqAHMbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2016
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