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work from home jobs at the weekly payment now this is another opportunity for you stay tuned until the end is welcome back to our Channel I'm Cass nothings where to find side hassle home-based jobs and ESL jobs if you like this kind of videos now don't forget to like subscribe and click the notification Bell foreign interview this is a common typing job which I believe now let's talk about being a transcriptionist or a transcriber looking for a job around the world are you looking for a legit website that offers job that matches your skills and experience well happy career is here for you they use AI to process your resume and match it with hundreds of thousands of jobs around the world you only need to take their four steps can you use your LinkedIn profile yes you can use your LinkedIn profile or not then use your resume so to successfully process your resume you need to follow the file format it should be PNG jpeg or jpg and they highly recommend you to submit file format like PDF doc or docs if you have more questions about epicare no worries because you can contact them via their support team help epicareer.com or their social media accounts Instagram Facebook and their Twitter now let's start using epic career the only thing that you're going to need here is your resume to start let's go back to the main page and then start by using your resume so you can use your LinkedIn profile or your docs resume or PDF you need to click the two buttons here to agree the terms and conditions of a picker year so now let's browse our folder once you attach your resume you need to click upload and then the AL will process your resume you wait for it until you will reach 100 and it's done in just seconds the AL find you 10 jobs that matches your skills so you need also to review your data and then click get recommendations you can also put minimum salary that you want so let's just put and then save and continue oh that's it so jobs for your resume you will find different jobs for you recommendations for you with complete information so for example appointment setter so the salary is 30 000 to 35 000 about the company what are your responsibilities the requirements the benefits the the schedule and where to apply so it's really very easy using epic here very convenient to all of us and very informative it really helps us to find the job that we are looking for that matches our skills and experience use epic or year now what is a transcriptionist or transcriber simply one who Converse recorded audio files into text or document format in other words it attacks words or sentences or conversations into a document or Word documents or Google Docs so at firstly if you are a beginner but the video it is so just type typing speed test typingtest.com so as a transcriber young conversation or audio is while you are listening you also can type as fast as you can so at least 45 words per minute so to practice your spirit so internet for example one minute test okay medium text start Torito just type the words and then make sure nah you know also the spacing you know also the proper comma and then the typing speed NATO then if you type correctly you know the keyword so the morning you can type more words and then as you can see analyzing the results 38 words per minute times 97 meron one typo accuracy so you can do it more so challenge yourself more and then retake or do lots of tests accurate then second tool as transcriber is [Applause] to minimize the noise words there are also software to check grammatical error um also the the spelling the punctuation software so example FTW transcriber so it's a software for Windows and Android so software NATO is a smartphone or tablet laptop transcriber then you can start downloading this software transcriber so here is enhance audio quality automatic adding of time stamps and frames okay another one example compatible with all word processors Place video files and with visuals display and a lot more so you can use this one to help you to become a transcriber so for example this one this is the screenshot so meron timestamp you can play pause rewind fast forward so I know nothing installed so you want another one aside from FTW transcriber software dot i o so you can upload here and then it will automatic transcription in just one click click the transcribe so it's a software versatile compared to other services that only allow you to transcribe either audio or video file so this is a vid you can do both so you check this one also another thing that you need to have is your headphones videos concentration with using your headset must clearance another is equipment then you can use your phone Naman or tablet so make ways income and last one is because uh well you are typing it don't see food pedal you can pause you can stop or you can rewind the file or the video para if gets a guide so you can use your food pedal to stop it and then while you are typing so much but if you can't yet afford to buy this one because it's expensive then use it manually um make time and effort this transcriptionstaff.com so work from home earn money with transcription jobs so start making money in three easy steps are transcription stuff transcription jobs unlike other transcription websites so here the first thing that you're going to do is to sign up by completing a simple form and then meron sealant two minute transcription test and go in and make sure if incomplete and then last one is successful your account manager will contact you for further details so here see transcriptions staff.com is leading BPO wholesale supplier of transcription services to the leading transcription companies worldwide transcription staff website so work from home so you need to have your computer internet connection and your headset and also you can work anytime anywhere so flexible work schedule so just complete at least two audio hours every week to keep your account active so if merong other work at this additional income then transcriptionist full time then you can do more or you can do more two hours every day and here you will earn up to twenty dollars Point forty per Audi hour so it's a very competitive price and like other websites is weekly payment so through PayPal at Meadows minimum six dollars I believe six dollars personal account manager so you are a freelancer but at the same time contact person in case time schedule like 9 A.M to 5 p.m 7 days a week if you need help if Marin crayon queries account managers and you can choose your own project here it's a website can find according to them 100 to 250 jobs a day is available job makaka received an email coming from them available jobs if you fail the test also you can apply again after six months to start the application information Skype then that's the time that you need to make Suite so let's fill out Skype account number so just click your Skype and then it's a profile Sky profile just click that one and then copy so that's it and then so that's it and then apply now two minutes yes just click this one so meron Chang 1.58 minutes so format example when a new interviewer hello your conversation interview so give example interview hello not very clear and then last is and so just follow this one if then just submit so you can play you can pause you can go back and then you can also forward okay so here marination speed so adjust the speed if I like that and then if um so after that then submit so wait for them for their email if you passed the test so that's it then you can be a transcriber so if you also like to have other options you can also check my other videos If you like this one don't forget to like subscribe and click the notification Bell for the lucky game updated also follow our Facebook page for more updates thank you for always watching and happy Hunting
Channel: Sincerely Cath
Views: 300,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sincerely cath, sincerely cath atexto, typing jobs online philippines, typing jobs online, typing jobs no interview, typing jobs work from home, typing jobs online philippines gcash, typing jobs online philippines 2022, work from home jobs 2022, work from home typing jobs, work from home, online jobs for students, online jobs philippines, typing jobs for students, typing jobs without interview
Id: jo7P6Wued_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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