Typical IIoT Infrastructure REVEALED

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what is our typical IOT infrastructure take zero define IOT again right the industrial Internet of Things is the idea that we get all information and data in the hands of the people who need it when they need it ok and where they need it right so that's the typical IOT infrastructure our goal is when we talk about an IOT infrastructure this is the infrastructure we have to put in place in order to meet that goal of putting the data and information that people need in their hands when they need it and where they need it ok this is a typical IOT infrastructure for a project that we work on ok and this is not all-inclusive it's just typical alright so I'm just gonna kind of go over some of the components so we've got a couple of legacy PLC's in our facility so for an IOT project what what are we generally trying to do we are generally trying to digitally transform an entire enterprise and we start by digitally transforming one plant one facility right so this would be we're in a single facility all right the stuff that they already have in place generally they're gonna have a couple of legacy plcs maybe an OPC server and maybe a SCADA system they may also have a CMMS a CMS is a maintenance management system so I think people make this way more complicated than it needs to be but think of it as the maintenance management system is the piece of software that you use to open and close work orders for your equipment the machine breaks down I need to open a work order to get a mechanic or an electrician to come out that a mechanic or an electrician may need some type of work instruction to fix the problem he may need to order parts he may need to retrieve those parts from a cage that's what the maintenance management system does okay they probably have some type of legacy CMMS system in there in fours a really popular one I and I when I say legacy it's it's a really good mmm CMS so they probably have a maintenance management system they probably have warehouse management system so what is a warehouse management system it basically it's inventory control it is you know we're what are all the bin locations in my warehouse what inventory do I have in that warehouse how much is on hand that's what weight and warehouse management system is and then they have an ERP system and we can guarantee they have this even if it's just QuickBooks ERP is they they stands for enterprise resource planning software but what it really is it's the accounting home for your business it's what are all the assets that I have you know what's the cost of goods sold sometimes what is our current inventory what are all the products that we make you know in the ERP system generally will have asset IDs for each piece of machinery that you have okay so they generally have an ERP system they also have some type of database right I mean everyone's using some type of sequel database and they may have a SCADA system here's what we add they may have a IOT supported PLC's HMIS and sensors okay so that is a sensor that's a smart sensor that can report its information to an mqtt broker without having to be wired in to a PLC and then routed through an OPC server because remember this is all pol response it's legacy technology so they may have smart sensors or we may install them they may have smart hm eyes or we may install them and they may have a IOT supported plcs or we may install them okay so the first thing that we generally put in place if we're going to use mqtt is our fio2 infrastructure is we're gonna put a broker in okay and basically what that means is is all the stuff that supports MQTT is gonna publish into our broker all right the other thing that we're gonna do and hopefully their OPC server is kept where because Kepler does support MQTT using the IOT gateway what we will do is we will configure this to publish all of its information into a broker okay so just by pointing the IOT gateway into our MQTT broker we now have the all the namespaces all the information for the sensors HMIS and PLC's all the information for these plcs which are housed in the OPC server living inside this broker okay the one thing we'll have trouble getting ahold of is this information and the SCADA which would generally be things like like alarm information that kind of stuff okay then the thing that we add in is we're to add in the technology that we're going to use to generate our unified namespace because all of our applications are going to consume and produce data from this unified namespace so that means mes which will add in the manufacturing execution system we may will almost certainly replace the SCADA system so it can talk to this unified namespace okay the SCADA system we may add in things like machine learning we may add in a data leak from the cloud the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to connect this broker to our unified namespace okay so I want to explain what that namespace looks like real quick so we generally use the iOS 8 95 standard which is enterprise site area line so for each node in our system mes SCADA our data Lake our CMMS our warehouse management system our ERP and our SCADA system we have a location inside of our unified namespace for the data from that information and I'm gonna get more technical than normal here one of the biggest challenges of having a single source of truth in a plant in a business unit or in an enterprise is every one of these pieces of software that you buy off the shelf has its own namespace and this is what I mean let's say I have a machine a line I've got a single celled machine machine one that has all it has is PLC on it ok that machine consumes raw materials and it spits out finished goods this machine machine number one is going to is going to be an asset inside of your ERP and there is going to be an asset ID so just like there your area is gonna have an asset ID inside of Europe if we're using s ap for example you may your enterprise may have a number like you know 1000 and that's its ID inside of the ERP system and the site may have an ID something like this 1000 dash 451 is the SA P number and then the area itself might have another you know say 451 - 0 1 and then the line is going to have an asset number ok and we'll say the asset number is 31 31 ok that's inside the ERP system but let's say I add my machine into the CMMS so into my maintenance management system so that I can open work orders to get that machine fixed well when I connect this machine to the CMMS the CMMS is going to create an ID for that asset it's not going to use the same asset that's inside the ERP system because unless you're using sa P's CMMS these won't even talk to each other unless you build some middleware layer and join all the data together which most executives when they're looking at building and you know digitally transforming the business they never even consider that cost the same thing will happen with the warehouse management system in the warehouse management system this machine is going to become a location why because you're gonna move raw materials from your warehouse out to this machine and someone may want to know where were those raw materials move to so this is also going to have its own ID inside the warehouse management system okay when you build out the SCADA system so you're skating supervisor control data acquisition all of your alarms and all your process control inside the SCADA system believe it or not when you organize all your tags from the PLC there are underlying IDs related to that machine and all of its tags and they will be a completely different ID number so when we want to merge all that information together if I want to get maintenance information down sign up time all its mes information I want to get raw material information I want to get costing information and I want to look at real-time alarm management for just one machine before I have unified all the data I got to get it from here here here here here and here all with different IDs I got to merge that together and let's say I want to build a simple report using the existing structure let's get rid of our unified namespace you have to pay an engineer to merge all that stuff together okay so the reason we use MQTT is because we are able to generate this unified namespace seamlessly and here I'll show you how we do that the plc is going to get what's known as a node ID the HMI is going to get a node ID and the sensor is going to get a node ID and it is a unique ID only one node in the entire unified namespace has that ID and it is going to get essentially a command like when we give it its node ID we're gonna give it a parent path we're gonna say this PLC belongs to this line so I want you to publish into this topic Enterprise you know 1000 forward slash 1000 dash 451 forward slash 450 1-0 one forward slash my node ID and anything with that node ID any information with that node ID is gonna get published exactly inside the name space where it belongs and it's coming from the PLC it's gonna be all that sensor data but let's say the ERP system needs to consume oh let's say the CMS system the CMMS system needs to consume some of that sensor data hey I've got a sensor that we know breaks down every thousand run hours the CMS system can now just by subscribing to that sensor data it can now consume the runtime hours on that sensor generate a work order and publish back into that exact same space in the name space but by giving it its own unique node ID we will get a CMMS sub namespace inside this path so the CMS system is able to consume from anything that's in that sent in that namespace and publish back into its own unique location so the CMMS can consume just that sensor data and then publish back into a directory called where the seasoned CMMS published back into a directory called CMS which could be a data set that tells us hey here are the four sensors that need to be changed the next shut down that kind of thing alright so this is the typical IOT infrastructure the reason we build it this way the reason we construct it this way this is all the original stuff this is the stuff we add in the reason we construct it this way is so that we can build this the unified namespace which is the single source of truth for all of your data and the reason it's so important the reason it's so important and we talk about this all the time disparate systems one of the number one things that executives will tell us is hey we have all these disparate systems I've got like really important information in my ERP I get important information in the WMS I got one in the CMMS but I'm tired of having to go to all these different systems to kind of collate all the data into the information I need to make decisions and if you watch the previous video when we built those dashboards the only way that you could build that in real time truly digitally transform fully leveraging IOT is using a unified namespace like this so we construct this type of infrastructure I want to finish one little quick thing our unified namespace is also going to connect to any of our existing databases alright so any of that old legacy data we want to be able to connect to that database right so our unified namespace through this database could also pull back historical alarm data for any equipment for anything that happened prior to us getting there right from the start what we're doing is we're looking at what is originally there what does the customer currently have what do they ultimately want to achieve and then what do we have to add to get to this point where we had that single source of truth for the data before we ever build a visualization before we ever build a report or ever build a dashboard the first thing that we're trying to do is get to this point right here [Music]
Channel: 4.0 Solutions
Views: 14,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: intellic integration, walker reynolds, intellic, iiot, industry 4.0, digital factory, iot infrastructure, IIoT Infrastructure, internet of things, industrial iot, inductive automation, smart manufacturing, industrial internet of things, internet of things applications
Id: oxNWur6PZ1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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