Typical Day Working an Oil Field Job | Carlsbad, New Mexico | Jan. 2020

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recently I took a trip to Carlsbad New Mexico for a job in the oil field so I've made this video to show you what my typical day looks like working in such a unique place as a Permian Basin your day starts between 4:30 and 5:00 a.m. when you get up layer up and go downstairs for some hotel breakfast you choose to flimsy bacon the bland potatoes the cardboard pancakes and the powdered eggs and with your stomach now regrettably full you're set to head out to work although the Sun isn't set to come out for another hour you'll spend that hour on the road be sure to download offline maps because service is pretty spotty out here if you even have service at all what kind of road are we on though well you'll start on a two-lane highway then you'll turn off under paved access road before long the pavement turns to dirt and soon after this you'll find yourself driving right on top of the actual pipeline you may also find it necessary to take your rental car off-roading regardless of your route the Sun will be rising as you arrive so you're at the job site and the first thing to do is put on all that PPE these items will vary of course depending on what you do but more importantly who you're working for for the rest of a day you'll work very hard and you will not film on the job site duh then you'll eat a crap lunch and work until dark unless you get shut down for the day because of weather what's the weather like you may ask if you were to spend only four days here you would still see four drastically different types of weather you'll have a sunny day with some wind you'll have a rainy day with wind and gusts you'll have a snowy day with sustained wind and you'll have an extra windy day with extra wind this is how I got all the dust on my camera sensor [Music] everything gets shut down for the day because the wind has developed into a sandstorm and yes that's a tumbleweed getting off early is okay though because now you can visit Carlsbad Caverns National Park according to NPS gov Carlsbad Caverns has the largest single cave chamber by volume in all of North America this was honestly pretty amazing but on a normal day we don't get to go caving instead you work ten to twelve hours and do not film on the jobsite with the hard day's work behind you it's now time to suffer the commute back just like anywhere else except it's really nothing like anything else you've ever seen first there's this I believe they put their old boots on the fence post to prevent water from soaking in and rotting the posts but I really have no idea anyway it's not long until you hit traffic a traffic is actually so bad here that some people choose to make a living from it you can get barbecue here fr clothing there and there are plenty of taco trucks you're in traffic with mostly work trucks and 18 wheelers but most definitely with a few reckless drivers this commute is going to take you two hours and that's without wrecks one time to 18 wheelers crashed into each other and we were on the road for another hour at least there's some interesting things to be seen as you crawl along back in town traffic is no better Carlsbad is booming and has more to offer than most towns out here Pecos is a dump Hey yeah crap Orla is literally nothing but this one insanely busy intersection Andrey's is quaint Kjell is closer to a ghost town than anything else the crime rate tends to be high in these towns due to the lack of anything constructive to do and big truck driving contractors are always crashing into rookie rally racers attempting to execute maneuvers around the traffic but with some luck and much patience you make it to dinner restaurant choices will vary depending on what town you're in but you can always count on there being a weight we found this Chinese buffet to be pretty fast so we ate here every night after dinner you head on to wherever you're spending the night you got your hotels your motels your roach motels a lot of ends some apartments and then there's man camps a man camp is a compound made up of modular campers or double-wide trailers these fleabag residences pop up wherever the oil is so usually in the middle of nowhere some have their own convenience stores food halls and laundry while others are nothing more than glorified trailer parks needless to say lodging is in high demand out here making just a basic hotel room 250 to $350 a night no matter where you spend the night you are exhausted once you get there but you can't go to sleep yet you're covered in dust your clothes are stained your bathtub is stained your washcloth is stained but hopefully you're not too stained at the end of the night you may spend a little time talking to loved ones but not too long it's time to set your alarm and catch a little sleep if you can because you're doing it all again tomorrow if you work in the oil field let me know in the comments what I left out of this video if you liked this video be sure to hit that like button after all that's what is for and here are a few other videos that may interest you I hope I can say this video earned your subscription either way thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Will Streets 2
Views: 7,323
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Keywords: will streets, will streets vlogs, willstreetsvlogs, weekendwill, weekend will, 8streets, zbav68gSpaADstzX, oilfield, oil field, oil field jobs, You wanna work in the oil field?, zero experience, What You Need To Know Before Applying To Work In The Oilfield!, WORKING IN THE OILFIELD, Life in the oilfield, A DAY IN THE LIFE OIL FIELD, working in the oil field texas, oilfield life, carlsbad nm, pecos tx, orla tx, andrews tx, jal nm, texas oil fields, texas oil boom, new mexico oil
Id: 9buI7_NRElg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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