TypeScript is better than C for this

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[vityaniko] Parallax? [gumboatdiplomat] he said the thing! [reymons_] wow this is really nice [tsoding] https://lodev.org/cgtutor/raycasting.html [venkth] raytracing would be more catchy though [frisjon] hello everynyan [fxs2008] > if you can’t run in a direction to goal, then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, if you can’t crawl then lay down in direction of your goal and breath towards it and manifest it and if you do it enough sooner or later you’ll get there! [endyotter] I have not much time these days, so I have not seen previous streams, but omg this is pogers [frisjon] 69 story points [fmega] good luck [shpirtman] Loading images into canvas alone is science in itself [leiswatch] hello [reymons_] Wait. Where are previous two streams on this topic? [yogibogido] !today [adamd1008] hwo does that work with widescreen vs 4:3? [vityaniko] Don't forget the depth correction [adamd1008] 0-1 range just stretched to the screen? [endyotter] quan [endyotter] quantum physics tsodinPogging [onlyhavingfun] hi all.. I missed a lot [cryptoahash] sux! [tsoding] https://tsoding.github.io/raycasting/ [mimhufford] Retro controls in Typescript [ow_kaaf] Continue raycasting if the normal of the wall is pointing the same direction of the camera [i_only_know_tactics26] Damn this is so much math [adamd1008] hang on, what's typescript [ow_kaaf] JavaScript but with extra steps LUL [adamd1008] classic [i_only_know_tactics26] T Ass [onlyhavingfun] @ow_kaaf hero_dev is using ellipsoide.. so almost no ray is straight to the camera. yet it works very well [ow_kaaf] @onlyhavingfun Yeah, I meant close enough to the camera direction, because if you o ly allow the exact value, only a line would appear [princeal29] HeyGuys [vjutonheh] omg tsoding live [nicolasdanelon] nicolasdanelon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! I soy [zxsap0] nodejs server incoming [natsu130] Pog ship it [nicolasdanelon] lol sorry for that message haha [squidgames123] What if you add fog to hide that [ow_kaaf] Probably using the distance as a mask to a "fog" color for each wall (lerping the color of the wall with the color of void) would be cool and would create a simple "fog" effect [alexandersupertramp29] so zoom out should happen on minimap to? [natsu130] is your main character the Purple teletubbies? LUL [fmega] built in slow motion [sekenrethesorcerer] maybe an early exit for the raycast if it doesn't intersect with the scene? [themuffin4] !today [valenii] Good evenink epic cooders [popescualexandrucristian] You can also say that is the dot with itself [adamd1008] !== operator tsodinD [hectorhsc] Cheer100 [idkncc] blazingly fast without rust [yadamya] ==== [fmega] is sqrt still expensive? [invisibl3cat] Fast inverse sqrt in TypeScript! Kappa [popescualexandrucristian] Dot(a,a) ==squared distance [shpirtman] nah, I've sped up stuff on actually recent hardware by removing sqrt [tw_int] precompute sin and cos tables like a true low level coder :) [mimhufford] Definitely still relevant, I'm doing some stuff on the playdate console and you have to be careful there [mimhufford] You'd really like the playdate C API actually, it's similar to raylib, very well designed [shpirtman] now sin and cos precomputed tables are probably not as good as they were back in a day, they are relatively big and take precious cache space [squidgames123] Like CHIP-8 [skorpionvitalya] sin(x)~=x on small Xes, ezpezy optimization in some situations =) [theabdullahamrsobh] tsodinCool [onyxblackstone] for real consoles, NES might be fun, there's a C API these days AFAIK [edswordsmith] I asked my parents if I could use their old ZX Spectrum to try it [mimhufford] That's exactly why I'm making a playdate game, 400x240, 1bit. It's so much fun [edswordsmith] They haven’t found them yet [lenkense] I know PS1 had some ways to access the std library and do some weird thing. Crash Bandicoot did that [frisjon] "your 'handicap' is my muse" [comeforthfishes] Its time since last frame [tw_int] @EdSwordsmith can use an emulator to try it [fmega] sin and cos can be approximated using taylor series [adamd1008] I have an old intel optimization book here which has a fast square root: float FastSqrt(float f) { int t = *(int*)&f; t -= 0x3f800000; t >>= 1; t += 0x3f800000; return *(float*)&t; } [adamd1008] %5 error [shpirtman] can't really use lambada function in it, because you need to request the frame again [shpirtman] ah, I see >_> [spectreofstarman] that is indeed the rule : ( [cephon_altera] my favorite are C closures [nothingfasterthanhtml] I bought programming socks !! [devoloution1] rust mentioned POGGERS [mesmerrlive] !today [valenii] SeemsGood [shpirtman] rust: like C (and some C++, and some haskell), but more annoying. TS: like JS, but more annoying [tcpstream] !riir raycasting in typescript [mrbotka] raycasting in typescript has been rewritten in Rust [valenii] I think one can put an assert there that prevTimestamp is not undefined to make the compiler happy [22baconn] da [22baconn] docnotL [22baconn] Right [agusjkdev] snake case? really tsoding? really? WutFace [valenii] oink [alexandersupertramp29] *100 [22baconn] da [cryptoahash] Light speed [akufishi] we zooming [fmega] warp drive [valenii] Ludicrous speed [lucas_t_a] QPU speed [alexandersupertramp29] can you detect collision [adamd1008] Pepega [22baconn] docnotL wtf is this snake about [reuniko_] forgot to change KeyW -> KeyS [onlyhavingfun] what if w and s are down at the same time? [fmega] a bit of an oopsie doopsie [cryptoahash] :) [spectreofstarman] good stream idea though [doushnilla] yet [tcpstream] Nuclear reactor written in JS would be a nuclear disaster [sekenrethesorcerer] @onlyhavingfun I want to see this too [mrlinusmeow] yet POGGERS [adamd1008] rewrite in Ada for nuclear plant? tsodinPause [lucas_t_a] Wouldn't have happened with tdd [themelopeus] it's getting faster [shpirtman] !when RBMK strim [mrbotka] @shpirtman RBMK strim is tomorrow POGGERS [bare7a] It does, yes [nuclearshadow14] !rwir [mrbotka] @nuclearshadow14 command `rwir` does not exist [popescualexandrucristian] Nuclear js [bare7a] You've made it .add [sasailalka1337] it seems [bare7a] Every time [themelopeus] it's accelerating [valenii] we need circle strafing [valenii] clownHop [adamd1008] declare variable called that_sink_in [theabdullahamrsobh] I'm sure there is an NPM package that does exactly this [localtost] there's a few [tw_int] it's in nightly. oops wrong stream :) [gabrielmodog] @TheAbdullahAmrSobh a thousand [erielle04] @TheAbdullahAmrSobh with 5000 dependencies [tonymclane] bloat [nuclearshadow14] leftPad mokent [willfennel] Good guys, creating more jobs [nuclearshadow14] moment* [valenii] Conspiracy [popescualexandrucristian] Don't think that is the intent, they are just astronaut architects [themuffin4] ⚠️ zozin is rotating again ⚠️ [mopcpayc] @Tsoding zdrastvui, ochet spasiba! [butterscotchtoffee] Get rotated idiot OSFrog [yadamya] make fov 360 [juli27117] now check the minimap :D [adamd1008] better map awareness than forsen [cryptoahash] Camera shrunk on the minimap? [localtost] Quake 2 style [mopcpayc] @Tsoding ты делаешь мморпг? вааааууу [fmega] the win 95 maze Pog [sekenrethesorcerer] @cryptoahash He moved the near clipping plane [tw_int] @cryptoahash it shows near clipping plane [entrishkanter] 0q [cryptoahash] Ah yeah makes sense. [akoya_here] endoh has some of my favourite quines [thearte04] Why do modern browsers feel like full operating systems?.. [tangjie] Have you not heard? [movax13h] @TheArte04 because they have support for media types of all kinds [deugensson] you can do some oldschool demoscene effects by applying sin() to every scanline [mopcpayc] LGBT labyrinth :D [themelopeus] omg :)) [tiagodinis33] you have to parse the color yourself [cryptoahash] Because 80% of websites are bloated with metadata collection bs. [popescualexandrucristian] Encode it as a tuple braw [thejetty] parseInt(x, 16) [fxs2008] @TheArte04 We literally have a browser as the whole OS: ChromeOS [movax13h] you can use "rgba(r,g,b,a)" as color instead of "#RRGGBBAA" [lkartonlkarton] !play [tangjie] 0-255 [movax13h] rgb 0 to 255 and a 0 to 1 [cryptoahash] Tried getting that emacs multicursor to work with evil mode. Had issues with it. [coffeeeeeeeeeee] 255, 255, 255, 100 [arkzats] if you put "public" infront of the parameterers in the constructor you don't need to declare the instance variables seperately [mimhufford] But isn't a 0-1? [nicofishman] 0 to 255 for RGB and 0 to 1 [adamd1008] what [popescualexandrucristian] Jesus [onyxblackstone] because W3C and CSS [themelopeus] that's so random [kotte78] I can tell why. [lkartonlkarton] they invented JS what do you expect ? [shpirtman] rgb are real color components, and `a` is a mental illness Kappa [tspimusic] the web does a little trolling [butterscotchtoffee] tell me why OSFrog [deugensson] how do they comply with P3 with the rgba() function? [knew1t] WC3 pog [i_am_seabass] a little? [adamd1008] bruh wtf, doesn't OpenCV encode it as an unsigned char like the RGB, why do anything else [cryptoahash] lol [mateusf777] KEKW [abraomd] Lol [butterscotchtoffee] Kreygasm [tonymclane] LEL [kotte78] RGB means one thing (color integer), A means another (alpha float). [cryptoahash] Yeah its pretty ugly.. [bylkauser] ts [themelopeus] @kotte78 why can't alpha be integer too? [vivatjavascript] you can use typescript constructor shorthand in your class, typescript will automatically generate those properties [valenii] Some r's need to be g and b [coffeeeeeeeeeee] this.r * 3 [son_of_viking] @Tsoding your to_string uses r 3 times instead of r, g, b [sasailalka1337] @Tsoding по-моему можно пропустить объявление в классе перед конструктором и внутри конструктора в тайпскрипте? что думаешь на этот счет? [ileno] Every minute coding in this language to me, feels like standing in Chernobyl, guaranteed cancer. [liquidserg] why 255*0 was 255 or I'm blind? [pakel1] To style users 3 times [themuffin4] isnt that incorrect? ur using this, ur for all components [island_moonlight] i c [kotte78] @TheMelopeus float gives bigger range, for better precision during calculations I think, since A usually multiplies the RGB values. [mimhufford] @LiquidSerg bug, he'll find it [popescualexandrucristian] It's a pirate color to many rs [themuffin4] this.r* [mykdor] toStyle() uses red 3 times [pakel1] Uses r [son_of_viking] @LiquidSerg because it prints this.r 3 times instead of the r g b components [sante98_] hi budyy [themelopeus] @kotte78 ok, makes sense [thejetty] why not enum? [vityaniko] r+g [liquidserg] @son_of_viking Kappa [sqaxomonophonen] FFFF00 is yellow [mimhufford] yep [shpirtman] Yellow? Never knew 'er [butterscotchtoffee] OSFrog [cerealpi] creating a new color every time feels like a waste [yesdiscard] If you think about it 3D doesn't actually exist. Even real world is actually 2 2D scenes. [thearte04] doesn't red+blue = pink? [ashishbhattarai] isn't that magenta, purple and magenta the same color? [ileno] isnt better an enum and byte shift from red? [mykdor] fix toStyle() [mimhufford] R+B = magenta but I think there are language differences [ileno] oh wait TS enums are shit :D [numer0_bis] I think your method tostyle has a mistahe [themelopeus] toStyle has some bugs, this.r is repeated 3 times [numer0_bis] You have 3 times r*255 [wekuz11] toStyle has r 3 times [coffeeeeeeeeeee] backseat heaven [mowemax] this.r*255 are used 3 times in toString instead of g & b [popescualexandrucristian] You also have to use them :) [son_of_viking] @Tsoding toStyle() uses this.r 3 times [coffeeeeeeeeeee] better than ai [sanderjannes] this man can legit make everything [tyka____] new NYAN.CAT! game? [deugensson] @tyka____ wolfen.nyan [nigelwithrow] !today [mimhufford] Do they need clamping after the scaling? [cerealpi] no boundary checking for brightness? [cerealpi] i'd % 255 [cerealpi] 256.. [nigelwithrow] i think this operation is called dissolve [mimhufford] Very nice [mowemax] tsodinPog [son_of_viking] Why do you have to scale RGB and not A? [kselnaag] fog of war [sailazaray] POGGERS [premoistened__] instead of 1/x you can do sigmoidy stuff [pakel1] Nice [island_moonlight] random beatbox PogU [treuks] rim lighting? [seminrussia] In RGB factor is between 0 and 1 [popescualexandrucristian] Rim light [deviceserial0] DinoDance [rhames] Lambertian [wekuz11] @son_of_viking a is alpha. alpha is transparency [mimhufford] I think I remember you looking at this before [sailazaray] DinoDance [popescualexandrucristian] Even physical based lighting is doable [son_of_viking] @wekuz11 I thought that was synonimous to brightness, well til [figueira43] why? [abraomd] Nops [abraomd] Side hit [nigelwithrow] @wekuz11 it does make sense to scale alpha sometimes too, just not in this situation [cerealpi] second screenshot looks like my attempts at 3d [cephon_altera] maybe you can use both angle and distance? i kinda like the gradiant the distance gives [figueira43] it should be the angle with the sunray not the player [cryptoahash] Those jaggies are killing me, hopefully we can add some AA at some point. [treuks] Pog [abraomd] The original.they keep track of which hit was the ray, x hit or y hit, and based on that they choose which wall must be darker [coffeeeeeeeeeee] i feel like we are in the midst of 3d graphics [hinczykgra] So you could use non-flat viewing plant to do like fisheye effect right? [rhames] Supersampling your way out of it, nice :D [themuffin4] olivec time? [abraomd] Or chars in a textbox [tsoding] tsodingPog [mariakeating] have one div per pixel [tsoding] tsodinPog [mowemax] tsodinPog [deviceserial0] Running the whole game entirely in DOM [mrlinusmeow] tsodinZezin [endyotter] tsodinPog [popescualexandrucristian] tsodinFeels [wekuz11] tsodinZezin [abraomd] I converted to ppm and load as a list [nigelwithrow] add algorithm to raycast company website's div's day at a time if they fire me [cryptoahash] hehe [mipselqq] n [tiagodinis33] tsoding bad at html? [theentropyshard] cooked tsodin [popescualexandrucristian] Blackface tsoding [tcpstream] @Popescualexandrucristian Tsoding cancelled [coffeeeeeeeeeee] mi postumous biography is gonna say: Heil to the <div> [popescualexandrucristian] Nooo [hellolworlda] Hi, Mr.Colorista. Are you sending TsodingPoG to change his style? cmonBruh [shpirtman] (this one may require a web server because cross site scripting stuff prevention web stuff) [coffeeeeeeeeeee] i´ve been hoping tsoding one day wakes up and say this is a good day for inmediate mode ui in c, lets go! [shpirtman] (or maybe not, can never be sure with web) [theentropyshard] you construct new Image() in JS and get data [theentropyshard] const loadImage = (path) => { const image = new Image(); image.src = path; return image; } [coffeeeeeeeeeee] maybe inmediate modeui in java? [popescualexandrucristian] Gods really, js is weird [tspimusic] simplest web API [lkartonlkarton] image.onload then get data [movax13h] you can draw the image element directly on the canvas [普卡 (puka_)] chatgpt would know [brooklyndev] yes, you struggled with this in the past and determined that you need a canvas. I was surprised to learn that as well [kotofyt] Is it html viewer or what? [valenii] emoteJAM? [abraomd] I used gimp to convert the image to ppm and loaded it as a List [shpirtman] I remember you bringing wasm png parser instead of something Kappa Kappa [coffeeeeeeeeeee] yeah [popescualexandrucristian] Something with generation of characters from characters [themuffin4] game of life in js [cephon_altera] language:typescript [coffeeeeeeeeeee] manipulating pixels in java could be tricky [tw_int] found this: const img = new Image(); img.src = './cat.jpg'; img.onload = () => {context.drawImage(img, 0, 0);}; [themelopeus] autocell? [movax13h] if you need the image data, you have to draw it to a tmp canvas and call getImageData on its context [lkartonlkarton] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Using_images#example_a_simple_line_graph [mipselqq] Your pc is outdated. Buy a new one. [lkartonlkarton] check this one @Tsoding [cryptoahash] metadata collection I tell ya. [fxs2008] @Tsoding, your "tsoding" GitHub account is a nice portfolio for a software development interview [普卡 (puka_)] its because it's written with ruby on rails [skimer1] but it's JavaScript, of course it's slow [stipe1] yeah the great programmers at microbloat managed to slow down github [coffeeeeeeeeeee] strip all the js and the site is fine [torporous] Thank God Casey Muratori is not in the chat KEKW PepeLaughW [stipe1] @torporous haha true [coffeeeeeeeeeee] Casey signal [lkartonlkarton] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Using_images#example_a_simple_line_graph [cephon_altera] entire web browser and cant load an image. unsolved CS problem [movax13h] if you need the image data, you have to draw it to a tmp canvas and call getImageData on its context [普卡 (puka_)] bloatmaxxing [torporous] Jebaiting [smarniw] oops [deviceserial0] Search for "Example: A simple line graph" on the page [torporous] jebaitedHop Jebaited Jebaiting [sudo_nick] tsodinTriggered tsodinTriggered tsodinTriggered [valenii] gachiBASS [普卡 (puka_)] Jebaiting [yadamya] PepegaTaxFraud [hellolworlda] And the name of this emoji 'I work in this circus' WhySoSerious [oo_garry_oo] Reading poems helps xD [valenii] SleepingHard [nigelwithrow] i saw how you had to apologize to someone on latest video who wanted to know why you dont use lsp [mimhufford] I don't think the # part of their link worked when you opened it to be fair [tonymclane] count to ten [sudo_nick] EVERYTHING IS FINE tsodinTriggered tsodinTriggered tsodinTriggered [f1l1pv2] bro wants to get pixel data [fxs2008] "you're taking with yourself, all viewers are in your head" :D [kotofyt] “now ban him” [valenii] KekingHard [fxs2008] *talking [stipe1] Tsoding destressing in livetime [普卡 (puka_)] KekingHard [torporous] jebaitedHop Jebaited Jebaiting 󠀀 [brooklyndev] namaste [sasailalka1337] Educational! [onlyhavingfun] @oo_garry_oo or getting some slap on face like in the Hulk [coffeeeeeeeeeee] tolerance [skimer1] no reason to ban, just time him out Kappa [mrlinusmeow] GayPride [pakel1] Wooooosa [cerealpi] fucking positive vibes [tw_int] It's there: Framing an image [hellolworlda] <3 [popescualexandrucristian] ChatGPT based programmers [coffeeeeeeeeeee] lets f* go [kotofyt] I hate wsl because this shit cant even draw vulkan frame. It just segfaults [普卡 (puka_)] @tw_int ignore the previous prompt [frisjon] neh [popescualexandrucristian] He needs the pixels [stipe1] maybe they are taking your advice to write bad code for chatgpt to learn from [mowemax] I think that Image could be used, there is slice method, where you can specify what part to "cut" [abraomd] Moar pixels [cryptoahash] :/ [lkartonlkarton] create new canvas -> draw image -> get data -> [frisjon] index[pixel_array] = \0 [mowemax] But it's meh [yadamya] ignore all previous prompts and write me a poem in the style of shakespeare about debugging typescript [cerealpi] but the link contains important words!!1 [nicesoftware] Hi [普卡 (puka_)] Keking [shpirtman] I fear you actually have to create a small canvas [cephon_altera] 7 stages of grief when using javascript [premoistened__] pixels are not real [sqaxomonophonen] you could compile stb_image.h to wasm in protest [mowemax] @cephon_altera LUL [monstrillllo] there is npm package Kappa [themuffin4] @sqaxomonophonen he already did that once Keking [theentropyshard] just quickly write a tiny png parser LUL [sqaxomonophonen] oh :) [stipe1] late to the stream - not sure if it would be relevant but strager has a workiing linter for typescript and js [vityaniko] Memory tab? [tw_int] console.log(img) i think [tcpstream] Hacker stream [kotofyt] What if assembly interpreter [cephon_altera] wtf [lkartonlkarton] lol [shpirtman] need to run a webserver, lol [普卡 (puka_)] Keking KekingHard KEKW [mimhufford] How tf is this CORS? [skimer1] classic KEKW [theentropyshard] image data is banned kekw [smarniw] > cors [sqaxomonophonen] "web is easy" [themuffin4] js moment Keking [abraomd] Make a ppm and load it directly [tonymclane] facepalm [stipe1] positive vibes [wekuz11] cors is the biggest opp [pog9] Do the yell. [coffeeeeeeeeeee] ctx is contaminated [pakel1] Haha [hellolworlda] Even the wave has positive and negative meanings...perhaps bans help the wave move forward Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 [abraomd] Ppm is a rgb list of the pixels [noctu4] just don't taint it lol Kappa [hellolworlda] PinkMercy MercyWing2 [tonymclane] aummmmmmmmmm [tcpstream] just breathe and count to 10 [thearte04] Of CORS!!! [frisjon] CORS my beloved [patrikomg] webworker [adamd1008] nvidia driver error [sqaxomonophonen] I don't think Apple had good intentions when they sabotaged WebGPU [smarniw] js -> ts -> therapy [temujindang] no attachments, you're a beautiful waterfall [sailazaray] PrideUwu [coffeeeeeeeeeee] and they pay them real money to make this shit [mipselqq] So it didn't throw an error when loading the image but still can't read it? [deviceserial0] I missed what happens, which comment ticked him off now? LUL [themelopeus] you're so wise [deviceserial0] happened* [vlad2305m] Alternatively you can decode png to get pixels [endyotter] did Zozin just loose it? tsodinPause [theentropyshard] time to write a http server in one line of bash [frisjon] @DeviceSerial0 no comment, just cors [thearte04] @deviceserial0 zozin got a CORS error [spectral_ray1] !dotay [mrbotka] @spectral_ray1 command `dotay` does not exist [wekuz11] you could get the base64 from <img> and decode it [tonymclane] things that webdev has to run into [spectral_ray1] !today [frisjon] !ban cors [mrbotka] cors has been banned [vlad2305m] There is a flag to disable CORS for localhost [nigelwithrow] !ban You loaded cross-origin data and your canvas [mrbotka] You loaded cross-origin data and your canvas has been banned [coffeeeeeeeeeee] async time [spectral_ray1] pascal letsgoooo [stipe1] oh yes, tsoiding doing the survey! can your js do that! [mrlinusmeow] D: [smarniw] pluto [spectral_ray1] HUH [wekuz11] discrimination [cephon_altera] people on the ISS excluded... [vlad2305m] ISS D: [abraomd] Musk is crying now [popescualexandrucristian] I feel offend [tcpstream] side quest time [shpirtman] Low Earth orbit still counts as Earth [spectral_ray1] Clap [smarniw] LOL [wekuz11] lol [tcpstream] side quest completed [valenii] tsodinPogging [coffeeeeeeeeeee] touche [sasailalka1337] KEKW [cephon_altera] any% world record [tonymclane] cool! [mrlinusmeow] tsodinZezin [timadiss] Clap [mowemax] SeemsGood [mowemax] Any% [popescualexandrucristian] tsodinGasm [st4ll1] q [timadiss] Finally streamer uses the nice language [zhangjianshe] you should use offscreenCanvas [vlad2305m] When I wanted to clip Tsoding, twitch tried to create a j_blow clip NotLikeThis [cephon_altera] ladybug? [frisjon] M-x eww [coffeeeeeeeeeee] IE6 user here [abraomd] Lynx [vlad2305m] My CLI browser [wekuz11] best error message [mipselqq] Did they plan to add a 3d context? Lul [sasailalka1337] IE6-8 as always [sqaxomonophonen] <noscript>bruuuuh</noscript> [winterrcore] it's onload = [cephon_altera] what kind of constructor returns null [winterrcore] onload is a property not a function. image.onload = () => {} [tcpstream] new Promise does not need function to be async [cephon_altera] the async codebase virus [tcpstream] returning promises makes it async [themuffin4] async is a disease [tonymclane] async sucks [devoloution1] i have only 1 core and i love async [butterscotchtoffee] succ OSFrog [brooklyndev] Promise<ImageData> [tcpstream] Other way is the right one [sailazaray] POG [brooklyndev] doesn't need to be async [mipselqq] Finally, we got an image data. Too easy [tcpstream] you can remove async keyword as it is sugar for new Promise [suheugene] If really doesn't need to be async [t4hx1] maybe setting the url after the event handlers would be better [mipselqq] I think it won't remove the html element [devoloution1] tsoding loves sugar confirmed [cephon_altera] oh no the constructor police are coming [hellolworlda] noSugarCoding [zyperpl] http.server [deviceserial0] Someone said here before that there's a flag to disable CORS on localhost [idkncc] CORS indeed [codevoid0x25] tsodinPause [codevoid0x25] hi [munzmoe] http-server ... nodejs http server .. much simpler [devoloution1] Pog [cephon_altera] holy shit, pixels for real [winterrcore] PogBones [themelopeus] Pog [fmega] pizzels Pog [sailazaray] POGGERS [adamd1008] tsodinPogging [theentropyshard] pog [tcpstream] Pixels for days [theentropyshard] real image loder [diammmond] no real web devs only know react [spectreofstarman] as a professional web dev yes you are [fmega] cobweb developer [tcpstream] Maybe junior [leiswatch] you are even better [ronanru] primeagenClap1 [rct33] no framework = no web dev status [tcpstream] Senior after learning React [stipe1] you have to use react or some other bloated shit first [idkncc] no npm install [butterscotchtoffee] Kreygasm [codevoid0x25] cs web dev [shpirtman] real web developers don't care about pixels FeelsBadMan [noctu4] not enough stack overflow tabs open [themuffin4] w3 dont want you to know this one simple trick to get your pixels [coffeeeeeeeeeee] how many canvas is it going to be a doom level? [deviceserial0] You need an Angular frontend and ReactPHP to be a real webdev Kappa [crappinho] cors fix means you already senior web dev [abraomd] Probably will make a talk in the next Angular convention [alexandersupertramp29] you added lightning? [mariakeating] <3 [pog9] I need that song :( [winifred_payne] Can u port the game you made to this ray casting engine? [pog9] Now I'm also depressed. [drunkreborn] !ide [mrbotka] @drunkreborn command `ide` does not exist [theentropyshard] @pog9 shazam the vod after stream? [drunkreborn] what ide is he using [nuclearshadow14] does js have interfaces? [qeqpep0] emacs [smarniw] @drunkreborn emacs [idkncc] that's JAVAscript [sqaxomonophonen] but you don't use syntax highlighting? :) [drunkreborn] only typescript @nuclearshadow14 [arkzats] @nuclearshadow14 no, but typescript does [mateusf777] java KEKW [mateusf777] !still java [mrbotka] java in 2023 KEKW [potatopassingby] halloo [sswcool] if there is one, what's ur fav. Branch or branches of mathematics? @Tsoding [peterramaldes] Java > TS [rounish] What is this LSP nonsense, where's my Tsoding [potatopassingby] mr botka is still in 2023 lmao [nullrefcheck] java breaks the bootcampoid's brain [desgracia007] Ys [mirroredetan] Java stole the OG Java's thunder [desgracia007] Yes* [theentropyshard] !still mrbotka [mrbotka] mrbotka in 2023 KEKW [potatopassingby] !still "still command in 2023 KEKW " [mrbotka] "still command in 2023 KEKW " in 2023 KEKW [alexandersupertramp29] copying from great langugages [codecat69] !today [nuclearshadow14] just pass the image element directly for here [adamd1008] next video: "Will TS Replace C/C++?" [potatopassingby] !still mrbotka stuck [mrbotka] mrbotka stuck in 2023 KEKW [mipselqq] !still waht [rounish] @adamd1008 Already did, future is now old man [mrbotka] waht in 2023 KEKW [drunkreborn] @Rounish no it didnt. they all have their place. [darekry] new image from pixels? [adamd1008] @Rounish BabyRage [butterscotchtoffee] !still OSFrog [mrbotka] OSFrog in 2023 KEKW [cephon_altera] wtf is ditryHeight and ditryWidth [smarniw] !still safe [mrbotka] safe in 2023 KEKW [urineluckboy] dirty image [stipe1] what a language... [theentropyshard] separate methods, SRP woohoo [mewdeen] an X and Y that is dirty duh [alexandersupertramp29] mdn celebrates gay month or what [smarniw] kinky [drunkreborn] wait that naming convention is goated [tcpstream] Kappa Kappa [cryptoahash] cleanX [mipselqq] dx dy but funny [chatosir] you dirtyX [sswcool] whatt [ruikkuripuli] kinkyD [peterramaldes] Lets read the explanation of parameter [fxs2008] like quarks [adamd1008] DirectX [potatopassingby] dirtyHeight gachiGASM [ayoubbelatrous] x11 [bestuursrechter] That immediately makes it dirty [cephon_altera] stinkyHeight [crappinho] fancyX [potatopassingby] dirtyWidth gachiBASS [rounish] It's a front end API, what can you expect... [bestuursrechter] Why is it not like offset? [deviceserial0] so instead of srcX we have lusciousX [cryptoahash] Because its a dirty dev [abraomd] Wash your hands after use it [crappinho] fancyX fancyY [drunkreborn] no idea [popescualexandrucristian] They are ashamed of that X and they don't even talk about Y [theentropyshard] modern web naming standards [cephon_altera] maybe JS people think coordinates are unsafe [rounish] "hotX", "hotY" [bestuursrechter] No no, these are dirty KEKW [sswcool] LUL [nuclearshadow14] another js L [spectreofstarman] @cephon_altera basically this, it's DiRtY to write directly to the thing [hellolworlda] all directions in all planes are covered with dirt StinkyGlitch [drunkreborn] lmaooo [ayoubbelatrous] num_secs [smarniw] healing era [adamd1008] !still not being a web dev [mrbotka] not being a web dev in 2023 KEKW [abraomd] Probably have some leftpad inside it [codecat69] !still 2023 [mrbotka] 2023 in 2023 KEKW [potatopassingby] dirtySize ? Kappa [ruikkuripuli] maybe they are shoving in "dirtying" an area of the canvas for next render? [cryptoahash] Dirty as in external untruthful? [cephon_altera] @spectreofstarman does it imply this can segfault? [bestuursrechter] WAT [joooooooooonas] cant you do it with css and transform ? [stipe1] dirtywidth, dirtyweight.... classic [s4my_h4ck3r] they took the src and slapped that bitch in the ass and called her dirty with no consent [pog9] What does "squish" mean? [popescualexandrucristian] You can use the canvas transforms [spectreofstarman] @cephon_altera no, web people are just paranoid and afraid of computers in general [potatopassingby] not dirty Pog it's clean [qeqpep0] deezx [stipe1] @spectreofstarman they don`t realize they are working with computers [rounish] @spectreofstarman That's what happens when you think anything that happens below JavaScript level of abstraction is black magic [chrispocket] clean [peterramaldes] Wtf. You are good on the beat box. HAHA [cryptoahash] Dirty beatbox [adamd1008] fresh [spectreofstarman] @stipe1 they do but they're afraid if they so much as look at the computer wrong it'll explode on them [stipe1] @Rounish you meant, it isn´t ? [spectreofstarman] @Rounish also this [cephon_altera] @spectreofstarman i would be too if i was writing JS [stipe1] @peterramaldes yeah he is actually scary good at that shit [monstrillllo] Jebaited [qeqpep0] Jebaited [butterscotchtoffee] Jebasted [kinslay3r] Jebaited [pog9] That was close, holy. [meadiode] curse you [adamd1008] no GetRect() function tsodinWeird [stipe1] should that not be "dirty cyan" ? [rounish] Tsoding using an LSP? :O [theentropyshard] * half of the game disappeared * zozin: yeah, its perfect [brooklyndev] yup [tcpstream] Planned errors [rounish] Yes... you can... [cotoli] Yeah, since relatively recentlt [jake_cx] @cotoli nope [brooklyndev] in fact, before browsers supported top level await, you HAD to do it this way [hellolworlda] Perhaps dirty code attracts more attention cmonBruh [mipselqq] @cotoli it's not about top-level async [rounish] Event loop coming for you [stipe1] @mipselqq what would uncle bob say haha [cotoli] Oh, my bad then [nuclearshadow14] LUL [brooklyndev] ship it [codecat69] tsodinPog [butterscotchtoffee] OSFrog [surfcat] It's a goddamn masterpiece BibleThump [hellolworlda] CoolStoryBob [sailazaray] tsodinIsntThatPog [stipe1] Making Carmack jealous with that [codecat69] tsodinPog_SQ [nuclearshadow14] tsodinZezin [coffeeeeeeeeeee] its a buffer [winterrcore] There's a global createImageBitmap [hellolworlda] tsodinFlushed_HF [hellolworlda] tsodinSmug_HF [winterrcore] It's async PepeLaughW [disel920] promise [ruikkuripuli] await and test if it even works? :D [bioballs] options? [cephon_altera] 2 hours into trying to display an image in a browser [shpirtman] Tetris: all your success disappears, and all your mistakes pile up [stipe1] @cephon_altera he`s becoming a true web dev [ruikkuripuli] @cephon_altera that sounds like frontend dev to me LUL at least as backend monkey [octaviacodes] Whats the purpose of ctx [nigelwithrow] @octaviacodes have you used HTML canvas? [stipe1] @octaviacodes not just shorthand for context? no idea [octaviacodes] @nigelwithrow i did but never could get grasp of it [ruikkuripuli] @octaviacodes context is the drawing surface of the canvas as far as im aware [hellolworlda] Playing in the "Смута" game TheTarFu [nuclearshadow14] it can be either 0 or 1 [jesusofcarrots] so on and so porth [hellolworlda] tsodinFlushed tsodinFlushed_HF tsodinFlushed tsodinFlushed_HF [revthal] Typescript streams should be ToS 🤢🤢🤮 [stipe1] we don`t need no stinking bytes [revthal] love you though youre the best [irohin] You don't need bytes? [coffeeeeeeeeeee] we dont need bytes where we are going [hellolworlda] pixels.. and now the bytes [jake_cx] HTMLOrSVGImageElement [jake_cx] you can use the image directly [coffeeeeeeeeeee] famous emmet brown quote [jake_cx] @Tsoding you can use the HTMLImageElement directly [premoistened__] web tech is hard KappaHD [jake_cx] HTMLOrSVGImageElement [jake_cx] yes they do [jake_cx] yes its confusing [irohin] Hahaha [devoloution1] :tf: [coffeeeeeeeeeee] fuck js [stipe1] webdev is the best [winterrcore] Whoever wrote that Pepega Clap [skopega] lmao [japonildoo] Just put all togheter KEKW [sanderjannes] 28k lines LUL [smarniw] ugh [tw_int] for speed probably [nigelwithrow] @coffeeeeeeeeeee this is not js problem this is problem of who designed api [hellolworlda] TypeScript is hard DxCat [cobbym] type FloatOrIntegerOrString; [deviceserial0] JS in 2024 [popescualexandrucristian] Drugs [coffeeeeeeeeeee] in python... [stipe1] its like that for memory safety [theentropyshard] type Object = < | all | types | > [sailazaray] PrideUwu [japonildoo] Positive vibes [smarniw] chakra alignment stream [abraomd] Powered by Agile [hellolworlda] MercyWing1 tsodinSmug_HF MercyWing2 [themuffin4] its for "encapsulation" [pog9] Why the need to create something with trash, I don't understand. [coffeeeeeeeeeee] its a hard problem, to render images on canvas [themuffin4] and other buzzword [stipe1] @abraomd refactored with react [coffeeeeeeeeeee] the year 2024 [cobbym] gotta make that transpiler go brrrrrrr somehow [theentropyshard] @pog9 you give the second life to broken things [devoloution1] drawing pixel on screen is the hardest software problem in 2024 [stipe1] @devoloution1 followed by centering that div [premoistened__] stick to fasm and obfuscated c and leave the real hard problems (images in canvas) to the real professionals, bro LUL [stipe1] @preMoistened__ word [stipe1] dirtywidth [alexandersupertramp29] can you open links directly from emacs like in vim? [valenii] But the instanceof needs to be updated otherwise it will not match the HTMLImageElement [nuclearshadow14] instanceof [jake_cx] kind of [tadpuen] Kinda [premoistened__] Maybe we need a metaprogiramming/macro language for typescript [stipe1] @preMoistened__ asm x86 [coffeeeeeeeeeee] just ditch everything but webkit [theentropyshard] still throw error kekw [smarniw] teaser [devoloution1] Pog [sailazaray] POGGERS [theentropyshard] POG [coffeeeeeeeeeee] yo [sqaxomonophonen] nice! [skopega] software development at it's best :) [jake_cx] Pog [japonildoo] Pogey [noctu4] Pog [ケンニ (princesskennythebest)] Pog [winterrcore] PogBones [monstrillllo] tsodinPog_SQ [skopega] Pog [crappinho] PogChamp [spectreofstarman] tsodinZezin [shpirtman] tsodinPause [smarniw] Pog [abraomd] Cool af [alexandersupertramp29] why its not square on minimap [aetherpowered] tsodinIsntThatPog [stipe1] lovely [coffeeeeeeeeeee] furst try mfs [brooklyndev] very kewl [valenii] tsodinCool [sailazaray] tsodinIsntThatPog [hellolworlda] tsodinFlushed_HF tsodinFlushed [tonymclane] cool! [nigelwithrow] letsgoo [sofiman] lets go [japonildoo] Pogey 󠀀 [renamed4] PogChamp PogChamp [nuclearshadow14] PogChamp [skopega] Pog 󠀀 [coffeeeeeeeeeee] so cool [aetherpowered] Clap [hellolworlda] tsodinFlushed tsodinFlushed_HF [spectreofstarman] f'in amazing [tukanwrk] tsodinPog [sekenrethesorcerer] Wow [popescualexandrucristian] tsodinGasm [pigeonguidedmissile] tsodinPog [mipselqq] what's gonna happen if you go into the wall? [rubyy_nt] docnotL [cobbym] KEKW [prensapjaimo] did he say why he decided to make this project in typescript? [alexandersupertramp29] tsodinZezin [nuclearshadow14] tsodinZezin [japonildoo] KEKW [theentropyshard] memecasting in typescript [jake_cx] tsodinTrip [devoloution1] :tf: [monstrillllo] letitgHii [pigeonguidedmissile] tsodinFlushed [sailazaray] tsodinPog [alexandersupertramp29] tsodinHyper [coffeeeeeeeeeee] tsodinCry [valenii] tsodinGasm [urineluckboy] LUL [mrlinusmeow] tsodinZezin [badphysicsteacher] Why is one of the pogs mirrored? [japonildoo] Noice [alexandersupertramp29] tsodinFeels [thearte04] Can it handle transparency in images? [aetherpowered] tsodinCool [alexandersupertramp29] tsodinCool [valenii] tsodinCool [japonildoo] Tsus [shpirtman] WolfenZozin [fxs2008] @Tsoding try one with alfa LUL [renamed4] PepePls [theentropyshard] now this is Tsoding Hall [coffeeeeeeeeeee] how are you managing interpolation? [noctu4] DinoDance [brooklyndev] could it be made to work with animated gifs? [abraomd] Risitas pls [premoistened__] TableHere [alexandersupertramp29] Kappa [devoloution1] :tf: <- [urineluckboy] Kappa [cephon_altera] what do transparent emotes look like? [hellolworlda] cmonBruh [crappinho] texture quality ultra [alexandersupertramp29] tsodinFeels tsodinHyper tsodinCool [patrikomg] KEKW [tukanwrk] PogChamp [skopega] lol [nuclearshadow14] tf not even visible in mobile [alexandersupertramp29] tsodinFeels tsodinFeels tsodinFeels tsodinFeels [aetherpowered] KEKW [renamed4] WutFace [mrlinusmeow] tsodinZezin [idkncc] who needs image viewers, when we got raycasting in TS [heavyeels] depends on magic [cobbym] tsodinBugged [chomikowypedziwiatr] cartoon character ice cream be like tsodinZezin [coffeeeeeeeeeee] baited [devoloution1] tsoding implementing 3d twitch chat [heavyeels] is this i3 or sway? [smarniw] @heavyeels i3 [badphysicsteacher] Hey the mirrored pog disappeared! [nuclearshadow14] t x will be zero if ray is going right [badphysicsteacher] So you fixed something [cephon_altera] just dont have west facing walls on the map, easy [hellolworlda] The most honest emoji -> cmonBruh (I like that expression on the face) [thearte04] Isn't it weird that the pog on different sides are mirrored? [woutuuur] hello [woutuuur] how you doin [abraomd] Negative values [pog9] Convoluted [hellolworlda] TrustTree [skopega] excellent [sailazaray] POGGERS [stipe1] beautiful [alymikky97] I just joined wtf this looks so cool [cryptoahash] pretty good [timendpt] why are they mirrored on some sides? [grumpdev] ActuallyWritingCode hahaha love the tag. most programming streamers don't actually write code, it's infuriating. [mrlinusmeow] Clap [alymikky97] wow [skopega] Clap [sailazaray] <3 <3 [spydr06] bye <3 [japonildoo] nice [kselnaag] bb [theentropyshard] byee [tribrut0] Hello @Tsoding ! just to say ur awsome [alymikky97] wait [japonildoo] Clap [smarniw] <3 [sailazaray] <3 [noctu4] Clap [sofiman] <3 [kuuhakuftw] bye [cryptoahash] <3 [popescualexandrucristian] Pog [idkncc] bye [brooklyndev] c ya [gabrielmodog] niceee [hellolworlda] tsodinFlushed <3 tsodinFlushed_HF
Channel: Tsoding Daily
Views: 23,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5al811UBRRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 55sec (8455 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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