Types of Holes in Engineering drawing

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hello everyone in this video we I will discuss about the types of holes in engineering drawing so let's start it first type of hole is the blind hole over here so a blind hole is that hole that do not go completely through the component that is nothing but the blank hole so here you can see a two types of a blind hole that do not completely go through the component so this type of hole is produced when boring operation is used and this type of hole is produced when drilling operation is used so you can see a drill type shape here in this case so this is what the blind hole second is the through hole so the name itself indicates that a hole that go all the way through the component is nothing but the through holes so here you can see a image of a through hole so in this case in this component 525 mm hole is going throughout the component hence it is called as the through hole it is indicated by 525 through next is the counter borehole so here you can see an image counter bore is a simple hole with a wider hole above it here you can see there is a wider hole above it that is nothing but the counter bore hole it is indicated by this symbol so this wider hole you can see now initially what happens here this simple hole is first drilled then this counter bore hole is created okay so here counter bore hole 525 mm diameter in a depth of 10 mm okay so this hole you can see in application where bolt is to be placed right next hole is the countersink hole so here you can see a counter sink hole it is a simple hole with a conical hole above it you can see there is a conical hole above it so this symbol of countersink hole is a v like so this is a v like shape so countersink holes are used for application where counters and bolt or screw is required here you can see a screw like shape is there so here you can place a screw over here in this hole so that is why it is called as a countersink hole so here diameter 35 mm is nothing but the countersink hole next is the taper rule so a taper rule is a one where the start diameter of the hole is different to the end diameter of the hole so here you can see a star diameter and the a in the diameter of the hole is different in taper rule but there is uniform reduction in diameter of the hole in taper hole so it is indicated by this symbol so this whole is uniformly decreased in a ratio of 1 is to 5. next is the tapped hole now what is the tab tone a tap is nothing but it is the threaded hole is a hole that has internal thread in it okay so you can see internal threads are there in tapped hole it is indicated by letter m so in drawing you can see M 10 by 1 and M12 by 1 tap hold so one is passing through and another is passing in blind way so M 10 by 1 here 10 is the nominal diameter and one is nothing but the P chop pitch of the thread right so this is all about the tap hole hope you like this video thank you for watching
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Id: kVY5o9qKBec
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Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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