TYM Tractors T224 Product Overview

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hey i'm tony from tony's tractor adventure youtube channel and i'm here with carl from tym tracher he's going to tell us today about the tymt224 so carl first off tell us uh who is going to buy this tractor what what its uses for who's the buyer for this so the t224 is it's our smallest offering uh with these with these diesel tractors um it is for usually you're going to talk about first time tractor owners right a lot of times these are people who they've got a couple of acres maybe or they've got you know they've got their their land up around their house on a larger acreage where they're needing to do a little bit of maintenance some a little bit of chores maybe a large garden they want to maintain till net a lot of times you have people who they've been using a mower a zero turmoil or a riding lawnmower and they need something more than just something with a mower deck on it okay well let's let's talk about horsepower engines a little bit and then we'll work our way down the tractor so it's a 22 horsepower yanmar engine so this is a yamaha and everybody knows that i'm a big fan of yanmar but let's talk about the transmission on this thing okay so it's a two-range hydrostatic transmission so again since you have a lot of people coming from mowers and those things and you have a lot of first time tractor operators um and let's face it um not everybody's learned how to drive a stick in a car well sure and and i'll cut in here and just tell you one thing uh from my past i grew up on a farm big tractors and gear shifters but i went off and had my career i come back and i we got i wanted a tractor and i went with hydrostatic even though i i have experience in the past but i find now that it was just such an easy thing to slip right into a hydrostatic it's so easy to operate yeah so you just got your you got your forward reverse you go on with life like i said you dr you know it's very familiar experience for first time uh tractor operators you've got the two ranges so you use the the low range for your actual it's your actual working range right and then your high range your is your travel range when you're not loaded down and trying to get just get from point a to point b so if i'm if i'm going to be tilling with a tiller or i got a box blade i'm going to stay in low range but if i'm going to go to point a to point b like if i want to throw a bag of mulch in the bucket and run across the other side yard or maybe down the road to my neighbors or something i can i'll throw it up in high range two-wheel drive yeah yeah okay because that leads us to the next thing yeah yeah uh so it does have four it does have four-wheel drive on it um all of our tractors have four-wheel drive um and that does a few things that adds weight to it because you've got the much larger axle um and you've got better traction because you're using actual drive tires rather than your generic straight tires that you know that don't give you anything there and so yeah that's so you have that that flexibility you do want to use four wheel drive if you're do if you're doing a lot of front end loader work sure um just to protect yourself give you a little bit better stability now on this tractor you were talking about the hydrostatic does this tractor i know some of the tyme tractors have auto throttle yeah so explain that too because that's you know for a lot of people that's a new concept yeah all of our current models that have a hydrostatic transmission have auto throttle on them in one form or another so what auto throttle does is it is it kind of gives you this hybrid best of both worlds between um your your hydrostatic convenience but also some of the flexibility you have with the standard transmission with a with a separate throttle pedal because you know there there you take and if you need a little bit extra energy you you push down the throttle pedal you get you know it rubs the engine up same thing happens here you're as you're as you're going forward the more you press forward or the reverse pedal for that matter it's going to increase your engine speed to give you more power on demand so the further you push it down the faster you go not only because you're pushing the puddle down farther but the engine rpms raise up as well so you got more power that's you know i've used it now and i never knew what i was missing so now that i've been on a tractor with auto throttle loader work is so much easier i think it's the best thing in the world for loader work is you're pushing in the load you you you as you come to the end of your load and you're gonna scoop up you let off and the throttle goes down and you curl your bucket you back out and then when you're gonna go where you're gonna go it picks back up and you're speeding back up again that's a great feature but you can still manually control the throttle for say your rotary cutter or tiller right yeah so what you're going to do is you do have you still have a hand throttle control and you're going to set that wherever you need it so if you're doing pto work then you can go ahead and get your engine speed where it needs to be to drive your pto at the right speed and then use your pedal and basically it's actually it's kind of neat it's actually just you've got an extra throttle cable going just like on your hand throttle control it's not a throttle cable so it's a mechanical linkage so there's really very simple very simple there's nothing to break or you know there's it's not gonna you know there's not one more piece of complexity to it um but it makes the tractor very responsive when you need it you it feels a lot more like you're you're driving the tractor and you know what you do with your feet actually goes to what happens on the track let me set up on this and and i'll ask you questions this week as i as i see them so the hydrostatic here on the right side you push forward to go forward got the pedal to go backwards and then here in the middle there's a little lever here on the floor what is this what is this for parking brake it's a parking brake so push push down push down yeah push down push down let up on that and parking brake and you're set all right there's a knob here in the center uh it it's got a turtle and a rabbit what are we doing here all right so you know this like like many tractors it has a three-point hitch right and and that controls the rate of descent for your your three-point links um so you know there are times where you know if like with a box split or something like that where you want to go you know you want to hit the ground you want to engage you you want to be on the ground right and so if you're going up and down and you know when you're ready to drop it you drop it right um there are other times um when you have a you know a tail wheel or you have very do you have tines on a tiller or even this mower deck right you don't want to just slam it to the ground you want to slam it to the ground it's a good way to break things absolutely so you would just turn this knob turn that to a slower position let your tiller get on the low not break the times off he'll float down just it'll float down a lot easier and and give you a lot more life on your implement so we've got the slow return valve talked about here we know that it's going to keep us from like slamming our stuff to the ground there's another knob here uh that has some numbers on it and and then there's a mower deck on here so i'm kind of assuming those are somehow related that that's that control there is going to control your cutting height um your minimum cutting height is going to yeah and so it's not going to go below that point when you're using your when you're using your mid linkage uh and then you've also got over on your right side you've got your up and down which is you know when you're mowing you know you come across a stump or something you want to get avoid and you kick you kick your deck up and then you let it back down and it's also another way reason why you use your slow return control is when you're using your mower deck and you're stump jumping uh you you know didn't have a it doesn't have that drop doesn't have the drop and also uh let's face it sometimes we're bad at judging when we've cleared the stump absolutely absolutely and so having a little bit slower means that even if you're putting it down you it gives you a little more time to miss the stunt right well it takes it takes out operator error out so i see that especially like on the tillers and the rotary cutters uh you go to the end and spin around and drop it this is a prime example of that so if i set this now let me i'll recap this so you tell me if i'm wrong so i'm i know people and i'm not saying that i want them but uh that likes their yard cut it three inches or two and three quarters inches so i raise the deck up set this to the desired height and i set it down and that keeps the deck at that height that's you know that's perfect so you can get what you want in your yard i mean and there's nothing wrong with being particular with your yard yeah personally i like it all the way to the ground where it takes longer to grow well there you go there is that those those people too there's nothing wrong with that so let me look around here i got the joystick here handy the the controls four wheel drive we've talked about that a little bit everything is right here uh high range neutral low range and then there is also well there is rear rear mid and mid pto i'm looking around here i think we've covered this part of the tractor pretty well um anything that i leave out no i mean it's got got a few convenience options you you have your 12 volt there you've got your cup holder one of the things um and is if you actually need things if you look over on your right side behind kind of behind you a little bit you actually your fuel caps right there right and so it makes it real convenient where you're not reaching over a loader to to put put fuel in your tank i see some big tractors still that are still currently being made with that the hoods are really high that have the fuel in the center of the of the hood i don't understand that it's i think we're past that uh i did notice one other thing over here this is it's got one more button here it's uh it says pto so this is electronically turned the pto wall yeah so yes so you put push down and then it's you know it's a it's a safety feature it's kind of like your child it's kind of child proof pill bottles push down and then turn to engage the pto but it seems like it's going to be a really really easy thing to do yeah yeah so you're not you're not grinding gears and so that's a nice feature no clutches to worry about that that's another you know as we're talking about this a lot of people are i've been away from tractors for a long time before i started back i don't want to worry about clutches and i want to just get on the tractor and enjoy and and ride along so car we're around here at the front of the tractor let's talk about the loader okay so this uh this loader can lift 617 pounds at the pin i can't lift 617 pounds well and if i had this loader i could well yeah and keep in mind that's actually loader to full height right you know down down actual carrying level your your capacity goes up a bit um just that's just the way the physics work right um you know that doesn't mean you need to go take and try and stick a six six by five round bale on this right it's not it's not that tragic no no not that tractor um but uh but it can still do some work um and we want to maximize that and so that's you know we have the pin on bucket which reduces the weight of the carrying implements so you get you actually get the carry in the bucket the maximum capacity of this tractor yeah maximize your carrying capacity because you you reduce the weight of of the the bucket and you've also brought the load closer to the pin to keep as much of the capacity as possible i mean for a most of your homeowners maybe even like mucking out a small horse barn or something this is perfect for that you know you can get into the tight spaces it's gonna i mean the 600 pounds to this high is a lot of weight yeah and and i you know i can i can think of a hundred different jobs that you can use this for me personally once i started uh with having a bucket loader at the house i never you know for years i never had one and now that i have one i find more uses for it uh every time i turn around we're lifting something with a bucket because uh i don't have to lift it myself absolutely you know why i carry 12 bags of mulch around the front of the yard when you throw them in the bucket and make two trips and that's that's kind of goes back to what we talked about at the beginning with this all in one concept of you know you you don't have to have a mower and a wheelbarrow or a utv you know with the with the back with the uh you know with the uh truck bed kind of yeah with the truck with the bed and everything you've got um you've got one machine that will that will do a whole lot around like i said large gardening you know very you know one to two acres just general maintenance kind of things yeah it's gonna it's gonna offer offer a lot of uh opportunities that you otherwise would not have would say a zero turn or just a standard like lawnmower that you would buy at a box store yeah this is going to give you a multitude of things you can do with it all right i was looking at the front i really first off i like the front of this tractor it's a very sharp looking treasure well i heard metal yeah it's a nice little metal roof it's got a brush guard on the front of it and the it seems like the the lights are with the brush that's not in the way of the lights yeah and so so it doesn't you know one of the things you get into sometimes with with some of these these guards is when they've got when they've got all the railing and everything around them is it is it really cuts into the effectiveness of your headlamps which you know we're talking people who are maybe working early in the morning uh they're working late at night you know before or after their before or after their real job right right yeah and so so that that gives them maximum use time um and with their with their headlamps the other other reason for this is because you know this this hood opens forward you don't have to do anything you don't have to do anything don't have to don't have to move your guard uh if your loader's all the way down you're fine and so it gives you easy access to this not there's a whole lot to do back here so car you open the hood and uh so is this engine backwards why why is why is it in backwards where it looks backwards to me yeah it is reversed of what you would normally see in a tractor and the reason is is so that the air inflows coming back from up from back here rather than up here which means if you're going through brush if you've got a lot of if you've got a lot of dust flying and things all the way up here it's not getting sucked in through your engine so like i mean you can run a small rotary cutter on this right so that would be a big benefit because the smaller tractors are lower to the ground so you're not sucking up all the the weeds and stuff as you run over them to mow them all right i'm looking at the back of this tractor here coral and i see a lot of heft first off there yeah it's a it's a it's this is a tractor it's it is definitely a tractor it it is it is not just a glorified lawnmower right yeah you know it's kind of you're kind of in that size but i mean it's it's bigger right but it's it's well it's kind of sometimes you get that well it's just a lawnmower no it's it's not it's a tractor it's a real tractor it's a real and it has tractor things on it like having a rear three-point hitch we'll talk us through this it i mean it's hefty right off the bat again so this this this hitch is rated to about 1100 pounds at the lincoln's um a little bit less out out you know at operating length for this size tractor 1100 pound that's a lot that's a lot of weight um it's gonna usually take four foot implements um if you're doing something that's going to be very ground intensive work you might want to back that off just a little bit but but you know four foot cutters and things like that are fine um and so yeah and the other thing is is it's it's all it's cap these are category one balls so it you know it's it'll fit it'll fit the pins for a category one implement you might want to watch it though because it is a little bit narrower than your standard cat one linkages now that that is something that's pretty much universal across all the subcompact tractors yeah you you they're all going to be narrow and actually some subcompact tractors and this size are what they kind of call cat zero where it's actually they're they're smaller uh there's it's the smaller diameter pins so that you just can't go to the box or buy something no you got you're going to have you're kind of locked into some a lot of times what that manufacturer is offering so this is going to handle category one implements and that's that's a broad broad that's a broad market yes matter basically what country they're from or it's it's gonna you can still use this yeah you just gotta you gotta you gotta know what you're buying right and but it will handle a category one and eleven hundred pounds which in my experience like most category you know most stuff that you're gonna buy for this is gonna be in that three or four hundred pounds yeah so my goodness eleven hundred pounds of lift that's a lot yeah all right i see this roll roll over protection system here rops i believe yeah all right it that's not fitting in my garage the way it's sitting right now no and so you got that or if you're you're mowing your yard you've got trees with low branches so this does have this is a folding rops so you can take the pull the pins pull it down unlock put the pins back in to kind of lock it in in its folded position that way um if you have those little overheads all you have to do is duck car this this mower deck here it looks to be like a drive-over date yeah it's got it's got the those metal plates and things on and just so you can get up and over if you want to when we come out here i was going to point out when we first came out here we had the cameras out and carl was out here mowing this and this was pretty thick nasty this is not yard and it didn't seem to really care no i mean it's been it was brush hog before but it you know it was it still had some it still had some high too and some moisture tooks i mean it's it's still morning right till morning yeah and it didn't really carry just mowed right through all this so if it can do this it can definitely mow your yard yeah so how wide is this mower deck it's 54 inch mower deck so it is drive over so that's going to be convenient to take it on and off so if you want to do loader work or tiller work or something like that yeah now we have we forgot anything well we do want to talk a little bit more maybe about the loader you know if we talk about this you know it's how easy it is to work yeah and so this you get it's a quick attachment because let's face it um if you're out mowing and you're mowing around a bunch of trees you don't want to have to account for the the being further out on the loader that's a good now yeah i see that now you just kind of my light went on my head uh if i'm mowing i don't want this necessarily on the front all the time like so if i take this off he can mow with it obviously yeah all right but so if i if i take this off uh how long does it take to take it off once you're used to it and depending upon what kind of surface you're trying to what kind of surface you're parking it on you know two to five minutes does this tractor come with a backup this tractor does come with a backhoe in fact it's actually the the one model in our lineup where you can have the loader the mower deck and the backhoe all installed and operational and functional at the same time so if you come in at the end of the day and you like yesterday you you missed the last two inches you know the last two feet of your yard you don't have to take the backhoe if you hit the backhoe loader you can run out there and mow and put it back away and and not not have to take it off well carl i appreciate you showing us around the t224 this is a nice try especially for a first time tractor buyer somebody with some small acreage uh they just need a little bit more than a zero turn or a uh or a riding mower this is this is going to get it done and again i thank you for showing me around i really appreciate it man thank you honey
Channel: TYM Tractors
Views: 24,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HBkLsavy2Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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