Tyler Perry's Mea Culpa (2024) | Red Flags in Toxic Family Dynamics

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[Music] greetings guest welcome to the patriarchy where we explore Cinema Classics fueled by predictive Hollywood programming and unpack how our favorite characters in cinema got egg all over their faces I am your commentator Dom and tonight we're [Music] unpacking Mia Copa Mia Copa is a recent 2024 Netflix release so be forewarned that this video does have some spoilers the movie was written and directed by Tyler Perry and stars the lovely Miss Kelly Roland and travante Rose mopa is actually a Latin phrase which means my fault or I I apologize and yeah I really didn't connect that play on words to literally anything that happened in the movie so maybe Tyler Perry is apologizing for delivering to us this very cliche yet still unresolved plot and you'll see how it's unresolved when you watch the film but to summarize the plot Mia Copa centers around a lawyer named Mia whose in-laws despise her so they try to set her up and actually try to off her because she decided to take the case of a jilted passport bro who was framed for Murder by his [Music] girlfriend yeah there's a lot going on here in this movie but let's use this time to educate ourselves about all of the red flags in Mia's marriage and relationship so it's obvious from the opening scene in the movie that Mia and her husband Cal have problems they are in therapy and heated discussions and Mia is letting her husband know she feels like he's more devoted to his mom than their marriage not only does Cal shut down during this conversation he actually leaves the therapy session early because it's his mom's birthday Cal's behavior in this moment is a clear indication that a Mia is proven right and he does put his mom above their marriage and B he's not committed to further exploring this issue with Mia and therapy now it's okay to have issues we are all flawed but when your partner is not open to discussing things that truly trouble you it might be a sign that the relationship is a bit unbalanced and that your need to be heard and validated is not a concern of your spouse so in the next scene Mia shows up late to her mother-in-law's birthday dinner because she had a prior commitment her therapy session and the Mother-in-law who's actually pretending to have cancer is making these very snide remarks like well your second wife will be on time and she's also very openly trying to set her married son up with another woman letting her know that him and his wife are having issues hello they're having issues because of you anyway Cal Mia's husband goes along with the rude remarks and behavior that his mom is dishing out towards his wife red flag number two for this cause a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife now we don't know that this couple is in a Christian marriage we don't openly know that but the fact fact that cow allows his mother to openly disrespect his wife is a big red flag family Dynamics and marriages are dicey but respect is a must I mean it's like the bare minimum and any disrespect that a man sees towards his wife should be checked at the door Mia is obviously in an unprotected marriage this guy is not covering her and later in the film The Audience sees just how unprotected she is we later learned that not only does Mia have a passive aggressive mother-in-law but all of her in-laws are like this Mia takes the case of a man who's charged for the murder of his girlfriend her husband Cal immediately demands that she not take the case why because her brother-in-law is the assistant DA and so the next thing that you know cow's family plans this lovely family dinner just to get the scoop on Mia's new client and ultimately to try and tell her that she cannot take the case because her brother-in-law is running for mayor and he's the one who's Prosecuting the case and if he loses then that'll mess up his mayoral campaign the family tries to manipulate this woman and then Strongarm her by meddling in her career decisions her numbers are low and Mia's got no Advocates and if if you ever find yourself in a situation like this you are in trouble there are so many red flags in this movie but the biggest one is her thoughtless husband this man has been unemployed for 8 months why he was an anesthesiologist and was fired for showing up to work both drunk and high I guess the bright side is is that at least he's in rehab but he brings no income to to their household yet he spends money on lavish gifts for his disrespectful mother and how does he do this it's with Mia's money and also by selling things that Mia likes like their piano I know they are married but don't ever fund a man's poor lifestyle choices I don't know why this dude couldn't get a job doing something else in the meantime it might not have been anesthesi money but at least he would have been contributing something this is a red flag because it shows us a man who takes absolutely no issue with his woman bearing the very heavy Financial load of the relationship they are behind on bills and he's buying his mom expensive gifts I mean the lack of fiscal responsibility is wild so let's switch to the final giant walking red flag that is zier so Zer is Mia's client and he's a passport bro whose girlfriend framed him for her alleged murder zier is pinned as this sexy talented male artist Trope whenever you see this guy it's someone that you just have to watch out for so let's remind ourselves that this is supposed to be a professional lawyer client relationship ship and zier immediately starts priming Mia with the sex talk very inappropriately telling Mia how much he loves to please his woman zier always wants to meet at his Loft and never at her office because of the quote unquote Paparazzi but we really know that it's because he wants Mia on his Turf he's very sadistic and essentially uses his sexual prowess to manip ulate women in order to benefit from their relationship in some way in Mia's case it was so that she be invested in winning the case also when he was an upand cominging artist he used this same bag of tricks on a gallery owner to get his work out emia Falls for it she has a one night Affair and immediately regrets it and gets caught but let's reiterate that it was her in-laws that set her up in the first place if there's anything that we can learn about guys like Sayer it's just don't that's it if you see this face this body type this demeanor just don't it's trouble and nothing good will come of it so this is a very different review for me I normally review older films and I'm not a Tyler Perry fan at all but there was a lot of hype surrounding this movie since it's released a few weeks ago so I decided it might be fun to talk about let me know if you've seen this yet and your thoughts on the plot below and if you've made it this far please like share and subscribe for more signing off now your friend Dom
Channel: CineEquality
Views: 2,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patriarchy, relationships, film, women, kelly rowland, tyler perry, trevante rhodes, mother in law, toxic family, toxic in-laws, netflix orginal film, film review
Id: EfuQywzmQIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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