Tyk API Management 101 - From zero to managed with Tyk in 30 mins

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[Music] okay i hope you can see this i hope you can hear me all okay um so hello and welcome i think i'm gonna get started it's 505 and um you're gonna you're on on schedule now given we have 30 minutes to get to the demonstration so hello and welcome to this uh api management 101 session from zero to managed with tyke in 30 minutes uh in today's session we are going to be going over some of the basic concepts of api management um five of those and we're going to be we'll be seeing or show i'll be demonstrating to you how you can accomplish all of those things with tyke um within 30 minutes hopefully um so for the un initiated taik is an open source api gateway and service management platform complete with a beautifully designed dashboard as well as a customizable developer portal all once again powered by a lightweight low latency robust api gateway open source api gateway uh i am buddha hello and welcome um i am a product evangelist at tyke um i really my role really is to to to showcase the the power the skills the capabilities and the possibilities of tyke and what it can do for your project for your business and enable you to be successful really uh that's really the objective of us as a company of me specifically and hopefully you'll get to learn something today and and take things back which you can try out moving right along so these would be the five different things that we're going to be looking at it's a bit of a journey that we're going to be taking um starting off with adding an api endpoint to the gateway it's essentially from an existing upstream api that is available and i'll talk about what that api what api we're going to be using then we'll be securing said api with an authentication token uh where we'll be introducing policies and keys the concept of that then we'll be looking at limiting the rate limiting of your apis both at a global as well as a per api basis and why that would be useful for you then as we progress we're going to be looking at versioning your api and how that works uh my apologies how that works and um after that where we will be looking at cataloging the api endpoint uh which is essentially exposing your api for external usage um combined with a bit of documentation that will will show how that works so it's sort of like just going through the whole life cycle of adding securing rate limiting versioning and then making it available so five different steps that you're gonna be going through right um with that before we begin there are a couple of things that i do want to highlight uh one is that i am going to be using the tyke cloud account uh which is our sas product uh very easy quick to get started with that you can also follow along if you do have a local installation of tyke um whether that is on your own device or on your own data center or a self-managed cloud of your own you can still do it as long as you've got it all sorted started once you log into the dashboard you'll be able to follow along the same steps regardless of which platform that you are on um additionally in case you are looking to get started and you have not then we do have a get started page where you just fill it up and you can get started really easily with icloud if you're looking to start with an on-premise sort of setup or a local setup you might need a license key a trial license and in order to get that once you sign up we will have um a notification and we'll follow up with you um to with that uh license key or you can reach out directly to me uh i'm reasonably friendly uh buddha dot io um is my email id reach out to me and i'll sort that out for you so that's sort of um a bit of a beginning bit of starting um the api that we're going to be using today is something called the pet store swagger api that's the url i'll show you in a little bit how that actually looks but that's kind of the api that the upstream api that we're gonna be using for demonstrating um today followed by postman uh which we're gonna be using for testing out our call sending in our request and getting our responses that's the platform that we're going to be using in order to do that so that all being said that sort of sets the scene a little bit and uh now with time being about 5 10 at this point of time uh we're gonna get started with our 30 minutes so here we go um i am gonna stop i'm gonna try and get out of this and i'm gonna go straight here so this is the type dashboard um where i've already created an account so we're going to get started with our very first step which is going to be adding an api endpoint to our tyc gateway this is basically how it looks and if you want to get a quick sneak peek into what api we're going to be using this is a swagger pet store you have a range of different apis that you can make use of the one that we're going to be using is called the get pet by get by id uh and we'll touch upon that really really shortly so let me begin with logging in once you do this is the first landing page that you would see which is essentially our dashboard our activity dashboard it tells a little bit of a story around um the activity that's been happening your successful its analytics basically your successful requests your errors or latencies or any of those issues to a certain degree you'll be able to see those right here and obviously i've been testing around a little bit in preparation for this so you do see some of this uh don't be worried if you don't see much when you first come in that is that is by design i think it's you've not really created an api so there haven't been any calls where we do want to get started with is right here on the left panel under system management we have apis and let's click that so you'll see a list of apis right here these are some things that i've been working on and that's why it's over here we're going to create a brand new one and when we click on add new api we are going to call it the pet store demo it's going to be a rest based api and if you're looking to get the url the base url you can get it from here i'm i'm hoping that it's all visible and add that to your target url once you do that you would now be asked to configure sorry i need to add in the protocol that should work so uh here we go it has created a base level here there are a couple of configurations that you can set right now the one that i am interested in is this authentication mode so there are different authentication modes we're going to be touching upon the authentication token really shortly but just to get us started we're going to be going into an open authentication mode which is keyless and with that when i press save we have our first api mounted on our gateway so let's see if we can test that out copy this and i have my this is the postman interface that is now available to me this is the api call so right now this is just the base path so this isn't really going to accomplish much really if i send in a request it's not going to do much because that's not really the end point that we are after the endpoint that we are after is this one like i said we're gonna be using slash pet by id so let's go back and i'm gonna add a pet i'm gonna add in bet number one when i send um okay let me just do this just give me one more minute to update that hopefully that is gonna work okay let's try that again right that says but not fun let me just test out on swagger if it is giving an error at this point oh yeah it does okay so that seems to be a bit of an issue with swagger pet store itself which is weird let's see okay so two seems to work so let me try two instead and there you go so our first response that took longer than it was required uh thank you swagger pet store but yeah there you go you've got your first response back which is essentially a dog by the creative name doggy so we've got our first first first dog coming in and um that's essentially our very first step now now that we've got this created what we want to do is that may not seem like it's a lot going on because you know you're just sending a request what's really happening under the hood is that request is now being driven or directed by the tyc api gateway and they're going to be seeing the power of actually what that brings to the table really shortly starting with authentication because right now it is open to everybody so anyone and everyone can essentially make a call to this and access the information that's associated with that endpoint what we do want to do in most cases is that we want to have some level of security or authentication um attached to this so that you know only people that we want to have access to this api endpoint we'll have access to this so i'm going to switch over to authentication token and i'm just going to remember that authorization key header update now when it comes to authentication there are two ways of of doing this so with an authentication token you need to create a key that is essentially a mean mode of authentication in this case um one of them one of the means to generate that key is on a per api basis which if i switch over to keys and click add key you'll see there are two ways of doing it one is to choose on a per api basis and the other one is to do it based on policy so per api obviously works when you've got a limited number of apis available and you know you've got single digit apis and you can create the keys for each individual api and manage it that way but in most cases you may have more than that if it's double digits triple digits maybe in thousands then ideally you wouldn't want to be creating keys for each individual apis so to remedy that or to rescue you from that situation we have the concept of policies what policies do is essentially create this global level of rules of security rules that can be applied across multiple api endpoints this rule is not limited to security you would have other things that you can also accomplish which we're going to again touch upon really shortly so i'm going to quickly go on to policies and with policies there are two steps to to authenticate using policies one is to create the policy itself which i'm going to do now um it asks me to actually pick the different apis that i want associated with this policy right up front again this is a step that you can add or remove apis from the policy at any given stage if you want um right now i'm just going to use this and as soon as that has happened you can see that on a global level that policy is now included the pet store demo api endpoint that i had created there are a couple of things that you can do beyond just the security aspect which is straight limiting just a sneak peek onto our step three uh but let's just go ahead and create the policy under configuration i want to create the name of this which is pet store policy the other thing you need to set here is going to be the expiry time so this can be depending on what you really want to accomplish here you can have a set time after which it's going to expire or for the purposes of this demonstration i'm just going to keep it timeless and i'm going to create this policy so policy has now been set up i'm going to go back to my keys and try and create that key with policy so now i see my pet store policy is readily available as soon as i click on this you'll see that what's happening here is it's inheriting all of the the different rules that have been set at that policy level um for me right here so it's already set the global limits and quotas based on what the policy is already talking about once i do that i am going to go into configs again do i need to change anything no it has already inherited my does not expire from my policy and i'm going to create this key there you go that's that's the key that has been now created i'm going to quickly copy this and demonstrate this i'm gonna go back here so what should happen is if i send a request now it is gonna stop me because you know there is no authorization here but so that i do have access to an authentication token so i am going to add that in and we are now going to get back our donkey so it's good to see the doggy again uh it is now available to us once again it is now authenticated and available only to people who have said authentication token available so that's step two that have that we have now successfully accomplished now on with the journey next step to this is now let's assume you are in a situation where you only want people to have access to your api or make calls requests to your api endpoints for a limited period of time or a limited number of requests over us a period of time it's uh it's quite a common monetization strategy as well it is also one of the potential strategies for load management as well there is obviously other things that you can do like caching your responses but this could be one of those as well so because if you remember our policy is the one that is controlling all of our rules of engagement in this case on a global level we're going to try and go back to policies look into pet store policy and right here where it says global limits and quotas is where you would see you've got rate limiting available now by default it's it's set to about a thousand for every 60 seconds which is decent um to begin with but i think for the purpose of this demonstration i'm going to reduce that down to about three to be tested in about 20 seconds so what should happen is while i update this what should happen at this point of time is that when i actually try to request the api endpoint for more than three times within a period of 20 seconds it should not allow me to do that so let's test that out that's one that's two that's three and we've been hit by a block so our rate level has now been exceeded and we can no longer make that request at least for 20 seconds and then once that 20 second time is done the limit obviously uh resets so that is a very basic level of rate limiting now the other thing is from policy perspective like i said it is something that takes care of things on a global level but if you want this to be to have something specific want to set specific rules at the level of the api itself you can still do that so for instance we have 100 policies uh sorry 100 apis under a single policy and say 99 of those apis all adhere to the same rules of engagement you would have and you have one specific api that you want to have you know it's special in some way and you want to have special rules the way you would go about it from a rate limiting perspective here is just just go down and click on set api limit so what it's going to do is essentially it's going to override the the group policy that we have already set in and therefore it sort of asks for a little bit of a confirmation if whether you are sure you want to do that or not so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to set this to 5 in 20 seconds as opposed to three and now because this is going to override what the policy has set in i should be able to one two three four five and there you go so that's what you can do from a global policy basis as well as from per api basis um you have both those options available right now obviously i've got a single api so it may seem okay redundant a little bit but imagine having about 100 apis and most of them adhere to a specific group but if there are exceptions to that you can still have it um have the policy set for most of the other things while a single thing like rate limiting could be handled on a per api basis as well so you have that option for you if that is something that you are looking at now that is step three now completed we are doing pretty decently with our time uh we are about i think about about 11 12 minutes in on to the next one um which is step number four where we are going to be looking at versioning so you've been building out your api um you're now looking at us creating a second version uh with a few different features with a few different things available enabled how would you go about doing that that's where versioning cuts up helps you out so we go back into apis again and um we are going to go back and open up pet store demo so right on top you would see versions so that's usually self-explanatory you click on that and right now we don't have any versions available because you know we don't have a second version so i'm going to enable that and right now as you see there is one version it's called default um and i am going to create a second version now you do have a few different options here if you want to overwrite the target host and it's it's essentially your version 2 is hosted in a completely different place you can you can enable that as well but for our purposes we're not gonna do that you can have expiration time here as well if you want um say it's sort of like um expiring the time um for as for when your older version perhaps is going to be available to people um so it's a means of essentially accomplishing that so i'm going to create this now we do have two versions um obviously right now it's all going through the same thing so there's not much of a difference in order to showcase or highlight this what i'm going to do is actually create a bit of a bonus content for you which is showcasing a very special plugin for that i'm going to go to our endpoint designer which is right next to our versions on top and here i'm gonna select my version two with that i'm gonna add an end point specifically for my version two um this is again for the purpose of demonstration and i'm to choose a path and this path is going to be say for a special pet which is going to be pet number two which is what we have been working for and i'm going to make use of this plugin called mock response and so the mock response plug-in is really used primarily from a developmental perspective to um to test out responses pseudo responses whether the api gateway is working whether requests are coming through is it getting the right response it's something that you can almost it's a mock essentially like the name suggests i'll show you how that really works um so in this case because we don't have a really real version too i'm going to just use this mock response to accomplish that going in i am going to set in so this is your response body it's going to be json response body that i'm creating um i'm going to say name mafalda let me sound like an interesting name that is actually the name of a very close friend of mine um her pet her cat not hers so it's a cat really really cute one i'm gonna set my type to be cat and just for good measure i'm even gonna put in version two and that's about it um i don't need the headers at this point of time so i am just gonna try and update this and so what it's going to do is really when we hit the the version 2 of this api endpoint is going to direct the call to this particular mock response and we should be able to see this version of the response as opposed to what we have been seeing so far which is now associated with the default version so let's go back to our postman and right now if i make i don't think i will get anything because the version information is missing and so what needs to happen here is i'm going to be adding in this header and let's get our regular information back which was this so this is what we had this is our default version and now if i were to switch this on to version two i have my folder my dear cat is gonna be is now available here now obviously it looks a little bit different because it's coming back as a text version i can switch that on to json and that is also available the other way you can do that is to just have a content type defined here and call it application json i think i've got that spelling right if i add that and update it what should happen again is the next time i make a response it should automatically just be in the json format so um okay i'm gonna just test it if that really works and there you go it is automatically now on to json the other thing to highlight here is that the if i were to not mention or specify a version here it will automatically take the default version so if you see okay fine let's go default i think it's not set okay i go back here i don't have a version that has been set so i choose my version 2 and update this okay i'm hoping that has successfully updated now and if i were to remove this okay it may not have propagated yet okay i'm going to just give it a couple of minutes before that propagates uh but what's supposed to happen is you can choose a default version in this case and in case the x api version is not explicitly specified it will default to that version um so yeah so that's that's sort of what that's supposed to do um i'm going to give it one last try and there you go so you've got that information now available and you can switch between different versions what the default is going to be okay that is step four now completed uh we are just coming up on about 20 minutes so we've got about 10 minutes left for our final step which is going to be the last part of this journey which is going to be now that we've got we have created these the our api endpoint security rate limited it and version date we want to now make it available um for people to use for our api consumers and the way to do that is going to be through our developer portal so our dev portal is essentially a customizable a very lightweight content management system i'm going to show you what that really looks like at this point and the option to go here is right there so that's our portal this is something that comes out of the box and um where we are looking at is this api catalog so right now i've got a demo which is available so let's add our pet store um to this so i'm going to go in here under portal management on the left hand side we have catalog which if i click you'll see the demo that's already available and i'm going to add a new one so i'm just going to say that store demo i need to associate this with our policy because there isn't a required authentication in this case and i'm going to give it a bit of a detail this is a demo pet store api okay and i think i'm just going to leave that we'll get to documentation in a little bit but basically exposing or cataloging an api has two steps one is making it available like we are doing right now um listed essentially on the api catalog and the second part is documentation so this is step one of um cataloging our information so once i save this if i go back here i'll see that now i've this listed here with the option of requesting an api key so i click on this it will ask me a few questions um which is give me so this is really the the use case here is really if you have a specific api use case in mind and you want to create an application perhaps then you're requesting a key to to access said api that is being exposed or cataloged here so i'm going to say this is an app called catmandoo and the use case here is that i want to [Music] view all cats in the pet store so once i have that i'm going to click on request key and it's going to generate the key automatically so there are two ways here to do this this is an automatically generated key from the developer portal if you want to have an approval process to be part of this then that is also also possible for you to enable so right now just made it easy simple and if you use this key it is going to be should be usable if i were to just change this key and send this information i would still get the response so that's all good we have now catalogued our our api at least listed it in our catalog section the second step is going to be documentation obviously some may think it is it is it is optional but it is really really really useful to have documentation and given the name of what we are using which is swagger i think uh interactive documentation is really what we are going after so we've got about seven more minutes so hopefully that shouldn't take too long the documentation step in itself may feel like it's a little bit complicated but really if you follow along it's really not that hard there are four key things that we're going to be looking at so let's begin with actually looking at what the documentation looks like so in order to achieve this you click here that's the that's essentially the url right on top if i go here you'll see something like this um beautiful it's it's obviously not a very very reader friendly at this point so i'm going to try and make that a little reader friendly um readable and i'm going to use this tool called jsonlint it's a it's a bit of a json validator essentially and if i just dump all of that in here and validate this it makes it a little bit more readable again not a mandatory step per se but it obviously because we're going to making updates or changes to this it's it's valuable for you to make this this additional step in the process we copy this up um and select your preferred text editor for me that is sublime text you can quite easily use anything of your choice could be visual studios if you want and i'm going to copy this in here i'm not sure if i copied it all correctly so let me just go back again ah i think it's copied everything okay not what i want let's do this there you go right so from here i'm just gonna switch this on to json so that it just gives a little bit of color to this right so from here on in again um don't be too scared looking at this um there are again just four steps that we want to do here step number one is required because as you can imagine this documentation was available on pet store's own website so all the base parts then hosts and everything is associated with that whereas when we are making it available through our portal we are essentially showcasing it through tech and gateway there are a couple of updates that need to be done first of which is right here on top which is under the host section so right now where it says pet store.swagger.io what we want here is our own uh host to come in and that is gonna be right here on top are tyke dot io now this may vary depending on how you've created your account so it's very highly unlikely it's going to be the same as mine so uh yeah just copy pasting this is probably not gonna work so just make sure that you're using the right one that is going to be that that's that's something that's generated on your end so i'm just going to replace this i don't think i need the protocol and the base path is going to be the api endpoint specifically that we had created so i'm going to miss that and replace this with that information so step one step two done step one host name change step two base path changed okay now if we did not have any versions this would be it you can just uh plug that into your documentation section and you're good to go however because we have versions there are two additional steps that are going to be needed so what do we need to do first is going to be actually enabling or creating a parameter which is an identifier for versioning to identify a reference to versions um i have a little bit of a code snippet that is available here and again don't worry i'll explain what this is i'm just going to copy this and we go all the way to the bottom right here and i'm gonna feel like i'm missing everything's a link no i think that's fine okay i'm just gonna rearrange that a little bit indent that a little bit better so what's happening i am now defining a parameter called api version which is essentially handling um the versions um for this particular endpoint and it's going to be in the header that is going to specify x api version just like what we have been doing and it's going to take a type of string to essentially enable that so this is essentially defining the api version as a parameter and making it available step number two here is going to be associating this with our endpoint that we have been working with which is our um pet slash pad slash bet id endpoint so i'm going to try and find that so let's see pet slash and there you go so in here you would see you've got your get you've got your post you've got a delete i don't need any of these i'm going to set this up on its own i'm just going to do this that doesn't look great but let me just fix that there you go so what i'm really doing here is i'm making i'm making a reference to that api version that i defined at the bottom that's it that's really it and making it available for an interactive experience on the documentation so i'm going to do this go back and copy this heading on to our dashboard back to our catalog under documentation i am now going to use this here attaching documentation and updating it great uh no errors there and now you'll see a new button that's available here which is documentation so i'm going to click on this and you have documentation now remember that we are using an authentication token here so if you want to just view it that is all okay but if you want to have an interactive experience in this case then you would need your authentication token which i'm just going to make use of now it's authorized so if you want to send in requests from just the documentation to a gateway you will be able to do so now we're going to look at pet get pet id right here and let's see if we can try that out we're going to be doing two version two and execute and we have love and folder here with us so that's all good that's how our documentation that's how our cataloging is going to work and that's about it those are the five steps that we were looking after and we have finished exactly on time at 30 minutes uh anything additional here is basically if you want to look at say analytics for instance you'll be able to see more information around that how the calls have been made if there have been errors you can look at it from the analytics perspective and drill down if you need to but that is where our basic five steps of the journey ends we have created something we created and we have mounted the api endpoint we have uh secured it we have rate limited it we have versioned it and now it's available for people to actually use and test and try and and create things using the api that you've made available so yeah so with that i am going to stop the demo i do have a bonus sort of content but i'm going to focus on questions if there are any i'm gonna stop sharing um okay right so i hope that was useful uh if there are any questions please do send them send them here um i'm happy to answer anything um related to api management for tyke at all uh happy to do that right okay one question is around the portal itself uh how customizable it is so right if i go back to quickly sharing so the the portal itself is completely customizable um well it's it's a light version i say the light version of a content management system so it has it gives you the ability to actually create pages um create menus have your own styles so from a more visual perspective you can customize the different versions um different aspects of this developer portal to your liking you can have a landing page that talks about a little bit more about what the product is what what you're really exposing here and what really the purpose of all of this is um but beyond just the aesthetics of it beyond just the portal itself even the interactions that you can have from the point of view of um the email responses that go in when a person has requested whether that is creating a developer account whether that is um asking or requesting for a key the kind of information that you can send in that's all customizable as well and from a settings perspective you can do that i think i've spoken about key approval so you can enable that and that will that will send in a request for approval as opposed to directly making the key uh available straight off you can have different um email customization and we take in um we've taken html custom html templates here so if you're looking to brand it in a specific way add in more information in a visual manner you can very easily do that as well so uh i wouldn't say it is hugely hugely customizable but it does um it does quite a lot from a customization perspective okay um okay i do have a question around um quota limits um different approach available right okay so that actually is quite an interesting one because uh there was a bit of a bonus content that i sort of wanted to try out um so now what we had what i demonstrated before was with this uh sorry policies so i think i'm just going to go here because we are doing it from this stage so there are a couple of things here where we talk about quotas so quotas is obviously the number of requests that you can have over a period of time um which is not really same as rate limiting the other interesting part here is also around throttling which over here is so the interesting aspect here is while we're looking at rate limiting we are looking at um the the number of the requests essentially cutting off after say five requests being made within 20 seconds what you could do is what throttling essentially enables in this case is that instead of cutting you off completely it essentially keeps trying a couple more times to see if there is a response that can be received so what that works is the way it works is if you set this say setting a retry limit here to three and your throttle interval is only about 10 seconds and if i were to set that up and go back to my postman if i right now if i want to make send requests one two three four five and there you go um let me just go back to my default okay see if that's taken effect now there you go so instead of actually failing it's going to give me a bit of a try it's essentially what throttling is all about it's going to give a little bit of an attempt and and see if there is a response that comes in over a period of time so essentially if you're not bombarding the servers with with more and more requests eventually what should happen if it is within the bracket of time then you will get a response as opposed to hitting the rate limit so that's quite an interesting feature that we've got now enabled on with with throttling as well um on tyc going back to this with quotas again got potentially unlimited requests but you can also have the number of requests set here um over a period of time and um yeah that's that's that's primarily what you're doing over a period of time you can have x number of requests that you can set and it will only allow those requests to go through um i'm hoping that that does that answer your question we'll stop sharing once again that answer your question rahul is there anything specifically that you are uh looking for then please feel free to ask as well okay right let me see if we have anything special in portal you're able to delegate update and create action um context we want to host reference data but limit access to certain people we also want only certain people to edit update and update the content like api owners yeah okay so the question here is in portal would you be able to delegate update and create um have a create action um so to me that that sort of sounds a little bit like um access control to a certain extent and uh hopefully with this so what you could do here is if i go back again to sharing um we have something called user groups and what that enables is you can essentially have permissions set for different set of people um to access different parts of your whether that's your dashboard or whether that is um that is any other parts of your api management um if you're looking specifically from portal perspective sorry um i'm just gonna see if i'm getting the right question yeah um okay so from portal perspective as well um it follows similar rules if you're looking at at something um specifically uh targeted for that for for your portal to have special access you i think you can do that i'm just going to ask for a little bit of a confirmation on this because we do have our in-house expert which is raj raj if you're okay to join in i'm just going to add you into this conversation just so that i get this information correctly um for charles okay um hey hi hi okay so i'm going to relay the question that's coming from charles so he's asking in portal would you be able to delegate update and create have a create action context is we want to host reference data but limit access to certain people we also want only certain people to edit slash update the content ie api owners so it sort of sounds like having access control over okay um i have got the question maybe uh like uh 50 60 percent only but let me try to put it away and let's see whether i answer it properly okay the expectation of charles here okay first thing is um what are the as an apa owner right when you want to publish an api uh there are chances like you want certain apas to be available to everybody and a certain aps you want to restrict of people from seeing it only like people who have logged in can see kind of a thing okay so that is possible i mean in the portal uh if you go there is an option where you can select whether you want the catalogs to be available for everyone or only for the people who have logged in right so you are restricting it at the first level now the second level is let's say for example who can log into the dashboard itself you can actually publish this apis as an api owner in your team let's say for example you have a structure there and you want only few people to have the responsibility or access to publish an api rather than everybody so to do that at the dashboard level there is a user group which you have already explained to them so you can create a certain group and you can map users to that so whenever someone logs in based on the access template that they have been given they can go and publish an api or they just cannot they can just read whatever is there so there are two levels here one is before you publish it you can actually publish it and after publishing who can view it right okay great does that does that sort of answer your question charles do you have anything more specific to ask in this case okay um okay fine um if you have anything please do feel free um rahul i saw you you've mentioned that none as of now um yeah sure feel free to send us an email if you've got any specific use case in mind and we might be able to help you out in a more uh specific manner um for for your particular use case okay um okay yeah great charles um reach out to us we will talk through what you require specifically the other thing to also note about the the portal as well and i think there's been a use case around this as well where while you can do a lot of customization from the dashboard from from our from from what you see visually as well but everything that you see here everything that you see with tyke is also made available through apis which means that if you actually had a system which is built on your own which is using some other content management system that can still be powered by our apis to essentially furnish the required rules furnish the required data that is going to power said developer portal so we do have a use case of that as well which is quite successful so you have both those options if you want to go completely custom yet being powered by type you can do that if you want to make use of the customization features available with tyke as well you can do that so uh both those options are are available to you okay any other questions um that you would like to ask we also have so raj i have sorry i haven't introduced rajas raj is our solution architect here based in apac um he's leading the team of pre-sales uh consulting engineering in the region um so any specific technical questions that you may have he is the go-to person to ask um as well so any questions that you have for us just feel free to to send it out okay if not i think we've done pretty decent with our time i think we are coming up to just about 50 minutes at this point um and once again rahul charles thank you for your questions uh do send us an email my email is coda dot io you probably already have that i'm just going to put that in here and send send me any use case that you have in mind and we'll really talk through what your specific case and what is required so um definitely feel free to reach out to us right with that we come to an end of this section um of this session uh today um as you know with these with this session as a follow-up we'll be sending you the recording of this session as well uh the idea is for you to get started with tyke as quickly as possible um so do feel free to visit our get started page and and get up and running if you have again any questions with that let us know if you're on uh if you're using a local installation or an on-premise version then um my friend and colleague matt has done a really good video going through step by step how that essentially uh works how that looks um and it's really informative it's already available on youtube but i'll happy to send this your way if that is what you're looking for uh additionally we've had our our 3.0 update as well where we've done a whole new refresh added a whole lot of features into it one of which really is the universal data graph where we're looking at how multiple data sources can be brought together to create a seamless experience and that data source also includes the use of graphql which we have also introduced with our tag 3.0 update where you're not only securing and managing your craftql endpoints existing graphql endpoints but also have the ability to stitch together um different um data sources whether that's graphql or rest based and creating a seamless experience um for your users so all that is available we have a lot more webinars coming your way um so do stay tuned uh any other questions please do feel free to send us send them our way after the session with that i say thank you very much for uh joining me uh in this session today uh thank you raj for coming in and answering that question um and yeah i hope you all have a great evening or day depending on where you're joining us from and yeah that's about it hope you have a great api journey ahead thank you so much bye-bye you
Channel: Tyk API Management
Views: 3,534
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Id: BmInbeEkDPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 14sec (3074 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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