TWO WEEK WAIT SYMPTOMS | How I Knew I Was Pregnant

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like there's just no way super subtle like uterine pinches this feels different 99.9 sure i am making this up because this cannot be real i'm not gonna test tomorrow i'm not even gonna test on saturday i'm pregnant [Music] hello everyone out there how's it going welcome back to my channel i am so excited to sit down and film this video and talk all about how i knew i was pregnant before i took a pregnancy test and kind of my two-week weight experience it's just nice to finally start to make some content on this and to start to share more about my pregnancy experience and everything that's been going on at the time of filming this however right now i'm almost nine weeks pregnant but i will be posting this you know sometime in my second trimester once i've made an online announcement um but certainly by now you guys should know for those of you who don't know what a two-week wait is although i'm sure many of you who are watching this right now you might be in your very own two week weight experience but i'm already out of breath oh my god i'm so out of breath basically the two week wait is the time between when you ovulate and when your next expected period is approximately which is about a time frame of 14 days which is when you're most recommended to take a pregnancy test because it's the most accurate and um it can definitely feel like the world's longest two weeks um it certainly felt like that for me i took my pregnancy test actually at 11 days post-ovulation which you'll hear me refer to a lot in this video dpo which just means days post-ovulation not everyone does experience you know symptoms super early on but i certainly was one of them and that's what i'm going to be sharing with you today was just like what my signs and symptoms were how it all went down and what the experience was like um but i just want to point out here the symptoms the really strong symptoms that i started to experience didn't start until implantation occurred for me which usually occurs around 8 9 dpo days post-ovulation or so up until that point there's really no symptoms that you can experience because you don't have hcg in your body yet so um a lot of well a bunch of what i'll be sharing in this video that i kind of documented was how i was feeling like just mentally and emotionally and some of the thoughts that i had in some of those first you know few days um and then once implantation occurred for me that's when things got really intense okay so with all that being said let's dive into how i knew i was pregnant before i took tests and um my two week weight experience day by day so let's get started so one dpo i just i'm so depressed i just need to like take a moment oh my gosh i have my water here too so one dpo for me was the day after ovulation um and of course i still felt very very normal way too early to experience any symptoms um but i do recall feeling a little bit emotional and it just felt like a very big moment in time like it just felt like this is it i'm you know gonna find out if i'm pregnant in the next couple weeks and so i just remember feeling like it felt like a very special time here's some footage from one dpo i felt a little anxious today um just anxious about everything like hoping that it's gonna work out okay lots of emotions kind of like anxious uncertain and also so excited to see like will i experience any like early kind of pregnancy two-week weight symptoms or implantation symptoms next week we'll find out two dpo um so on this day i very very very distinctly remember thinking a lot about embryogenesis i was just so fascinated by what may have been going on in my body thinking so much about it reading a lot about embryo development i just was really really fixated on like what might have been going on in my body at this time i remember thinking a lot about this i'm thinking a lot about embryogenesis and like how a zygote undergoes cell division and becomes a marula and then a blastocyst i'm just thinking a lot about how if there is in fact as i go to my body right now traveling down my fallopian tube and thinking a lot about how i'm literally creating a human it's so microscopic right now and it would become a full-grown human 3dpo i was still thinking a whole lot about like embryogenesis and just yeah i was really really fixated on this at this point in time just thinking a lot about what was going on in my body um this also was the start of when i started to have some doubts like i i think just from you know learning so much about like everything that goes on at such a cellular level at this time and just feeling like it's so complex and complicated and like intricate i i started to feel more and more like i don't know maybe i won't get pregnant like i don't know which which was funny only because up until that point i never you know felt like i had concerns about my fertility or anything like that but it was kind of like once you're really like in it you really start to think like maybe this won't work or maybe it'll i don't know just not work out as easily here's some footage from that day i'm feeling oh like some mixed feelings today like i've over the past couple days i've had some moments of feeling like you know i just know i just know i'm gonna be pregnant like i kind of feel like that but then simultaneously like today for example feeling like there's just no possible way that i'm gonna be pregnant just can't even fathom a baby being like developing in my body it just feels so unreal to me right now that like i'm like no like there's just no way all right 5 dpo i didn't uh document anything on the 4 dpo there wasn't really much to note i felt quite normal nothing too much to say um i was still feeling a little bit like uncertain about whether or not i was gonna even be able to get pregnant um but this was also the the day that i began to notice very very subtle mild uterine pinching um like prickling almost and i tried not to think too much of it it definitely felt like it would have been way too soon for implantation to occur i was trying not to look too much into it but um this definitely was like beginning to occur in my uterus a little bit of a pinching sensation which did end up becoming something like a sensation that became more intense and um i'll talk more about that in a few minutes i am 5 dpo today i've had these like hardly anything teeny tiny tiny super super subtle like uterine pinches which um don't necessarily know like i i still think it's quite a bit too early for any kind of implantation to be taking place so i don't necessarily think it's that but um i don't know i think my uterus is just like doing something it could just be the endometrium is just continuing to thicken a little bit it's making some little sensations uh yeah just a bit irritable today really and i kind of this morning just was having a bit of like thoughts about how i don't know if i'm gonna end up getting pregnant i think i just feel really caught up with the statistics i just think it's just as likely that i could not get pregnant as like maybe getting pregnant so i kind of feel like right now it's like a 50 50 chance 6 dpo this was the day that the uterine pinching that i was feeling in my uterus the day prior kind of like a prickling like a pulling sensation right in the center of my uterus started to become a lot more pronounced and stronger and it was also very consistent it was like all through the day um and i i just remember feeling like it was different than any other you know maybe period related twinge i might get before my period it felt different i have had these uterine pinches all day today this has been like a consistent prickling it's different than a couple twinges that i've gotten before my period in the past um i don't know what it is i'm definitely trying not to look too deeply into it like but at the same time i'm like this feels different 7 dpo so on this day um i felt pretty normal i did have a little bit of that pinching still but it was really really mild i feel nothing today pretty normal nothing really to note except for what's there to note i've still had a little teeny tiny bit of those like uterine pricks not nearly as much as yesterday yesterday it was like consistently all day today i just kind of maybe like very very minimal a bit on and off a little like a little crappy just a little bit though that's basically today eight dpo eight days post ovulation this is when things were starting to get more real you know but not quite yet so on this day i began to question whether or not i was having this tingling feeling in my right nipple i distinctly remember this 99.9 sure i am making this up because this cannot be real i uh i swear my right nipple is tingling okay i gotta be making this up i think i'm just like creating symptoms in my head i'm like did i feel a little nauseous a little while ago again maybe i'm making this up i think i'm just guarding my heart because i just feel like it's very possible i'm gonna get you know this negative pregnancy test and i'm gonna be like wow i was just making stuff up or like um being so hyper aware when like that was silly you know it just was like i felt like i don't know what's going on it is um still 8 dpo it is night time now though and i just wanted to share an update because there's just so much of my mind right now i'm i just feel so confused like i really have no idea if i'm pregnant and it's frustrating me because it's like i hope i am but like i'm just so confused with like the way i've been feeling i guess i'm just like not sure if i'm experiencing some like either ludial phase like things or if it is pregnancy things namely this cramping i've been experiencing it's now kind of transformed to just being like really really really low grade just kind of feels like period cramps and so it's confusing me because i'm like oh like maybe yeah maybe it is like just period cramps and like i'm gonna get my period i'm also starting to get a little like impatient like i mean this whole two-week wait is full of impatience but because it's getting closer to the time where i will test which will be 12 dpos when i'm planning to test i'm not going to test tomorrow i'm not even going to test on saturday even though i could i just really don't want to get a false negative like if i am pregnant then i'm going to be like really disappointed and then i just want to like have a accurate result and i feel like on 12 dpo whether it's positive or negative i'll know it's like basically very accurate on that day most likely nine dpo nine days post ovulation this is the day like this is the beginning of what became a lot of intensity going on so on this day for the most part like in the morning the afternoon i felt fine i felt like myself there wasn't really much to note but then after dinner this is when it all started this cascade of many events i'm going to share with you the footage from what happened that night at 9 dpo okay world's biggest update in the whole wide world it is now night time almost 9 p.m i'm 9 dpo and um i just had like the biggest wave of nausea back to back to back come over me downstairs we ate dinner about i don't know half an hour 45 minutes ago and we were just lying like sitting down on the couch and um kind of all of a sudden i was like oh i feel so hungry like i feel like i need to eat something else and um [Music] shawn was like oh you you mustn't have eaten enough for dinner and i was thinking like you know i had a pretty good portion but anyway i'm sitting there i was like oh i could really eat some chocolate chip cookies that sounds so good right now i think i'm gonna eat i'm gonna like bake some chocolate chip cookies and then all of a sudden this like wave of nausea came over me and it was like oh my god undeniable wave got up a little while later went to go help do the dishes with sean and the smell of the dinner that we cooked that was still on the stove in a pot was like absolutely nauseating and disgusting like the most revolting thing and um yeah no i don't know i don't know man 9 dpo almost 10 dbo update 10 dpo this day was so much more intense than the nausea that i was experiencing the night before this is for sure when it was like okay i think i'm probably pregnant so this is this is this is what happened on 10 dpo so to start i was woken up at 5 30 in the morning to these extreme hunger pangs hunger unlike anything i'd ever experienced just so like starving needed to eat and i remember lying there in bed and it was like 5 30 and never before had i ever woken up to hunger ever i remember trying to get back to sleep and just trying to be like what's going on like go back to sleep but i couldn't had to you know i was tossing and turning had to get up went downstairs had a bunch of snacks i just felt like a bottomless pit i was just so hungry this like gnawing emptiness in my stomach um so i had a few snacks went back to bed and then a couple hours later when sean and i had gotten up in the morning this was a saturday um i got up i came downstairs um was still hungry i had like a little bit of a small breakfast and then i had a hot flash which i remember being like this is weird i you know it was like february i was like taking my house coat off which never do i ever do that i live in my house code in the wintertime i'm like fanning myself i'm hot um and then i say to sean we have to go get groceries like immediately i am so hungry um these hunger pangs were just relentless and normally on the weekends you know we go we do our grocery shopping i'll write up a meal plan for the week and you know we might get groceries sometime in the afternoon it's no rush but this was like 9 9 30 in the morning and i was like we have to go now i am so hungry and so he was like okay we head to the grocery store it's like 10 a.m and i just remember like frantically throwing things in the cart all i knew was we needed to get home as fast as possible i needed to eat we just finished grocery shopping um and i like i have never felt this amount of urgency to eat something i my stomach is so hungry like i've never felt this way before like the hunger pangs i'm experiencing are insane got home and i was like simultaneously trying to put packages of food away while also ripping them open containers of food open stuffing food in my mouth and then it gets worse gets a little worse i start crying uncontrollably like the kind of crying where you're like gasping for air like you you cannot even control yourself there was some kind of like hormonal surge going on like my emotions just went haywire i was crying because i was so hungry but also because then like the food tasted so good and it was just like it was just total madness like total madness even sean was like what the is going on that hunger is really what has continued on through my pregnancy so far um so this is where i kind of knew and like both of us knew like i feel like i am probably pregnant i went from being like maybe 50 50 like could be pregnant maybe not totally sure doubting myself to being like 99 sure that i was pregnant that was also the night 10 dpo that i went to bed with a hunger care package for the first time i realized that like i needed to have bedside snacks otherwise i'm going to wake up in the night really really hungry so then 11 dpo so 11 dpo comes this is the day that i did take a pregnancy test and it was positive and yeah just from all of the intense symptoms that i was experiencing i just was like i'm going to take a test and so i did and it was positive and i do have footage of finding out that i was pregnant which i will share or maybe i have already shared on my channel so at 11 dpo i'll just continue to share a couple more days worth just to do a full like 14 days of my two-week wait even though i knew i was pregnant at this point i'll just share a couple more days of some of the symptoms i was experiencing um so at 11 days post-ovulation i started to experience breast tenderness which i was kind of like waiting for like i figured i felt like that was probably a symptom that i might experience because you hear a lot of women talk about breast tenderness as an early pregnancy symptom but here's the difference so because that can obviously be like a pms symptom too before you get your period but the difference whenever i would get breast tenderness before my period it would always be like a very specific like spot just like below just kind of like at the bottom but the tenderness that i was experiencing was all like the whole breast area like everything which was very different than what i've experienced like pms wise so that's how i would differentiate it at least in my experience so i just want to share a really quick kind of note on that uterine pinching that i was experiencing and that i was kind of continuing to still experience in early pregnancy and what i think was going on with having experienced it so early on like at five or six dpo so that seemed very early to be experiencing like any sort of implantation like sensation my guess is what was happening was that implantation was like starting to occur but hadn't yet fully occurred if that makes sense so i can really only guess that implantation the process of a blastocyst burrowing into your uterine lining probably takes a couple days isn't something that just like happens instantly um and so i think that it had just like begun to occur around that five or six dpo and then kind of finished the implantation around eight or nine dpo which is when i would have started to get that huge influx of symptoms from the hcg that was rapidly increasing in my body and that exact same pinching feeling right in the center of my uterus kind of a pinching prickling like a pulling sensation actually continued through weeks four and five of my pregnancy and became even more strong of a sensation like much stronger much more intense like a little bit more like just you know you could tell that something was just really getting in there digging digging into the uterus 12 dpo this was valentine's day and which was kind of exciting a couple of things to note was i started to crave citrus i really wanted like citrus or like lemon in my water and also the foods that i was enjoying i was like really enjoying i started to notice that my appetite for food like food just tasted so good um it was just starting to be like like a totally different experience like i would eat like an english muffin with strawberry jam on it it would just be like oh my god so satisfying it was short-lived because i developed quite a lot of food aversions to almost all foods like a couple weeks after that but but yes i do remember food tasting so good and those really really really early days i'm pregnant i found out um yesterday and it has been wild as if right now like i'm so excited i cannot believe that i'm pregnant like i'm pregnant i think just like over the next few days it'll continue continue to sink in more and become our reality i feel like it's really early for me to be experiencing this many symptoms i thought this stuff wasn't supposed to start till you're like five or six weeks pregnant so i don't know if this is gonna be an indication of like possibly how sick i'm gonna feel i also have some just like anxieties about hoping everything progresses okay obviously in the back of my mind i hope that everything's okay all right and 14 dpo i'm gonna finish things off here um i started to have some shortness of breath around this day still a little bit of nausea and a lot of fatigue so that is it thank you so much for watching this video how i knew i was pregnant before i took a pregnancy test what my two-week weight experience was like i have continued to document my first trimester and i'm very excited to share with you a first trimester update as well as i'll be doing a second trimester and third trimester update and all kinds of things like that lots and lots of content i'm really excited to share with you if you are in that weight i just want to say i totally stand with you i know how just excruciating the days can feel when you're just waiting to find out if you're pregnant it can just be like such a lifetime but you'll get through it you're gonna make it to the end and and that's it thank you so much for watching if you have any questions for me feel free to leave them below in the comment section forgot what that was called for a moment i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Meghan Livingstone
Views: 413,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meghan livingstone
Id: SITqAzsMesw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.