Two Guns Found Magnet Fishing. COPS CALLED

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[Music] battery's dying what's up team welcome back today's episode we're gonna do a little bit of magnet fishin and a little bit of grappling hook in I got my 500 pack up my 500 pound magnet now and we're gonna come out here and we're gonna see what we can find what I guess half the strength that I normally use cuz I like like you don't know I'm always out here with the biggest magnet I can get my hands on if I can lift it I'll probably throw it in the water and try to pull something out but today it's just gonna be totally totally totally different 500 pounds not 1,200 not a ton what does ton - but also guys I got a grappling hook and I am so excited I'm so stoked I'm so pumped to use this out here for all those objects set the magnet just doesn't want to bring up this grappling hook is gonna be thrown out there and we're just gonna June June yeah here we go here we go we're gonna show you all right now look at that I know I know anything stuff that we can't get out from under the water or litter scum don't try to pull up like that if you want a 500-pound magnet and if you're not really looking to spend the extra money on the 1200 pound man because the 500-pound magnet I think is $35 or around that price range and the 1200 pound magnet is about twice as expensive so if you're just getting into this hobby that'll be a great place for you to start 500 pounds a great price point and then maybe a grappling hook to go for the bigger stuff that you can't get yet ratchet ratchet ratchet that that wretched ratchet socket set all right guys so this is gonna be the first drop with the 500-pound magnet this is my backup magnet because as y'all remember or hopefully you remember cuz I remember I don't like that it's we it's weird when it's all stretchy it's so much lighter using this magnet like for real like like for real it's it's honest it doesn't even feel like you're pulling on anything it's weird just compared to like using that kind o or something big right here though did we actually get it up did we did we see if it was a tank dang alright guys I definitely got something on here but for sure will it stay on here it's kind of sticking and this magnet is just not as strong as my other magnet there's many plenty for us to catch with the hook alright guys what is this no it is yeah just a bunch of junk down there I'm gonna set this right there alright guys I feel something on there what is it let's check her out but the world is on you know there's a knife we got another knife we got a knife guys look oh it's stuck on there good see I like when some stuff like really sticks some stuff just doesn't my gosh guys murder weapons murder weapons uh I mean why else would you throw this out here that is obviously 110% a murder weapon and I'm claiming it by putting in my pocket right now that's right you're not gonna find any today yeah we found a few out here you got some heavy guys was it got another one another one there's something I know like I know there's big stuff everywhere but like right out there in the middle I'm just linking into something likes to like should be like right in there yeah that might help you see this is coming towards me like no doubt and if this magnets moving it oh gosh Wow no dude that's cool I don't think it's going to come at me I know I didn't our first partial shotgun shell team look at that part of a shell did we find another bullet is that a bullet oh yes guys oh my gosh this is so cool that'd be nice what in the world oh no there's so much stuff along this wall dude it's dude the only word he knows why is there a what is that a muskie lure some kind of saltwater lure who in the world you people make me laugh sometimes I swear are you fishing for sharks out here yeah that's pretty cool look guys we're gonna do a fishing video with these and we're gonna catch some something yeah hooks would be ideal that's probably the best way to do it you got something again guys what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it I I have no idea comment down below if you know what that is that's crazy dude so much stuff out here I'm getting every time I throw there I'm getting something like large yeah very next gasps guys I find another one of these am i pulling a stove apart yeah I got something big I got something big it is like it's coming towards me if it falls you could definitely get with your magnet it's a sign that is a sign construction detour into the water yeah I'll be to you for sure dude doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 yes yes another gun oh do not that one we have to dude yeah yeah yeah dude this is sick that wasn't way better shape it is it is dude are you kidding me bro this is I'm pretty sure it's real and I was like yeah let me see that here you go you just taking like that this one actually might be dangerous so we can't point this set dude I don't know I don't even know what to say I'm just blown away by this this is this is so insane the last two magnet fishing trips equals two guns and like you said earlier we've been here for 30 minutes like literally 30 minutes and this is it this is it like I don't like I don't even know what to say I'm just kind of like at a loss for words right now I really don't even know what to say alright squad check hurry up you're ready for the first drop with the claw it's like I'm gonna throw I'm gonna throw then we'll just drag it like right along this oh yeah yeah it's really light you gotta go slow you can already feel it trying to come up I discovered at least it'll be out of the way the car door it's a car door it's a car door it's a truck it's a truck gate thing look how it looks like pull it and pull it out the water how did that not come up when we pull that up though that's it yeah dude it's a whole car trunk the track it was it the truck bed gate thing yeah alright guys so what we're doing is we're literally just thrown across this bridge way whatever you want to call it and we're just pulling yep I don't think yeah what is that dude I swear their head someone ripped open a stamp machine y'all oh my gosh Oh what the heck this looks so old though and it's 25 its wow we're pulling up history up 5 cents for stamps when's the last time stamps been 85 cent I can't tell you the last time I mailed a letter dude oh my gosh y'all guys I'm gonna link this in the description you know you want one of these now like you know you know you know you want one of these like I think I'm gonna have to get like three more all right so I'm gonna link these down here I'm gonna put the 500-pound man in the description too because I just need to like like I just want to show you like all these cool tools out here we got to just define cool stuff and have a fun day I mean look at this like this I know I'm not advertising for you to climb with this but if you need if you got some really heavy you need to pull out of the water this is it y'all this is it no way no way no way what is it what is it what is it what is it what in the world it's like a frame to a window or something that is weird oh my god yes I'm talking about oh my god dude something crazy went down here someone lost their like all their tools here it's like the like the spackle yeah the spackle class oh crap dude what what is that - that's a safe door door holy crap dude oh my god dude that is a hat look there's the combination thing that's all busted your magnet is like a hundred times heavier than mine wow that yeah they broke so we know we're not gonna find any stuff maybe that's what these guns are coming from you guys a 500-pound magnet you don't always need the biggest and the best I will link this in the description this is like the ultimate budget magnet I got something I'm pretty sure like I'm almost positive I got something yep and that's what I thought was the bike lock yeah dude what the heck dude all you old-timers I know someone I know any old time we're just gonna be able to tell me what this isn't five seconds so go ahead just go ahead tell me what it is because I have no idea I'm not going to I'm not I'm not gonna play this game pretending like I know what it is just just tell me like I feel like it's like keeping like trying to keep like a fish pin you just got to keep Matt what in the world stamps that's the rest of the stamp thing that's the rest of the same thing this is like a massive pile of trash like it's at the point where I just don't really know what to do with all this yeah I know I just got to find a good angle so go down the hill [Music] six huge you find you got it down the hill we're not gonna sit upright oh god oh god oh god oh god don't let go next time it's not gonna pull me into the water hold for a second okay probably cause it's so heavy dude yeah that's what they make it very far though he's like right over the side of the bridge I don't play it I think probably weighs at least no doubt oh wow that's actually like dude I don't even know what that is I don't know what that is I know that is is that like I don't know it's clearly something like you put you put on like you mount it to something it's something guys through there but it's like a it's like a holder or something I don't know it's like an old school trailer hitch I'm just kidding I'm just kidding don't be mad at me we got to scrap this I know I got something too but it won't tired we're gonna build the core by the time we're done dude it is like in that thing too like that was something important dude I honestly thought that was a gun for a second by the way it just came up like this is this is the angle I saw right here but holy smokes guys I mean look at but this is the angle I don't know if you can see if I'm right here that's the angle I saw that looked like the grip right here and the barrel right there gosh guys look at all that all that junk I know and the toolbox just keeps getting filled y'all check it out yeah yep no that's part of a truck as part of a truck best part of a truck yeah we got another plan guys holy crap guys oh my god dude this one's different too are you kidding me guys oh my god dude where did that come from dude are you kidding me - Turkey me painting this man I can't I can't see that's the Jarrod it's just a little revolver man that's dope yeah yeah yeah guys look what else can you say it's like we got like a 22 long rifle revolver someone's old so much grandpa's old gun or something like that and then something like this is a clear like an old 38 short-nosed I mean like we got like an inch and a half long barrel on that Wow and look at the size of that cylinder it's clearly like a 38 that is outstanding y'all that's awesome you gotta take a picture for me with laughs a those look amazing guys like for real I'm just blown away by this whole experience two guns in one day dude this crazy two guns in one day like I don't know some of you guys may know how long we have been trying to find guns as me and Danny like together going magnet fishing that's been like the ultimate goal of all time no two weeks two times we go out we find one gun the first time next time we find two guns I think it's finally time to call the cops unfortunately it's that time we have to it is what it is I'd love to keep these guns I'd love to go home and play with them you know do what I do but I'm not trying to go to jail for someone else's mistakes yeah exactly so but we're gonna go to the cops no we're not we're going to the parking lot we're gonna call it the cops I guess the most respectful term is the police officer first we're gonna call the AUSA firs they're gonna come down here and we're gonna give them so get a lot of calls people find a guns down here really not really he's got a no or like I guess sometimes you have like a guess at how old they are they look pretty okay found property to see if they can get a serial number off of it and face it back it'll be in found property you want to go in like 90 days you want to want to try and see if they'll hand them over to you what are the chances that would happen because I'd have to take a trip and not you know unless they're deemed to have liked that one's already forged ya know unless they're deemed to have been used in the commission of a crime they won't be released I'm assuming yeah that makes sense but right guys we are done magnet fishing for the day we're done interacting with the cops we're done talking to the cameras I'm done talking on the camera so I'm sure Huff's it's tough to say but I'm done guys remember hit that subscribe button if you're not sub DUP and if you are subtype hit that notification bell so next time I post a video it'll let you know how about that gets me outside but also guys hit that like button or hit that you know it's it's not the like button anymore it is now officially the magnet button so if you liked the video smash that magnet button cuz that just sounds so much cooler but alright guys I'm done you'll have a great time see you again peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daniel Bowens
Views: 187,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing raleigh, magnet fishing gun found, magnet fishing 500lb magnet, 500lb magnet fishing, 1000lb magnet fishing, treasure hunting, found a gun, two guns found, hunting, 500lb magnet, grappling hook, outdoors weekly magnet fishing, Daniel Bowens magnet fishing, magnet fishing 1000lb, murder weapons, crime scene, sunken crime, GoPro magnet fishing, brute magnetics, gunsNchickenstrips magnet fishing, outdoors weekly magnet fishing with danny
Id: 1ejIVlDzlOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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