Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) on Apple Devices - Understanding 2FA and Apple Trusted Devices

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welcome back everyone my name  is Joel Feld and today I want   to talk about security specifically  two-factor authentication here we go chances are you're probably using two-factor  authentication and two-factor authentication is   just a security layer that protects your  account from bad people getting into your   email or contacts calendars so I want to talk a  little bit about how to set it up how to change   some of the settings and some little tips  along the way I have a computer an iPhone   and an iPad and I want to walk through what  two Factor authentication looks like and then   go through the settings afterwards so here is the  typical scenario let's say that this computer is   a friend's computer a family member's computer a  computer at school work uh libr Library whatever   it may be naturally you want to sign into your  account so that maybe you can check your email   look at your calendar something along those  lines now this is geared specifically for   iCloud but you'll see this if you're trying to  access Gmail or Yahoo or Microsoft Outlook a lot   of other services offer this type of security so  here is the scenario that typically happens not   my computer but I want to check my email so I'm  going to open up Safari and and I'm going to go   to I'm going to click on sign in I'm  going to type in joel. Feld I'm going   to type in my password and I'm going to try and  sign in on the computer it says okay to make sure   it is me a legitimate person trying to access  account it says a message with a verification   code has been sent to other devices or your  devices please enter the code to continue so   you'll notice on on my phone here and on my iPad  it prompted me with a notification saying your   Apple ID sign in requested my account and it's  being used in a nearby location do you want to   allow it or do you not want to allow it now if  you've ever seen this message before and you're   not at a computer trying to sign in or you're not  doing anything with any technology this is a good   indicator that someone may know your password and  is trying to log in because naturally right now   if a bad guy was trying to access my information  if it didn't have this two layers of protection   I should say they already know my password they  would have been in my account already but because   you typically have your cell phone on you it's  sending that code to my phone to say all right   someone's trying to access your account they  got halfway there with your password but now   they need to get the other half with this code  so on my phone here I'm going to touch allow and   then it prompts me with this code the 6 digit  code that I now enter in you'll notice as soon   as I did allow on this phone it disappeared the  notification on my iPad because I need this code   here because this code is going to be different  every time you do this so I'm going to type in   919 825 so now it says okay do you want to trust  this browser or not trust this browser I would   recommend especially if this is a public computer  don't trust it just definitely say don't trust or   not now either way if you trust it it just means  it's not going to send you this notification every   single time so as of right now we're going to say  not now now we're into iCloud I'm able to check   my email look at my photos access my contacts  calendars all of that good stuff you may be   asking why did this iPad and why did this iPhone  get this notification I have another iPad here and   I have another computer here why didn't those  notifications pop up on these devices well the   answer is because these are trusted devices number  one they're using the same Apple ID so I logged   into to the computer web browser with joel. Fel this iPhone and iPad are also logged   in to the device settings with that same Apple  ID so that's why I got the notification now let's   take a step back and let's repeat this process CU  I want to show you some of the other options so   I'm going to go on the top right here choose sign  out I don't want Safari to remember my P password   so I'm going to say not now and we are going to  sign in again and we're going to do this probably   a few more times so I'm going to type in Joel Feld  at if I can spell paste in my password   notice I get the notification on my phone and my  iPad now let's pretend that this notification is   not coming through for whatever reason I'm just  not getting it so I'm going to say don't allow the   moment that I do that on my phone notice it says  hey do you need to change your Apple ID password   if you think someone is trying to sign in to your  account you should change your password well I   know that I'm doing this right now so I'm going to  say not now if I chose continue it just takes me   to the settings on my phone to reset my password  you'll notice on the computer here it says didn't   get a verification code cuz remember we're going  to pretend like that that notification didn't   pop up so I'm going to say yes I did not get a  verification code I can either choose to resend   a new code or I can say text me the code instead  and the last option is more options which takes   me to Apple's support website to then recover my  account and you have to know the telephone number   that's associated with your Apple ID now let's  come back to the message here let's say didn't   get verification code let's choose resend code so  naturally I should get that popup message on my   iPhone and iPad but sometimes when you click that  and you've waited too long it doesn't send so so   here is a good option a trick that you can do if  the notification doesn't pop up you can actually   go on your phone into settings and if I touch the  Apple ID and choose signin and security and then   choose two Factor authentication I can actually  manually prompt to get a verification code so if   I touch this it now generates one for me right  here right now so I can type this code in 10376   7 and it will actually use that code for me so  again I will choose not now and now I'm back to   being able to access my account now I've talked a  lot about trusted devices this iPad is a trusted   device this phone is a trusted device and I  have another cell phone that is linked that   actually has cell phone service that is a trusted  device but the question is how do you manage these   trusted devices how do you get rid of them and  also how do you add a trusted device so there's   another another website that we're going to go  to and it is we're going to   sign in with my account so I'm going to say joel.  Feld type in the password I will get   prompted on my phone and my iPad for fun let's  use my iPad I'm going to choose allow and do 617 959 I do not want Safari to save my password as of  right now so I'm going to choose not now now this   is where you go to manage all of the different  settings billing information related to your   main Apple ID account so over here on the left  hand side you have signin and security personal   information all of these different categories  but we want to stick with signin and security   and choose the second choice here account security  so this is where we tell the Apple ID what devices   are trusted for this so on this main page I have  the ability to add additional cell phone numbers   if I click on this plus sign here I can type in a  phone number and I'm going to say I want to verify   it with a text message not a phone call because  phone calls just take forever and text messag is   way easier and I'm going to choose continue now in  order to add this telephone number to this account   I need to verify once more with my password for  this Apple ID so I'm going to choose continue   again and this phone number has been used too  many times choose a different number well that's   a first um probably because this phone number is  literally associated with like 10 different Apple   IDs so essentially it would send that six-digit  code to the text message and I would put that in   here we can simulate that with the actual phone  that it's associated with so we'll look at that   in a second but underneath here we have the  trusted devices of this other phone that got   the notification an iPad that's right here and  then a Mac Mini that I use as my server so those   are the three different devices that are trusted  with this Apple ID so all three of those devices   are going to get those notifications to type in  now if I went to my iPad here let's say that this   iPad is no more I don't have this maybe it's lost  stolen broken whatever it may be I can actually   remove that from the account so if I scroll down  here I'm going to say remove this from my account   and it's going to say well you're not going to  have access to iCloud in more on that device so   you'll notice the moment that I did that I got a  message on this iPad saying Apple ID verification   enter the the password for this Apple ID in the  settings so I would need to go to settings and   update this with my password to then make it  a trusted device because now you'll notice if   we sign out and let's go back to iCloud we're  going to sign out here again all right so sign   in type in the password so now that  notification is only going to pop up on this   phone it no longer pops up on the iPad because  I told it not to be a trusted device anymore now   let's say that I don't have the device that gets  the notification this is where I can say didn't   get notification text me and so now this is the  phone that's linked with the telephone number so   you'll notice I just got a text message if I open  up messages here it says your Apple ID code is 75377 and so it does the same thing with the  text message as the notification prompt does   so I'm going to choose actually here I will choose  trust and so now this browser is trusted so now if   I sign out I can choose trust and sign out don't  want the password to be saved so now if I sign   in one final time isn't this fun done it like 20  times and naturally it shouldn't ask us for the   verification because we've told it to trust it now  if you're in the scenario where you didn't mean   to trust the browser what you need to do is tell  it to forget all browsers that you've Associated   your Apple ID with and the way that you do that  is by going to the iCloud settings and then if   you scroll down towards the bottom there's this  option for sign out all browsers so I'm going to   click on this and it's going to sign me out of  this browser and any other browser that I trust   did previously so now if we sign in again jeez I  lied uh that wasn't the last time if we sign in   again now you'll notice we got the notification  back on our phone we can allow that type it in   073 416 and we're back to giving the prompt of do  we want to trust it or not I'm going to say not   now and here we are back into the website and  notice you'll even get an email saying hey hey   your Apple ID was used to sign into a browser so  that's pretty common to let you know and this is   also another good security measure to let you know  if someone does magically have a trusted device in   addition to your password so the whole concept  of two- Factor authentication is there's two two   fences the bad guy needs to cross over in order  to get actually get into your account one is the   password and the other one is to have a trusted  device that gets a special code that changes   every single time to then confirm that you are the  actual person trying to log in to your account so   now if we sign out of iCloud let's go back to the  Apple id. sign in there's our password   it prompts us on the phone again so I'm going to  choose allow 448 740 I don't want the computer to   save my password and now we're going to go back to  account security so we have the telephone number   and the phone and the Mac Mini now let's go ahead  and add this iPad back as a trusted device so I'm   going to go to the settings here and I'm going  to type in the password password for my iCloud   account so it gets added as a trusted device  all right and we'll choose sign in at the   top so now the iPad is saying hey if you want to  get in and make this a trusted device two Factor   authentication I sent a message to another device  so here on my phone I'm going to touch allow and   type in 449 883 so that's going to update the  Apple ID settings on this iPad and it wants me   to prompt it to sign in again and type in the iPad  code so I'm going to type in that so now if we   come back out to Apple ID let's just refresh this  page here so now if we click on account security   we now have this iPad back as a trusted device so  so now it will receive those notifications going   forward now there are some other options down here  they have even more security and they have these   security Keys you can click learn more here and  this is like super high-tech mostly I would say   organizations or corporate offices would use  this where you actually get a little key fob   or a physical thing that actually you plug into  something and you have a code there so the average   user like you and me probably not going to have  this but it's kind of of a nice security feature   for those that need it so I'm going to close out  of this all right now at the top of here they   have about two Factor authentication and I'll link  all these support articles down below this pretty   much just walks you through and describes what we  just demoed and what we did adding a trusted phone   number adding a trusted device so on and so forth  now there are some requirements for two Factor   authentication when you first create an Apple ID  if you were to create one today it's automatically   Ally going to have two Factor authentication  turned on there's no option to turn it off I   have no ability to turn it off once it's turned on  and there are some other requirements if I click   on this link right here learn the availability and  the minimum requirements so this shows where uh   two-factor authentication is available throughout  the world and if we click on this minimum required   system requirements these are the recommended  system requirements iOS 16 Mac OS Ventura the   latest greatest but it also has the minimum system  requirements that you have here so if you have a   really older device that can't update anymore you  may not be able to have two- Factor authentication   on it speaking of minimum requirements if you  are in fact in the predicament of having an   older device that's running older software or  maybe you have an Apple ID that actually has   not been upgraded to two Factor authentication  then you will be using what's called twostep   verification and I'll show you the difference  so I came across one of my old Apple IDs that   actually is so old I forgot I had it I used it a  long time ago when I did video production trying   to do another side hustle for videotaping Live  Events and theater shows and all of that but I   had an old Apple ID that actually has not been  upgraded to two-factor authenication so it uses   what is called twostep verification let me show  you how that works and actually let's upgrade   that account to use two Factor authentication so  I'm going to log out of the Apple ID website we'll   log out of iCloud I'm going to choose sign out  and this is the and I'm going   to choose sign in now the old Apple ID is upstage  Studios many many moons ago the Gmail   account itself is probably deactivated and it's  probably no longer even uh usable from Google   and then I'm going to type in the password and  here we go so with twostep verification versus   two Factor authentication the difference is with  the two Factor we had two different hurdles number   one the password but then the second hurdle was  the notification that changes with the code to   a trusted device now two-step verification is  still the password that's hurdle number one but   the second hurdle is Standard Security questions  that you have to typee in so it doesn't require   a secondary device to get a code you just have  to answer the security question so if you have   someone that knows your password they could very  well know these security questions and still get   into your account and you would never know here  it says answer the security questions to continue   and we've all seen this before I'm sure this is  where you choose three or four different questions   and you add in the security uh answer for it  and it's usually pretty easy to guess if the   person somewhat knows you so we're going to type  in the answers here and choose continue so now   that second layer of protection I knew the answers  so now I'm into the account so if I were a bad guy   and I knew the password and these questions I'm  into your account and you would have no idea now   this is where it wants to say hey this Apple  ID is really old you're signing in do you want   to update it to two Factor authentication well for  the moment here I'm going to say other options and   I'm going to say don't upgrade and again the web  browser is prompting me to save the password so   I'm going to choose not now so you'll notice that  on the signin page here under security questions   it says not using two-factor authentication and  when I click on that all I have the option to   do is change my security questions or turn on  two-factor authentication now I'm not going to   turn on two-factor authentication yet we're going  to do that from the previous menu and for change   security questions I don't need to change those  because I'm going to upgrade the account anyways   and there's no need to do that so I'm going  to close out of this window we're going to   sign out and we're going to sign in one last time  answer the security questions the same security   questions I'll choose continue and now I'm going  to say okay Apple uses two Factor authentication   to help ensure you're the only person who can  sign into this account do you want to essentially   learn more about it which we're doing right now  and I'm going to say continue and this gives me   the opportunity to add a trusted phone number  if I click back and go to the previous option   and say other options we're back to either don't  upgrade or choosing upgrade account security which   I'll choose this one and then we're back to the  trusted telephone number so you need a trusted   telephone number to make this work because nine  times out of 10 users have a cell phone so here   we go 7 7 63 347 9916 so hopefully this one isn't  used so many times that it blocks me out either so   let's do continue so verify your phone number it  should send me a text message which it does one   cool trick if you get that little message at the  top usually sometimes it will disappear but if you   just touch and hold on it it stays there which is  kind of nice then you don't have to go in the text   message and pull it up that way so here we have 16  6 6 oops let's click in here 166 743 we'll choose continue no I don't want to save the password  to the browser all right so now if we click on   account security we have that trusted telephone  number that's associated with this device the   moment that I leave T-Mobile or get rid of this  line I would not be able to log into this Apple   ID because I would need to set up another trusted  device that's associated with it so just keep that   in mind if you ever change your phone number or  you don't have a computer it can be really pain   to reset your password for an Apple ID that you  don't know there is a recovery process but it   literally takes like 2 and a half weeks for Apple  to respond to you to verify that you're the owner   of that Apple ID it is not convenient at all so  make sure that you have a trusted device that   you have access to so now that is pretty much  adding that cell phone number notice I don't   have any devices that are trusted and the only  way to add a trusted device is to go into the   settings of the Mac or the iPad or the iPhone  and add that Apple ID into the settings all of   these devices have an Apple ID so if I went to  settings on my phone here if I go back to the   m to the top I would actually have to sign out of  this phone that's associated with learn with Joel   I would have to sign out and then sign in with  this other Apple ID which I'm not going to do   if I were to do that though this phone then would  be a trusted device under this particular Apple   ID that's how you get there then it would pop up  with those messages like it did before so that is   pretty much two Factor authentication kind of  how it's set up behind the scenes and this is   some of the information that you may not even have  known because a lot of times we just take it for   granted and get that text message or get that  one popup on the phone and then we never think   about it but these are some other ways to add  more telephone numbers or add another trusted   device and remove things and and all of that so  thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this   video hit that like button down below if you want  to support this channel hit that thanks button too   and if you want to learn more hit subscribe  tap that little bell and we'll see you next time
Channel: Learn with Joel Feld
Views: 19,145
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Keywords: apple, ipad, iphone, learn, Apple tutorials, iOS, iCloud, 2FA, Two-Factor, 2Factor, Two-Factor Authentication, iCloud Two factor authentication, multi factor authentication, authentication, security, iCloud security, security prompts, verification notifications, two factor notifications, two factor prompts, iPhone two factor, 2 step verification, two step verification, 2-step verification apple id, apple id, Apple ID, Apple ID two factor authentication, passwords, iCloud passkey
Id: I_msjcAo44M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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