Two English Teachers Go Ziplining and Try to Teach Some English ( Ziplining Niagara Falls Canada )

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- So, it's ten to seven, and I'm heading out bright and early to meet Brent. So, Brent has driven up from Maine and I'm heading out to see him. We're going to go ziplining this morning. Something that I'm not, I'm looking forward to it, 'cause it's exciting to meet Brent in real life, but I'm also afraid of heights, so we'll see how it goes. But yeah, I'll be seeing him in about 35 minutes when I get to his hotel in Niagara Falls. So, I just have to stop for a sec to check, if there was anyone in this vehicle. Me and this gentleman just had a look. There's no one in the vehicle, so obviously, overnight someone put their vehicle in the ditch. He's gonna call the police to let them know the car's here, but I'm gonna continue on my way to Niagara Falls. So, just made a little pit stop here on the way. I'm actually running late now. Probably shouldn't be backing up in a parking lot while filming. I'm running a little late, because of that car in the ditch. But then there was also a road closed, because of flooding. We've gotten so much rain here lately, and if you're wondering why I'm wearing these orange sunglasses it's because mine weren't in the van this morning. So, I'm wearing the only pair that was here. It's one of my kids' pairs. So, anyways, making my way there, probably gonna be a little bit late. So, I'm about 10 minutes late and I'm hitting every light red right now. This is the fifth light in a row that's red. So hopefully, the light's coming up, cooperate. Well, I made it. I'm here with Brent. We're gonna head down to the zipline area and we'll see how that goes. I'm still a little bit nervous? - I'm very nervous. - Very nervous. - Yeah, I'm questioning this decision of ours. - Yeah, I think what this is, is a situation where Brent and I have both let each other know we wanted to do it, because we thought that was a cool thing to say. And now we're realizing... - It sounded a lot better when I was sitting at home on my couch, like, yeah, let's do that one day. - Yes. - And now that day is here. - And now the day is here. So, you'll see maybe some clips in a bit. We're gonna be doing this in about an hour, so wish us luck. - Yeah, we need it. - So, there it is right there between Brent and I. Are you ready now? - I say we get it over and done with as quickly as possible. - Yeah, I think we're both having a bit of nervous energy here. We're excited, but I think I'll be more excited when we're done. So, as long as there's a red light and I see this is pretty straightforward, isn't it? - Yep, right there that red counting timer thing. - Yeah, so I've never used a GoPro. So, Brent's just let it, he's getting his ready. And I'm gonna be putting mine on in a second. We'll see what we can capture. Brent's just trying out this other smaller camera here. We're not sure we'll be able to use it, but there's a couple. I'm not sure if this is an English lesson, but I'm gonna ask Brent to define some phrases for you. Brent, what's it mean to do something on an empty stomach? Why would you do that? - Well, basically, I don't want to toss my cookies. - Yes. - That's a very colloquial way. - There's two phrases for you there. So, I'm doing this on an empty stomach. Are you doing this on an empty stomach? - Oh, I didn't eat breakfast. - Yeah, I did not have breakfast either. So, two guys doing something on an empty stomach. Just when you feel a little nervous, sometimes that's the best way to do it. So, we have to sign waivers. Brent's signing his right now. Basically, means if something goes wrong, it's our fault, I guess. So, he'll do his now and then I'll do mine in a minute. Then I think we go up these stairs next and then the ziplining begins. - Somebody just went and they're screaming. Oh, that's gonna be us in a couple minutes. - Yeah, that will be us soon. Woohoo! - What about the helmet though? I think that helmet is... - It's nice, hey? It's not orange though, I would've liked an orange one. - Right, Bob the Canadian orange. - So, the plan is I have mine on my left wrist and I'm gonna try to go on the left side. Brent has his on his right wrist. That way I can hopefully hold it out. You can see the Falls and then see me and then hopefully, see Brent. We'll see how good a cameraman I am when I'm screaming. - Yeah, fingers crossed. - Fingers crossed. Brent has to go ask if he can use his chest-mounted camera. So, they're talking to the person in charge right now. He's gonna say. - Yeah, it needs to be (indistinct). - I think he might get approved. Oh, nope, I think he got denied. So, that's teachers getting in trouble. It happens some times. So, the waiting is part of the fun, I think. - How's it going? - [Speaker] I'm very nervous. - Very nervous. - And that does not show at all maybe. I'm acting confident trying to tell people where to go, but. - Most people say they're nervous their first time. - So, I should be able to sit at some point? - Yep, sit down. Lean back and lift your feet off the ground. - Okay, I'm sitting. Hey Brent, are you recording? - I'm recording.... - Awesome. - On your way down, arms and legs out I like a starfish. - Yeah, like, okay. - Yep. - So, I can lean quite far back? - Yep. - Okay, that's good to know. - When you get close to the bottom, hold on right here and keep your legs apart just because there's an automatic brake and it's gonna swing you up a bit. - Okay. - Do you have any questions at all? - Am I... I'm safe and ready to go? - Hmm? - I am all safe here and ready to go? - Yeah. - Okay. - I'll try not to cut the line when you go down. - Okay, thank you. Thank you very much. Okay, I'm ready. You ready? - Yeah. - I think these gates are gonna open in a bit and then we're gonna go. - He got Grace. (Bob laughing) - Okay, I'm probably gonna laugh a lot. We'll see. - I don't dunno if Bob's gonna make it. - Yeah, you're not new are you? - Pardon? - This isn't your first day on the job? - [Employee] Oh yeah, it's my first day. - Oh it is? - Yeah. - Yeah. Brent, it's her first day on the job she says - Oh no. - I don't believe you. I think you're a professional and you have my utmost safety in mind. - All right, see the white camera there? Wave up to it. - I think we're gonna go. Oh man, the gate's opening. So, at the the next point I think I'm gonna be going. So, you said arms out when we start right after... - [Employee] Clear on three. - Clear on four. - Ooooh! Yeah, yeah, this is good. Hey, why am I faster than you? - I'm definitely faster than Brent. Here we go. - Making kind of a funny noise above me, but there's a nice view of the Falls for you. And there's Brent behind me. I think he's way back there. I don't know why mine's going so fast. That makes it even more scary. Woohoo! (Speaker laughing) There's a guy waving to me. I think they said, I'm almost at the end. I think they said spread your legs when you get to the end or something. So, I'll do that now. Woohoo! Oh, man. (Bob laughing) That's a fast stop. Oh, okay. Now, I'm gonna get pulled to the end, Uh, we made it, we did it. Somehow, we ziplined. I think we mentioned that we were gonna do this at one point. Hello. - How was it? - It was exhilarating. That would definitely be the word I would use. There's a clip here. - [Employee] Did you have stuff in your bag? - Yeah, I did have just a fanny pack in there. There it is. Awesome, thank you very much. How's it going, Brent? Got everything outta there? - It's going pretty well. What's that? - Yeah, I think so. So, we're getting our picture taken now. I think that's what we're doing. - [Employee] Next one, thumbs up. - So, we're just inside looking at the photos and videos and I feel like we might need to buy them. We'll see. Should we buy them? - I'm pretty cheap, I don't know. That would be up to you. Brent thinks I should buy them. Maybe that's what he saying. We'll see how it goes. If you see some cool footage, it means we bought the stuff. So, we're now gonna get a ride in this fancy vehicle back up the hill. We were going to walk back up, but we're not allowed to walk back up. - You're gonna sit here sir. - I can sit there? - So, you get better view from this side. - Oh, I'll sit here. - It's up to you. - Okay, I'll sit in the back with Brent. There we go. - I don't wanna take your view away from you. You can sit in the front if you want. - I have seen Niagara Falls so many times. Well, we're back at the top. We did it. Brent's just having a chat with the driver and I think we're gonna take a picture in front of the beginning of the zipline. So, we both have thumbnails for the video that you're probably watching right now. So, like I said, we're done and we're gonna have breakfast now at Brent's Airbnb and then we're gonna head to the farm and do a couple live streams later today. - I'll just give the thumbs up. - Gives the thumbs up. Okay, let's go eat.
Channel: Learn English with Bob the Canadian
Views: 50,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, learning english, learn english with subtitles, bob the canadian, yt:cc=on, english lesson, english video with subtitles, english subtitles
Id: Rw5ys4lapHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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