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hello sweet team welcome back to my channel this is sweet ageless i am so excited to be with you all today and i hope everyone is doing wonderfully well in today's video i share with you all how to make your own homemade organic apple cider vinegar with the mother now if you're new to my channel join the sweet team by clicking on that subscribe button right now while you're at it hit that bell and hit all notifications so you'll be among the first to be notified when i upload a video let's get started for this recipe i have my apples i'm using macintosh you can use any other type of apple that you like i have here some cane sugar it is natural sugar you can use any sugar that you prefer here i have some water you're also going to need a glass jar like this it doesn't matter it doesn't have to be like this but i love this because it works so well i also have a large rubber band right here you need a chiffon cloth you can use any kitchen towel as long as it's breathable okay and you can also use a yarn like this one if you don't have a rubber band that will work this will work just perfectly so let's begin i'm going to add the sugar into my water and because i want to make organic apple cider vinegar the sugar is organic the apples are organic i washed it really well i scrubbed it very nicely so you want to do that so i'm just going to allow the sugar to melt while i go ahead and cut my apples the ratio to keep in mind when making apple cider vinegar is one apple to one cup of water and one tablespoon of sugar so for example if you're using four apples you're gonna use four cups of water four tablespoons of sugar and please try to use purified or distilled water it is the best for this recipe you may be wondering why you need sugar when making apple cider vinegar you need sugar because that is what the bacteria feeds on for the fermentation process without sugar it will be impossible now you can use honey but it'll only slow down the fermentation process but you can use it i prefer my natural sugar it works for me all the time so just add the sugar water over your apples and then add enough water to cover all as needed for the recipe once we've added enough water we're going to go ahead and give it a quick stare to ensure that the sugar is well distributed and then we'll cover it up with our chiffon cloth you do not want to use a lid or plastic wrap because you want the bacteria that will be growing to breathe you don't want it to suffocate okay now if your chiffon cloth is as big as mine no worries just fold it a couple of times and it will work just perfectly so i'm just going to go ahead and cover it up and using the rubber band we will hold it in place and we want to keep it in a cool dark place okay just keep it in your pantry or wherever but i'm going to be keeping it on my counter top so i'll use a kitchen towel to cover it up to give it that dark environment that it needs for the bacteria to grow beautifully and we are back this is about three days later and i'm checking on my apples and as you can see the top of it is quite dry and we do not want that when it dries up fungus begins to grow we are not trying to grow fungus we're trying to grow bacteria so what we're gonna do is go ahead and stir it up and make sure that all the apples are well hydrated at all times at least for the first 10 days once you do this for 10 days you don't have to do it anymore because once acid begins to build it'll kill any fungus that attempts to grow in there while growing the good bacteria that we need to make apple cider vinegar so i'll be staring this every two to three days and i'll do that the first 10 to 12 days and then i'll leave it alone to ferment for a good six weeks so all in all we have to ferment this for six weeks all right yo we are back to unveil our apple cider vinegar it is exactly ten weeks later it is okay don't panic i couldn't take care of it exactly at six weeks because i had to work i had so much i had to do so the time just flew by but what i know is that once the acidity level rises it begins to evaporate so as you can see it has receded quite a bit this is where it was and now it is way down there not way down there it has receded a little bit so we're going to transfer it into our preferred containers or bottles and you don't want to use any metal utensils i have this old apple juice bottle and that is what i like to keep my apple cider vinegar in i just take the label off and yeah it is just perfect and it's also very very beautiful you also need a strainer be sure to use a plastic type do not use the metal type because you don't want the acid and the metal to mix so yeah i also have a plastic ladle so it'll work very beautifully this strainer also comes with a funnel attachment so it'll be all in one so i'm just going to speed this up as we transfer our apple cider vinegar into the bottle foreign we are all done to make apple cider vinegar is not hard at all method number two we'll be using the pills and the core yes the parts that you normally get rid of no do not do that keep it in your freezer until you're ready to make your vinegar so in my jar i'll add my sugar to that i'll add my water now what is the difference between what we're making now and what we just made the two main differences are that we're using parts of the apple that we will normally get rid of but most of all we'll be using some of what we just made as a starter so with the first method we allowed the bacteria to grow naturally whereas in this method we're aiding the growth of the bacteria because there's already bacteria in the one we just [Music] made once we've added all our ingredients we're going to follow the same process we did with the first method this is my favorite method because i get to have my apples and eat it too in that i can enjoy my apple and still make apple cider vinegar and also because we added some of our first batch to it it's gonna give it a head start and this will be ready in four weeks and there you have it our final apple cider vinegar is ready i went ahead to get out the peels and the core and i'm just transferring it into our used apple juice bottle now after this i'm going to allow it to age for the mother to develop yes we're making apple cider vinegar with the mother and i can say we're done without you all seeing the mother now what is the mother the mother is the dark and cloudy substance that you usually see in apple cider vinegar and believe me or not it develops on its own as the apple cider vinegar ages the mother develops and it is the most nutritious part of your vinegar and this is what it looks like right after it was done and this is it eight weeks later i hope you can spot the mother just floating in there but if not take a look at it from the bottom up do you see it absolutely beautiful and it tastes just the same way it would if you picked it up in the supermarket i hope you are inspired to try because all you need is your apple pills and core things you will normally throw away turned to a treasure thank you so so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video if you did please do not forget to give your girl a thumbs up thank you share and subscribe if you have not done that yet if you're new subscriber welcome to my channel this is sweet ageless thank you so much for subscribing and to the sweet team y'all know i love you until i see you in my next video stay safe keep loving each other and remember that the love of god and family is life's greatest blessing and guys [Music] bye
Channel: Sweet Adjeley
Views: 132,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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