TWO DAYS IN PORTLAND & OGUNQUIT, MAINE || Summer New England Road Trip

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good morning and welcome back to the New England summer road trip Series today and for the next few days I am by myself because Sydney had to go back to work but I will be reuniting with her on Friday to do Boston for the rest of the weekend with her as one of her last weekends in Boston but today I have driven up to Portland Maine by myself I didn't bring the car mount so I haven't filmed anything this morning because I did not want to try and just stick my tripod up here and drive on the highway from Boston it took me about an hour and 40 minutes to get into Portland and I just pulled up to the Portland Lighthouse so we are going to have a fun day today the goal is to do all of Portland today and then drive down to Ogunquit Maine which is about 36 or so minutes from here where my hotel is and then I'm going to explore Ogunquit tomorrow and then head down to New Hampshire spend the day in New Hampshire and then back down to Boston so this will be a main and New Hampshire Vlog for great things about Portland and I'm really excited to be in Portland for one main reason my parents eloped in Portland Maine and I called my mom this morning and I told her I was in Portland and she's like okay half to go find Unity Church Unity Church is like 20 minutes outside of Portland so later today I'm going to be able to go see where my parents eloped and got married and just for me that makes my heart so happy because we haven't even been back since I don't think any of my other family members have been here so it'll be just nice to see I don't know if the church is going to be open if we're going to be able to go inside but that's just like a highlight of today if anything else that happens today is just a cherry on top of the cake my other mission for today is to have a lobster roll because I have yet to have a lobster roll up here in New England because I wanted to wait until we were mean because you know Maine Lobster so today's the day we're gonna get a lobster roll for lunch I had to pee so bad after being on the highway because I drank a strawberry guava Celsius on the way and I just have to be so bad after drinking in Celsius so I stopped at a Whole Foods and I got this no cow protein bar so I'm good for breakfast and we'll probably just do an early lunch for the lobster roll like I said I'm by myself so we're gonna be doing some solo vlogging I need to get out and pay for the parking I am in this rental car that Sydney and I have rented and I will be obviously dropping this back off by the time we get back to Boston listen I like driving but I don't like it that much and parking here seems to be a little difficult except for of course at this Lighthouse there's obviously parking lots and I'm just gonna go pay for the parking and we are gonna go see the lighthouse so welcome to Maine welcome to this summer New England Road Trip Vlog of course it is my first time in Maine and it'll also be my first time in New Hampshire so those are really fun and it was my first time in Rhode Island when we were there so literally knocking off three more states in the United States which was a goal for this summer was to see a lot more of the United States and we have more to come after this trip but three new States on this trip which I'm really excited about okay let's pay for parking and go see the lighthouse I guess we had to do two hours even though I don't expect to be here for that long so I typed in all of my information and then put in my card and my card didn't work and one of the guys who works here came over and said it's a free day at the Lighthouse none of the card machines are working so three day of parking instead of five bucks that's already a plus and oh my gosh I see the lighthouse I can't wait rookie mistake number one I thought my sunglasses were in my purse and they're not and I don't feel like going back to the car so I'm going to be squinting on here as you would think after five years of publicly vlogging and travel vlogging that it gets better but I swear it's just as awkward every single time that everyone stares at me playing on my Vlog camera but it's 10 46 a.m we're at the Lighthouse and I'm gonna show you guys around how stunning is this so I actually just walked all the way over here to the lighthouse they don't do any Tower tours but they do a Museum tour which I opted not to do then I took this little path all the way over here and there are people getting out on the Rocks over here I don't know where or how they are but I think that that is an awesome photo that they're getting this is just so beautiful here in the corner there's an open gate here go look okay yes if you come definitely come down on these deep close look at this view I just asked a girl to take a picture of me and she was so sweet so here's the lighthouse just to have for the men's but it is so stinking beautiful I wish I wrote my Kindle I literally would sit here this was fine I don't know what else you're really supposed to do here if there are walking trails but definitely to just be the lighthouse The Cliffs to stand out here on the Rocks has been a great time definitely would recommend just oh I love it okay so I did the cliffs looked at the Lighthouse went down on the Rocks a little bit and y'all I am sweating I'm gonna go back to the car and game plan because I don't know what else you're supposed to do at the Lighthouse but I feel like I soaked in all the good views took a lot of pictures and now we're gonna explore the rest that Portland Maine has to offer welcome to downtown Portland should I be embarrassed to say it took me literally two different times having to move around this car to get it in this spot from pulling in I don't know it was very weird but I just got two hour parking here for four dollars I almost just had to pay eight dollars for one hour in a different lot but I'm going to explore downtown Portland I think I'm just gonna head toward the shopping the food and I have till 1 45 to do so or at least until I have to move my car so a good little afternoon chunk and I'm just gonna walk around and see what there's to do also let me just say that I literally thought I lost these sunglasses they are my favorite sunglasses ever I've actually lost them already once one time they fell out of a tennis dress on a golf course and that they were never to be seen again but luckily I had just put them in like you know the little top sunglasses compartment in the car last night because I didn't want to leave anything too out in the open in my car although today everything's kind of out in the opening that car but I have my sunglasses because it is sunny outside and there's such a breeze over in this area so it feels so good I will say I am an individual I'm adventurous but I am a little lonely I miss Sydney I miss her company and just being able to hang out and talk and share life together but you know what that's okay because you can do hard things even if that means you're by yourself or an easy thing like exploring a new city but sometimes being alone especially being alone with a camera where other people can be a little judgmental is scary it's different it's weird but you know what we're doing it together we are exploring Portland together and I can't let you guys down because I have been terrible about vlogging recently I don't know what it is I feel like I gotta do a little sit-down video about comparison game and motivation and all that because it has been getting to my head a lot recently and when it comes to mental health I put that first overwork so that is why there's been a little bit of a break and a little bit of like a feel good though getting back into vlogging and talking to the camera and talking to you guys and connecting with you on social media so I never want to let that go or take that for granted so we're back kids say that we're better than ever but we are back and let's continue to YouTube [Music] so I did a little bit of shopping found two things at Urban Outfitters and a cute little book in anthropology and I'm finally making my way down to Commercial Street which is like the big famous street down here I have another hour of parking left so I'm gonna spend the next hour just kind of walking down Commercial Street seeing what we can see but yeah it's been pretty good so [Music] thank you so much okay we got two that he recommended and this is the name of the place the holy donut I got a chocolate sea salt and a blueberry lemon okay time to get our main lobster roll okay I think I'm gonna get the Junior because I'm not so hungry but I'm gonna ask that I'm gonna get obviously a lobster roll because I've never had it and today I think it'll be the perfect day but also plenty of choices on this one yeah okay how cute is this it is like the perfect little size I love it it's so cute everything and I mean everything about that place High Roller Lobster Bar was amazing so I got to end up getting the junior size which was so small and petite but honestly just when I needed the sweet potato fries were amazing the guy behind the bar recommended doing butter and the lime sauce which is what I did for the lobster roll it was so good and then towards and then right toward the end of my meal the two men sitting next to me are like hey do you like oysters I was like you know what I used to have Oysters but you know I've tried them my friends have them whatever because oysters like not really my thing but I would eat them if somebody bought them I just think they're too expensive and I don't like them for as expensive as they are usually at places well we're oyster farmers and we put our own oysters that were just caught three hours ago would you like to have one they're shucking them for us like okay sure and you know what it was most definitely the freshest oyster I've ever had it was so nice I was like I'm so sorry I'm getting ready to go my parking is expiring in 10 minutes but thank you so much we kind of chit-chatted though about where we're from what we did and I was just such a cool experience it was just so great so I had a little oyster at the end and now heading back to the car I think I have like literally four minutes left on it and I think my next stop is gonna be the church where my parents eloped and I'm crossing my fingers it's open do they ever close churches I'm not really sure but I'd love to go inside and see but of course if not it's not meant to be but I am definitely going to at least drive by and try and go so y'all it is hot outside the oyster Farmers also told me that tomorrow between 10 and 2 we might be able to see Aurora Borealis from here I'm not gonna be here but I'm gonna figure out if that's true and if where I'm gonna be in New Hampshire you can see it too because that would be amazing well we gotta pump some AC in this car holy smokes it's hot I really am so full from lunch but I just want a tiny bit of sweet so I'm gonna try one of these potato donuts which is really famous here in Portland the one that big guy recommended to me was chocolate sea salt so I'm gonna try that one here's what it looks like a little chop the donut here we go it's pretty good I kind of do get a potatoey flavor they're kind of just like cake Donuts which honestly I don't really love cake Donuts I should have asked if some of them aren't because this one also definitely is a cake donut hold on this one's blueberry lemon and Maine you know of course is famous for their blueberries so I'm gonna take a one bite of this because I just have to while it's at least still fresh yeah I like this one so much better oh my goodness very lemony but I like it just needed a little bite of sweets now I feel good to go I think this show just like a little bit outside of Portland maybe like 20 minutes away 25 minutes right now I can't be eight miles away from the church my parents got married and not go I mean come on especially since nobody has been back since I mean I just have to do it so I am going to take the eight mile drive over to this church I'm gonna get there around 2 10 p.m and then I'm gonna FaceTime my mom and show around and show you guys around and I think it's just gonna be really special maybe it's not she said it was nothing special I like found a random church when they were eloping they knew they wanted to be up in the cold and they had their marriage license like it's a cute little story she was telling me on the phone this morning but even if it didn't have super special meaning when they decided to get married there to me it has special meaning now and it'd be this close it's awesome so let's go to the church where my parents are married here we are Unity Church in Portland just pulled up outside listening to some worship music this is just so special I can't wait to FaceTime my parents I don't think it's open honestly I haven't even tried the door yet but I'm assuming based on being the absolute only car in this parking lot that they're not gonna leave it unlocked for me to go inside I will try but how special is this in the car on the way over here like the last five minutes I was listening to Carrie jobes the blessing and just thinking about oh this church and like everything it has brought our family you know from the start of my parents marriage so it's just crazy I feel like it's gonna be locked but let's try [Applause] doors locked we're gonna pray outside but I'm also just going to FaceTime my parents really quick and let's get their reactions I want to try my dad that's not even going now okay my mom is FaceTiming me back hello see me because I don't see you no I can't see you I might not have enough service out here dang I don't have enough service out here to FaceTime them oh that's such a bummer I'm just gonna call her and send her a picture while we're on the phone hello hey I don't think I have enough service out here are you at the church yeah oh it's closed and locked but I am outside I know I'm sure there's definitely a fancy sign it was not back here in the 90s okay I think that's enough time here or at least time outside because holy smokes it's so hot out and on top of it I was trying to take just a couple pictures in front of it on my tripod my tripod fell completely flat and I cracked only my phone screen but you guys you know what I have a bone to pick I don't drop my phone ever that was the first time my phone has dropped in a very long time release drop drop but I will tell you I noticed this the other night I still have a case to buy case on I don't work with them anymore for a couple of different reasons and one of them being this is the second time that this has happened the first time don't get me wrong I dropped my phone I remember dropping my phone but still shouldn't have happened this time there was no big drop at all until San Diego oh my goodness gracious can you see this this did not just happen when my phone just dropped this has been like this for a couple of days I'm meaning to I've been meaning to get on my Instagram stories to tell you guys like I'm sorry I gotta order a new phone case I just can't support them anymore you know what I really used to believe in their products and the 27 feet of drop proof protection and everything like that but it's the second time since February that the entire back of my screen is cracked and this is a brand new phone and this is supposed to be their most protective bounce case that's my two cents this thing that just happened yeah totally understand it literally like that and I go and honestly I'm grateful that it's just a little bit in the corner and it's just my screen protector but the back of my phone should not be happening with a 70 case and so I'm just telling you guys I no longer have a code with them because I said hey you know what I just I can't support the products anymore after that had happened to my phone I think I cut after March or something like that and now I'm like I just need to get a new phone case so I'm done anyway I'm so grateful I was able to get a couple pictures in front of it and pray for my own marriage whenever that might be in my future husband whoever that might be be just at this place that has supplied my parents with so many incredible years of marriage and their children and everything that they've been able to do and bless people around them in the last like 30 years or so so I just felt really so I feel really blessed to like have come see him my dad was like really is that why you went to Portland Maine I was like no but it was just fun to be able to come and see it I honestly thought that they got married in New Hampshire but turns out that's where the honeymoon if they wanted to get married and honeymoon some were cold in December because my dad used to own a jet ski company and he's out in the sun all the time and my mom said she had like book somewhere cold because he's like I want to be cold I'm in the sun too much so anyway a bunch of sweet little things and hearing them both talk about their wedding and then they took pictures at a Christmas tree farm they're like it's the Christmas tree farm still down the street I said I have no clue I have no service to like look anything up right now this was so fun I think my next stop will be Ogunquit I can check into my hotel starting in 30 minutes at least so then I can really just drop my car and check out Algonquin but I also need to decide what I'm gonna do tomorrow foreign those kinds of things make sure I did everything and saw everything I wanted to in Portland it was just so hard to find parking so I really only did the downtown for about two hours because that's the max that I could get on this ticket anyway that was just like such a special little moment that I was able to have out here and now we're gonna explore some more amazing all righty and 40 minutes later I have arrived in Ogunquit Maine I'm staying at this tiny little place called the Milestone actually it's not so small but I booked this through my Delta portal it had great reviews wasn't too expensive because clearly I'm just by myself I'm here for one night but I got a queen bed I'm gonna put my water in this mini fridge that I have over here although this is a pretty large mini fridge if I ever did see one bye-bye and a cute little bathroom so now I'm gonna figure out what I want to do I'm tired because we woke up pretty early this morning and I do have some editing to get done and there's a desk here so I might do some of that and then explore the town a little bit later I also chose this property because they do have a fitness center on property so maybe I will go this afternoon and also work out tomorrow morning my body just feels gross especially because I've been snacking on those donuts on the drive over Nashville so I think just a little walk on the treadmill might be nice I haven't even really taken my step out of the car I've just taken out my backpack but I was able to park literally right out here so I haven't even touched my suitcase and I might not touch my suitcase and just grab a couple of clothes because literally I will just need pajamas and an outfit for tomorrow and my bathroom stuff out of my bag I don't need my huge suitcase of everything so I think that that's what I'll do again especially because my car is right there but yeah I'm happy to be in Ogunquit and to be exploring and then tomorrow we are staying in Portsmouth New Hampshire so I'll probably do a little bit of the morning here and then head down to New Hampshire do a little bit of the afternoon New Hampshire and then stay the night and then the next morning and then drive back to Boston I also got to talk with my little Kayla on the way over here we were chatting for over half an hour before the service just like totally cut out two miles out so just been nice to catch up with her and hear about everything with her grad school Ole Miss and it's just so wonderful so let me plan out the rest of my day and then of course I will keep you guys updated I spent the last hour and a half or so scrolling through social media and everything and I feel so lazy so gross I just was motivated to get up go to the gym go to the fitness center that they have here walk on the treadmill I don't want to do anything crazy it's been longer than an hour and a half it's six o'clock it's been two hours but sometimes you just need a little bit of those lazier days and I just think with all the go go that I've been doing it has been nice to sit down and sort of catch up on things I'm wearing this set from Lululemon it's a flow white bra and the high rise of the three inch track that short here's what it looks like I love this Barbie lipstick pink color or lip gloss pink I'm going to go to the fitness center I hope it's still open six o'clock I don't know if it has a closing time I did not ask the ladies at the front desk when I was checking in but I'm gonna go find it you'll get a workout in I'll film some stuff on my phone and then probably dinner and a night full of editing and showing so I'm gonna go get a little bit of workout in I just know that I will feel better I know I need a body shower anyway from sweating today so let's go find the fitness center together and just get a little bit of a sweat in if it's open I hope it is okay on this treadmill because that one doesn't have the emergency key so it won't work this small little fitness center in here but this will do the trick hard to see on the screen but I went for 25 minutes I did 1.56 miles and uh I'm exhausted maybe just because I need some water might lift a little bit of Weights but I need a shower it is kind of warming okay I chose this place called hooks for dinner good morning from Ogunquit Maine I just checked out of my hotel although I was able to leave my car there for the afternoon and I'm walking into downtown Ogunquit I haven't explored there yet honestly last night I was just feeling so ble unmotivated dinner was good but it was weird I just went to a place right across the street called hooks from the place that I'm staying I just was like not in the mood feeling out of it I just did not want to give that to you guys through the screen so luckily I got plenty of sleep I woke up I did a 30 minute pop walk with Maddie majakama on my Peloton app and took a shower got dressed I opted for athleisure today so I'm wearing this little top which I've had for forever from Forever 21 and these shorts are from Arie I'm also obviously walking on the side of the road if you can hear all these cars going by but I opted for that because I knew I was gonna be walking to get to the beach I didn't want to like take my car have to find parking pay for parking when it's pretty close less than a mile so today I'm Gonna Be Active I'm gonna walk I didn't really want to go to the beach I figured I'd walk around shop around sightsee and then come back before I head over to New Hampshire later this afternoon to check into my next hotel so I'm feeling better this morning hang in there with me I'm about to crack open a green apple Cherry Celsius these are pretty good and ready to explore this cute little Beach town of Ogunquit so I will check back in with you guys when we get there I love this sign happily full I'm in this store called spoiled rotten and let me tell you it is so dang cute so many fun things in here I'm gonna have to get some stuff okay so I got a couple of goodies from spoiled rotten and as I was checking out he said we have a store 15 minutes away from Tampa I'm like oh that's perfect I got some main blueberry jam and also some Maine Maple champagne mustard so that's what I got in this bag welcome to Ogunquit beach it is packed here on this Thursday oh my God is that under the little covering at the beach and edited a reel really quick and now I decided I'm gonna go walk Marginal Way and that can bring me over to Perkins coves it's about a half an hour of walk from what I've seen but I think that that'll be really nice and then over there I can find somewhere to get lunch because it's already 12 51 and I've only had a protein bar today so definitely going to be in need of some food but we're gonna go walk margin away and I'll show you all of the pretty sites that are going to be along that path time okay we're here we're gonna start the walk alrighty we got to the Marginal Way walk away from what I've read it's a little over a mile and a half and so far starting out good what a great view of Ogunquit beach this is crazy like I didn't even realize look at all these people walking out over here like literally in the water that's so cool this vaguely reminds me of The Cliff Walk that we did in Newport definitely narrower and the houses are closer so good views on either side and you can actually see the houses I felt like on The Cliff Walk in Newport we couldn't see like half of the houses that were on that Cliff Walk but now I get my choice at beach or oh my goodness like literally my speed of glasses the nice day out it's not too hot definitely a little humid but nothing that this Florida girl isn't used to oh my gosh wait this is so cool I love this and how fun is this little Cove they're literally stairs right here mostly coming out from this Resort it's like their own little private beach tumbled across this cute little Lighthouse overlooking the beach and there's some kids learning to surf out here this is just so fun but we're gonna keep going on a trail we made it to Perkins Cove I'm on a little Footbridge right now over the whole city through the little town I think it's probably better to call it so darling this bridge goes up to let the larger sailboats out out into the bay so darling Oh look just cut the bridge on its way back down fun little walk around Perkins Cove and now I'm heading back into Ogunquit closer to my hotel there was a place I really wanted to eat it's a 32 minute walk so we are on our way out my maps is actually not taking me the route back on that little walkway so it's taking me through the town back to town and I think I'll be able to see a little bit of a different side of these cities and I'm listening to The Sandbar playlist which is like an apple country music playlist that should put me in the best mood although hi I'm hot oh look at these precious rugs oh my goodness I love this there's so many all up this way oh my goodness how sweet Everyone Falls how you pick yourself up that counts always stay humble and kind wow I love it lunch thought of the day I'm going here food for thought I saw this place on Yelp last night when I was looking for dinner but they were closed so we're gonna eat here for lunch today instead of getting the main blueberry salad which has bacon and goat cheese and Candy pecans and I added Lobster to it and look at that and then I got a side of these little pickle fries I think they're Cajun seasoning and they're really good this looks amazing okay lunch was delicious the lobster the blueberry salad it was a bit more of an expensive lunch because I did at the lobster to the salad but it's like it's my last day Maine it's Maine Blueberries I have to have Maine Lobster on there as well and the side of fries were actually so good not finished them I was like this is a huge side of fries anyway it's a 15 minute walk back to the hotel where my car is still parked it is 311 I'm half an hour away from Portsmouth New Hampshire which is the next stop and my check-in time at that hotel is three so really honestly if that's where I want to just head off to I can go straight to New Hampshire or do kind of whatever I want but I am a little tired from walking so much and I think sitting in my car and getting a little bit of a drive-in would be nice so I think that that is what I'm going to do Soulful from lunch so I'm glad that I have a little 15 minute walk back to the car but I've had such a great time in Ogunquit and visiting Perkins Cove and this is just like a small little slice of Maine heaven and I just love it so if you're gonna already be up in Maine and going to Portland I think we're like 40 minutes from Portland especially if you're coming north you're actually going to pass through Ogunquit definitely place to check out and see if this is somewhere you want to come I just think it's got like cute little small coastal town Vibes and I just love it but hello from Portsmouth New Hampshire it's been a little bit because I came here checked into my hotel and honestly I have been editing and working on a couple of things I think I said earlier I'm behind on a lot of editing so I'm nowhere even close but I just drove seven minutes to go pick up Sushi I decided I didn't want to eat out at a restaurant but I obviously can't make anything here so I picked a sushi place that sounded good I got a seaweed salad and a sexy girl Rule and spicy salmon with avocado and mango with like pork salmon on top or something like that I don't know it was really recommended and it sounded good there's a little seaweed salad you hear this chair how's that spicy mayo on top of it so that's definitely what I see here and Chopsticks and soy sauce I also stopped at Walmart so it's right next door let me show you what I got let's do a little hole so this much water left and one more of these Poland Spring water bottles Sydney and I just each bought a six pack a couple of days ago but I did pick up two of these large size Life water bottles I know that this still won't be enough because I drink a ton of water but I don't have too many warnings so hopefully I can fill these up at Sydney's in Boston and then because I've been craving chocolate all afternoon not one but two giant share size salty caramel Twix this should get me through until I get home I mean it better this is eight servings I mean it better I'll share with Sydney but anyway I might scroll on Tick Tock or something while I eat my Sushi it looks really good sorry the lighting here is very poor and the seaweed see Alice it's eight o'clock now so obviously I'm very hungry because I ate lunch around 2 2 30. I love a good seaweed salad and then I decided I'm gonna spend the rest of the night in trying to get caught up on editing and everything so I won't have to do it this weekend when I'm back with Sydney and I'll try one of these on camera I'm not opening the soy sauce right now so it looks very Saucy already there's Jalapeno in here too I forgot it's really good I think soy sauce went elevated a little bit but I love the torch salmon on top so perfect well I ended up actually getting sick from that Sushi and that's the last clip that's in this video we didn't even go around New Hampshire together because I kind of felt not so great all that next day now it's been a little bit I am in North Carolina my sister is at work about to come home she has no idea that I am here and that is absolutely the best thing in the entire world She's been begging me to come for so long and I finally set it up with KJ her husband and we're here and waiting for her so I figured I would film The outro to this video I had so much fun it was my first time up in New England obviously made in New Hampshire like I talked about also the other summer New England Road Trip Vlogs if you haven't seen those go watch those this one I know is a little bit longer but I had so much fun by myself but I ended up reuniting with Sydney and we went around Boston all for the weekend and we just kind of kept that time to ourselves I have found more and more that I kind of like disconnecting from social media which I guess my job and I really just want me to bring you along to everything but just sometimes it's nice to have just a slice of reality without having to worry about work especially when it comes down to time that I have with friends that doesn't happen so often obviously I'll be seeing Sydney for our European summer vacation for three weeks starting in just a little bit and then she's moving as we all know so obviously we'll get more and more time together but some of the other people that we spent the weekend with in Boston it was just nice to put down a camera and live in the moment encourage you to do the same whether or not social media is your job but anyway I am getting ready for the big reveal the big surprise I hope that she's coming soon she is 30 minutes late already but that's fine she has no idea I'm here so she could just be doing her own thing because she thinks she's going to be home alone but anyway I am going to end this video right here if you're brand new make sure you subscribe down below I am planning out the rest of my 2023 and let me tell you it's gonna be absolutely incredible so I want you guys to be along for the journey I love you so much if nobody has told you today you are enough and I will see you guys in the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: Gracie O’Connor
Views: 14,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gracie o'connor, university of alabama sorority, university of alabama, day in my life, roll tide, college vlog, keegan acton, lauren norris, The University of Alabama, Brooklyn and Bailey, Lauryn Doan, Julia K Crist
Id: 9aA1Qjdc29k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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