Two Days in BARCELONA | Perfect 48 Hour Budget Itinerary

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in this video we're taking you on an epic 2-day  budget friendly itinerary in the vibrant city   of Barcelona mouthwatering topas incredible  architecture and a quick intro to Spanish   culture we're squeezing it all into just 48  hours so hit that subscribe button grab some   Pinos and let's go we are in Barcelona today  we are headed to Las Familia let's kick off   day one with what's probably the main reason  you're in Barcelona in the first place the   incredible sagata Familia this iconic church is  designed by gouty and began being built in 1882   it is still under construction today and is  even more breathtaking in person than you can   possibly imagine we have two tips for you when  visiting first we highly recommend purchasing   your tickets ahead of time get your guide offers  both regular and skip the line passes we suggest   the skip the line ticket especially if you  plan on visiting dur the weekend or a holiday   you can either scan the QR code on the screen  here or check the L Link in the description   tickets cost €26 per person so a bit expensive  for us the outside is absolutely breathtaking   so I can only imagine that it matches on the  inside our second tip is to try and choose a   sunny day if possible aim to visit when the sun  is shining the stained glass windows inside are   nothing short of majestic when they catch the  sunlight creating a truly a inspiring [Music] site [Music] wow it is one of the coolest places  I've ever set footed in my entire life it's so   colorful and I'm really glad we came on a sunny  day because yesterday it was overcast the sun   shines through the stained glass windows like so  beautiful I have never seen something this [Music] cool [Music] if you come to Barcelona this is a 100% cannot  miss the towers are an extra €1 per person they   are closed right now so they said that if you  had a ticket for them that you could come back   later it's too windy yeah it's a bum where  we won't be able to go up there but you can   easily spend hours just in this portion of  the church alone colors are so pretty it's   amazing worth the price of admission worth  the hype worth the 2 hours of your day and   I've never seen colors like that inside  of a church yeah I I can't believe it yeah and now starts the half an hour journey  to par G it's a 30-minute walk from the sagata   Familia 2.5 km uphill from sagr Familia a  12-minute taxi see a 20-minute ebike ride   a 30-minute Metro or a 35-minute walk we  love exploring by foot so we've chosen to walk we had to make a quick stop  for [Music] coffee oh cheers if   you do decide to walk it's all uphill  for 30 minutes not too bad it's like   a slight incline a three or a four on a  treadmill but it's definitely all of Hill [Music] we've now gotten to  the stairs portion of the journey so we walked all the way up the hill and  we came up the wrong entrance which isn't like the   wrong but like the backside of it and we want  to get to like the cool part like gingerbread   houses is but now we're walking back down and  around and look at this [Music] view here's the   taxis we could have taken or the bus or the  ebikes but nonetheless we had an adventure   and we made it Park gu like so many things in  Barcelona is designed by gouty it's a sprawling   Wonderland of Mosaic tiled buildings and is  one of Barcelona's largest green spaces the   Park is open 9:30 to 7:30 and tickets are €10 the  park is about 40 acres so you can easily spend 2   hours exploring we don't have time or the budget  for that today so we will be viewing it from the outside if you would like to the bus can drop you  off right in front it's also included with your admission [Music] up these stairs you can finish your walk with a   wonderful view of Barcelona Alyssa  says we have to walk up these or something now I kind of messed up here my last  trip to Barcelona was 2013 and this portion of   the park didn't have a fence back then I bet  it's cool in there this is like the TJ border   wall this was not here when it came last time  me and Heather literally sat and like ate lunch   right up here on these steps and now we're locked  out I do not believe her we walked a long way to   get here Brandon and Alissa they're up again do  you guys like weird travel videos like this and   if you want to see us not get into more places  go ahead and uh subscribe yeah please like And subscribe I'd say it's worth the walk anyways  if you're on a budget like us or you just don't   have enough time to explore the entire park the  view is still beautiful from outside the border gate these escalators also weren't here  last time this [Music] year at the bottom   of these stairs we are going to give our  legs a break and jump on the Metro it's a   10-minute ride to our next stop laa  Barcelona's most famous food market Barcelona's Metro system is so easy  to use there's multiple day tickets   and single ride tickets both are good  on the Metro and the bus my only tip   here is that if you are going to or from  the airport you will need a completely   separate ticket that one you can see on  the screen with a little [Music] airplane [Music] we are standing outside of mar labara which  is one of the most popular markets not only   in Spain but the entire world let's  go see what they have to [Music] eat [Music] so I saw something that looked good and  it seems to be just some sort of roast beef with   mixed sausage it was a Mixed Plate it cost €8 and  it seems that it comes with a little bit of chimy   chery on there uh it was unexpected I thought it  would be served cold but they warmed it up in the   microwave for us they allowed you to add your own  condiments we added all of them this one looks   kind of like tereso sausage the sausage is awesome  it's fatty chewy it's got a little bit of spice to   it really good let's try some of that rast be it's  super flavorful really tender and it is a little   bit of chimy chry on there last but not least is  what I think is blood sausage I actually don't   think I've ever had this maybe on an English  breakfast but that's different totally soft irony different so we made the horrible mistake  of showing up here too late so a lot of the   stuff is closing which is fine because we don't  want to fill up here anyway we have plans for [Music] dinner we found some super spicy  salsa so we got this habanero salsa for 6 [Music] years we were thinking about getting  a juice but we're going to Pivot and get a   meat con we stopped it for magees the  nicest lady she served a Catalan mix   with two different types of cured sausages  as well as some Mao cheese that's locally made all right let's start with  this one this one's like a thin salami oh it's hard batty but it's also like lean  tasting man that is really good I wish that every   food item you could buy was served in a cone so  that you could just walk and eat it but let's   try some of that cheese said it's a mano but  it looks similar to like a paron that is good   waa look at this one it's like the end piece  with all the seasonings on it oh cool I feel   like this bite's either going to be really good or  really bad you know like it could be like a weird texture really good oh and then really bad  that's like too much flavor on the outside   it's it is a weird texture let me try you want  to eat it so they're the same cut of meat just   different seasonings if you come to learia  you must get a meat and cheese C our was only3 yeah all right if you come to this market  and you're with a group of friends sneak   away and purchase a bucket of chichiron for  only €4 the ones that we had in MADD were   absolutely incredible in Spain does chicha  RS really really well if you've only ever   had like what are they called uh that you buy  in the store pork rinds the super puppy ones   in the grocery store these are totally  different there's like an inside layer   of fat that actually has still like a little  bit of meat and a little bit of juiciness to   them and they're ultimately crunchy super  Porky and they're just pack full of flavor   those soft bits are what you want coupled with  that crunchy exterior is just phenomenal I love   too that they're all different shapes and they  all have different textures so you can kind of   pick your own winner you know Alyssa likes the  softer ones with more meat and I actually do   prefer the puffed up like super crunchy one so  it's a perfect sharing snack in that regard so crunchy most surprised souvenir [Music] dinner  in Barcelona typically starts around 8:00 to   9:00 p.m. most restaurants don't even serve a  full menu only offering snacks from 4:00 to 8:   so it's a perfect opportunity to cruise  the city and do a little sightseeing to   work up an appetite there is no shortage of  amazing churches architecture and monuments to discover you've seen a bunch of arches  like this on our travels this is by   far my favorite the brick work is  absolutely fantastic it's really cool there are a million in one different  places to have Tapas in Barcelona and they   can be served a million different ways  some are set menu included with your   drink order some are served standing in  a crowded bar pointing at the items you   want we've chosen to sit down at a table  and order from a menu we're also here at   7:00 p.m. which is quite early for the normal  Spaniard dinner we have stopped the chapella   for some tapas and drinks we got a couple  beers and some different Pinchos which are   appetizers served on a piece of [Music]  bread I think I did it right yeah that's [Music] good this one is a tomato with some  marinated sardines with a sundried tomato   and an olive we also have another one that is  like a crab salad made with imitation crab I [Music] think we like the first round so  much we ordered just as many plates for   the second round the iy kept saying why  not why not so why not also this is an   amazing accompaniment to have on board we are  going to get rid of this so fast though these   Espanola tortillas they're very popular this  is the first one that we've had with anything   other than just patas so there's onions in  there as well saboya and it said that they   were like caramelized or something like that  so something like that yeah Loosely [Music] translated so one thing that I've noticed  is the patas bravas are like the pretty   much the national dish of all of Spain  and they are different every single place like a Philly cheese steak beautico ham Panini the bread is so good you  like it huh it's like beef on   wet where you get a little piece of  salt on it but it explodes in your mouth the best thing of the place we got eight  shrimp for $8 this a dollar a shrimp but they're   freaking huge this is delicious gigantic  shrimp there are so many shrimp dishes in   Spain and no wonder the shrimp is on another  level it's so good look so big in the camera   no need to tip in Spain however we had a  great server so we rounded from 53 up to   60 even now it's time to head back to our  hotel for some much needed rest we highly   recommend our hotel which we book through hey guys let me show you my crib   this is our fabulous Hotel this room had  a full kitchen hot shower and a comfy bed   they even left candies and slippers for our  arrival the entrance was Secure the neighbors   were quiet but the view from this hotel can't  be beat and for only $65 a night we scored big   time Link in the description for more info  if you'd like to stay at this awesome Hotel [Music] day two starts with some Spanish  Bakery treats you will find a pastelaria   on every corner offering a variety of savory  and sweet items Alyssa was editing so I headed   out to get some alone I got an apple tart an  espresso and a [Music] juice delicious now I   need to grab something for Alysa Brandon just  brought this back to me spinach imp panada look   at it how cool is this view I get to eat this  impanata at thank you you're [Music] welcome   should I go right in the middle I get all the  filling who eats it like that M oh that's my   ideal situation creamy spinach flaky crust nice  and chewy M looks good in that [Music] view we   don't have any plans today so we're just kind of  wandering around searching for gouty buildings   gouty's Unique Style is everywhere in Barcelona  you'll notice immediately the curvy lines and   shiny tile mosaics a quick Google search will  pop up multiple lists of mustsee buildings   you can also find Convenient walking tours with  knowledgeable guides including entrance to most   of these buildings for get your guide scan the  QR code to check out some of those we've opted   to create our own walking tour and visit these  beautiful sites for free from the sidewalk Kasa   botlo also called House of Bones is a place  we've seen so many times in photographs but   it's so much better in real [Music] life Camila  our second stop is a huge building with intricate   patio fencing it's used as an apartment building  with people actually living inside this work of   art Casa V sins is our final stop it's one of  G's earliest works and it's a little bit more   conventional its subtle and inspiring tile  work made this one of our absolute [Music] favorites the whole street is filled with  orange trees just a random street we turned on Barcelona offers an array of Lune choices with  almost every restaurant featuring a menu Dela   that includes a fixed 3/4 meal at a discounted  rate while Seafood is an absolute must in this   city our 190 days of travel have us in the  mood for something a little less traditional   I miss home I miss hot salsa I looked up on  Google Maps habanero and this place popped up if you've watched our videos for a while you  know we love to see a new City's interpretation   of other cultures food so this is right up our  alley not exactly like the Mexican back home but   very good we ordered guac and chips pastor tacos  Micheladas and the spiciest salsa they could whip   up the service was great the salsa had a kick and  the tortillas were handmade overall a great stop   for [Music] lunch next on our list is a spot most  Miss on their visit to Barcelona mount tibidabo a   beautiful Hilltop Church overlooking the entirety  of Barcelona it's a 25-minute taxi ride or a   40-minute Metro bus ride we were lucky enough to  have a good friend living in Barcelona so he will   be our tour guide everybody meet Casper and then  you can see all B alone also what's that called   Ti Dao tibbi Dao TPO TPO so our buddy Casper has  brought us up into the mountains just adjacent   to the city of Barcelona he he has brought us to  this amazing Church on top of a hill you can see   the entire city from here we can see our little  tiny hotel it is absolutely breathtaking Mount   tibidabo is known not only for the insane view  but also an amusement park but we are here for   the churches Casper calls them a church on top of  a church and that's exactly how they are not only   is this church on the very top of a mountain but  the inside is remarkably intricate the paintings   are way more colorful than you'll see in a lot  of these churches out here and it's just stunning [Music] inside when you make the track up the mountain be  sure to see both churches they are contrasting in   design architecture and art and they're  both spectacular in their own [Music] way dude you wayold that that was so cool  and free [Music] yeah after a few more   stops to check out some viewpoints on the  way down the hill we made our way to the   beach barceloneta as the sun sets this area  comes alive with restaurants and [Music] bars we've chosen a popular Spot  Bar La Playa for some tapas and [Music] beer as we end our two perfect days in  Barcelona with a stroll along the Mediterranean   we hope we brought some inspiration for  your next [Music] holiday exploring G's   architecture taking in Unforgettable  views and savoring delicious spanish   cuisine Barcelona proved to be the vibrant  City we hoped it would [Music] be our Ryan   Air flight leaves early tomorrow morning  for a destination we never thought would   be possible on our budget don't forget to  subscribe I can't wait for you to see what   we do next adios Barcelona the first time  that you lay eyes on it it is absolutely why you say that like that's  normal it was very weird that   you put it in the microwave I yeah  it was different it was a different experience if you've only ever had like what  are they called uh that you buy in the store   Puffs pork rinds yeah we want to say thank  you to everyone who's donated is only the   reason that we can do this 56 bucks or 56 not  cheap for us especially when we're trying to   keep it under 100 a day so thank you guys for  letting us do cool [ __ ] like [Music] this
Channel: Here's Good
Views: 70,051
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Keywords: 2 days in barcelona, 3 day barcelona itinerary, 3 days in barcelona, 48 hours in barcelona, 72 hours in barcelona, Barcelona 3 days, Barcelona in 2 days, Barcelona in 3 days, Barcelona travel guide, Three days barcelona, barcelona things to do, barcelona tourist attractions, barcelona trip, barcelona vlog, barcelona what to do, barcelona where to go, places to visit barcelona, things to do in barcelona, two days barcelona, two days in barcelona, what to do in barcelona
Id: mHcIDc9BayU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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