Twitter VS Pokimane (My Bad Experience with Her)

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and just to call me a thot was it worth it and then 17,000 people thought that that was a cool thing to do except it's really not holy [ __ ] I have never seen someone so visibly and verbally triggered in a long time damn what the [ __ ] happened you guys are so nice to me if I ever saw someone being mean easy site yeah he made fun of her sins and this aroused her up so much that she actually had to get them to write her comment or her I am having a hard time being nice smiley so if you guys can just because somebody finish this sentence for you waits on my freakin comment gets deleted Oh Meggie law Oh Meggie Lord O Lord and I'm gonna be honest I think the only way people like this stop is if people like me and my community give them feedback that this is not an okay thing to do not attack them but I had a low dislike and I say just not cool that's how youtubers work if they're not gonna work off of morals they're gonna work off of dislikes and comments and whatever oh we made a dent boys youtubers don't listen to morals they only listen to dislikes okay but what if that doesn't work surely there's something else you could go after right an insult something about four-night your track or they plug their there their twitch stream and then through and throughout the game to be fair i actually can't believe anyone would sponsor these shenanigans like what and I will say for this company to sponsor a video that's literally 20 minutes of talking [ __ ] about me you will never see dude your website so ass it won't even load but if you ever reach out to me if I ever see you in my inbox on site one [ __ ] site like no company should do that just about ever oh uh is this a video where some random dude behind a VR machine cause a girl a thot for 20 minutes really want to put my logo on that one oh well I guess they wanted to put a logo on this one yes this video was sponsored by Ridge wallet yes I contacted them about this video and they were thrilled to sponsor me what's great about these wallets is they have a very sleek and industrial design where they're like very small and you can put them in your pocket pretty easily it's literally the size of a card so much more convenient than your traditional wallet I'm honestly surprised it took this long to invent a wallet like this because it just puts every other wall it's a shame in my opinion there's over 30 colors and styles to choose from including carbon fiber and burnt titanium each ball it comes with a lifetime warranty and you can test out the product for 45 days and send it back if you don't like it so if you're tired of storing your money in pokey means bank account go to Ridge calm slash bow blacks and use code bow blacks for 10% off there's also worldwide free shipping and returns seriously consider getting one of these things it's great I like the product a lot and I like the company for letting me sponsor on this video now those of you who've been watching my channel for a while are probably very confused on why I'm goofing on poking me now considering I've defended her in the past well that's because through this it's a Gundam situation I realized that I was defending pokeyman based on a lie a lie she told me that I believed for over a year let me explain so way back in November of 2018 I made a Twitter vs video on pokey main versus Team Star and in that video I showed 12 seconds of pokey means Twitter video 2 keemstar because of this pokiman used it as an excuse to take it down for copyright but obviously since you don't make money off of tweets the only motive behind taking that down is to either financially screw me over or to silence any criticism that may come her way as a result of that exchange with keemstar which was the case when she ended up apologizing to me two days later after kaavo's covered this on his channel but I was like maybe if we like kill this because Kim had deleted his tweets already and I was like I just want this whole drama to be over yeah yeah and I made not the right call in hindsight to have that video removed unfortunately since two months past the damage was already done with the false copyright strike but she did apologize to me and insisted that she learned and nothing like this would ever happen again she also said this in her now deleted apology video so I totally apologize for that and I spoke to the guy who made those videos like a few weeks back and we had resolved all of this in DMS he's really nice and me and him are on good terms he understands that I had no ill intent towards him or his channel through my actions and I understand that him uploading and re uploading that video and talking about the issue he didn't necessarily have any ill intent towards me either so we're good on that front also I want to say that all in all I think it's good that we're talking about this kind of stuff whether it be coffee striking or creaming videos or anything along those lines because at the end of the day it's better for the whole ecosystem of content creation if we talk about this kind of stuff open and honestly and talk about what's okay or what's not even when you make mistakes I appreciate being called out in that sense again I'm only human make mistakes I'm not perfect I'm learning since then I've had open contact with Pokki main and whenever a drama scenario came up with pokey main instead of immediately doing a video on her I elected to instead reach out to her in DMS and try and teach her how to navigate the situation in the proper way as she expressed in her apology that she was looking to change again I'm only human I make mistakes I'm learning every time I had these interactions with her she would always make excuses and then try to pin it on me saying like I'm a horrible person for talking about the situation on Twitter while also trying to resolve it with her in DMS and these interactions always ended up going sour and resulted in her calling me morally corrupt I can admit I made a mistake I just wish like the process of making a mistake having people tell you realizing it and I'm owning up to it and doing better was a little bit easier on the internet people which might be a loss to ask but it's like I literally I took down a guy's video and because of that I'm like a twitch thought that should die well pokey maybe the process would have been easier if you actually owned up to false copyright striking me instead of keep insisting over and over again both of my DMS and in your apology video that you were illegally in the right to do this although I was legally within my right to take down the video you act like the Internet and me aren't forgiving enough but the amount of times I've given you another chance is just insane I don't know why pokey Maine is so consistently aggressive here towards someone who's just trying to help I guess my videos were I just read tweets fell below pokey means personal morality line there's a line I'm just asking you not to cross it that's it and now we have the situation with it's a Gundam where she's doing the exact same thing she said she wouldn't do over a year ago in my DMS but instead of going after it's a Gundam via a copyright strike she obviously can't do that because of her previous controversy so he goes after his sponsors instead but the same principle is there what this indicates to me is that poky mien was never interested in legitimately changing but rather just getting a get-out-of-jail-free card and not having a video critical of her being up on youtube as is evident with her repeatedly asking me to delete my videos on her pokey means screwed me over she expressed that she wanted to change I gave her a chance to change and she took that through back in my face and then did it again a year later and what makes us worse is that her calling out it's a Gundam actually did have effects on his sponsors not specifically Ridge Wallet but an even bigger sponsor in a sad thing is I didn't walk away from this unscathed I had a sponsor she have kind of lined up with like a big video game company let's just say they're big enough that III they had their own press conference and special presentations yeah that kind of went so I hope you happy folks anyways I just want to quickly get that out of the way to give people clarification on why I did defend her in the past and legitimately thought she would change but that's enough about me this video isn't about me it's about the into Gundam situation and the people's Twitter reactions to it this all started when calvo's posted the clip to his timeline and says pokey means sounds so pathetic in this clip salty Glaceon says pokey mean I won't use my platform to silence creators again by abusing my power not even a year later oh yeah and uh [ __ ] that Gundam guy I can't believe people would sponsor him you can't make this [ __ ] up laughing my ass off upper echelon gaming says pokeyman getting ass backwards mad at its a Gundam is the perfect example of why Gundam is doing the Lord's work love him or hate him the man makes that good good content Nicolas Hong says pokey mean going after Gundam sponsors because he made a video making fun of people simple furher is the peak of entitlement Troon says pokey main fans are trying to justify pokey mean going after it's a Gundam and the commentary community sponsors because what the simp said was a joke are you serious even if so you seriously think going after someone's source of income and shaming the sponsors is okay what the [ __ ] pokey means simcoe's broke cuz he donated all his money instead of making this a learning moment for her simps she shames sponsors from people who give her valid criticism basically trying to take away part of their income says we are the bad guys [ __ ] that's wild some ordinary gamer says the pokey means simp memes are pretty funny optimus says just want to let you know that you are not as important as you think you are to a company who won't spend money to advertise to people simply because he dared joke about you is asinine chill your [ __ ] ego please Turkey Tom says I don't really like poke you mean to be honest team star comments on the situation by saying you and me got into a beef cuz I called one sniper will fans of virgin you got so offended don't pick on our lonely simp fans now I see you attacking sponsors of small youtuber that made fun of your sim fans pogey mane you're out of control tell the world about your boyfriend imagine having a boyfriend but acting like you were single online so sad lonely guys donate money to your twitch stream that's so fake and pathetic monka responds to him by saying after all those gifted subs and thousands of bits donated please don't tell me poking mean has a BF keemstar quote tweet Susan says it really be like this chaos Bob says pokey mean had a boyfriend this whole time now a couple days after the it's a Gundam situation happened there was another slip-up from pokey main Velo city tweets out pokey main opened a pornhub tab on stream law here's the clip we saw this cynical reviews comments on this by saying pokey mean accidentally showing poor on stream was such an amateur mistake but obviously an accident and doesn't deserve a ban plus she's got good taste but twitch needs to start being consistent with how they enforce their rules on accidental nudity some will Ranieri gamers tweets out pokey mean has some solid porn choices not gonna lie like in G TV says pokey mean accidentally showed poor hub on stream she shouldn't get banned by common-sense standards but she should get banned by twitches [ __ ] standard she won't get banned a bunch which is double standards scare says if pokey mean doesn't get banned then no one on Twitch should get banned for accidentally showing nudity I see streamers getting banned weekly for this though why is there such a blatant double standard just make it so streamers don't get banned if it's clearly an accident doctor degenerate response to scarce by saying I think it really depends on intent it seems like in pokies case it was purely accidental and doesn't really warrant a ban it was there for a split second and she probably didn't mean to open it up but if someone is like genuinely showing nudity on purpose that's different scarce responds that's what I'm saying people get banned weekly for accidentally showing nudity on stream intent doesn't matter for most streamers they get banned regardless because of the nature of this clip some memes were quickly made about it dolan dark tweets out pokey main accidentally opened something horrible on stream wait we think Mesa to simp says wait pokey mean was looking at poor on stream [Music] 100 thieves frosty says what the [ __ ] pokey mean it's a Gundam posts this clip wait we I think pokey has a crush on too mad says wait what the hell Pokemon pokey mean then responds wall to which warring Tonka den replies explain the real video please pokey man replies someone used a hyperlink to redirect me to a porn site was a prank oopsie I have moderators who usually manage the page the link was on someone we trust and must have gone rogue order the document was leaked not sure right my soul says to which one scene pokey mean pull up pour on there stream showing a picture of a blind guy Machias says poking me trying to explain why there was porn on her other monitor me emoji 101 says pokey means simps on suicide watch she is into [ __ ] it's a Gundam responds I did some investigating it's a point of view amateur porn video it's a straight seen the pay Peaks can rest easy calvo's tweets out wall pokey means old pornhub table popped up in here stream poking me and responsed him by saying I clicked a hyperlink that open that tab AKA it was obviously someone just trying to prank me it's pretty [ __ ] lame that you would blatantly lie like this after tweeting this poking mean blocked Cabos and then calvess tweeted out unblock me 'please poke you mean I don't know how I will live without seeing you tweet sent bait everyday pokey main then tweets out good vibes only calvo's reacts to that by saying good vibes only guys but if you talk [ __ ] about me I will try and destroy your income ooh right after making that good vibes tweet pokey main immediately goes to her alt account to tweet out it's funny to think I can just block someone who will then keep talking about being blocked and probably use several methods in order to check my page even though they are blocked so they can keep talking about me why you so obsessed with me I'm literally a random 24 year old girl on Internet get a life or two Kavis responds to this by saying you blocked me and you were checking my Twitter clearly from this account why are you so obsessed with me great logic there remain guys she's literally a random girl who has 5 million followers she's so relatable two for two showing that he was blocked on the alt account as well come on pokey mean can't you see this is just one big omegle oh did I use that right hoo-whoo pokey man continues to subtweet calvo's on her alt by saying this Twitter slash and stuff slash other things have made me realize that I have so many insanely nice fans that give no shits about drama I really didn't need to worry about anything else lul it sucks to know I've gotten to the point that misinformation will constantly be spread about me but it is what it is pokey simp responds they're just jealous of what you have achieved aid in projects comments on the situation by saying laughing my ass off pokey meanness claiming Kaos is obsessed with her when she's literally looking through his account after she blocked him I love how all the talentless ethos claimed you were obsessed anytime you criticized them newsflash we are not like your cuck fanbase he then shows that he got blocked by pokey maintenance says GG and the chat boys poking me and then tweets out nice thing about the Internet is that when anything happens as crazy as it all feels in the moment it literally disappears after 48 hours later and people are on to something new I guess it's time to move on to something new if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to notifications on because there's a lot of drama going on in the community also follow me on Twitter to keep up to date with all the stuff going on over there and thank you so much to my channel members for supporting the channel in particular Josh best Couture and fur boy for both donating $30 a month also thank you so much to Ridge wallet for sponsoring this video again if you want a wallet the link will be in the description below and you can use code bull blocks for 10% off anyways with all that being said think he has so much for watching and I will see you in another video [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 326,232
Rating: 4.8897691 out of 5
Keywords: pokimane itsagundam, pokimane gundam, pokimane drama, pokimane sponsor, pokimane sponsor drama, pokimane bowblax, pokimane copystrike, pokimane copyright strike, pokimane twitter, pokimane tweets, pokimane twitter drama, pokimane dms, pokimane leaked dms, pokimane fainted, pokimane pewdiepie, pokimane twitch ban, pokimane clip, the dark side of pokimane, dark side of pokimane, poki, poki drama, Why I don't like Pokimane, diesel patches, diesel patches pokimane
Id: k1lZo5PoZFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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