Twitter Blue and WWDC Reactions!

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[Music] what's up guys welcome back to the waveform podcast we're your hosts i'm marquez and i'm andrew and uh what are we talking about this week with wwdc this week i mean it's hard not to talk about it um there's obviously a whole lot to talk about so before we take a craig dive into that wwdc hole we're just gonna check out a couple quick stories we have beforehand do you like that i thought of that right before craig died if i swear he does it for the memes it was too good um okay the the first thing we have here i i wrote this down because i wanted to just just present some numbers just to to hear it just so you guys can hear the numbers uh there's four iphone games that each gross more than a million dollars per day yeah and i just want you to think about that just like okay there's a lot of there's obviously a lot of people that use the iphone there's a lot of people that play games on the iphone and there's a lot of micro transactions and ways for those developers to make money from those apps but the top couple uh i think i'm gonna i think we wrote this down real quick here uh the number one roblox makes an estimated 3.01 million dollars per day that's in red i know how popular roblox is i feel like it's similar to minecraft fortnite levels of hype and it just really is proving that this whole like microtransaction free-to-play platform is a money maker oh yeah i just what do people buy in roblox i don't like skins i mean wow that's what i think i don't know it wouldn't surprise me i don't think it's a game that has a whole lot of competitive modes to it so i don't think there's much you can get in the game that would actually give you a competitive advantage over anything um usually microtransactions in pc xbox stuff games don't give you any competitive advantage you just get like aesthetics yeah but mobile games are one of those games where you can get it like if you think of um i don't know if you ever play like clash of clans or boom beach there there are a lot of these games we're in beach it's called boom beach yeah it was pretty much like you develop a like island base and you go around and attack other island bases game similar but like the thing about it is is imagine in a tower defense game if you built one of your towers and then you have to wait 24 hours before you can build anything else until that tower is complete but if you're willing to spend tokens or whatever spend money on tokens you can make that you can build it in a second and then get better at the game by paying more money so it's generally a lot of these games are time based i think claire was even playing like the sims and in the sims you can like do an action or build something in the house and then you have to wait x amount of time and you can pay to do it faster so there are actually these like competitive advantages in a lot of these mobile games which is probably why they're making so much money yeah so roblox is number one three million dollars a day uh then you got clash of clans in a distant second with an estimated 1.8 million dollars of daily revenue then candy crush saga would be your number three and pokemon go at number four yeah those are like they don't post they didn't put how much they make but there is another number here that is the top 10 iphone games generate almost 11.2 million daily yeah this is one of those like great stats where like okay uh if you were to separate you know sometimes remember how we if we separated just max from apple yeah just max would be like a fortune 500 company just because of how much revenue they make from max i feel like if you just separated the top 5 to 10 games on the app store by itself that company by itself 11 million a day we do the math that's yeah a lot of money now so the first thing i thought of this when you posted this is we've talked so much about apple taking 30 percent i had to crunch the numbers um because what's 30 of 11.2 million that means apple in profits just from sell i mean it sounds weird to say just from selling this they're clearly doing other work they're doing customer support and processing transactions and everything but they're making 3.3 million daily and profits just off the estimated top 10 games i mean we're talking hundreds of thousands of apps on the app store right yeah but there's a couple wild couple huge ones that just make them a ton of money well you know what good for apple good for good for apple for building such a massive app store that they can afford to just give that platform to everyone but yeah wow that's a lot of money good for them good for roblox actually i didn't realize it had that much that much active user base uh all right we want to talk about twitter blue though okay so twitter blue how do i describe twitter blue i've been asking for a bunch of paid features actually from twitter for a long time and i'm still sort of hunting for some of those premium features that i would like as a creator but as of right now twitter has announced their subscription service called twitterblue and they're starting to roll it out and we're hoping maybe at least i was hoping maybe editing your tweets after a brief period would be one of the features for those who are already typing into your keyboards why it's such a bad idea to allow editing tweets you can watch my dear twitter video where i explain exactly how i think editing tweets should work which was you know it should be a very limited amount of time they are able to edit tweets it's a limited amount of characters you're allowed to change and tweets show a change log in a history so change logic it's huge if it tweets changed then you know if i retweeted something and it gets changed obviously i can i can see that anyway uh so what does twitter blue allow for twitter blue will cost about 3.49 canadian or 449 australian per month so we're guessing well i'm not good at conversions but i'm thinking that's around three dollars a month usd it's only only available on those two because those are the two only two regions it's out in right right where it's launching it gives you a bookmark folders feature to let you group save tweets to make them easier to find later do you save tweets not really no like if we ever really need them we screenshot them for like a video or something but i don't think i've ever saved a tweet i didn't know you could save a tweet i also use pocket for free oh so adam was just teaching me about that the other day i've never heard of it before but yeah so that's free there's also reader mode which lets you keep up with threads by turning them into an easy to read group of text and mashing all the tweets together into one page that i think that's kind of interesting but for a reason that to me makes no sense for paying um i've i have friends that just don't use twitter and when i try and show them a tweet thread they're super confused and have no idea who's responding to who and if you just never use twitter i kind of get it i i know it's like we use it we're used to it um especially when you bring in retweeting because then it's like here's the thing they're replying to the thing underneath them and then there's people replying to the thing above the retweet under that but so this would make sense to me for people who are not used to twitter but nobody who's not used to twitter is going to buy a twitter subscription yeah you would have to be someone who uses twitter a lot who would want to buy this subscription so they could share these tweet twitter threads with people who aren't on twitter very much interesting um uh other twitter blue features are purely aesthetic adds a new color theme option as well as the ability to change the color of twitter's app icon and it gives you an undo feature we have it we have edit tweets there it is okay so that's it what do you want this undo feature so it doesn't actually it's kind of like undo send in gmail where it says it will let you within 30 seconds undo a tweet and that undo tweet is not deleting the tweet you just sent it just never sent your tweet so my whole thing is when you make a typo you don't really realize you made a typo right away even if you proofread nobody's perfect everyone likes to go proofreader tweets obviously yes we try to proofread our tweets do you think people who tweet all the time just don't proofread their teeth sometimes stuff slips through you don't catch it somebody tweets at you hey you meant to say this word instead of that word this autocorrect got you this time and so because of that reply that i got really quick i'll go up i caught it and i wish i could just edit the tweet but i'll have to delete it and then re-post and and hopefully that's all fine um with twitter blue if you tweet the thing and then nobody replies because it hasn't been sent yet you're not gonna catch the typo that you didn't catch while you were proofreading it and then it's going to go out and then it's going to see the typo and then you still can't yeah exact same scenario it's like you said people make mistakes and like i've proofread things multiple times and sometimes like even in the proofreading process you already know what you're reading so in your head you're basically reading exactly how you meant to type yeah and it's really easy to miss type of instead of off or if you type the wrong there like you're saying it in your minds quickly it's really easy to miss and then the first 20 comments when you post it are you used the wrong word of the wrong there yeah i just uh i was just at my high school for a ceremony and didn't realize until i saw my old yearbook that i had a high school yearbook quote i think that's why i thought of of and there's a typo in that high school yearbook quote i didn't do that on purpose i was a pretty good academic student actually i can't remember when i made that quote or decided to use that quote but i uh it said off instead of of was that even my typo yeah that person who typed it just wrote it wrong there's also an extra space in there for some reason i don't know um the point being i can already see all the comments about like just proofreader tweets yeah well mister you've never made a typo in your life that would work or misses it's great for you you don't need this feature but for the rest of us mere mortals we would like just the ability to add and edit a few characters how much would you pay for a full-blown exactly how you explained it edit tweet button okay just for this one feature because there's a couple other features i really like that there's a couple other features i would like in twitter blue that i would actually pick i like to hear them and i'll go over those but if you could just give me this ability to edit a few characters in a tweet that i've been asking for i would pay at least 10 bucks a month just for that wow i'm a heavy twitter user i know that's a higher number than most people would give i i pay that much for unlimited songs in spotify i pay that much for basically an endless library of ad-free videos on youtube i would pay that much just to be able to edit you know it's as much as i think that's a high number i think it is most important for people who are would almost consider that a business expense because editing like deleting a tweet and and then reposting it isn't really a big deal for the majority of twitter users but if you're someone with a large following you're potentially literally deleting hundreds of comments within the first minute or two and while a lot of those will just point out the typo like that's it's an engagement hit that kind of stinks yeah yeah so that's uh there's other things that would be yeah i want to know what else you want would want and what is the like what is the like tier three payment per month to get literally everything you want oh god okay so we're talking about twitter business at this point yeah definitely i would pay for higher quality image processing that is coming right uh so currently you do have really good uh pn i think it's png processing and it's uncropped images on twitter and that's nice i would just pay for like a universal like high quality processing i would actually pay for this on several platforms like youtube priority processing i would already love that but yeah i would pay for high quality universal like unpre uncompressed not uncompressed but really good processing images that would be great for someone like me who uploads a lot of high quality files especially thumbnails and i would i would probably want let me pick one more good idea here well that would be great i'm pretty sure we all just took new headshots in the studio for like our profile pictures and all of them just got destroyed mainly where you want high quality uploading it just absolutely destroys if you've ever looked at your own twitter banner it's been ruined yeah it's been ruined and your profile youtube banners also are really i get it they have to be all over the place but like come on yeah it looks pretty rough so like the features you have here in twitter blue are like okay but honestly totally should be built in for free to twitter like they're not that special or serious um so i would not if it was available here i would not be paying twitter blue i do think there's one other thing that could kind of fall in the like quote-unquote business aspect of this payment is that there's like some sort of advanced customer service if you do do twitter blue so if you need help i'm assuming copyright stuff or or harassment or imitation and things like that i must i'm guessing you would have a little quicker jump to the line on trying to figure stuff like that out so that actually could be beneficial it's just not fun like it's not a fun you're not excited to pay three dollars a month for that yeah i guess this is a this is a fair introductory price um it's lame but i'm not i'm not paying for it sorry yeah it's not the one uh what else i have one more article that i i kind of read this morning because i heard about it yesterday and i just thought it was kind of interesting it's pretty quick though okay um so yesterday morning around 5 30 our time so we probably 5 30 a.m our time so we probably didn't even notice this but um huge websites went offline uh reddit twitch and even amazon were down for like a little bit and it's apparently because of they all go through this web platform called fastly and i guess fastly was having some issues well the verge posted an article this morning that i'll put in the show notes um it was actually fastly came out with a comment saying that it was triggered by one singular user and it was accidental they were it they quote was triggered by a valid customer configuration change on their end so this customer is trying to configure something different with their like completely legal thing we're doing the right thing but they didn't update in mid-may and for whatever reason this configuration change hitting that new update caused this massive bug that shut the entire i don't know if it was the entire platform down or something specific but if you're shutting down amazon reddit twitch like so something big went down and we're past like one singe or that's a rough buck i guess i think the verge's like subline was actually just like fess up who was it we want to know um but it even got to the point where some uh uk government sites were actually on the same platform and they were taken down and people were like having trouble accessing like government things they had to turn in it's funny because sometimes you know large swathes of the internet all go down at once because they all use the same services like aws or something amazon's web services a lot of sites use that and as soon as aws goes down for a little bit a lot of websites all at once don't work or barely work for a while um so it's kind of funny that amazon would be one of the large sites to go down because there's someone else's services and twitch is owned by amazon i guess i don't know exactly what fastly does um but yeah i i just thought it was crazy that someone uh you see i mean usually when you see those places go down though it's a targeted attack and they like explain that's the target attack they have to figure it out and try and stop it but this was just some poor customer like imagine calling back like oh yeah that bug you you inherit like figured out the other day or you couldn't make your configuration change yeah you took down amazon in the process and some uk government websites yeah at 5 30 in the morning that's a pretty brutal mistake to make sick bragging rights i think i guess yeah i just thought that was pretty funny all right we gotta talk about wwdc the worldwide developers conference here's the thing about wwdc we have seen hardware at wwdc before sort of right sometimes it gets unveiled which get people's expectations really high but it is a developer conference like google i o and like others so we can't be shocked when there isn't hardware yeah i mean this was an entirely software show yeah i'm always surprised when people say they're like underwhelmed by it but it's like it's a developer conference you're not going to get some crazy stuff what was it last year they mentioned m1 or m1 max but not like specifically the the product based on it so it's like kind of a hardware announcement the mac pro got an unveiling at wwdc like that was cool just an unveiling like we didn't get to buy it that day or anything but this was just software so but we want to go through all these because apple makes a lot of software they make ios they make watch os they make ipad os they make mac os they make home kit they make everything in between so they updated pretty much all this stuff we could just start with ios 15 right that's the that's the yeah i think that's usually the big one the fun one we're smartphone reviewers that's usually uh that's fair this is what this is what we'll see on the iphone in september or whenever the newest iphone the 13 comes out this is what will like launch on the new iphone and i'll be honest there was a lot of stuff i think there's a lot of good stuff and a lot of really thoughtful updates put into ios 15 both some some of which that i was expecting some of which i saw and i was like oh that's an interesting idea i didn't think they would do that like the facetime stuff uh matter of fact let's start with the facetime stuff so facetime got a bunch of like smaller things and then a couple big things yeah i think one was like spatial audio added to it so you can kind of make it feel like you're more in the room i guess with people it sounds fine sounded like one of those things that's like kind of cool but you won't really use too much yeah it'll also have a portrait mode so you can turn on blurring your background which we've seen in others like zoom you can just blur your background i felt in the actual announcement the example they were using like the edge of detection wasn't that great her like whole shoulder was kind of like weirdly i don't know it was a little off i have i have never seen good live video portrait mode yeah exactly so i'm not shocked that it doesn't look that great if you have you ever tried zoom's automatic background blur it is hilariously bad like it'll generally work because it'll cut you out because you can see your outline but like you'll turn your head to the side it'll just leave like a blotch that's not blurred out that's the thing is like zooms i didn't know they had that but it makes sense because they have to like replace background but generally when you're replacing the background you kind of understand this is already a meme and i'm okay with moving my arm and it just appearing out of the beach and the like sunset i have set behind me um so yeah i i i'm not expecting that to be great i don't expect many people to use it really either there's a couple other features that i think i'll tie in that i could see people using all at once but yeah it's just kind of like a thing you can turn on if you want to yeah uh share play this is a cool one to me i didn't think this was cool so with shareplay you know how you can screen share inside of zoom or screen share inside of google meet or screen share inside of skype or skim insurance live teams or screen share inside of whatever you're using uh instead of just screen sharing something you can actually all pull up the same content at once by using share play so if you have apple music or a tv show or apple tv or something like that or since there's an api now any one of the supporting services you can all be watching the same content at once i say all because you could have a multi-person facetime and it'll all be synced up for all of you so you know how people do this thing where they'll like facetime each other and then watch yep a movie at the same time my family and stuff especially during the pandemic like yeah you are making up ways to do things with people yeah now you can watch the movie on your phone or watch it on your apple tv while you're face timing and so you'll have the same playback controls and you'll be able to fast forward and pause for everyone at the same time and everything stays in sync that's pretty cool i think that's really neat that's pretty cool you can screen share now inside of facetime as well which is obviously very useful for family tech support shout out to fellow family tech support i'm with you guys i understand the struggle is real but now you can you can screen share so you can like show people how to do things which is cool um and now also facetime is available for android that's definitely going to be the clip title for 100 yeah kind of barely i mean facetime links it'll work this is the easier way honestly i think i can say that facetime is available for android like it'll functionally do almost all the same stuff you can't initiate a facetime call from android but if you start a facetime call or schedule a facetime call you can send people a link to that facetime call where they can join if they open it on their iphone it'll open in facetime if they open it on the web from their android phone or from their windows desktop for example they can still join the facetime call yeah so you can join literally a facetime from android and they use the ugliest possible android phone in their little facetime demo on stage and on their website to this day i don't know what phone that's supposed to be but hey you can now hop onto facetime on android which is a i never thought i'd really say that yeah right i i wasn't expecting that it is like a kind of sideway of doing it like it's not actually facetime for android but the fact that you can still do it and honestly most people who are like having facetime calls and trying to get a relative or a friend on it like sending them the link is probably the easiest way of doing it rather than making them download facetime and everything so i mean there's never gonna be a facetime app for android that's never going to happen yeah but if there was like that one family member who has an android phone who's been left out of all the holiday group facetimes because he doesn't have a mac or whatever well now he's in now you're now they're in now they can uh like they can join the facetime as well which is exciting but to me all this stuff to together feels like apple sort of responding to how often we see this like work from home type culture or basically everyone doing everything virtually now we're like people are very familiar with zoom like zoom didn't really have a place in everyday life until 2020. yeah and now everyone knows how to zoom and so as long as people all know how to zoom apple might as well just build in a bunch of those features into their video chat app so you can just keep using facetime when you want to do that sort of stuff yeah and i think facetime's way easier for the consumer and everything like zoom is zoom has a phone app right but it's like i've never used it facetime is is that quick easy consumer based like and people are using zoom for that now and i think in the future when we're not always stuck at home but you know maybe so one of your friends is home and one of your friends is out phone is going to be the way to do that and facetime it's going to be much much easier so it makes total sense i wonder if they're going to start doing apple briefings in facetime just a as for those this is such an inside thing but like uh briefings right now are all happening virtually and they'll do it in like zoom or microsoft teams maybe or webex and uh i don't know they just do facetimes now group facetimes if they wanted to it wouldn't surprise me if they did it just to keep in the apple ecosystem but it still seems a little that would be hard when there's multiple people on it i mean they they have multiple face times how many how many are generally in a briefing for apple uh wildly varies it could be five it could be 25 because like 25 would be very hard yeah everybody mute yourself all right this next feature this is actually i think this is my favorite feature in ios 15. so what is it called actually it's called li live type that's not what it's called live text to see if i can i think it's called live live text from sound yeah okay so inside now of photos in ios 15 it will and actually in in the viewfinder of the camera you'll be able to copy and paste and select and do things with text whether it's actual text like you pointed at a document or a label or handwritten text if you see something on a whiteboard or on a we have a whiteboard table so a whiteboard table uh you can yeah you can literally point your camera at it take a photo and then on that photo itself you can just copy you can just hold down long press the text and you can copy and paste it you can look it up with siri you can translate it if it's a different language if it's a phone number yeah you can literally just copy it and tap it and call the phone number right away from the gallery pretty sweet as i mentioned in our last video that is exactly what google lens does like everything that does google lens has already been doing um but i really like that it's just one one less step and one it was one step closer to being easily accessible by regular people where it kind of feels a little bit like magic where if you take a picture of some building somewhere and it happens to have a name and a phone number on it it would be like trying to explain to your parents like oh no you can't actually just like grab the phone number from that building you'll have to like remember it and switch over to the dialer and they'll just be like why can't i just like press the phone number in the picture well now you can yeah like you can just press the phone number in the picture and it'll just work uh i thought that was really smart do you know what would be sweet if they could figure out what to do i'm just thinking of this now like how could that really really help my everyday life if i like am on a busy city street and i see a parking sign i wanted to be able to look at that parking sign and just say yes you can park right now oh my god no you can't park so i don't have to decipher the freaking national treasure code on it that like is impossible to figure out like yes i can right now i think you might have just had a great app idea can i park here i i don't not even like someone take it i don't even care about if that makes a billion dollars someone just please develop that app because it would save so many people there's probably some city lobbyists who wouldn't like that because you're just destroying city revenue but send part of the revenue to the city i don't care like if they make money from tickets which is like such a dumb way of like i get that you have to make money but honestly just the fact that people can't park in certain places if you live in a city or anywhere near a city you're familiar with this this is probably very useful yeah just let me point it at even maybe not maybe not even a sign just look at where i'm gps located right now decide based on the signs of like people have taken signed pictures near here in the past look at those pieces of information and then tell me if where i'm sitting right now can i park here yeah and how long can i be when i have to be out yeah yes that is a great app idea i'll take one percent i don't even care just make it thought of it and you're taking your percent i'm not even taking your price i just named it can i park here oh can i park here yeah it's gonna be like the not hot the hot dog app from uh silicon valley it just says yes no yes or no yeah at a time i love that all right but yeah no that's that's super useful i i think google lens because right now in an android phone you can open up google lens or or in the viewfinder you can hit the lens button and you can point it at stuff and use visual lookup and that's been better for me i've only had the beta ios 15 developer beta for a day and i've tried it on some things it can sort of try dog breeds and we tried mac which is like the hardest one possible because we don't even know it but um google lens this is a little gripe off of wwdc i just found out yesterday i think david showed us if you long press in the regular camera shutter it'll take the picture and then do lens on it correct or i think you long press the viewfinder without the shutter button yeah you're sorry in the viewfinder yeah yeah you long press there and it'll bring it up i've always went to the lens thing and then had to like scan a qr code or something like that which i think is really dumb that it's not in the default so uh if anyone out there is like me and needs a quicker way to do lens there it is um i i always wonder why qr codes aren't bigger in the us and i think it's taken way too long to make it a a quick one-two like punch of getting it so i think this will hopefully help word but there you go ai can read text and photos can decide what's in a photo and look it up for you just sort of makes photos live basically which is is pretty useful i think it's pretty very useful so that was my that was my favorite feature in ios 15 but there is more uh there are some small things like you can now use uh the wallet app to store your id as a like a photo id or driver's license actually go through the airplane well it's yeah it's four airports i think right now or that's where the they'll implement implement it first but one thing i always do when i go to the airport is i want to take my wallet and my keys out of my pockets and put them in my bag so on the plane it doesn't fall out because like when you're traveling state to state that's the worst place to lose while in keys but i have to keep my wall in my pocket until i get past security so if i can just pack it when i want to and still be able to make it through security i think that would be really nice yeah hopefully it works they say it'll work with the tsa and the tsa understands what's going on yeah it's participating states right now so or will be participating states so we'll see we'll see we shall see um but i look forward to that and there's a couple other small things like safari has a sort of a new look to it there's uh tab groups a bunch of these things to me were like i'm never gonna use them but they're sort of tucked away enough that i never have to care about them which is fine so it just adds features for the sake of having some new features and if you ever want to use them cool i never use tab groups so i'm never going to decide to start using them on my phone i'm sorry but they exist now so that's cool are we like well first sticking on ios with tab groups they did move them to the bottom of the screen so at least they're easier to touch i do think this is something android did recently or maybe it's just i use the firefox browser or no chrome browser chrome browser chrome has messed with this in the past they put the tab bar at the bottom and one of their betas and then moved it back to the top and it never made it that's where i still get tab i can do tab groups on the bottom of chrome uh okay yeah but yeah and but i also do think part of the reason they did tab groups is because they at the same time changed they kind of move tabs up so now instead of having your like forward back url um what's what do you call that the url bar yeah navigation bar and then usually tabs are under that now it's like all on the same one so your url has to take up half of the top of your window and you have less room for tabs um so i'm assuming tab groups is part of that but it feels too much like a bookmark sidebar it does look like i think i went far yeah i don't think i would ever want that to be honest yeah but it's there it's a little it's a little refresh of safari which is neat um this also applies to the desktop which we'll get to but other than that ios uh basically just new notification stuff which i thought was pretty interesting now there's i've always thought ios notifications are bad and they still kind of functionally are the same as they were but they do have some sort of new organization priority happening here yeah so number one you can get a notification summary of all of your low profile low priority notifications at the end of the day which to me is a good idea but i just don't know exactly how it works like do apps does it just know which are the low priority ones is it only communication apps that will get through during the day and then all the things like your random weather notification or a news notification or some random headline or a promo thing they'll just all show up at the end of the day do app developers have to say that their app is a low priority notification or a high priority like why would you ever pick your own priority yeah exactly if i'm an app developer i'm never gonna say my apps are low priority notifications so i don't know exactly how it works but i like the idea of at the end of the day not having like all the random news stuff for just like uh hey it's gonna be hot tomorrow like i'll i'll get the majority of that stuff out the way just all at once then the other thing is focus modes this was cool to me this felt like uh almost like like profiles kind of not quite but pretty close yeah so if you set them up you'll see it's pretty cool you can set a focus mode of like a personal versus work we'll just use that as the examples yeah that's gonna happen yeah a sleep one or do not disturb entirely but let's say you have a work focus mode when you set up work focus mode you can have it only send through notifications from your work apps and whatever contacts you want probably only your work contacts and then you can have certain home screens show up just for work and hide the ones that have the personal apps on them and then it'll only trigger when you're at a certain location or during certain times of day so you can have it only go nine to five or you can have it go when i am at this studio it'll be in work mode all of that is super cool and then when you're in work focus mode when other people in imessage try to message you they will get this little away notification or this focus notification so they'll know that your notifications aren't on because they're in workfocus mode and then they can send it through anyway if it's important but that's pretty cool that change gets distributed through all of your icloud devices at once so if i have this workfocus mode on my phone and i turn it on or it gets enabled when i'm at work now my watch now my ipad now my mac all of whatever devices i have in the ecosystem are all in work focused mode at once that is the next level cool part of this this feature where it's like your profile for all of your devices it's not just your iphone that i thought was pretty cool yeah i think i mean it's obviously apple and integration between all their products is like what they do best i'm also realizing as i'm looking through our notes it's very hard to organize what we want to talk about because almost everything they announced was available on everything else so like we're talking about ios and i've already talked about on mac safari and now we're talking about focus which is available on like all of these different things so i mean it's a problem for us right now with notes but it's kind of awesome that they yeah it's the best thing to have yeah yep uh so i thought that was super cool it's uh yeah you can make custom profiles so you can have a work one you can have a personal one but maybe you also have a golf one where you have only certain people can contact you while you're golfing and only your golf apps can notify you about how many golf apps do you have i have like four which is wait what up score tracker fitness i have a uh one to help book courses it's called golf now it'll tell you what courses are are open with t-times near you are you ever booking a course while you're on a different course no okay but you know just leave all the golf apps open just in case i'm on the 18th hole i'm like i want to book another round right now um oh yeah that's uh that's focus modes that's probably the gist of it other than that ios is sort of just like mostly most of ios yeah fresh coated paint you know bigger pictures next notifications is cool um all right so then we get to ipad os there's a good amount of ipad west stuff now when i review the m1 ipad pro this was the thing that i think a lot of people have the same general consensus which is okay you've done it you've made the most powerful ipad possible it does it has way more headroom than you can ever need it has 16 gigs of ram the thing is crazy powerful but i can still do exactly the same stuff as i could with the last ipad when are we gonna get some sort of extra functionality to take advantage of this horsepower so there's a lot of hype for this wwdc specifically around ipad because of that right yeah i feel like they did halfway what i was hoping okay which is they did make multitasking a little a little bit more intuitive and a little bit faster but they still it doesn't feel different and now we were talking on discord actually with renee uh we had a stages channel stages event where we were talking about dc stuff and he brought up a really good point which is i've been so ipad pro ipad pro ipad pro for so long that i keep forgetting that like there's all the other ipads that also run ipad os and regular people don't really think too hard about that extra horsepower and extra functionality unlock because they want it to be a simple tablet and it is and the second you add all that complexity to multitasking and slide over windows and file systems there that shows up on everyone else's ipads who doesn't really care about that sort of stuff so they do have this weird they never want to fork it i imagine there's never going to be separate software on the ipad pro no i don't think so but they do want to take advantage of i imagine all that horsepower so anyway here's what we got you can now do widgets on all of the home screens everywhere and there's some new bigger widget formats which i think are really cool i am planning a video on all this by the way so we'll have like our full thoughts and everything but this is just a first impression so widget everywhere is cool um you can now build apps with swift playgrounds on the ipad which is cool and then test them on the ipad and demo them and run them on different resolutions and everything i think you could like probably build a calculator app on there if you wanted i think you could build a calculator imagine that maybe even a weather app on the ipad that would be pretty tight uh and then yes there is a new multitasking ui it's it's kind of hard to explain just with words but if you've seen the videos with keynote demo basically instead of just being all swipes you can do a lot of that same multi-window stuff with taps now because when a multi-window app shows up you get three bar of three dots you can tap it move stuff over create multi-window events more easily a little more intuitive because each of the little like taps that you would press show like a little graphic that kind of shows what it's doing so it's definitely easier to be like and not accidentally swipe stuff into who knows where yeah yeah a lot of the questions i see about this are like well marquez what were you expecting like what did you actually want them to do and the more i think about this i'm like i i guess i do want i don't want mac os on the ipad but i do want free form windows like this slide over thing i've never been into slide over apps basically which are the these column apps that have their own floating area that they can multitask within on the side and then swipe away and hide i've just never been into that but i just want the ability to have like three windows open where i can do things in each of the three windows and resize them in full screen and then drag it over and move this thing and i guess i just i don't think we're ever going to get that on the ipad if this is if this is where they're at and this is the modification they're making with ios ipad os 15 then i don't think they're planning on free window movement on any ipad so i think that is what it is like i'm not i'm not disappointed i'm more just like let me try this for a little bit let me get used to it and see if it helps at all but as far as like using the horsepower of the m1 like it doesn't seem like it added them you're not touching them it's going to be a while yeah i think people were expecting their minds to be blown and apple does that sometimes this just wasn't quite one of those uh yeah it's not going to blow anymore yeah that's totally fine but it was good i i'm going to keep using it like i said i'm using the the developer previews right now for both ios 15 and ipad os 15. so i'm living that beta life right now that potentially brick your ipad live yeah we'll see we'll see how long it goes we'll see how long it lasts um then i don't know you're not a you're not a heavy like i don't know what's almost any mac stuff or i use i use my mac pro at work i've don't use iphone i don't use ipad i think both of them are great i just don't use them okay it's very strange so like me and all my points given here are all outsider perspectives stuff yeah my i use a mac pretty heavily and the one thing about mac os big sur that i was really getting annoyed with is notifications oh yeah i can tell you i'm very very annoying so i'm hoping that sort of stuff is fixed but this is the one beta i haven't switched over to yet but there is a new mac os and i keep forgetting the name monterey i spelled that wrong a hundred times in these notes but it is uh a new version of mac os which again gets a little bit of a sleeter sleeker fresh coat of paint is it the same way spelled as like the cheese monterey jack and we have a cheese grater mac pro oh wow oh where's the tinfoil hats where are they at i didn't think about that we just got the confirmation monterey i didn't even think about that until just now but you're right so we got monterey cheers this conversation yesterday i appointed the uh the beta camera at the mac pro and asked siri what it was and it said this is either a cheese grater or a mac pro it's yeah i love that it got it right and sort of but still wasn't quite sure yeah it gave me both really i wonder what did you try google lens google and said the same thing same thing they both said mac pro first but then also cheese grater yeah so i think it was a google images thing because on google images there are some trees gators that look exactly like them actually has anyone made a cheese grater that looks like a mac pro that's a business idea right there do you know how many people would buy that the thing is people have literally grated cheese on mac pros yeah so it sounds like it would work flawlessly flawlessly as a stretch just shop oh god look out for it look if we can charge 500 million dollars for them like apple does then sure uh no that's it is definitely a a refreshed version of the os uh safari got the biggest change because it's got that like new sleeker look with the tabs at the top and that like bookmark looking thing on the side with your tab groups whatever i'll give it a shot i'm hoping for a little bit better notifications support little bigger click area to get rid of things because the tiny x is really getting annoying um but yeah you do have a new mac os beta a lot of good maps features which again are across everything which have a new street view street view ar mode a lot of these like select cities will have these 3d models of landmarks in the cities which are super detailed and that's really cool um but like i said a lot of the stuff still not google maps though so who cares i mean i care because competition is good and like even if you don't necessarily get harmed from using google maps if they're a monopoly you still want to see like a reason for them to get better like google maps i feel like i just really appreciate apple pap's being the meme yeah like i feel like apple maps started off as the one that obviously was awful because it had so many problems and all the headlines were hilarious about it but now that it's getting better and more useful and usable maybe it'll actually make google maps get better sure so now that i really think about it though i could see it when cars start integrating carplay more and more like i do though see i guess i could see like improving apple maps will just benefit the carplay experience i i think you said you can use waze and google maps through carplay but yeah the more first party things you do the better so android auto will have its google maps and carplay will have apple maps and all that integration more and more will just make cars in the future way way nicer with all that yeah i'm a fan of that competition um there's a bunch of other smaller stuff too uh just announced at wwdc in general because there's always a bunch of software announcements and things like that what should we what should we hit first i mean i think plus universal control is like the cool oh yeah yeah yeah i feel like we gloss over that oh god it was so good i think a perfect example of how cool that is was i was trying to explain to claire what got announced at wwdc and it's clearly not that interesting for non-tech people and then i showed her a clip of universal control and she was like that was actually really it's super cool all right so for those of you who don't know or haven't seen god all right picture this so craig federighi sits down he's got a mac and he's got an ipad right next to it he sets them up next to each other and without any other setup he moves the cursor over to the edge of the mac and it just knows that there's an ipad next to it the ipad wakes up and goes hey is there a cursor here and you just immediately line the two up and now you're just controlling the ipad with the cursor on the mac so it's not sidecar where you would be extending your max display onto the ipad you're just controlling the ipad ui now with the trackpad and whatever mouse and keyboard you're using on the mac that's cool right away just immediately he knows where to go no setup lines everything up great um he brings another mac in there he sets them all three up next to each other so now he's got a mouse and keyboard and three displays and it just keeps working seamlessly that is that is an ecosystem flex right there but what the coolest part of that is is not just are you controlling everything you can now which i'm assuming is almost just using a quicker version of like air i guess i'm confused a little bit of how this works but he was dragging files from one to the other he was dragging a photo file from the ipad and dropping it in like a powerpoint on his mac yes which is wild but i guess at a certain point with a file size are you going to start yes what is the difference there's a bunch of different things this is bluetooth first of all for proximity so as soon as they know they're next to each other they're on the same they can bluetooth connect to each other um you could already use a bluetooth keyboard and mouse on the ipad so this is just using your mac as a bluetooth keyboard and mouse for your ipad so that's cool then you get to that dragging a file from the ipad to the mac that's essentially airdrop that's right which is wi-fi so it's wi-fi direct just going straight from one to the other transferring the file so yes that will still be slower if you have a huge file yeah image so it was fine yeah they used an image to make it a bit quicker but i could see that being so useful for people who if there's like artists who are drawing on their ipad with apple pencil but need to bring it into uh their like macbook or imac or something like that for whatever reason and that just seems really cool yeah that's the thing about the ipad is at the very highest end of ipad use i feel like all of those people have a mac anyway so even though i'm always over here like i want so much more out of this ipad it's so powerful but i want a file system i want to do everything on the ipad but at the end of the day this feature makes it pretty obvious to me that it's going to continue to be great to have both an ipad and a mac which is music to apple's ears of course but yes there's a lot of people even in our own studio we'll like finish editing a thumbnail on the ipad and of course now we want to put it on youtube so what do we do we air drop that file to the mac so that we can put it on youtube well now we're just just swiping over do you think you'll have to be logged in as the same icloud account yes okay so it does kind of in the airdrop is still nice but yeah yeah in the studio we will still be air dropping between different icloud accounts but if you happen to have something you want to finish on the mac maybe you want to export it in uh since we have to crush the file size for youtube or you want to do something like that then you would just go to the mac and then take care of it from there but nevertheless very cool demo really cool feature it's called universal control yeah i think that was the coolest demo they did evolve 100 100 um that's a you know what's funny about these presentations is like i feel like there's three things that always happen during an apple uh pre-recorded presentation one is they have a super cool tech demo moment yeah where you go oh that was a really cool feature two is to have some kind of easter egg where whether it's like when he was pointing the camera at the whiteboard there was all this text on the whiteboard about like the next version of like airpods and how they test them on dogs and call them air buds i think he said on the whiteboard just little easter eggs there's always stuff like that and three there's always a memeable moment in every single one of these whether it's tim cook literally ripping his face off or if it's craig federighi and wwdc jumping through the hole in the ground to land in the privacy section under the theater there's just some moment where they create where they're like all right this is the meme one all right we're shooting the meme now okay great like they always just they nail it they just set it up um so yeah they're they're consistent with it but we did get some cool tech demos out of that um there's some other stuff i mean watch os eight a couple small things with home kit you get you know intercom on your watch now you get to this mindfulness app where it'll tell you to breathe and relax kind of like the oneplus stress app i'm never gonna use this and the new health feature was um like a balance kind of thing like to help uh understand if people are at a fall risk we actually we didn't see the and someone actually dm me actually we talked to about it on a previous episode but remember we were talking about like blood glucose and stuff like that yeah you didn't see that did not see that no so i guess that might be a hardware change so maybe we wouldn't have expected it but yeah there was small health updates to it nothing too exciting i did think um icloud plus was pretty cool so icloud plus did have i think probably two main features that were you know new and pretty cool one is oh i'm gonna i want to get the name right it's like dual relay something it's not relay private relay so it's called private relay it's not quite a vpn yeah but it is effectively the same thing as far as completely shielding your information from your isp and from everyone else um you can't like uh region gate like by using a server in a different region so you can't like unlock netflix france or whatever from this service but you can use this private relay for complete privacy as far as online browsing so that's cool so then the other one was called it's mail privacy protection now i don't use the stock mail app and on a mac i haven't in years but if you do and you have icloud plus mail privacy protection will basically look at these uh these email you'll get an email like an ad or something like that and you can just like close the email and archive it and delete it or whatever but there are these invisible pixels inside of these emails where they will respond and send back information to the sender of the email about like when you opened it whether or not you opened it at all if you're a real person or not and all these things can be used to track you and so it'll just take the hit for you and not it'll shield your location and who you are from those who are sending the emails so i guess they'll start reporting 100 open rates on people who are using icloud plus because it'll always just be taking that hit for you but that i thought is pretty solid i don't like i said use that app right now but it's a good idea it's a good feature a lot of privacy feature focus stuff and kind of proof that they are really into privacy because this is coming at no additional price to on top of current icloud paid users yeah so that's kind of awesome putting their money where their mouth is i like it wow we talked about a lot today yeah there's not much more i i wanted to mention one more feature on the watch live photo watch face what was that that was yeah that was weird i think it's just portrait mode where if you take a portrait mode photo it does have the depth information to separate the subject from the background and so then you can set that photo as your watch face apparently the number one watch face is photos people just set a photo as their watch face i didn't know this i've never had a photo as much as it's cool if you could set a photo and then use parts of the photo to be the arms as the clock moving around that might be the next step that would be cool but as of right now it'll just like overlap the subject a little bit in front of the time in the background behind the time didn't they do some weird thing where they like scrolled on it and like the face got really big yeah they zoomed in a bit and the subject swelled up a little bit of the background that was just a weird demo that was the worst demo but like i say that because i don't care about photos watch faces at all but i'm still kind of shocked that photos are the number one watch face yeah that that that was the last impression i got out of that is i didn't realize apparently most people are maybe it's not number one by a mile but a lot of people are using pictures as their watch face it it makes me wonder because i've always disliked the apple watch because of how much it doesn't look like a watch but if people are putting real photos as watch faces yeah oh could it also be people is this just a weird way to get like a custom watch face too if you you're like uploading a quote-unquote photo which is a design maybe you made i don't think people are getting that crazy i think they're just uploading a picture they like or a picture they took does it still show like minute and hour hands when you do a custom photo one or does it just do like a digital time either one whichever one yeah i could see people probably making some third-party work around something that might that adds into the the statistic that it is a photo as a i think you're right but when you think of like the average everyday person i think there are a lot it's just a photo on there which makes me feel like the apple watch is less of a traditional watch anymore and yeah more of a since when you watch tech yeah there's a lot of people my age and younger who have never owned a watch until the apple watch and it's their first watch so when they say when you say traditional watch they're like i don't want a traditional watch i just have this thing that i got when i was 14 and it's what i think a watch is and it's it's not like the main use of it isn't telling time anymore adam was just on the android central podcast i was listening to the other day and they were talking about what their favorite part of watches were and someone was like no one's mentioned time like time isn't the main thing for the watch at all it's more like it's a good traditional accessory that now is a place to put tech in you know what's funny i think i still checked the time on my phone i'm pretty sure i still checked the time on my phone i just look it's just a glance i can't even like laugh at it i only wear my watch when i'm doing like hiking or or exercise or something like climbing so like i'm still so in the habit of checking my phone that i do do the same thing but i would like to think if i wore a watch 24 7 i would start checking the watch but we'll see adam has the we should end this before he's a big watch guy and he's giving us the most disconcerting look right now that's so funny all right well we've talked about pretty much everything there is on the last this is all literally from a two-hour apple presentation so obviously there's a lot more to it we have videos in the works about a lot of this stuff definitely check those out on the channel when they come out but it's from wwdc week not bad you guys probably already know by the time we're recording this tesla's plaid event will also happen we're recording this before the event then tesla's plat event happens then this gets published so we know nothing about it but it's going to happen between now and the next release so maybe the next episode we'll have more to say about that they're they're definitely well i deleted like three pages worth of stuff just based on the elon tweet so there's plenty to talk about um yeah job plus getting canceled all this weird stuff just we didn't want to release it when like hours later or the event would have happened and then ours would have come out a couple hours later and then it just would have been yeah all over the place so yeah next week expect a lot of tesla talk but until then this has been uh this has been apple week here at mkbhq thanks for checking in i am kbhd thanks for tuning in stay tuned for the rest of the videos and we'll catch you guys in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: WVFRM Podcast
Views: 51,786
Rating: 4.9520516 out of 5
Keywords: Waveform, Podcast, WVFRM, MKBHD, WWDC, Apple, iOS, 15, Twitter, Blue, Subscriptions, iPad, iPad OS, Apple Watch, Facetime
Id: xwk2xUQ9RH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 2sec (3422 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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