Twinings Tea Heir: You're Brewing Tea All Wrong

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there is perhaps no country that enjoys its tea more than Great Britain where tea time is a national ritual so who to better tell us how to brew a proper cup of tea then Stephen twining a tenth generation member of the famous British tea family a man who drinks at least nine cups of tea a day welcome Stephen so lovely to have you here has to be here so in England does everyone stop what they're doing at four o'clock and have tea not so much these days certainly the weekends so yeah if you're having friends round then yes it's gonna be a sit down and do the whole nine yards or sandwiches scones and the cakes but yeah life these days is moving too fast but certainly and we're big advocates of this encouraging people to have a tea break and we know people who take ten fifteen minutes off at four o'clock is that the hour at any time okay it actually helps you cope better with the day because it takes stress down it refreshes you rehydrates you and you get more done in the whole day rather than the person who pods on them never takes a break right you're actually more productive if you take a tea break well I love tea so I'm so excited to hear how to make it properly because so many people think it's just a matter of pouring boiling water over your tea bag but it's not quite that simple right there are a few bits of science that you need to know so firstly good quality cold water out of the tap into your electric kettle to heat up the water fresh cold water has more dissolved oxygen in it and that's what gets the flavour of it so if you reboiler your water or you put into a microwave and over boil it superheated you get rid of all that dissolved oxygen so you never get the flavour off the team and you need the water as soon as it boils right for black tea just as it reaches boiling point on goes the water because it needs the heat to get the flavor off the teas don't and don't over boil no because all you're doing is dispensing that dissolved oxygen for green teas then let the kettle cool so it's going to be about 180 degrees we don't need a thermometer give it five minutes to cool down from boiling point if you put boiling water on green tea it'll go bitter and there's no place for bitterness in teen fascinating and you're supposed to put one teabag in a pot not in a cup these days most people make it in a cup or a mug assess I've prepared these today but yes if you're entertaining then actually what you're having a tea pot means you can make four or five cup falls in one go rather than having to do it and then it's more elegant to pour it out so tea bag goes much further so how and then tell us about seepage because that's an important thing to get right yes absolutely one of the big mistakes I see is you get a lot of this going on you put the teabag in and immediately the color washes off now color in tea is just color it's got nothing to do with the taste so after 30 seconds your cup of tea looks to be the way it is ready to drink so it's very tempting after 30 seconds to pull out the bag drink the tea go are these tea bags horrible many I'm not writing it it's not right yet the flavors still in the bag so brew it for tea bag three minutes is the minimum it's absolutely good to know and then how do you flavor your teeth do you like it with sugar with lemon milk milk on occasions absolutely and you can decide it's a matter of personal taste I prefer a low low fat milk sugar no never because it dominates the taste buds so you never actually taste what's underneath it you're tasting hot sweet water and the calorie count goes off the scale cup of tea without milk or sugar is it's less than one calorie per cup which is fantastic so the best way to drink it is with a little bit of milk or lemon but of course not both or just as it comes or doesn't become absolutely no tells you've a fascinating story about Earl Grey your family goes back nine generations so I'm too tense you're the 10th incredible and there's still the same little shop in London I'm selling tea yes same shop 300 years right yes now tell us the story of how the Earl Grey tea came to be so in the early 19th century if you'd come into our shop in London if you had a time machine you could described with Richard twining exactly the sort of tea you wanted to drink and he would have made you a personal blend and then your name on it with your name on it so next time you come back on your rivero tea absolutely it's got really might have to do it and we would then have those ingredients listed alphabetically annexed your name so when this British Prime Minister received a gift from a returning envoi that he'd sent out to China with the Envoy presented this gift to the prime minister who tried it and liked it this very unusual tea and therefore he wanted more so he sent us the recipe and asked us if we could provide more of this tea which he then served to all his friends and family and I'm assuming his name was Earl Grey absolutely so his title was Earl his family name was grey and that's how we had the tea listed so when he gave us permission people come down to the shop and ask for Earl Grey those days called Earl grace mixed it now it's my favorite team with all grey one of your best-selling blends it is around the world round number one and that is why today I'm very excited to be in New York because here in America we're launching three new varieties so we've got one with jasmine an extra bowl version so if you like really like that bergamot character and then the one in the front here is the the lovely one with a hint of lavender is this the one that you've made for me it is indeed how does have seep the proper time yeah has yeah well thank you so much can we take a taste for sure Cheers so you get though the richness of the tea in just that hint of the lovely floral Allen you might think it's gonna be very powerful that is lavender can get overpowering yeah but it's delicious like this I love the little tiny taste of lavender yes it's really probably not yes mmm I love this Earl Grey is one of my favorites teas thank you so much Steven training for coming to see you my pleasure
Channel: The Wall Street Journal
Views: 298,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tanya Rivero, Stephen Twining, Earl Grey, LUNCH BREAK WITH TANYA RIVERO, MAKING TEA, GREAT BRITAIN, BRITISH TEA FAMILY, TEA BREAK, 10TH GENERATION TWININGS HEIR, PREPARING TEA, BREWING TEA, EARL GREY TEA, FLAVORED TEA, Twining, Tea Products, Non-alcoholic Beverages, Drinks, Food, Drink, Living, Lifestyle
Id: s8QsBMpVKUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2017
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