Twin Telepathy Slime Challenge!!!

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>> Hey guys it's Karina. >> It's Ronald here from SIS vs BRO! >> And today we're doing Twin Telepathy Slime Challenge Part 2! So guys last time we played this and you guys really seemed to enjoy it. So we are doing it again. >> Oh yeah. >> And also last time it was a tie and me and Ronald were like. We not must not have a ties. >> Yes! Yes! Yes! So it's 4 to 4? >> 4 and 4. It's a tie. >> Okay then I guess the comments will have to guess. >> So we're doing it again to break this tie! >> Oh yeah. >> So the rules are gonna be exactly the same as last time. There's going to be three items from a category. I'm going to pick one, and Ronald is going to use his magical powers to sense what I picked. If he gets it right, then he gets a point. If he gets it wrong, then I get the point. And by the way guys, we got new merch! I got the purple shirt that says #SisTeam with glitters. >> And I got the red Hi Peeps, which is amazingly awesome. >> All right. So now it's time for rock paper scissors. Who goes first! [singing] All right. Rock paper scissors... Rock paper scissors shoo! Ronald's going first. All right. Round number 1. >> Okay guys. So for round number 1. We are picking the bowls we're going to be making our slimes in. We got the tall bowl, we got the flat bowl, and we got a plastic bag. >> All righty. >> What are you gonna pick Ronald? >> That one? >> All right. I am sensing that Ronald has pick this one. >> Okay. Yes! Now you have to make it in a plastic bag! Yes! >> I thought you like tricked me and picked the plastic bag! Now I have to make a slime in a plastic bag! >> That's very good. >> All right. Now it's time for round number 2. Okay so for round number 2, we got some colorful glues. We got pink glue, pink glittery glue, we got some purple glitter glue, and we got some green glittery glue. All right. Rock paper scissors. >> Who's gonna pick? >> All right. Rock paper scissors shoot. Rock paper scissors shoot. >> Ronald wins again. >> Okay I pick that one. Okay. >> I'm picking this one. Yeah! >> No! >> You picked the pink one. I picked the pink one. That means I got a point. >> All right. It's tied up. >> It's tied up now. >> Alrighty. Alrighty time to dump! Time to dump! Okay so I chose the plastic bag and now I've gotta deal with this. How do we open this? I've been zipping this thing around every time. And I can't open it. Finally. All right. All right. In you go! Never made a slime in a plastic bag. Let's see how this goes. All right. Hold on! All right. >> Jealous yet? >> Yeah. No I'm not jealous of you. >> I think the plastic bag mixes it better. >> Yeah I mean because you can close it up and just move things around with your hands. Without actually touching it. >> Okay guys we have our glue inside! For me, my bowl. For Karina, her plastic bag. Okay guys we're ready for round number 3. >> So guys for around number 3! We got some more color glitter glues. We got some red, we got some yellow and we got some blue. All right. >> All right. Rock paper scissors. Who's picking next? Rock paper scissors shooo! Yeah! All right. Which one should I go for? All right. I'm going for this one. >> This one? Yellow?! >> I was about to go for red but I didn't. >> Karina you know there's also a competition on a better slime. >> But my slime slime's gonna win. So that's two points for me. >> Okay guys now it's time for the ultimate dump of red. This slime is gonna look real good. >> All right time to dump in the yellow! Squeeze! I think this is gonna make like orange. I don'r really want an orange slime. But sometimes you just gotta deal with it. >> That was awesome. Okay guys ready for round number 4. >> Okay guys so round number 4. We have some things to decorate our slime or to completely ruin it. We got some black food coloring. And black is really strong. So this will turn completely black with just one drop of this. Maybe not one drop. Like two drops. >> Okay. >> We got some purple sand. And we I got some red fish balls. >> Alrighty rock paper scissors. Who gonna pick? Rock paper scissors shoo. >> All right. Hmm which should I go for? I'm going for this. >> That. >> Yes! Get roasted! You tried and tricked me on getting something good boy, but guess what? >> I got something pretty for my slime. >> So guys, it looks like our slime is going to be very similar. Ooh la la. >> Twinsies! All right. Time to add my fish balls. From plastic bag to plastic bag. All right. In they go! And dump! There we go. Those are going to sink in well. >> Now it's time for my ultimate turn. Wow it looks so good! Time to move on to round number 5! >> Okay guys right now it is all tied up 2 to 2 right now. It's round number 5. Let's begin. >> We got some shaving cream. We got some pure gold flakies. And we got some instant snow. >> Instant snow. We're gonna have to add some water to this. So this comes with water. >> Alrighty. Rock paper scissors. Who's gonna choose? Rock paper scissors shoot. >> Oh yeah! All right. What am I going to pick? That. >> That. >> All right. >> Yeah! >> How do you do this Ronald? >> Like I know that that's not that's not bad but it's not good. So you're going to pick it. Let's dump this. There we go! Okay guys looks like all the snow is in. Now Karina it's your time to shine! >> All right. So I'm gonna open up my little plastic baggie and I'm gonna sip some instant snow in here. All right. Sip sip sip sip sip. Kind of want to add a lot but I don't think I should add a lot. I'll just add a little more. That's perfect! So guys we added our instant snow inside of our little plastic baggie/containers. And our slimes are looking pretty similar. We all have almost exactly the same of everything except I got yellow glue and he has a red glue. >> Yep. >> So now it's time for round number 6. Okay guys so this round number 6! I got 2 points. Ronald has 3 points so I gotta catch up. But right here we got some rainbow balls. We got some silver stars and of course we got the blue balls. >> Oh yeah. >> Rock paper scissors. Who's gonna choose? Rock paper scissors shoot. All right. >> Okay I pick that one. >> All right. I'm gonna pick this one. >> Yes! Boy get wrecked [inaudible]. >> But the stars are gonna be poking your fingers when you're trying to stretch it and stuff. >> I don't care. >> Okay guys looks like I'm on a winning streak. Let's open these up and start dumping. Oh wow okay. Yep, very pokey. Let's see. Oh my God they do poke. >> So guys this is Chibi's tail. One of the options we can add to our slime. Okay I think Chibi's tail is leaving buh-bye Chibi's tail. And now I'm going to add my rainbow balls. Open this up. And open this up. All right. Dumping this in! All right. These rainbows balls are going to look so awesome inside my slime! Yeah. Dump them all in. >> Okay guys round number 7. >> We got these Orb Micro basically sticky balls. We got some blue glitter. And we got some silver glitters. >> All right. >> Rock paper scissors. Who's gonna pick? Rock paper scissors shoot. >> Yeah! All right. Which one do I want to pick? I want to pick this one. >> Okay. I'm going to pick... that one. All right. Why did you pick that?! >> I picked this. I picked this. I pick pick this. >> Okay. >> So I got three points. Three points. >> And I have four points. Four points. Get rekt. Okay guys. I chose this blue glitter. Let's hope it's gonna look good in my pink slime. Okay some over here. That was basically half. Okay the rest over here. Okay! It actually looks pretty good but we didn't mix it yet. So we don't really know. >> All right. So now it's time to add my orb micro bead thingies. All right. So I'm gonna get rid of this first. Oh we have two different colors. I want to add them both in because they're both super pretty. All right. Ooh, this is cool. This is really cool on its own. I wonder how it will act inside of slime. All right. Dump this all in. All the magenta. All right. And all of this kind of orangey, pinky color. There we go. Perfect! >> Okay guys now it's time for the grand finale round number 8. Karina has 3 points. I have 4. Karina can tie this up and clutch slightly. Or I can win and clutch awesomely. So ready for round number 8. >> Okay guys round number 8! We got three different activators. We got borax, we got some Elmer's magical liquid. And we got some some contact eye solution coming with some baking soda. >> All right. >> Rock paper scissors. Who's gonna pick? Rock paper scissors shoot. >> Okay. >> Oh yeah! All right. What am I gonna go for? I'm gonna go with this. >> That. Okay. What?! >> I get a point! That means I tied it! >> Oh no! >> Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. >> At least I get, I think this one is the best one. So at least I get the magical liquid. >> And guys it's tie so it's up to you guys to decide who is the winner of the challenge well once we mix this slime, you're going to decide who has the better slime. I bet it's gonna be me. >> I bet it's gonna be me. Like we say every video. >> All right now it's time to add our activator. Guys, I really want to win this. So I hope the contact eye solution and the baking soda will serve me good! All right time for this. All right. I think I'm going to add half of it. Half of it will be safe. All right. Let's squirt that out. Just like that. Squirt! All right. I think that's enough. And I'm going to add a little bit of baking soda. All right. Dump that all in! There we go. Now let's hope it will work it's magic. >> Okay guys last time I added all of it. So this time I'm only gonna add half because it was so hard. That's good. Yep. It's perfect. All right. I'm ready to have a better slime than yours. >> So guys now it's the moment we've all been waiting for! Including myself. And now it's time to mix our slimes! I'm just gonna mix it around with the bag because I don't need a spoon. Me no need no spoon. And I'm going to use this spoon because I am elegant / modern. / awesome. / amazing / awesome. Okay! Let's begin. I think it's gonna be a really good slime. Alrighty. It's looking pretty good! Looks like a galaxy. Well not yet but looks like red but it's gonna. I bet. Has too many stars. Stars in fact. The instant snow is doing its work. It's making everything look brighter, more softer, and the stars are working against that which is bad. >> Okay guys now it's time to mix my slime together. All right. I'm gonna start... Squish. Squishing. I'm gonna squish this all up. Make sure it all goes together. All right. Come on. Get yourself merged together. It's looking pretty interesting so far. So I'm just going to keep on mixing here. >> Okay guys my slime is looking awesome. The red is doing its work. The instant snow is doing its work. The stars are shining bright! Sorry but I'm gonna win. >> All right guys we're gonna keep on mixing our slimes together and we're going to do a slime reveal in 3 2 1! So guys! These are our finished slimes. Mine looks like a birthday cake or a cupcake and I love it! Ronald's also looks really cool. Okay let's get this one out of the bag! All right. And it goes! Let's feel it. Mine feels so cool and stretchy. I loooooove this! All of the like little fish tanks are falling out. All the colorful balls make it look like a birthday cake. I love this slime! So guys, my slime is this kind of peachy color. Not quite white but peachy color. And it's kind of like stringy sort of. Can see? It's like not normal slime. And that's probably because of the instant snow. And also there's so many different colors inside it. The rainbow balls, the sticky balls, the what are these balls? When did I put these ones in? I don't remember. But there's so many different colored balls and the fish balls making it literally look like something I want for my birthday. A birthday cake. So if you think my slime is the winner, comment down below #BirthdaySlime >> Guys! My slime is amazing. It's like snow slime. Look at this. It's so fluffy and so soft! And it's so stretchy! And it feels amazing. It feels like I can just freely move everywhere. Ahhh! It's amazing. Oooh. So guys if you think I won, comment down below #RonaldsSnowySlime So guys now it's you time to shine! Whose slime do you think is better? The birthday cake slime? >> Or Ronald's ultimate raspberry snow slime? >> We hope you liked this video. If you did, smash that like button! And we'll see you all next time. Good byeeeeeeeeee!
Channel: SIS vs BRO
Views: 15,108,968
Rating: 4.8422465 out of 5
Keywords: twin telepathy, slime challenge, twin slime challenge, twin telepathy slime
Id: 2RiKs13QaFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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