How to Make Twice Baked Potatoes with Chef John | Food Wishes

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[Music] hello this is Chef John from with twice baked potatoes that's right we've taken something that was delicious cooked just once and cooked it a second time anyway why human nature but nevertheless if you're looking for a side dish for a special occasion dinner this is very tasty visually impressive and really not that hard to do so check it out step one we're going to scrub and wash and dry four rusted potatoes you can obviously do as many as you want and just like selecting a chef short and fat is always better than long and skinny okay so we have our four very stocky potatoes we're going to put those on a baking sheet with a little bit of foil I'm going to drizzle just a couple drops of vegetable oil on and give them a little massage all right you don't need too much just enough to coat the outside all right once those are oiled we're going to go ahead and throw those in a preheated 400° oven for about an hour or until this happens a Parry knife will go in almost with no effort you want these cooked all the way through okay you're going to grab yourself a towel you're going to go around with a Parry knife and cut off the top I want you to go up about 23s of the way so just like you see me doing here cut all the way around you're going to take that top off you're going to grab a spoon and you're going to scoop out as much of the potato as you can without wrecking the outside and because this is cooked all the way that's not going to be that hard to do and you of course are also going to scoop the potato from the top you cut off and by the way do not throw out that piece we're going to use that to make these extra visually impressive so you're going to scoop your still fairly Hot Potato into a bowl and then we're going to add stuff now please keep in mind this video is a technique video not a recipe not only do I want you not to follow my recipe exactly I'm going to be a little bummed if you do this is the kind of recipe that you really want to tell or to your personal tastes all right so we're going to scoop all that out into a bowl and while it's still hot I'm going to throw in some chunks of butter and that's really not a lot I could have used more all right I'm also going to throw in some finely minced green onions and I'm just going to give that a quick stir get that butter melting those green onions are going to kind of steam a little bit in that hot potato and yes I did switch from a spoon to a fork thank you for noticing and then of course we're going to season it up with some freshly ground black pepper a good amount of salt and some cayenne pepper at that point I'm going to throw in a handful of white cheddar all right I think that works better color-wise in yellow cheddar but same difference and once the cheese is mixed in the last two ingredients here I'm going to make a little well I'm going to pour in some cream and an egg yolk and the reason I'm doing it this way is in case the potatoes are still too hot I don't want to scramble the egg yolk so doing it this way we'll mix it in a little more gradually and again I'll keep reminding you all these ingredients are optional you do this any way you want you can use milk buttermilk basically you could just simulate your favorite mashed potato recipe you want to go with the bacon bits or more onion or different kinds of cheeses you'd be crazy not to experiment and of course you're going to taste that if that doesn't taste good the twice baked potatoes aren't going to taste good that just makes sense so make sure you taste that especially for salt and once you're happy with it we're ready to fill the potatoes and before we do we're going to do one little quick trick that I invented back in 1981 we're going to take that top we cut off and place it in the bottom that's going to add some extra height to this and as anyone will tell you people like things that are taller that's why tall people make more money than short people true story and then you're going to divide your mixture among the four potatoes and one of the things I love about this recipe because of that extra slice of potato underneath and the extra stuff we mixed in these are going to fill way up and it's going to look like you have more potato than you started with kind of a cool illusion so anyway divide that mixture up evenly between your potatoes and at that point we're going to take the tip of a fork and go around and mess up the surface it might have got smooth out as you were scooping the stuff into the potato but we want as many Nooks crannies and crevices as possible that's what's going to give it a very very cool look after after we bake it the second time all right looks good and then before they go back in the oven we're going to paint the top with some melted butter just a tiny bit as you can see here and then last but not least maybe a little bit of peppera on top for some extra color pop those back in the oven for about 20 minutes to a half hour until just spectacularly gorgeous I mean look at that and you can see my fairly awesome looking roast pork in the background so I'm pretty excited right now and of course I have to taste this to make the video official after of course touching the Crusty buttery top and then we're going in oh yeah just incredible so like I said nothing wrong with regular baked potatoes but this is just on a whole other level I mean why have a dud Spud when you can have an Uber Tuber by the way you're welcome famous rappers looking for dope new Rhymes but anyway if you're looking for a special occasion potato side dish for your next fancy meal give these a try head over to for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 4,395,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twice, Baked, Potatoes, Stuffed, chef john, twice baked potatoes, twice baked potato, twice baked potatoes recipe, twice baked potato recipe easy, stuffed potatoes recipe, baked potato, baked potato recipe, twice baked potato with chef john, twice baked potato chef john, potato recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2012
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