twenty one pilots - Ride (Official Video)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: undefined
Views: 1,106,756,519
Rating: 4.909554 out of 5
Keywords: twenty one pilots, blurryface, ride, blurry face, Fueled By Ramen, FBR, 21 pilots, twentyone pilots, fueledbyramen, tyler joseph, josh dun, official video, music video, twenty one pilots ride, ride twenty one pilots, top ride, ride top, skeleton clique, clique, I’m falling so I’m taking my time on my ride, oh I’m falling so I’m taking my time on my ride, I’ve been thinking too much, I’ve been thinking too much help me, twenty one pilots ride official video, top ride official
Id: Pw-0pbY9JeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Down in the forest.... We'll make a music vid....
Nice! I thought we'd only get 3 videos.
I love that they put the sunglasses on each other, haha.
Somebody make 2 "deal wth it" gifs when they put sunglasses on each other.
i love the low budget feel to it
This is AWESOME: I was only expecting there to be three videos for this album. Made my Wednesday!
God this song is unlit. I love it
Did anyone catch during the bridge, when he sang the lyric "I've been thinking to much, help me" He seems to be singing from both his, and Blurryface's perspective? The way he jerks his head, and the way his face changes seemed to imply that to me.
I keep forgetting that he's painted his hands and he's not wearing gloves, so when he walked on with the bass, I was like "How the hell is he gonna play that? His gloves will come off" and then I felt dumb
I don't know what it is about Josh, but the first half of the music video he was making me crack up