Tutorial & Solo Playthrough of Siege of Valeria Board Game

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then you'll hear for tabletop for one please join me at the table as I play through Siege of Valeria [Music] and I thank you for joining me for the solo playthrough of Siege of Valeria Siege of Valeria is designed by Glenn Flaherty and uh published by daily magic games and they provided me with this review copy here and I thank them for their generosity and this opportunity now Siege of Valeria is a tower defense game where you're gonna be trying to defeat the oncoming hordes and the with the main goal of defeating all their Siege engines and protecting Valeria from the oncoming attack and so when you set up the game you're gonna set aside two blue Dice and three red dice over here in the supply and all the wooden tokens here you'll place your Tower board right here in front you'll take the event deck here and you're gonna Shuffle It Up and set that aside and then you'll take the champion deck here and Shuffle that up and set this aside as well and then you'll shuffle The Troop deck here you're gonna draw two cards for your initial hand and then you're gonna populate the board in a 4 4x5 fashion and then you'll set the deck aside as a draw pile and then you'll take all 13 Siege engines Shuffle these up and then you're going to place one over each of the columns at the top and then you'll set your stack of Siege engines up here and so in Siege of Valeria the goal of the game is to defeat the 13 Siege engines the moment that you defeat the the last Siege engine meaning there's none on the battlefield and none in the draw deck then you immediately win the game it doesn't matter how many enemies are on the board however you can lose the game by running out of cards in the troop deck that's at the end of the seventh round or a Siege engine is all the way up on the front of the wall this is called the Vanguard the first row here and if a Siege engine is up here and activates then you lose the game and lastly if one of your Towers sustains a fourth piece of damage here so you have four fire tokens if it sustains a fourth damage on one of your Towers then the game ends and you lose now as you play Siege of Valeria it goes in several phases first you roll dice then you activate any Siege engines in a Range then you draw an event card and follow that through then you use your dice to attack any of the creatures in front or Siege engines that are in range or you can use some dice to repair your wall you can also activate Champion cards and when you're done activating your dice you'll go on to the troop phase where any troops that are on the Vanguard or Siege engines will activate and they'll be damaged against your wall or or again if there's a Siege engine that activates you lose the game then everything advances forward we'll draw new Siege engines to replace ones that were destroyed and then four troop cards get added and then you repeat that until the game ends and so the various troops that you're going to encounter in the game have some information on them not top left it'll tell you if it's an attack troop or a magic troop and and there are cards that interact with specific types down here it tells you how much strength it has and what color die you need to destroy it and then at the bottom here gives you a one-time usability so when you destroy this troop you add the card to your hand and you can later on use it the ability one time to manipulate the battlefield or gain extra things or manipulate dice so this one here says that you can gain and roll one red die so you'll take a red dye from the supply add it to your available Dice and then you'll in this case here you're going to roll it right away and you'll be able to use it that same turn the next one here is a magical unit so this one requires four strength and four magic to defeat it and so for the like and Mage here if I had rolled a four strength and a five magic I could defeat this Mage with this combination now the five is overspending on the Mage but at least I defeat this Mage this particular Mage has a special ability it says spend two to Overkill and adjacent attack or magical enemy let's say I was attacking this gargoyle and this gargoyle was sitting right here it requires for strength if I have a six die or six red dye which over kills this one then I could discard this card here which is spending plus two to Overkill an adjacent enemy then I could Overkill this one or this one for just the the plus two so I don't even have to fight them and in this case here this one normally costs eight strength to kill so over killing this one for only two on the dice is a great big bonus and it's definitely a good advantage and here are a few more cards with different abilities so this one requires three magic and three strength to kill but this ability lets you swap two adjacent cards and so you can manipulate the cards on the battlefield in fact you can use this card to make a Siege engine come into range so you can kill it this one here says that you can attack any non-front card so front card is any card that's the closest to you with nothing in front of it so these four cards here are all front cards and this card here is a front card because there's nothing in front of it at the moment but what this one also lets you do is it lets you attack any out of range Siege engine which I'll go over how do you attack a Siege engine in just a moment but this one's very useful for that and then this one here the null pack it lets you flip one die the the black dice symbol here is any dye so red or blue to its opposite side so you can flip a one to a six or two to a five or something like that now these two cards the are my starting cards and so let's talk about some of the siege engines here so on the left here it's going to tell you where the siege engine is in range so the yellow banners tell you that it's in range also by the red icon here so this particular Siege engine never comes into range until it's on the Vanguard which is the bottom row here and so you have to wait until it reaches the van card in order to attack it or if you use the gargoyle like I mentioned earlier you can attack it before it reaches the Vanguard now the attack strength on these are indicated by the number here so if you're attacking it out of range it'll be 14 always and if you're attacking it in range it'll be with the number printed here in this case this one still is 14. now The Siege engines activate after you roll your dice every at the beginning of every round and so if they are in range as indicated by yellow Banner here and the yellow banners here they'll do this particular event and so this one here will load where each red die by one there are ways to block Siege engines from doing that such as this particular card here you could discard this card if you had it to block the effect of one Siege engine and so the next Siege engine here this is the Flaming rain this one is in range at five three and Vanguard so you can attack it only in the five spot three or Vanguard so you got to keep that in mind of course if you use a card to attack out of range you'll be able to attack it in any of those spots but you'll notice that the value the strength value lowers as it gets closer so 14 12 and 10 when it's in range and this card here says you have to discard One champion card and flip one over and then the last one I want to show you here is this one this one only is in range at the second row and Vanguard rows and it's eight plus so what happens is it loads in one adjacent troop card and it loads in the strongest one and so when it loads in the troop card you put it on top with it and it becomes eight plus the strength of the The Troop card that it loaded so I've had this one activate where it loaded in a troop card that was like an eight strength troop Garden so it ended up being 16 strength so you gotta watch out for these these can get very powerful and I'm going to show you the effects of some of these Champions real quick so each Champion you're gonna place in one of these slots here and the slots don't matter for the effects but the slots do matter for another ability I'll tell you about in a minute each Champion has an either a discard ability as indicated by this red X here or a flip over ability as indicated by that icon there and what these abilities do is fairly straightforward so this one here says I can move one attack or magical or Siege troop to an open space so if I had cleared this spot here I can maybe bring a Siege engine into range and then I can defeat it more easily and so this one here says that I get plus two magic power against a magical Troop or this one is plus two strength against a Siege engine this one lets me remove all strength and Magic tokens from one card you'll see those pop up with events and so on so these are pretty straightforward some of them let you manipulate the dice like this one here says that you can do plus one or minus one to one die okay so the last thing I want to talk about is healing your Towers so as your Towers get attacked you'll end up with fire tokens on some of these towers you can heal your Towers during your action phase and so if you have a face of champion card and a slot with a damage token on it you can discard that champion and remove one damage token the other option is is to take one of your unspent dice and spend it instead of attacking a monster you'll spend it to remove one of your fire tokens there is an event as well that lets you remove a fire token or all fire tokens from a tower but it rarely occurs and we'll see if it shows up alright so we're ready to go here so I'm gonna go ahead and roll my Dice and see what I get I can get some decent dice here as few sixes and yeah actually not not too bad and then the next thing we do is we activate create any Siege engines in range and so the only one that's in range is this one here which I showed you earlier see it activates at the five row which it is in I have to discard a champion and flip one over I do not have one so I that does not happen and then the next thing we do is we draw an event card and the event card here is called deserter uh there's some flavor text here I'll read this first one and the rest of them I'll skip over but a few hours before Sunrise you hear the snap of Twigs in the tree line you see Familiar Eyes looking back at you with his family only a day's hike from The Fortress you don't fault the man from deserting his post but you still aim your crossbow as steady as you can as he turns from you and runs into the woods and so I have to move one active red dye from to my spent dice pool and so you just have to track your spent dice I'm gonna I'm gonna take my spend Dice off the screen but I'll move this single die here and that will be now spent and so I have these dice here to spend against these troops or against that one Siege engine that's in range I think I'll wait on that Siege engine because I don't have any Champion cards right now and so it's not gonna affect me much but if you'll notice here I need one two three four five six seven dice to to kill all these guys and I don't have enough however there might be an option for me to get enough dice so the first thing I want to do is I want to attack this guy here again you saw this earlier the Lycan Mage requires a four and a four and so I'm going to use this four and a six to kill the Lycan Mage and so now I add this to my hand I think I'll place my hand over here so you can see what I have and now this Goblin here is in or sorry orc this orc Archer here is in range because it's now front remembering that I can attack any front troop and so this one is now in front it only takes a six I will spend my six here but on top of killing off this org I'm gonna go ahead and overspend a two and the reason why I'm going to do that is this Lycan Mage here says that I can spend two extra to Overkill an adjacent unit and so I'll go ahead and use this card and so after killing this one I Overkill and kill this one here now both of these are going to give me some good options here so first of all this one lets me gain and roll one blue die and gain One champion and this one lets me gain and roll one red dye so I'm gonna go ahead and discard both of these right now for those abilities so I'll roll the new Dice and these dice are permanently added to my pool now so I have a four and a one and then I draw a champion card here and this Champion it lets me do plus one against a magical unit plus one magic and I'll just slot him in probably right here and the reason why I slotted him here because I don't think I'll kill off this troop so I'm gonna sustain a damage here and I might be able to use him later to remove that damage and so I want to kill off both of these brutes here and there each requires seven strength now looking at my dice here I want to tell you about one ability that I have not mentioned yet magic dice can augment strength dies meaning that you can combine them to attack something so in this case here this one requires seven so I can send the single red die here with one on it and add this six blue to it making it a total of seven strength and that'll kill off this troll troll brute here and so we'll go ahead and remove that one and now I've opened up this Archer here for attack and I'll go ahead and spend this six to attack this Archer and then I'll go ahead and discard him to get another red die and I'll roll that die and I have a three and that's perfect for me because now I can take this three and combine it with this 4 and kill this troll brood and now I have no more dice left so now anything in front on the Vanguard activating the Vanguard it attacks the towers below it so these two here are going to attack here and then you remove those two that attack they die in that assault and then everything gets moved down so just line it straight up move everything down and you're going to include The Siege engines as they move down as well then at this point you would add Siege engines to any column that doesn't have one but they all have them so none get added and then you'll take four troops and you're gonna add them in and so the way this goes is furthest down and left to right so we'll start here adding one here here here and then one at the top and now we're ready for the next round and so you're going to go ahead and take all your dice roll again and then we're gonna look at The Siege engines and see if any of them are are going to attack right now and this one's out of range out of range out of range remember this one can only activate on the the five three and one so it's in the four spots so it's out of range out of range and out of range so that's really good for me that works out and then we're going to go ahead and draw an event card and this event here says that I lose or I lower three dice by one each so I'm going to go ahead and lower the the three twos here to one all right I just want to show you these two cards here this card here requires four magic and five string to attack but you get to spend two magic to Overkill an adjacent Siege engine if you discard this card and then this one here costs eight to attack but then you can discard this card to double the value of one die so a six can become 12 or if I become 10 something like that so the first thing I want to do is I do want to destroy this card it's going to cost me a four and a five and so that goes ahead and kills him and we'll set this aside and then I'm going to kill this priest here it costs a two and a three so here's my three but I'm going to use this six and that is way overkilling it but we'll go ahead and discard the E for it that I just destroyed which will let me spend the two magic as an Overkill to kill an adjacent Siege engine so the Gorgon priest dies and then The Siege engine dies and when a Siege engine dies you go ahead and draw a champion and you add it to your Tower somewhere and so this one I think I'll go ahead and set right here because I have damage there and then I'm going to go ahead and use my troll Hunters here and the troll Hunter lets me change one die to a six I'll change two dice to sixes and so we'll make these red dice sixes and then I'm going to spend the seven here the six plus the one magic to kill that troll Hunter and he goes into my hand and then I'm gonna spend my six die here to kill another Archer and we'll go ahead and discard him adding the last rest of my my attack dice to my pool will roll it that gives me a three and the next thing I want to do is uh use this null pack here it lets me flip a dice to the opposite side and we'll flip this one into a six and then I'll use the six and the three to attack the Dragon King warlord and I'll use the five over here to attack the null pack we'll knock those both out and at this point I've destroyed the entire Vanguard so I will not sustain any damage this round and then the last thing I'm going to do I have a four die so I could attack this gargoyle if I'd like with the four die or I could remove one damage of fire and that's a that's a tough call because also if I attack this gargoyle right now then that Siege engine is going to fall to the front and come in range and it'll activate its ability at the beginning of the next round so I think I'll wait on attacking the gargoyle go ahead and spend this to remove one of the damage tokens all right now no more dice left and so we're gonna go ahead and drop everything down and repopulate the board since I destroyed a Siege engine the way it goes is you go left to right well I only destroyed one so you're gonna go to that column and you're gonna place it in the fifth row of that column for now and then you go ahead and draw your your four troop cards and then after that The Siege engine will slide down so in this case it comes into the spot and now we're ready for the next round now just so you know anytime you roll your dice at the beginning of the round you also flip back over any hero cards you had that are face down but I have not used any yet and so I'll go ahead and roll dice not too bad of rolls here got some really high numbers so we're gonna have to take advantage of attacking Siege in this round and now we activate any Siege engines in range these two are still out of range but next turn they will be in range and I have to be careful with those this one here is out of range I killed two troops in front of it last time so it went from the four row to the two row making it so it would not activate this round had it activated I would have lost both these troop cards or one would flip over and one would discard that one doesn't activate until it's in the third range and this one doesn't activate either so once again I'm safe we'll go ahead and draw an event card here and the event card says add to Magic to the furthest Siege engine and so there's only one in the furthest spot and that's this one here now if there were more than one you get to choose which one you want to add to now the problem with this is normally a Siege engine takes strength to attack now this one specifically needs at least two Magic on top of whatever the attack value it requires all right so I'm gonna look at the the Vanguard here and see what I want to use this one here will let me get my last blue die and a champion so I think that's the first thing I want to attack it requires three magic I have a four magic die and then four strength and so that one will be killed and we'll go ahead and discard this for its ability gaining the blue dye here and adding it nice we got a five and now this one is available for attack even though it's out of range it is a front card now now the thing is it's in the two rows so it requires 14 to attack but I do not need to use my gargoyle card to attack it so I definitely want to consider attacking this now unless I'm not concerned about losing a champion card speaking of champion cards I forgot to draw one from that last cards ability and I guess we'll go ahead and place that right here this Champion here lets me gain one strength against a magic creature but you know what I think I'm gonna wait on attacking this one I'ma let it fall and I'll show you why later all right so the next thing I want to do is I want to attack this gargoyle because those gargoyles are useful I use my four red dye and he's dead and now this one is in range or well it's not a range but it's a front card and it's 14 damage to an attack and no matter where it stands so I'm gonna go ahead and kill this one off this time I will use the dragonkin warlord again this one lets me double the value of one of my dice so I'll take this six die here that's going to make 12. so I just need two more so we'll just add that to there and this is now done once again destroying a Siege engine grants me a card so we'll add this to the battlefield here all right so I'm going to go ahead and use both my gargoyles here I'll just set them right here as a reference I'm going to be attacking both of these Siege engines but before I do that I'm going to go ahead and discard this Champion to get rid of this damage because in killing these two Siege engines I'm Gonna Make Room for or two more cards now you can discard a guard to place a new Champion but you don't get the repair effect if you don't do that ahead of time so that's why I did that and so the first Siege engine here is gonna cost 14 and and I have nine in red and five in blue making a total of 14 and that one's done so I gained my additional card here and this one lets me do plus two against a magic card and so that got rid of one of my gargoyles and so the next gargoyle is going to allow me to attack this one that's going to take a total of 15 to attack well I mean it needs 14 but I have 15 here to attack this one and that one's done and then here's my last champion card now this particular champion card lets me discard it to re-roll two spent red dice that's pretty good uh so I'm gonna actually go ahead and use that one right now and we'll go ahead and re-roll these getting a six and a three I really want this e Fred card but I'm about to sustain a ton of damage so I'm not sure what the best way I think what I'm gonna do is this so I'm going to attack one of these gargan priests or Gorgon Gorgon priests I'm gonna attack one of these I have five magic here that's way over killing it but I need three red strength so you can actually use your cards here to augment that this one lets me gain one red string so I'll flip that over and this one lets me gain two red strength both against magical creatures here you'll see it's got the magic symbol so I get two from that one one from this one that works as long as you use at least one physical die to spend against an attack so you couldn't just use Champion abilities to kill something but if you combine that with a physical die then it'll work and so this one is now dead that leaves me with the six and a three here so I'll go ahead and use this six to attack this Archer I don't really need the Archer but it'll prevent a damage you can lose die this uh later on so maybe I'll need that later and then this last three here I can use this three against this Goblin Warrior if I want or against the gargoyle and both of those are tempting because I can I can add plus one strength against an attack creature making this a four against the gargoyle it's a it's a tough call I guess I'll go ahead and do that we'll kill the gargoyle that way nothing's wasted really all right so now the vanguard's going to attack the tower and this one here attacks adding one fire token there now one thing I want to note if a tower ever gets three fire tokens you'll see this one fire tokens over the champion card then the champion that's there gets discarded and you can't place another one until you repair the tower all right everything's gonna move forward here and I will reset the board I killed three Siege engines this time so we start left to right so one there one there and one there and then we'll add the troops one here one here here and slide down the siege engines now you're maybe wondering I've got a Siege engine against the Vanguard Now understand it moved down after the Vanguard attacked the walls so it did not end the game it's only when it's here when the Vanguard attacks the wall that's after your action phase and before everything moves down and so if I do not kill this Siege engine before uh the Vanguard attacks then I will lose the game all right so we're ready to roll a dice all right so now we have to activate the siege engines that are in range this one's not in range this one's not in range this one is in range so I had to discard One champion oh I guess I forgot to flip these over so let's do that so I did discard One champion and flip one over actually you know what I'm gonna go ahead and block that with the Gorgon priest here as it blocks an effect of one Siege engine and this next one here has me re-roll a 1-6 die uh I don't think I'll block that with my other Gorgon priests so we'll go ahead and take this blue dye here re-roll it and it gives me a three and then we're going to draw an event card here and the event card says add one fire to a turret with Less Than Three Fires so I'm going to add it to any one of these here I think we'll just go ahead and add it here all right so I'm definitely eyeballing the effort here with the spend two to Overkill an adjacent Siege engine that's something I really want so I definitely want to kill him off we'll go ahead and do that with the four and the five and he's now done I have to destroy this flaming rain here for sure and that's going to take 10. so we'll go ahead and do the four and six here it takes 10 because it's in the Vanguard row so it tells you right here how much attack it takes to destroy basically means since it's closer it's easier to hit kind of kind of idea there so that one's done and then again a new champion card to the last slot which lets me adjust one die plus or minus one all right so we're looking at this card here I want to destroy this one it's in range it takes 14 strength plus two magic to destroy so I think what I'll do is I'll use these here that's 12 strength plus five and we'll make it 13 strength here so 13 plus five that's gonna be 18 total so I have the two magic I need and I've overkilled now by by at least two magic so we're gonna go ahead and use this card here the E for it which lets me spend that plus two to Overkill an adjacent Siege engine so I will destroy both these Siege engines in one shot and uh this is my mistake here but I should have discarded these two to repair the towers but hey I wasn't paying attention so I'm I'm not taking that back because now I've got two new Champion cards we'll do one at a time here and I can decide whether to discard it or replace card I'll go ahead and discard it I do not get a repair bonus for discarding that card and here's the second one this one lets me um discard this card to increase five dice by one pip each I think I'll go ahead and replace this last card now when you replace a card it has to be in the same position so if I had used the one that I just replaced if it was flipped over then the car this new card would be flipped over in that spot all right so the first thing I want to do is I want to kill the Lycan Mage here and I'm gonna use this one and three here so I still need three more strength and one more magic so I have two strength here one more magic here and one more strength here and so that allows me to destroy the like and Mage and then I'll spend the five die here to destroy the goblin Warrior and this last eye here I'm gonna spend to heal this wall and so now the vanguard's gonna attack and this one will attack me once and gets discarded and then I'll reset the battlefield all right now it's time for a re-roll we'll flip over the Champions here roll all the dice activate any Siege engines so this one's not in range this one is in range I have to discard One champion and flip one I don't think I'm gonna block that actually you know what I will go ahead and block that one both of these ones are in range and they say add one fire token to the turret below so each of these are gonna get a damage and this last one here is in range and has me re-rolling a six die and we'll go ahead and re-roll this red one oh man got rolled to a one and then we draw an event card and this event here says move two of the champions from the bottom of the discards to the top of the deck this is useful if you're going through Champions a lot because once you run out of the champion deck there are you don't reshuffle them so the two on the bottom here get added to the top of the deck and so there are a lot of opportunities here for chances uh of really increasing my uh my survivability uh I definitely want to kill these two dragon king Warlords doubling dice is very valuable I'll need to get rid of this Goblin Warrior I'm gonna use my Lycan Mage to Overkill one of those uh dragon cans and I think what I want to do first is I'm going to use my previous Goblin Warrior here which lets me adjust one die by plus one and I'll make this four into a five and then I'm gonna go ahead and use the Lycan Mage so as I use the five against this Goblin spending plus two here to Overkill I can kill this one here actually I think I'll kill this one that way I have the Vanguard not attacking and I can decide later if I may kill it this round so that one's dead I accidentally discarded my Goblin Warrior but I you know what I'm actually gonna go ahead and use him right now as well turning this other four into a five and then I'll use that five to destroy this null pack and gain this card now I definitely want to kill off this Rune witch this Rune witch lets me re-roll any number of unused Dice and I've got a lot of low numbers here so I definitely think that's going to be useful let's see if I can kill it by the most minimal means as possible here so I can get my plus two strength here and plus one magic here so I just need a one magic die to kill that one off and that's what I do and then I'll go ahead and discard the Rune witch and we're gonna re-roll a bunch of these dice I think everything that was not a six basically so I'll set these aside and re-roll these not bad a lot of them became fours still got one two this is actually a pretty good Roll All right so all of these Siege engines except this one are in range I definitely want to look at uh destroying it as many as possible here I don't have any Overkill possibilities here so there's a lot of damage that I have to figure out these ones here only cost 13 each to destroy this one I'm not as worried about so if it activates against me it's not a big deal same as this one so I think the priority is killing this one this one and this one I need to make this one a front card so I had to destroy this card here and so I have plus one attack against a magic card here and and that'll combine with my two and three there to destroy this card now this one's available so that's going to take 14. that's going to take 13 and 13. I need I need a total of what is that uh 40 points of damage I don't know if that's gonna work I've got 34 here but so I think it is possible let's see if we can pull this off here so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to use the dragonkin warlord and double one of these sixes to be a 12. and then I'll add the four to it which would make it a 16 and we'll go ahead and attack this one here which costs 14. wow once again I should look at discarding some Champion cards because that was the total waste of a champion card to make a slot there but we'll go ahead and do that so before I do anything else I am going to just discard this one and repair that damage and now I want to attack those two and that's going to be 13 each so I have 14 here and we'll attack this one gaining the new Champion to the slot awesome so this Champion lets me discard it to re-roll to uh spent red Dice and we'll go ahead and do that wow what a great role and so with these here I can go ahead and attack that trebuchet here and it only takes 13 I I attacked it with uh 15 there and it's destroyed and again another champion card to this slot and this one will let me re-roll uh two spent blue dice I don't know if I should save that or not yeah I think I'm just gonna go ahead and spend this six to kill this Goblin Warrior and now I have no more dice to spin so this one's gonna attack my towers and added token to it and everything will move down now and I'll reset the battlefield and so there's only one card left here one Siege engine and so it's going to go into this left slot here be and yeah there's only three Siege engines left so we'll see if I can destroy them all all right then we'll flip over the hero cards here the champion cards reroll the dice all right so the siege engines will activate that one doesn't that one doesn't this one causes me to re-roll a six [Music] and I get a six and then we have the event card here which says look at the top six troop cards return them into any order now there are only six cards left as it is so there's one more round after this and then the game ends because as you'll see we've gone through six event cards you'll go through seven before the game ends look at this lineup of dragonkin Warlords oh my goodness that's a lot be nice to kill them off though if I could I'm gonna start off with some dice manipulation we have both these null packs here which let me flip a die to the opposite side so I'm gonna use both of these here I'll flip this one to a six and this two to a five I definitely want to attack this catapult here but I'm gonna wait for a moment before I do that I'm gonna spend this three and five to destroy one of these Dragon cans well we'll just uh we'll do this one so it makes this a front card and then I'll spend this dragonkin along with a 6 die doubling that to a 12 which kills off this Siege engine once again forgetting to swap out one of my uh Champion cars and and heal the wall oh well but I guess we'll go ahead and Swap this one out with yeah I'll just discard it all right so this one's a front card now before before I attack that um we'll go ahead and use this Champion here to increase five dice by one all right so I'm gonna go ahead and attack this Siege engine here with a total of 14 because it's in the second row and so that one's done adding a champion here and then the next thing I want to do is I'm going to attack this gargoyle here and then I'm gonna go ahead and use him to attack this final Siege engine and win the game because as soon as there are no Siege engines on the battlefield and none in the draw pile the game is one and so at the end of the game you're actually able to score it you you can look and see how honored was your Victory or how badly did you lose and it tells you here if you won count the number of cards in your hand which I have five cards there and uh in the battlefield the routed troops the ones that are left over here we have uh seven there and so that gives me a total score of 12 and it says the queen of all Valeria has announced a reception in your honor your bravery has inspired many at your Fortress and throughout the kingdoms of Valeria the queen is considering giving you the honor of establishing your own house and accepting you into the war council to help with the war When The War wants and for all all right I think I did pretty well there and so there you have it that is the solo playthrough of Siege of Valeria now the copy I got came with a campaign expansion if you want to see me play through the campaign expansion let me know in the comments below and I'll consider adding that to my queue of playthroughs the campaign expansion does add a little bit of complexity not much it adds extra cards much more difficulty but let me know in the comments below what you think of the game ask me any questions about the game or pointing out any rules errors I I may have made please also like And subscribe to this channel if you like the content you see here and I thank you very much for watching tabletop for one have a great night foreign [Music]
Channel: Tabletop For One
Views: 1,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solo Gaming, Tabletop Gaming, Board Gaming, Solitaire, AI, Automa, Let's Play, Unboxing, KS, Kickstarter, Gamefound, Preview, Review, Top10, Top 10, Best, Thematic, Abstract, Strategy, Action, Miniatures, Dice
Id: RzWgQfBu2to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 22sec (2362 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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