TUTORIAL: Quickly getting started with ESP32 / ESP32S in 5 - 10 minutes! Beginner Friendly! Arduino!

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hi everyone and welcome to this video I'm quite excited about this video because I'm about to introduce to you a new microcontroller or at least it's new to me so those of you from watching my videos for some time you'll remember that I've released a video about a module called esp8266 or maybe node MCU so for those of you who don't remember the videos or you're not familiar with the esp8266 well it was a special module because it would let you utilize Wi-Fi and for a microcontroller to use Wi-Fi that's really powerful and really useful but anyway here's the manufacturers new model and this is called the ESP 32 or ESP 3-2 it's basically a microcontroller which uses the ESP 32 chip which has been made by espresso if a Chinese manufacturer so currently there are two makers of these modules and there are two names if you like so one of the names of the modules is ESP three two one two and the other one is ESP were room 32 and ones made by a company called a I think on the other ones made by a company called espresso which is actually the company that makes the chip itself - anyway this is the war room version as you can see on there you should be able to make out I turn it that way maybe you can see ESP were room 32 there are lots of different breakout boards and this is of course just one breakout board made by one particular company I think the company called do it or something like that there are lots of different boards so yours might look different but they'll be similar because there are only actually two different types of chip our two main types of chip available and the other ones I've just mentioned so there's the ESP 3/2 1/2 or the ESP room 32 which is like this one here this new module this ESP 32 it supports SD i/o which is a secure digital in point out port it supports you are SPI i to see pwm it's got an AV see it's got the AC and an interesting new thing called capacitive touch sensor and that's quite an interesting thing but probably not for this video so some more details about this it's got a dual-core microprocessor I'm not exactly sure how to utilize both cores but anyway again maybe for another video it supports Bluetooth and it's typical frequency is doubled compared to the esp8266 or apparently doubled anyway this one has more RAM more pins and a way battery teasing okay so I think I'm it's time to have a look at this and that's final what we've gone here I'll just take this off yeah so as I mentioned earlier it's got stumped so let's do it and then it says something dev kit v1 do we do we do we thought do it thought I am it's got ice it's 30 pins 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 x 2 so it's 30 it's worth 30 pins let's see what we've got so you've got the actual chip itself or the module itself with a lot of its pins broken out into these now this particular one I don't think it has all of the pins broken out in fact that's common sense because there's more to more than 30 pins there and we've only got 30 pins here so they're all broken out and I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing but that's how it is on this particular breakout board so what we've got here anyway so we've got a voltage regulator a 3.3 voltage sorry 3.3 volt regulator so this is a 3.3 volt device tantalum capacitor I'm exactly sure that's for some of the resistors and things we've got the the UART there the USB to UART converter so you can flush it so you don't need to get your own life I usually use FTDI UART you don't need to get one of those because it's got one built-in so um yeah this will be one of these si Labs hard imagine so we've got micro USB here to plug it into your PC or your Mac or wire you use then we've got boot the boot bond and Ian and I assume that reboots and well here and evil so you probably have to do some sort of combination like hold one or the other to flash it or something like that so anyway enough talking how do we actually get started with this thing that's right now okay so the first thing you'll need to do is to go to your browser and type in this link so it's HTTP colon slash slash get up comm forward slash expressive forward slash Arduino - ESP 3 - and when you're over here you'll be able to see the Arduino core for ESP 30 to github page so when you've done that click clone or download and then download zip and that will take a minute or so to download and when that's done go to open and then go to extract and then extract all and then extract that will probably take a minute or so ok so the files have been downloaded now so if you just double click into it you can see all the files so highlight the wall and then copy them all now the next thing we need to do is to open up your user folder in which case - here - see users anton i don't know why there's no why but there isn't documents arduino so find that folder and then you should be able to see our libraries folder so go here and then go to new folder and then type in hardware then go into that folder and then create a new folder again called espresso if express if then go into that folder and create a folder called ESP 3 - yes p3 - then double click in there and then the files that we had earlier which we've copied paste them in here so they'll start copying over now so when that's done you'll see a tools folder so double click into the tools folder and then you should see a file called cat thought exe so double click on that file and you'll get a what looks like a command window up and it'll come up with some information so you just have to leave it for a minute or two and it will do its thing and after a while you'll see updates like this and then when it's finished the window will just disappear okay alright so when you've done that then open up Arduino then when you've opened up Arduino go to tools and then go to Ford and then choose the correct board choose ESP three mm then go to upload speed and I change that to 1 1 5 200 just because that's the one I use quite a lot and it works for me some people change the programmer I use this AVR isp mark 2 some people use the other one I don't know that's up to you so when you've done that just type in this small amount of code here I might put this on my website but we'll see it's a bit of a work in progress that website anyway so when you've added the code then simply plug in your device which I will know and then press ctrl + u to upload it might be an idea to just pull this a little window tunnel thing up a little bit you'll see why in a second and all being well you should be able to see this sometimes you have to scroll down and you can see as writing 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 100 % and then it'll say leaving hard resetting and now if you just look over you're at your ESB 32 you'll notice that it's blinking or it should be so yes be 32 should now be doing this and then the code I think I've written 500 millisecond delay so the LED will be blinking every 500 milliseconds for 500 milliseconds you
Channel: Antony Cartwright
Views: 349,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ESP32, how to, tutorial, ESP32S
Id: mJcxnaR08Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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