Tutorial and Demo of a ChatGPT Assistant with Python, Gradio and ElevenLabs APIs... code included!

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thank you can you explain the concept of gradient descent in concise terms gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used in machine learning to find a set of parameters weights that minimizes a cost function it works by taking small steps in the direction of the negative gradient of the cost function with respect to the weights which eventually leads to a minimum of the cost function it's l here let's look at the python code this code is a simple implementation of a chat bot that can answer questions using chat GPT and play them back the chat bot can interact with users through a gradio interface that allows for audio input and textual output of responses the first step is to import the necessary libraries including gradio open AI 11 labs and piedub the config file is also imported which contains API keys for accessing the open Ai and 11 Lab Services next we Define a list called messages that will store the conversation history between the user and the chatbot then we begin to Define our function called transcribe that handles the audio input from the user interface to begin the function reads the audio file and transcribes it using the openai audio API the resulting transcription is then appended to the messages list as a string we also print the transcript to the console for debugging purposes after that we use openai's natural language processing API to generate a response to the user's query we pass in the most recent message from the messages list as the prompt and ask for a maximum of 60 tokens in the response we also set the temperature parameter to 0.5 which means the model will make somewhat unpredictable choices rather than always selecting the most likely word the resulting system message is also appended to the messages list next we use 11 Labs text-to-speech API to generate an audio response to the user's query we select a voice named Anthony and pass in the system message as the text to be spoken the resulting audio file is saved finally We join all of the messages in the messages dictionary into a single string and return it to the gradio user interface where it is displayed to the user as text in the last section we detail the gradio user interface we set the input to be audio from the microphone and the output to be text we also set a timeout of 60 seconds to ensure that the chat bot will stop listening and respond after a reasonable amount of time with these 70 lines of code you can create your own simple chat Bots that can understand and respond to audio input and provide both audio and text responses it is time for a demo what is the formula for Coca-Cola Coca-Cola does not publicly disclose the exact formula for its Flagship beverage however the ingredients are known to be carbonated water high fructose corn syrup caramel color phosphoric acid natural flavors and caffeine let's try another can you explain the concept of gradient descent in concise terms gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used in machine learning to find a set of parameters weights that minimizes a cost function it works by taking small steps in the direction of the negative gradient of the cost function with respect to the weights which eventually leads to a minimum of the cost function I hope you liked the video the code is posted in the show notes thank you
Channel: AI_by_AI
Views: 15,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voicechatbot, OpenAI, ElevenLabs, Gradio, natural language processing, chatbot, audio response, voice technology, Python, API keys, transcription, text-to-speech, machine learning, voice assistant, artificial intelligence, speech recognition, and virtual assistant., elevenlabs, how to, learning, tutorial, coding, ai, ml, dojo, chatgpt, Chatgpt, 3.5, 4.0, #VTuber
Id: z4H9ILlu9Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 15sec (255 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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