Tuskegee Airmen Documentary

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(instrumental music) Stephen Seals: It began with the dream to fly. A dream that would be realized only after sacrifice and hardships passed. It would take decades for a special group of airmen to be recognized for all of their efforts that paved the way for so many today. Hampton, Virginia is not only the oldest English speaking city in the United States of America, it is also a large part of the United States military history. Tuskegee Airmen were the first African-Americans to fly combat missions in the United States military during World War II. It is estimated that approximately 300 Tuskegee airmen are still living in the United States. Hampton Roads is home to some of the legendary Airmen from the Tuskegee Experiment. Their experiences have shaped and inspired younger generations. They share stories from a time when hardships pushed a man's will to persevere. Hello, I'm Steven Seals. Join me as we explore little known details about the contributions these Airmen made to the United States military and as they share their thoughts on the challenges they faced. A study by The Army War College in 1925 evaluated African-Americans intelligence and physical standards in the military. The study claimed that Blacks were not fit for combat and lacked the ability to lead others. The findings were used to prevent African-Americans from training in military aviation programs before World War II. The interest in flying sophisticated aircraft stemmed from the arrival of the Hindenburg in 1937. Once people saw the Hindenburg's massive, floating body interest in aviation increased. Dr. Eric Sheppard, the Dean of Engineering and Technology at Hampton University is the son of Tuskegee airman Sergeant James Sheppard. His father recalls seeing the Hindenburg as a child. Eric: He loved airplanes. He loved anything that had to do with flying. He remembers seeing the Hindenburg fly over New York the day it blew up. Anything to do with flying he loves. Stephen: The terms "Tuskegee Experiment" and "Tuskegee Experience" are often used to describe what the Tuskegee Airmen encountered. Dr. Sheppard says that the words "experiment" and "experience" are terms used after desegregation of the military. Eric: My dad usually points out that they didn't really go around saying they were the Tuskegee. A lot of those names came after the fact, at least as far as he says. I think it was an experiment. I think they were put there and really from both sides, whether you were a pro or con, saying this is the opportunity to show that we could do this. It was an experience. Stephen: The Tuskegee Airmen were not the first African-Americans to fly. Civilians could fly if they passed proper aviation exams. World War II was looming. The desire to fight in the war began to inflate among many men. The Army War College Study would not hold up for long. After pressure from Civil Rights groups and African-American papers like the "Pittsburgh Courier" the Tuskegee Experiment was soon formed by the Army Air Corps. This pilot training initiative was created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to appease Black voters that helped him get elected in 1940. The airmen completed their training in 1940. A year later a squadron was created and based in Tuskegee, Alabama. The Tuskegee Institute was the ideal location for training because of their facilities and climate. There were several other institutions that were involved in training African-Americans to fly. Locally Hampton Institute was sending men to Tuskegee, Alabama, where they could complete their training. The Tuskegee Experiment was said to have been designed to fail. For the first class of the Tuskegee Airmen graduates about a dozen men tested for their pilot's exam and only five passed. The testing was rigorous and challenging. Eric: There was some resistance to allowing African-Americans in the segregated south to participate in the good stuff, so to speak. Some who were very weary said "If you're going to be training "I'm going to make it very hard." They were given lots of exams. They were given difficult exams and sort of made to train a little bit longer than some of the others. The expectation was obvious that many in the country felt. They just assumed that this was not going to work. To their credit the Airmen came through. They didn't all pass, but those who did passed with flying colors. Stephen: The widow of bomber pilot Lieutenant Colonel Donald Thomas, Armelia Thomas says that her husband almost didn't make it into the program even though he passed his initial pilot exams. Mrs. Thomas says that he was recruited in the north and once he came south he had to take the same exam a second time. After waiting for his results he was called in by his superiors. Armelia: When Donald went in he was told that he had failed the test. He said he was so shocked because academics was not a problem for him. He had always been an A-B student. He said he knew that he had passed this test, but they told him that he had failed. He said tears came into his eyes. He said he was embarrassed he didn't want to cry in front of the officers that were there, but he was so shocked and he said he knew that he really looked like he was shocked. He said he saluted and he turned around. He went back to the door. They said that he was dismissed. He said he put his hand on the doorknob and the captain called him back and said "Cadet Thomas," and he said "Yes, sir." He said "I was just looking at your papers "here and I made a mistake. "You didn't fail the test, you passed." He said that he was so elated. He said that he went back and he was just jumping and running and shouting and he had such a wonderful time, but he said for a moment there he thought that he was a failure. Stephen: Failure was not an option for these men. The Airmen were in need of a leader and at the helm was Colonel Benjamin O. Davis, one of the pioneers of the Tuskegee Airmen. Davis was one of the first five African-American graduates to earn silver wings in 1942. A West Point graduate who finished 35th in a class of 278 white cadets saw to it that the men were able to fly in military combat situations once they completed training. Many looked up to Colonel Davis and revered him as an elite leader. Eventually, Colonel Davis would leave the 332nd Fighter Group and they would transfer to Italy in February 1944 for combat missions. Eric: Benjamin Davis was the only one who could have led them. The one thing that they respected was the fact that when he was at West Point, he went for four years and other than required discussions he was, you know, nobody talked to him. I think they all saw that he passed the test and he was the one. He wasn't always their favorite person, but I've always heard from people that he had to be the first. He was the only one around and his father was a general as well, so they knew that he understood what it would take to get there. Stephen: Chief Master Sergeant Grant Williams, like many men was drafted into the military in 1942 and started his training in Fort Dix, New Jersey. Once basic training was complete he boarded a troop train and arrived in Tuskegee, Alabama. Grant: Upon arrival there we found that there were some men being trained to fly. I'm talking about men of color. That was completely new, a new thing and most of us who were in that group didn't know what it was about. We thought we were going there for basic training and that we would be sent to another base for assignment, but rather than that what happened when we completed basic they assigned us to fill spaces for the support unit which was designed to support the fighter squadron. Stephen: Armelia Thomas says that her husband Donald was unprepared for what he would experience in Tuskegee, Alabama, but his mother's wisdom was kept close to mind. Thomas, a native of Detroit, Michigan, had different experiences of segregation and discrimination. Armenia: Being northerners I had never been south and he was trying to tell me about discrimination in the south, of segregation in the south. When he first went to Tuskegee his mother told him "I want you to be silent "most of the time you're there "because you don't anything about the south "and we don't want you to say the wrong thing." He said it was a good while before he really started talking until he saw the beautiful Black nurses. He said he was always getting into trouble because he was always looking at the nurses when he was supposed to be looking straight forward instead of somewhere else. Stephen: Armelia Thomas had known her husband for most of her life. They didn't marry until after World War II. Colonel Thomas gave 37 years of active service including World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam and even the Cuban Missile Crisis. He flew over 19 different aircraft during his career. His wife shares how he became interested in becoming a pilot. Armelia: His mother and father were very, very interested in the veteran's activities. In the beginning of I guess around early in 1943 some Tuskegee Airmen of the original group came to Selfridge Air Force Base, which is about 25 miles from Detroit. Donald's father took him to Selfridge to see these Black pilots because that was really, really- well we didn't have any. They were still in training though. Donald was so impressed. Up until that time he always wanted to be a doctor, but when he saw the men in uniform and how proud everybody was of them he decided he wanted to fly and that's when it first got in his mind. He immediately went to a recruiter to try and get to be part of the experiment, but they told him that he was too young to come back next year. As he was coming through school in Tuskegee he was six-one, and he was too tall for the fighters. So he started as a bomber, but he flew 19 different type of aircraft over his career. I know the last two he flew were the sea mines and the 141. He was considered a bomber pilot. Stephen: Many of the men experienced different levels of discrimination during a time when "separate but equal" was supposed to apply to all. The Tusgakee Airmen overcame obstacles that denied them leadership roles and training opportunities. Sergeant Harry Quinton was an airplane mechanic that had heard of the Tuskegee Experiment and was trying to figure out how to become a part of the program. His eyesight didn't pass the aviation exam, but that didn't stop him from pursing his goal of being near airplanes. He enlisted in the Army Reserve and was assigned to the Army Air Corps. He was made a part of the 477th Bombardment Group in Augusta, Georgia. Sergeant Quinton says "there wasn't much "difference between civilian life "and military service." Harry: Well, it was an all Black army, so to speak, because everything was segregated. The training was segregated. The units were segregated. It wasn't much different from my civilian experience. It was like a transformation going from one segregated society into a segregated service. Of course, it was something- they still follow that policy of "separate and equal," but I always said it was "separate and unequal." Stephen: Despite how they were treated Sergeant Quinton knew that the Tusgakee Airmen were a part of something special, something that seemed inconceivable for African-Americans before World War II. Harry: We knew that we were doing something special that no other Blacks have done anything like this before. This was in an age where during the time people were still talking about Lindberg. I mean when a plane flew over you'd run outside and look up to the sky to see it. Fighter pilots, people flying airplanes were looked upon as top, elite people, special people. Black people were looked upon as- Most of us thought we were all ignorant, dumb, cowards and whatever, and to put us in an airplane and we could fly those things just like anybody else. We knew, we knew we were doing something special, yeah. Grant: Little by little, we found how to survive. We found how to get along with those people who weren't anxious to work with us and even those who didn't want us to succeed. We found ways to convert them to the idea that we were human beings like they are. Stephen: Tusgakee Airmen were not allowed to partake in combat right after their training scenarios. The "Pittsburgh Courier" exposed a number of issues when the Airmen had completed training, but were not yet participating in actual combat. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt was instrumental in getting the Airmen directly involved in World War II combat when she visited Moton Airfield in Tuskegee, Alabama in 1941. She flew with African-American civilian pilot Charles Chief Anderson. Upon her own initiative she helped convince her husband president Franklin D. Roosevelt that the pilots were ready for combat. Eric: Press was important. I guess back then it was the "Negro Press" was significant first of all to get the word out to the negro community to let them know about these opportunities amongst the historically Black colleges and universities which is where most of the folks of color at that time were going to college. You had to have some college education in order to be a pilot. Of course, to put pressure on the greater community to show that they were pilots of color and they were folks flying these aircrafts. They were people who were available. The famous picture of Eleanor Roosevelt in the plane with Chief Anderson was significant. If that picture hadn't gone out through the press then nobody would have ever known what was going on there. Stephen: Tusgakee Airmen continued to prove that they were more than capable pilots, technicians, and bombardiers by overcoming prejudices and segregation by rising through the ranks to become a respected fighter group during World War II. Grant: We knew that we were being tested to see whether we could do what we were supposed to do or not. We were taught that we had to be sure that we did things right, otherwise we would fail and that was the idea that America had when they started the program was not to prove that we could do the job, but to prove that we couldn't. That included not only people at the level where I was assigned, but those who were trained to be flyers. That's where the rub came that they didn't want to see Black men flying airplanes. They did everything they could to make them fail rather than encourage them to succeed. Stephen: Inspiration to overcome obstacles and day-to-day challenges came from unexpected places. Corporal Wilbert Gore was given advice in high school that he has carried with him his entire life. Wilbert: Teacher, Mr. [Carvanis] he said "You being who you are," he didn't use the word said "but you got to ... " Some people say don't bite off no more than you can chew. He said, "But you, you got to bite off more "than you chew and you got to chew it." So I didn't forget that. Stephen: Gore also says that his service as a flight engineer in California and Ohio that he lives by the idea that you treat people how you want to be treated. Wilbert: I never met nobody I didn't like. I had to like people because somebody had to like me. That's the way I looked at it at that time. I mean I think that's a pretty good thing to go on. Stephen: His attitude may have been instrumental in getting his first chance to fly in a plane. While Gore was unable to be a pilot without a college degree in the military he was able to make good acquaintances with a sergeant named Shackleford. Gore boldly asked if he could take Sergeant Shackleford's parachute and go on a flight. He had never been close to a plane until he arrived in California to train as a flight engineer. Wilbert: He took [unintelligible] [unintelligible] right over the Pacific Ocean. My ears stopped up and I couldn't see the propeller turning. I thought the thing was falling. I never forgot that. I covered my eyes the first time I'd been on an airplane. It was nice, it was a real nice [unintelligible] because I'd look around and couldn't see the prop turning because it was turning so fast, you know, couldn't see it and over that water down there, uh-uh, so that was the first time I'd ever been on an airplane. I'd work on them, but I couldn't- I didn't fly on them. Stephen: In 1943 the 99th Fighter Squadron left for North Africa to fly under Colonel Benjamin O. Davis' command. Once the Airmen were participating in World War II their role became clear when they were assigned to protect bombers on long flight missions. The United States was losing 25 bombers a day which were carrying as many as [unintelligible] Previously, the bombers [unintelligible] were engaging into combat with German fighters and leaving the bombers vulnerable to attacks. Their presence helped discourage attacks. The fatalities were at a minimum once they took on their assignment. The Tusgakee Airmen had the discipline to stay with their bombers unless they were forced to take on fighter aircraft. The airmen decided to give themselves the nickname "Red Tails." They painted the rudder on their fighter planes with bright red paint so that they would be easily recognized as protection for the bombers and they wanted to be seen in the sky by everyone. Sergeant Harry Quinton said that no one was immune to attacks from the Germans. Harry: I always said that the Germans didn't care what color you were. They didn't have black and white bullets. They would shoot at everybody without discrimination. Stephen: During World War II German prisoners of war were kept on military bases in the United States while waiting for the conclusion of the war. It was not uncommon to see the German POW's walking about freely on base, able to come and go as they please. It seemed to many that the German POW's had more freedoms than Blacks that lived in the United States. Sergeant Harry Quinton didn't let many things bother him, but one day seeing a German POW lounging freely at the Post Exchange really irritated him. Harry: When I was in [unintelligible] Augusta, Georgia they had one day a week where the Black soldiers could go to the Post Exchange. I went that one day and I saw the German prisoners of war just lounging around in the Post Exchange. I found out they could go every day if they liked. I just couldn't- At first I was angry. At first I was really surprised. I couldn't believe that the German prisoners of war were given that much freedom. Then I was angry because they were getting more privileges than I was getting. Of course, I never went back to that Post Exchange again. That has sort of stayed with me. I've never forgotten that. I just didn't dwell on it because I learned that you can't- If you stay angry than you can't focus on your own purpose in life. Stephen: Though Corporal Wilbert Gore felt his military experience overall was a positive one he notes that the separation was still polarized. Wilbert: I was in Long Beach, California. That's where I went to school at. The people there was pretty good in the military, but [unintelligible] you get on a bus, you could work all day with a man. In the evenings you go to barrack. You went to one barrack, he went to another. You couldn't stay together, stuff like that. Stephen: Chief Master Sergeant Grant Williams says that being recognized today for his service so many years ago is flattering. He says that the attitudes of Americans have changed and are still changing. Grant: It is quite different in the attitude of Americans now. We get just as much or as many good things from White people as we do from Blacks. They seem to recognize what happened. It's more like an apology. They talk about it. They say it's just too bad that it happened, had to happen like that, but they're proud and glad that we survived. We did what we were supposed to do. We did something that they thought we couldn't do. Now we're getting the accolades. Stephen: Accolades that include standing ovations or receiving honorary doctorate degrees. Recognition during the 2011 Virginia Arts Festival International Tattoo. And even a congressional gold medal presented by president George W. Bush in 2007. They have received numerous recognitions for combat fighting as well. Over 1,000 African-American aviators were trained for World War II between 1941 and 1949. Approximately 19,000 service members or civilians participated in the Tusgakee Experience. Today an estimated 300 are still living. 32 Tusgakee Airmen were prisoners of war and 66 Airmen made the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives in combat. The Tusgakee Airmen have many national chapters of organizational support to spread the word about the plight and challenges they faced in the war effort. Locally, the surviving Tusgakee Airmen continue to tour and educate our area schools, churches and local organizations via speaking engagements. Each of their stories are unique and give an inside perspective to the beginnings of desegregation in the military. The Tusgakee Airmen overcame many obstacles and created a path for all who want to serve their country and live as everyone else does. Many of the Airmen say that it is imperative to educate today's youth and remind them of how far the United States has come since the days of segregation and discrimination. Grant: Well, it's sort of like I tell the young people and that is that America is a good place and it requires the help of everybody that occupy space to do the best that they can do at whatever they're doing, and if they do their best then they will be contributing to the well-being of those who come after them because they have laid a good path and if they follow the way that these men did they will make the path much easier. Harry: Well I think it's important that the young people know their history. If you don't know your history you don't know who you are. A lot of people- A lot of people today some people become successful and they think that they have- They alone are responsible for their own success, but they don't realize that they're standing on the shoulders of people who have sacrificed before they came. I mean people have died. Armelia: I think they should walk away with the idea that I can be anything that I want to be if I pursue it because some young people today think oh well, I don't want to work that hard, but you have to work at whatever you're supposed to learn. Education is the key. I think that that's what I would like for them to walk away with that here were some men that were willing to try do the best of their ability and to endure for a cause and they loved their country. Stephen: As part of their mission to not only honor the Tusgakee Airmen for their service the Tidewater Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen also educate youth through flying programs and other methods. The story of the Airmen is missing from many U.S. history books in high schools and colleges. The major goal of the Tidewater Chapter is to educate and inform people of all races, ages and gender about the Tusgakee Airmen. Retired Lieutenant Colonel T.J. Spann is the president of the Tidewater Chapter. He says that it is imperative for the chapter to be involved in the community. Lt. Col. Spann: The fact that the Tusgakee Airmen, the Experiment, their accomplishments over the years of the experiment were not captured or are not taught in today's books, American history or government books. The fact that that's not occurring yet what has more or less prompted us to do as an organization is to try to do our best to make sure we stay in the community and do a number of things to bring rise to the fact that their accomplishments is now part of the American history. The fact that we go to schools be they elementary or pre-K all the way to middle school, high school and college, and businesses, we talk about the Experiment. We talk about what they overcame, the challenges that they encountered. Stephen: Creating community awareness is key to making sure that the service that the Airmen gave for their country is never forgotten. Lieutenant Colonel Spann also hopes that being involved in schools inspires younger students to seriously consider becoming a pilot. Lt. Col. Spann: Even to this day, you know, the percentages are low, but we don't have all the biases to the degree that they were in the '40's. We don't have those biases to overcome like we used to. Now we just need to train them up in science, technology, engineering and math and make sure they're sharp and ready to go. We actually have a youth program that we try to show up those edges and expose the kids is part of our community outreach. We have kids that we try to fly on a regular basis to qualify for Experimental Aircraft Association certification, EAA. We have a certified pilot as well as a retired air force helicopter pilot and a lot of parents who are very interested in exposing their kids to STEM and making sure that we bring them up in a way that they're ready. That community is getting very old and they need more pilots, so this young group that we're talking to they have been told, they have heard that it's getting to the point where pilots in America are reaching the critical state. Stephen: Lieutenant Colonel Spann says that the Tusgakee Airmen have paved the way for himself and others. If the experiment had not occurred when it did African-Americans might have been set back further from progress. Lt. Col Spann: Had the experiment failed and this is the glass is half empty, you know, mindset. If they had failed I would not have been able to come in the air force. My family would not have been able to enjoy the lifestyle that we enjoy today because I seriously would not have been able to aspire to be an officer in the military. If I wanted to fly I would not have been able to fly. Stephen: It is critical to strengthen students in technical careers as the Tusgakee Airmen look for young people to carry their legacy. A legacy that they hope will continue to be noticed by all people. The Airmen have said it is not the accolades that they are now receiving that are important. It's about continuing to educate and involve the young people here at Hampton Roads and all across the nation. It was the Experiment and Experience that the Tusgakee Airmen don't want people to take for granted. The Airmen and their families are quietly living their lives in Hampton Roads participating in educating communities about all of their experiences hoping that their message will resonate and inspire others. Thank you for joining us. If you would like to become a member of the Tidewater Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen their doors are open to all for membership. Visit their chapter website for more information. (instrumental music)
Channel: Hampton City Schools Media
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Id: zv4HtBaKKXs
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Length: 33min 46sec (2026 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 15 2014
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