Turntables Vs. DJ Controllers: Which Is Better In Today's DJ Industry?

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what's up guys in this week's video I'm going to talk to you a little bit about why I still use turntables in 2023 almost 2024 and whether it's a good idea for DJs to make the switch from turntables to controllers or controllers to turntables let's go through [Music] it yo what's what's up everybody in this week's video I'm going to explain to you why I'm still [Music] using turntables in 2023 almost 2024 can you believe that the year is almost over with we got two more months and then that's a r before I go into this I always got to thank everybody for liking commenting subscribing if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button hit that Bell notification helps the channel grow and and you always get notified of whenever I put out these videos almost every week if there's specific content or certain videos you guys want me to create let me know hit me up and I'll definitely create them specifically for your requests before I get into the whole why I use turntables let's talk a little about the industry first we know that a majority of the DJs out there they use one of three different types of gear turntables cdjs or controllers the industry is constantly coming out with new gear rain Pioneer Newark Denon they are see it feels like almost every other month there's a new controller or a new piece of Hardware that is coming out for DJs to all get excited about sometimes they have some Innovative features that are unique and different and some of them AR too different from the last piece of equipment that came out but I can tell you that the indust indry and the market is really starting to move forward to integrate all these pieces of equipment into one you've got rain that has the rain 12 the rain one you've got Pioneer with the Rev 7 and they just came out with their new css12 which further integrates turntablist with controller so it's really interesting as far as what the Market's doing how the industry is moving forward and how they're trying to integ at Old technology with new technology and sort of have like this hybrid infusion of turntables and controllers and even cdjs kind of making everything come together and I don't know sort of have like this Mutant baby that has all aspects of all gear all into one now this video isn't about what's better what you should be using it's really entirely up to you as a DJ this whole stigma of people saying in the industry that you're not a real DJ unless you use vinyl or turntables that is the dumbest thing ever if someone comes up to you and says you're not a real DJ because you're using a controller or using a CDJ or using a laptop or you're using an iPad just ignore it there is a lot of negativity there is a lot of people who are stuck in the 80s and the 90s and old ways of thinking and they don't want to evolve and there's just a lot of ridiculous comments out there saying whether you are or you're not a real DJ depending on what it is that you use so guys if you're new to the scene if you're new to the industry avoid all the idiotic conversations and comments and talk that's out there and just work use what works for you because our gear our equipment the hardware all they are are just tools and what you're able to do with that equipment is what really defines you as a good or bad DJ I've seen DJs use turntables and just sound horrible they suck they had no dance floor nobody danced it was just it was really bad I've seen people use controllers that are really really bad they couldn't mix to save their life I've seen people use iPads I've seen people use just a laptop I've seen people use cdjs that are just absolutely incredible and you can find videos all over YouTube of amazing DJs that are doing crazy crazy sick mixes on the most basic of gear or the most advanced of gear so again it really does not matter what you use and if somebody says you're not a real DJ because you don't use XYZ or you're stuck in the past or uh you should evolve or whatever just ignore it because it's stupid it's and it makes no sense and just do you focus on your craft use the best gear that you can afford or that you're com able with and just rock out because again what comes out of the speakers is what matters nobody on the Dance Floor cares whether you're using turntables cdjs controllers whatever all they care about is that good music is playing out of the speakers and they're able to dance to it there you go now what are the pros to using a controller there's three main reasons why a lot of people may switch from turntables or cdjs and get into the controller aspect of things one they're convenient they are smaller they're lighter uh they're form fitting they're they they simplify your setup there's less hookups and connections there's a lot of different reasons as far as uh them being convenient for you to make the switch from a bigger bulkier setup like turntables in a coffin or cases to something that is much more smaller form fitting takes up less space they're also really versatile so uh a lot of the new controllers that are coming out in the market they're coming out with some really unique features now we know recently with stems integration stems is a big big thing in the industry now a lot of controllers are coming out with uh features that'll allow you to turn on your stems and apply effects to stems and do some really really cool stuff with them um they also a lot of controllers have four channels so if you need the extra channels for queueing up songs for let's say Grand introduction for a wedding or formalities um you can do that and there are DS out there that can mix on all four channels and it just sounds amazing you know they might have uh two Channels with acappellas and two Channels with instrumentals and they're doing this crazy hybrid mashup of a mix it's there's some really cool they're doing some amazing things with four channels a lot of controllers also give you some additional mic control so if you need to hone in uh your lows and your highs and your mids or the sound volume or whatever of your mics you can do so you can also connect multiple mics and you can also have additional connections for extra laptops I know there's DJs out there that like to have two laptops as a fail over because if one laptop dies and they can easily just hit a switch and they can cut over into their backup laptop and there's no disruption in the music and one of the biggest things that controllers are coming out with are being a having the ability to be Standalone which means they uh hold all the music within the actual controller and there's no laptop that is needed you mix everything right at the LA right on the controller and your your face isn't just stuck in a laptop screen all night long I mean you might be looking down all night but you know it's kind of nice to have all your music right there on the controller and you're not dealing with a laptop and laptop crashes and blue screens of death and all those craziness that can happen with a laptop and the the third Pro when it comes to controllers is that they're affordable you can find a lot of controllers nowadays that range from a couple hundred bucks all the way up to $2 $3,000 now obviously a controller that's $2 or $3,000 a lot of people look at that and be like that's not affordable but you know if you look at some of the the big Pioneer ones that are out there some of them are between 1,00 to, 1500 they give you some really really awesome features Advanced features and you can do some pretty amazing things with them and they have the traditional layout of a CDJ layout so that if you are used to using cdjs then jumping into a controller like a Pioneer where it's got the four channels and it's got the fullsize jog Wheels um the learning curve going from cdjs to a controller isn't as steep as it is going from turntables to a controller because uh a standard large controller from like pioneer or even Den it has the very same layout and it does a lot of the similar features that a traditional CDJ layout would give you let's talk about the pros of using turntables so now one of the biggest Pros is that it's modular so if something breaks when you're using a turntable setup two turntables a mixer needles cartridges phase remotes whatever if something breaks you can keep DJing um let's say when your needle breaks and you don't have a spare on you you can easily just use one turntable in your mixer and use instant doubles Sado or Virtual DJ or tractor whatever software that you're using and you can keep the music going without any disruption and it's very easy to just replace component component component whereas with a controller if it breaks on you the whole thing is pretty much dead on you um you have to basically just DJ then with your laptop for the rest of the night and that's not always optimal it's not very easy it's kind of a pain in the ass but like I said with a turntable setup and even a CDJ setup everything being modular if a component or a piece breaks or for whatever reason stops working you can still keep the music going and you can just work with just the mixer or just uh one turntable or one CDJ and you're good to go now another Pro for using turntables and this is probably going to be I would say more of an opinion but it's more fun and it just feels so good that's what she said using turntables versus using controllers now when you switch from using controllers to a turntable you have this passion that just gets ignited that you never really had before because it's completely different it's a completely different piece of gear and equipment and you do have to almost sort of learn how to mix all over again there is a steep learning curve whenever you're going from controllers to turntable tables but the other thing too is generally people who started DJing on controllers when they try to make the switch to using turntables they can't always do it because of that learning curve because it's such a steep um educational element that you have to pick up and figure out how to use that type of gear versus the controllers now people who have started DJing or have used turntables they can easily make this the switch in the transition into controllers so going from one to the other easy going the other way not so easy now there are DJs out there who are able to make the transition and the switch from controllers to turntables with no issues but I can tell you that a lot vast majority of DJs out there that when they do try and go from controllers to turntables they struggle a little bit and that's not bad it's just that turntables it's different it's it's a major learning curve sometimes for people and one of the the big comments that you see in the industry is that controllers make DJs lazy I don't know how much I agree with that comment um but I can tell you that you got to put in more work when you're using turntables versus a controller it's not as simple um I know there's DJs out there that rely on the sync button you can't really use the sync button on turntables um so you have to use your pitch control you have to be able to nudge the platter squeeze the spindle all the traditional ways of mixing and when you are using turntables you're basically forced to actually mix there's no shortcuts there's no laziness um you have to actually put in the work in order to make what comes out of your speakers sound really good so let me tell you a little why I still use turntables at literally every single gig of event wedding um so I I just uh when it comes to using turntables for me it just feels natural it's it's better for me um I have controllers actually you can see one probably right there it's a Pioneer controller and it just sits in its case I don't even know when the last time I turned that thing on um it just you know it it sits there and it just looks pretty one of these days I'll probably sell it and I have a micro controller that I keep in my DJ laptop bag in case of emergencies where for whatever reason let's say my both turntables blow up and my mixer blows up or whatever I can easily switch over into a microcontroller and just keep the music going and everything is good um but I've never used that microcontroller knock on wood I don't have to um the controller that's behind me I I don't know I think maybe the last time I actually turned that thing on as maybe two years ago I should probably fire up and make sure it still works but um yeah and then as far as turntables I have a lot of turntables um I've just sort of collected them over the years I still have a ton of vinyl um and for me playing on turntables is just natural I learned a DJ on turntables I started playing um way back in a day um I originally started as a Florida and New School breakbeat DJ and I hung out with a lot of different Rave Crews uh I djed on College radio station and that's all it was it was turntables there was no Sado there was no tractor there was no record box there was no Virtual DJ you know uh everything was done analog mode if you want to really call it that because it was just basically uh an old traditional mixer couple of turntables and a crate full of vinyl and you always talk about you always hear DJs say oh you know I made the switch because you know traveling and going upstairs with crates of vinyl it was Terri terrible on my back and it just weighed a ton and it was just really really bad yeah I I I don't even know very many DJs that still play on traditional vinyl so nowadays it's all DVS digital Vinyl Systems with uh Sado or Virtual DJ or record box or tractor and um you know that that's for me and when it comes to the DVS vinyl I have a ton of custom vinyl it's just one of these things that I just like collecting I like getting custom vinyl that's created specifically for me and my company um and it's just uh something that I really enjoy and really love to do when it comes to the weight of traveling around with turntables I keep everything in a coffin everything is already pre-connected so really all I have to do is pull up to a venue the coffin is on Wheels so it's very very easy for me to pull it in and and move it into the venue and you know hardly any sweat whatsoever and as far as picking it up and putting it on a table it's not that heavy um it's very very simple I think like my whole coffin and my turntables probably weighs maybe I don't know 40 50 lbs if that and uh it's just one one thing since everything is all preconnected I just plug in a power cable and boom up and running done and uh so I know that a lot of DJs they might use separate cases and that's where the additional connections come in place where you're got to connect your RCA and maybe a USB cable and all that then I use phase DJ at majority of my events I still have needles I still keep needles connected uh that's sort of my failover so if my phase remotes die or something happens I can easily just hit a switch and I'm rate back to using needles and cartridges without any issues but for me using turntables it's fun it's entertaining it's more natural for me and there's another important element as far as why I use turntables and again this is a little controversial for a lot of DJs but when I'm doing an event when I'm doing a wedding and clients or their guests come over to make a request or they just come over to chat for a second and they see actual turntables behind the DJ booth their minds are blown and I can tell you that there has been numerous people that come back behind the booth they see the turntables and they say oh you're not using one of those Fisher Price toys like a lot of DJs now I know that's kind of a jab at DJs at use controllers and a lot of DJs might say I don't use Fisher Price stuff I use legit you know professional controllers and that's that's fine but the perception from people whenever they see someone using a controller versus a DJ that's using turntables it's you have a much higher quality in my opinion uh of what people think of you whenever they see that you're using turntables now again I know there's DJs out there that are going to who say nope that's not true that's that's you know not not the case but this is just experiences that have happened for me it's different for everybody you might have clients and guests that come up and see a controller and be like whoa this is really freaking cool but for me it's been the opposite people come over they see the turntables and they're like wow this is their minds are blown the other important thing about turntables is if you're a DJ that wants to learn how to scratch or become a turn TBL and learn how to juggle and do different types of scratches it is much easier to learn how to scratch on turntables than it is on a controller turntables you've got your 12in vinyl controllers you've got a smaller jog wheel and you might have a more compact uh space as far as using your cross fader and where all the controls are and the faders and the uh you know all the knobs and all that type of stuff whereas with a traditional two turntables and a mixer you've got a little bit more room it's easier to learn how to do different things learn how to to create different types of scratches and cuts and that's why a lot of people whenever they are looking to learn how to scratch they make that switch from a controller to turntables can you still scratch on controllers absolutely there are some amazing DJs out there that perform and do some incredible scratch routines on their controllers so it's really going to come down to you as a DJ and your learning ability as far as how easy and how quickly you can pick up the art of scratching and cutting if you're using a controller and if you want to make the switch to a turntable so the number one question is you as a DJ should you make the switch if you're using controller should you go to a turntable well it's really going to come down to you as a DJ and what your comfort level is and what you think you might love you know what you feel that is beneficial to you as a DJ you might say no I don't need it I can do everything I can do and I do it very well with a controller there's no need for me to switch if you're a DJ that says well you know I want to learn how to cut I want to learn how to scratch um I want to kind of learn how to elevate my mixing and Transitions and just be a better DJ in general then you might want to look into a turntable setup now it doesn't necessarily mean that you need to take turntables to every event you could use your controller at every wedding and event you could get a set of turntables to use just at home if you get a set of turntables to use at home for you to practice on and mix on you'll find that once you master the art of playing on turntables you'll become a much better DJ when you're using your controller at weddings and events if you're trying to make the decision on what's right for you and what you should use and what you should do it comes down to you and your personal preference and what you're looking to do with your services and your ability and your craft again I'm going to tell you guys that people who say that you're not a real DJ because you don't use turntables and because you're using a controller it's avoid it stay away from the negativity and if you're one of those DJs that are telling others that they're not a real DJ if they don't use turntables cut it out knock it off because you're showing your ego you're being a narcissist and you're not helping the industry grow at all instead if you see someone who is using a controller and you're a turntablist invite them to come hang out invite them to come to your event invite them to come to your home show them what it's like to play on a turntable instead of being negative and toxic be a mentor show them give them additional abilities and then let them make the decision forsel if it's better for them to stay under control or if they want to get into using turntables but get out of this horrible negative toxic mindset that DJs are terrible they're not real DJs or whatever if they're not using a certain piece of gear that type of mentality is what's holding the industry in the community back it's not moving people forward as a community we need to grow we need to help each other we need to Mentor each other we need to empower each other and you only do that by being positive and being a good good person that's it that's all I got to say everyone thank you for watching if you've got comments about turntables cdjs controllers leave them below tell me what do you use what do you prefer to use were you a turntablist that went to using controllers were you a controller that went to using turntables I Want To Know Your Story cuz to me there's no right or wrong I love hearing people's stories how they got into DJing what they're using now the reasons behind it I am so open-minded when it comes to this stuff that I don't care anybody uses I just want to see everybody rock out and do an incredible job and be the best DJ they can be and most importantly be the best human they can be until next week everyone take care of [Music] yourselves
Channel: The Creative Fox
Views: 4,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best turntables 2023, best turntable, best turntables, dj turntable 2023, best dj turntable 2023, dj turntable, dj turntable buying guide, dj turntable review, top dj turntable, best dj turntable, best dj turntable to buy, cheap dj turntable, cheapest dj turntable, turntable versus controller, dj tips, dj gear, turntable or controller, dj tips for mixing, dj tips for beginners, dj turntables, dj turntables for beginners, dj turntables scratching, best turntable 2023
Id: 5blO7V4bHSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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