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ah and the Canada Day celebrations begin hey when I made out with happy Canada today everyone yes where's Canada Oh Marcus you should get the cream party that sounds like it'd be right up your alley don't you like cream parties and for maybe the hard cleanse the sour cream party the next morning in the heart tick all right let's see it wanna go from here you say wait are you gonna go through the wires flash tree or in my hello around with the with the uh through the wires Kyrie Irving Game seven okay dude what what what well without it is it employable yeah thanks for clarifying appreciate that fix real here we go huh oh my god what are the what are the odds of that heaven on - uh what's that is that thumbs in football yeah tinfoil + cardboard that's way easier no no okay honestly the key is to go like this and finger just finesse it I know the finger roll we go well yes there you go come on eco you stay down daddy peeing just me is my teepee in Cody's blogs your deep being my world is a particle no one knows what it's not his pants ya know so my god I don't know but I like do your nice stream dude I already quite right it was wrong however today what is here for the food tastes like stomach cancer no yo he said he only knows once the cops don't do that yeah that's true I heard by the night fuck up with that somebody please help him up this man somebody get the fuck away sir and next to the stage we have Monica that's a five-minute warning Jennifer Louise why did we hire this guy Syd can't make what is it what do you call me you're a sick huh so explicit towards me you're fucking 16 like I'm awesome that way screaming and I was like given this this is par for the course of this neighborhood no it's like it's at people are you nervous love your shirt sorry why my sponsorship what is that just like dicks on dick oh yeah someone was like in the last episode they were like hey I'm really pissed Kobe's not in this thoroughly disappointed thoroughly disappointed Kobe wasn't in this vlog also why is a suggested video under this how I make musically I don't know what number one I don't know what musically is number two I don't know if I'm gonna figure out what musically is over three not sure what video it is but I'm also disappointed it's Kobe's birthday today happy birthday bye thank you so much appreciate ya you celebrating the big two five would make a big deal out of it 19 years young how does it feel uh it was good feels super mature hey everyone in the comments wish Kobe a happy 19th birthday please and actually go to his Instagram leave a comment as instagrams in the description alright thank you for watching my favorite coming off the last video is this one from Brittany Cooper also a nice icon there Brittany it's a solid picture who is that handsome gentleman it says Marcus is so cute and quiet I love it like Cody and Devin act like idiots non-stop fuck you and then whenever Cody puts marks on the spot he just kind of pauses for a long time and tries to say something cool anything to respond Marcus
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 369,434
Rating: 4.9697704 out of 5
Keywords: vlog, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: U55KcUb6vL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2016
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