Turning Plastic Into Fuel like Deisel #diy

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foreign [Music] plastic plastic plastic plastic everywhere roots streets alleys garbage heaps or all filled with plastic what will be the solution any way we can get rid of this plastic clean our environment from it but how will this happen can't even ban its use so what should be done I have an idea through which we will get rid of plastic waste our society will be clean and the big need will be fulfilled let's make fuel from this plastic and fulfill our need by using it let's see how we work on this project watch the video without skipping and try it yourself at home it's very easy [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] we took an air cylinder made a lid system on top of the cylinder to put the plastic in and then close the lid installed the pipe system from the cylinder along with the lid and linked this pipe with the plastic bottle surrounded the pipe in this bottle and linked it to another bottle when we put 5 under the cylinder the steam that will be created inside the cylinder will come to this bottle through the pipe we have put cold water in the bottle the heated Steam from the cylinder will be converted into petrol by passing through the water in the bottle this Patrol will be stored in another bottle while going into the pipe [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] for about 20 minutes we will lit the fire under the cylinder let's see how much fuel is stored in the plastic bottle you can see that a little bit of petrol has accumulated in the bottom now we check how pure is this petrol is it usable or not friends this is not pure petrol but still a little fire can be made with it it needs more work to make it pure in this condition the this fuel has been made but pure petrol has not been made [Music] you can see that if it is sprinkled on a burning fire the fire will accelerate that is the fuel has been made but is not pure that can do the whole job this is just a sample we showed you apart from this you can make fuel from plastic anywhere a big Factory can also be built just increase equipment and use all the plastic waste of your city or area thanks for watching the video of course you can try this project yourself please like the video give us your support stay tuned for more interesting projects like this foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Desi Ideas & Creativity
Views: 418,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Plastic to petrol, Plastic to Fuel, Plastic to Diesel, Plastic to fuel at home, homemade petrol, homemade fuel, how to make fuel, how to make petrol, how to make diesel, fuel making Process
Id: LrianHTmark
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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